#tWCh 6, 1959
or it0 0rricerr w.rare mot aatr as0 n0t perror;r-
ed in oazxmt:on zlth tlw;:: offialnl datier.
F o rlut:.b r itla
o u::;o
r r th e-~q x m ltlot::at
tinni: n
th eo o r vr1s
tynot liable rijr rfa oeg:?;;cnt act8
or its ol’rioerr a:-01
?iusebuu Y8 I'll CoWty, i6 9s; 420
m~@llnn Co-mty v’o ma, 17 5.; (rd) 338’
Flbria Y@ @llY0ston Ccunty, 35 s: 540
Br7.m vs Liberty county, &xi9kx 303
20 hwo aosrobad the stotutor and have
fo*md no statute Chat impoma liabllltp an the
oowity for suoh aa tiJ*~rp. 20, themfore, advlea
you there is no etatutory lroagtloc to the gener-
al rule aa 8totod. It tr the opinion of thir de-
w20nt thnt wcor tC0 r%0ta giy0a to u8 h your
ctter, Denton County wwJ.6 sot. be liable
p" for the
lnjurles or.used by Che automobile driven by the
sb0rifr Or hi0 aOpUtiWh
You hwo aleo asked if the Co~a&sdon-
as* Ccurt of your ownty wouLd ham autLorlty to
oontaot rur Llnbiilty inaur:moe to oover tha ln-
:ur1os cr Cfirla~all to tJl0parson or ~m9erty of
another by oollision of th8 8hdfr II oar with
the ;7roprty or porrrm of ouoh other 9eremr
.;rt;lcle 3, ;ection 52 of our Cmatitu-
t1on lonios the rieht Qf a 001mty to ma ita
oredit or grant imbllo mnoy in aid oi or to say
IkdlviduL ~~0think thir aoatlon of our OonaU-
t&ion erprcusly forbida tho oounty 003tl~snloner~
to 0catr:;ot firrilability ~urrur*nos to oover la-
jurlar and af-y;8t3 rosultlng *cm the rota or
it 8 srr~loyuss.
It ia the oplnlon of thie dcyartoont
th.?t the Caacissionors~ Court of fro;;tan Count
doee not hay0 the a;lti:orlty tu contmot Sor 1i[a-
b:llty Fnnur:.nce to covor the f2ol.a $lvsn la
your lsttsr.