OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Juywy 87, 1939 %onorablo L. A. Wooda State supsrintonaent of Publio Instruotioa huatia, Taxa8 ___.__- ___- -. .1. .Iy&ls,January &I, IWW, pane z. We do not find a oa8e wberoln a County Superln- tendent has bean removed from offioa, henoa; we vlll ear the analogy, and in doing .this,we hold as a matter of law, that a County Superintendentis a 00miy 0rf i0er. Y---Q--J 6% eta are a eubdivlelonOS a county, and eohool truateee are county ofSioex5.w Hendricks vs. state, 49 S. V. 705. Klnbrough vs. Barnett. (SuFrese couxt). .58 3. W., 18G. *The Commissioner*8Court have not the authority to judlolallydetermine a rWt of one to an otfioe or to remove a legally qualified officer from his ofrioa, for the jurlsdlotlonl~~thlr matter 110s within tha exoluslre cognizanceof the Dietriot Courfhw Ellln~er vs. Ranklm, 89 8. W., 840. Thie holdinp:is supportedby 8 line OT deoi8ion olted by Tax. Jur. Vol. U, pages 579.87+5?9,,and therein the rule is laid down: The Court (Comlasloaer** Court) has no authority jwlioially,to daterml.nathe right o? onm to an offtoe or to remove a legally qualified officer from offioe, the dlotfon in,thla matter 110s within E&i3i*a oognlseaoaof tha Distriot Gourt.* In view or the faota, OYOXIthou&h, that ln adztin- lstratlve netters the State Superintendentmust bm appaa$ed to in 80818instanoes before reooureo can bs had to Couxtt hthe&( a matter of law that any prooeadlngshad, or hearing held betore a Stat0 Super- intendentot Publio Instruotlon,regardin& a removal- nor an ettespt to remove a County SuperintendentSrom would be void oSTloe4,, ana of,no foroe and effeot. Yours very truly G3B:GFS