Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

TJEE,~TTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS March 1, 1939 Hon. Chas. R. Martin County Auditor Harrison County Marshall, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-236 Re: Will publication of lnfortitlon called for in exhibit "b"'comply with requirements of Article 1636, Revised Civil Statutes,_. 19251 -'Your request for an opinion on the above stated ques- tion has been received by this office. -.We have the fo??msof'affidavit-of Commissloners' '~-. Court as to county finances ana order approving coiintytrea- surer's Yeport, submitted by.you, marked exhibit "a" in Pea pencil; alsb, another form marked exhLbFt "b" in red-‘pencil which 7611want to publish in lieu of the affidavit markga ex- hibit 'a" in order to reduce expenditures in the pub1Ication bf the county treasurer's quarterly report in a newspgper ~i.inder g.n;ie virtue of Article 1656 of the Revised ClvFl Statutes of . You state in your letter that in the past the affi- davit of the Commissioners' Court as to county finances and the order approving county treasurer's report have both been published in a newspaper. Article 1636, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, provides as follows: "When the commlssloners court has compared and examined the quarterly Feport of the trea- surer, and found the same correct, It shall cause an order to be entered upon the minutes of the court, stating the approval thereof, and reciting separately the amount received and paid out of each fund by the treasurer since the preceding treasurer's quarterly report, and the balance of such fund, If any, remalnlng in the treasurer's hands aiidthe court shall cause the proper credit to be made In the~'accountsof the treasui;ek;, in accordance with said orclep. Said court shall TTon.Chas. R. Martin, March 1, 1939, page 2 o-236 actually inspect and count all the actual cash an4 asse.tYin the hands of the treasurer belong- ing to the county at the time of the examination of his said report. Prior to the adjournment of each regular term of the court, the county judge and each commissioner shall make affidavit that the requirements of this article have'been in all things fully complied with by them at said term of said court, and that the cash and other assets mentioned in said cbunty treasurer's quarterly report made by said treasurer to said court, and held by him for the county, have been fully inspected and counted by them giving the amount of said money and other assets In his hands. Such affidavits shall be filed with ttie county clerk ana recorded In the minutes of sti3.d court the t&rm at which the same were fllG:d;and the same shall be published in some newspaper pub- lished in the county if there be a newspaper pub- lished In the county, for one time." We understand from your letter that i.iis the lnteiltlon of the Cotiissloners' Court to continue to use the forms marked exhibit "a",to be filed and entered-'uponthe minutes of the Commissioners' Court.and the form'marked exhibit "b" is to Be published in lieu of the form of affidavit marked exhibit IIa'- which will be the form actually used and entered upon the mtn- utes of the CornmissIoners'Court. Article 1636, supra, provides that: "Such affidavits shall be filed with the county clerk and recorded in the minutes of said court the term et which the same were filed; and the same shall be published In some newspaper publlshea in the county if there be a newspaper published in the county, for one time." Yourare respeztfl1l.gad.visedthat it is the opinion of this Department that the form marked exhibit "b" does not comply with Article 15$ antitint t%e &fPFriavitof the Commlssioners Court as io eour,tyffnonces which Is filed and entered upon the minutes of the cou-t zikl,ist be published in a newspaper and no &her affidavit may be p?Gblisheain lieu of the affidavit actu- ally on file &nd ento-ed upon the minutes of the court. You are further advised that It is not necessary to publish the order app:?ovingthe countg treasurer's repo-t in that Article 1636 reqliiresonly'the affidavit of the Commis- sioners' Cour% as to county finances to be published. Hon. Chas. R. Martin, March 1, 1939, page 3 O-236 Trusting that the foregoing answers your inquiry, we remain Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/Ardell Williams ArdeUWilliams Assistant AW:AW:wc APPROVED: s/Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS