Honorable X. 0. Shafer
Cnllmt~ ‘tttarfle~
Zctor County
Odessa, Tsxa*
Opinion no. O-7206
Ilet Legal it7 of a Ju&i e of the
Pease el eated in ion3 precinct
ln holdinK his ofulae after
Your request for an ;;mls D%$pon
t.he nhore rrubject-matter ia as f
*I would be very .&?ratkfuhe pinion Of
“0”~ department concerning: Qe questions:
f--l \
ther preainat,
. 3, and maln-
recinat No. 3?
forepoing question
y,%such Ju’stioe of the Peace from the of-
f,lck he ~a1 halda in Preainct X0. 21”
Ikn&er to your first question, we beE to advise that
mere chance of residence of the Justice of the Peace to another
precinct t.han that in whiah he resided and was elected does not
operate in law ta create a vacancy In such offiae. The colnmlas-
Irners’ Court -av not determine judlciallf whether or not a vacan-
cy c?oes exist. (See Our 07+3ion Y0 s O-3047). It Is the duty of
the Corn--isnloners’ Court, however , to anpoint a JUBtiCe, if there
Is in fnct a vacancy such as the law contemplates In bestowing up-
on it t,he newer to ryyolnt. (See our Oplnlbn \lo. O-2361)
r;onnrn’trle 5. 0. Shafer - vakye1
brtiale 6970 of the Revised Ci+il St8tutei authorizea
th,? ristrfat Court to remove a Justlae of the .Peaoe*fop lnoom-
retmcv, ottialal daoondnot’, of aatom. Arfiale 6972 deflnoa
nIns~netOue~m 6 This statute 1s the applfaable aktute In a prop
or ease Tar removing a Juatiao of' the Peaao.
Ue have no sUffiai8nt lnfonsaflam aa to the faotm cxrd
clraumatan~sr surrounding the removal of the Juatlem of thr Peaar
Involved, aad ufo not frmnlshsd With lnfolartion that wduld autbor-
lse us to venture an opinion thether or not mounds for removal es.-
ist, and ve expreaa no opinion whatever as to that pa~bt.
4e trust tbmt what we have said fmRllSia~t?mtl~ anawerm
~i)ur questions.
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