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Ron. BaacorsCiles, Pebruary 8, 2939, I'aga2
"?o bill, (sroept general a?,-roprrlation
billa, zhlch mey edmwm the wrlous subjects
and hccount~, for andon aoconnt of which iiiomya
are q~raprieted) shall contain core t!mn on8
aubjeot,which shell be expressed in its title.
But if any mbjeot shall be embraceC in au act,
wNch &all not be 3x~m33ed in the title, suoh
act shall be told only a8 to 80 much tkemof,
a8 shall not be so eq?res~e~.~
3p the 4ct approved ?aay4 1933, t:e I,e&tlature
provl&es In ::octlon2 thereon aa ioi1~~8:
any prior lawa ln cvnf@llctthe
lffeo otfSa o tfw
8 vfth e
T&l snob ah Aot (a m&ubalIng sat) wcml.&
not bs a aubjsot dr amvu!& for anU on whivh ~'
moneys are appropriajied,and SbvuM be e+esecd
In the title. It was neVer avntemplated.that i .,
an 8ut tdmie ho repled by.an item ln an ap- .I'
'.prvprlatim bill ** ?. .'
A.- .
?Son. Basoou Mles, ?‘ebruaFy.F , Ago 2