Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. Bert Ford Atilnistrator Texas Liquor Control Board 4ustin, Toxas "I should like to be advised aa to the pro- cedure to be followed by the Liquor Control Roard in oarrylng out the provisions of Section 7 (b). "For your convenienoe, I have herewith en- olosed a oopy of the oath to be administered em- ployees who have assumed duties with the Board . ’ Hon. Bert Ford, Januory 2.7,1939, Pare 2 since the adoption of the constitutional amend- ment. Please advise me if, in your opinion, this oath will suffice. "I also enclose a copy of the oath whioh has been administered employees under the old oath provlslon of the constitutlon.W You are raspeotfully advised that it la the opin- ion of this Department that the oath you enolosed to be ad- minfstered your employees rbould be admlnlsterad by you to your employees until suoh time as such prooedure might be held improper by a court of last resort in thin State. You do not ask whether or not any oath is required to be administered to appointlve offlol.elsbv virtue of the amendment to Section 1 of Article Id of the >tstc Constitu- tion which, as pointed out by you in your letter, made no al- lowancc for a changc in the oath to be adm:nl.nterm: +po5r!tive 0fri0!al3. 1iierefore, we do not answer that question hut, we are of the opinion that the oath you have prepnred is cer1aln- ly 'withinthe spirit of thenConatitutioh,'if not within the direot letter of the Constitution and that the same should be administered until said prooedure would be held invalid or Improper by a court of last resort. Trusting thct this answers your inquiry, I remain Very truly youre ATTDRl?E3- G7Z?E!L~.J. CF ???Xqr.:l BY kesistant APi'iiOVER: ATTORNEY GRNERAL OF TEXAS