January 18, 1999 Bon. a. woodra LAughlIn aounty Attorney Aliae, Texam Daar Mr. Laughllnr OpInIon HO. O-109 FlatFee* of Jwtloes of Peaoe Your requeet for an opinion on the question: 718 a SustIae of th&?Paaoe entitled to 1)0$ for saoh altation and does the orI&ml oount' a8 a oIkt10n and doem the mpg oount aa 01~3~ has been reaeited by this o?flae. Artlole 3955, RerIwd Clvll Statutes, prorldes In detall the ieoa to whloh a Juatlos 1s entitled in 01~11 oases. 'The Iem O? SO# 1s allowed for each oltation and ooverm the oO8t of makIng a oopy for servloe on the defen- dent.* Portor ~8~ Bumet, 99 SW 79 and Hallman vae Campbell, 07 Tax. M. In via of the forogolng authorities,you are re- apeotfully adwlmed that It 18 the opinion of the writer that tho JuatIoe aS the Peaae Im entitled to SO@ for e&oh oltmtlon, Borrver, thim amotmt 001mra the oort of makIng oapy of uld oltatloa3or aervioo oflths defendant and that the Justloe of the Peaao $6 not allowad to oharge for the original and oopy eaoh but IB allousd only 001 ior both the oopy and orIgI~l. Trusting that tha foregoing answers hour Inquiry, 1-b very truly your8 ATTORREY GEmAL OFTJSUS By-we Aaslotant AWrAW APPROVED;