OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAE AUSTIN fIonorfMe *o. IT.Shhagpard, Page 2 Hooonble Qeo. & Shqmrd~ Paw L at lntoraatloa, nnd ia turn obtain& ourrio. up 01%a brsle of oht~gee rixed or appmwed b;r thea- selves ha6 aat made thdscnterprlfma *eomeroial* axle. f t ia t&air nethod ot sattlngus a alaarine; house or informationconcerning credit or pro- posed purahasera an6 oudtogers, &iOh is nn es- sential facta in thdr buafnoaa, end they ZUB'X doubt are thun twmetins their aredlt arralrs ar effioiratlyand at a~ 15~ @aat ;aytha)rojluldbo athem ooa&ueto& 9isrousrd 3x8teaha sat z&lee lfnble r0r tbls taxa It is our oplafon Chat, andor the faatr, we hwo bsrore un, ma Me$ionl md matal Semlaa Buruma ia not liable ror the .groasreaeipta tax 3~0tlded rw in &Mole 7041, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. Ceoil 0. Rotmh A88lcIttmt AppflOVEDF?dB 26, 1940