January 26, 1939 Honorable T. M. Trlmblo ?lrat Asalstant Stat0 8uperlntandant Austln,Tsus Dear Mr. Triable; opllllonHO. o-ltw Be: ,Btlokerssttaohsd to offlola ballot Your request for an oplnlon has been neslrsd by ttds orflos. .P Ws ~uots ?ra rour lettor: *In tha general sahool board slootlon last spring in Texarkana a question arosa upon whloh the sohool board dsalns to hare ldr fo a .An op- position tlokst for asw Mhool board madora mm8 plaosd in tha rield after the offlola ballot h&d been olossd, tba board thinks In an lllsgal mnnsr. Upon the advice oi'attorneys,the board rsfussd to nprfnt the ballot and to place on it tha samas of the aandldstea fra tha oppositionparty. The opposltlonthen printed, m gummed strlpa of paper, the names of the three oandldstsswhcm it -aa sup- portlq. The stlokers were offered to the lleotlon $&488, b utth elleetiCin jUdgM rS$USSb, QD thS adrlos of oounssl, that suoh stlokers were not a part of the sleottos supplles legally and regularly furniahsd by the sahoal board. Tha oppoaltlonthas plaoeU mn outside OS the polls, who oiforsd sthk- ore to story rotor earning,tothe polls. Voters wem speoliloall~lastruoted that thay uast not plaos the stlskers war the naaas on tpe oiilolal ballot, the lnstruotloabcdng giiin by.tha workers oak tba acltsldaof ths polls rho gars out *s stlokers. Honorable T. Y. Triable, Jaauarr a6, 1939, me E The rotors were to14 to pasts the stlokors oa the o??lolal ballot, under the last mm on it, and then to oross out wlth load pea011 thm asmae o? all oandldateson the o??lolsl ballot and loera uaaoratsRh4:tha name on the stlokers. These iastruotlonsware given in ~stall, both by olr- oulars prlatsd end 4letrlbuts4,~andbr broadsast, as well as orally, by those worklag et the polls la the interest OS tha opposltloaoaa414ate8. The Sohool Boar4 o? Tsxarkana 4eslres to know whathor ballots aaat with tha stlokers. ,attaohsdwsre lagal ballots, and whether they 8hould ha- been omntsd by the election o??lslsls?" Is rspl~ to rour uestloa, It la the opinion o? this o??iss, that ballots 4 th stio k er lttqohed, s as de- sorlbsd ln ymm latter, were not legal ballots, and sbauld mt ham bean sat&stadby the lleotlon o??lolal8. Thls aplnlon Is bssed QIIArticle 2979, lZarlss4 Clvll Btatatss o? Texsa, whlOh rsads aa rollowe: 'I? a acalaes diea or 4oolines hla aaarinatloa aab the raoaaoy so orated shall have been illled, and such faota shall hare been 4~1~ aartl?lsd ls looordaaoewith the provlslons OS this titlo, the Beoretary of Stats or ocunty Judge,,as the ease may be, &all promptly aotl?~ the o??lolal boarllareatad by this law to ?urnl@~ sleotlon suppllas that sush raoanoy has oocurml 8nd the name'a? the new acrmi- me shall then be printed upon the o??lolal ballot, I? the ballots ars not llrea4y printed. f? suoh declination or death ooours after the ballots are printed, or due aotloe of the name of the sew acal- see Is reoelred l?tersuoh printing, the o??lolal board ahargad with the duty OS iurnlshlngolsotloa supplies shall prepars as man@ pasters bearing the name o? the new nalnee as thera lra o??lolal baUot8, whloh shall ba pasted over the ssas of the former ncrmlaseon the o??lolal ballot before th presldlng Judge of the prsolaot indomes his name on the ballot for i4eat~?ioat~oa. Ao peetar shall - . ‘,, I P Honorable T. Y. Tribble, January Z6, 1939, Page 3 be used lx o a p t a6 herein authorized.and if other- Wp 0 oounted. The atlokers used In this ease do not fall wlth- in the exorptlonsherein l uthorlsad. Another pertinent Artlole whloh the llaotlon ju4ges oould have taken advantage of, la Artfole SOO?, whioh reads 88 r0ii0w8: *At either a general, speolal or pr5.maryeleo- tlon, any Judge my require a oltlzan to answer under oath betorr ha ssouras an of?lolal ballot whether he has been iurnlshedwith any paper or ballot on whloh Is marked the names of sny one for whaa ha has agreed or prdsad to rote or for whcm he has been requested to tote, or has suoh peper or marked ballot in his possesslcu,and he shall not be furnishedwith an or?loial ballot until ha has delivered to the Judp suoh marked ballot on paper, it he has one.” r Trusting that this answers rour question,ws ramaia Yours vary truly (signed) Claud C. Boothman BY Assistant COB:GFS AFFWVED : (s1%%4 C . Mann Al%RNgY CGXERbL OF TEXAS ,