eon. E. Harold Beak, February 3, 1939, p%&J82
Op8ratiVe", unleea orgrinlzeil
pursuant to the provl-
sione of Our Terse Aot, or nt least authorized to do
business In this state, and though the wording ofthe
Aot ie 8omewhat ambiguow, we belierrethat ,fora par-
mit to issuqthe foreign oorporatlon shall at lsast
have been organized in oonformlty with th8 statutea
0r this atate. 'Ashaveoompareiitbe RuralEleotrlfS,-
cation Statute of tikaneas with that of Texas, and
find same to be identioel in alma& ev8rg rearpeot.iW
take it that the Ieglslature desired~that the State OS
Texas have Bone rrortOS ooa*Lroloter such a oorpora-
tlon doing buslnese inTeras. If the Southwest Ark-
ansas Eleotrio Cooperative Corporation were parmlttsd
to oame lx'and do bwineee In this state as a forei@
oorporatian without a permit, the Stat8 of Texas Would
have only Xl&ted oontrolover such corporation. We
thinkthat the Legialatu.reofT8xas by&m. 7 of Art.
152Sb sought to prevent auab a situation.
Mr. Sherrill raieee the question of ubeth8r
Se&ion 7 of ouipAOt pzohlbits the sOUthW8St ASkiumaa
r;ytp, CooperativeCo tion firm doing business
. We dP not be1 eve that the Legislatiirein-
tended that It go that far, It ie our opinica.that the
Southwest Arkansas Eleotrlo~Ooop8nMve Corporation
may ooraeinto Texae aad serve the oitieew of thicrirtate,
after it has ssoureda pcirmitfromthe Seorefaryof
State of Taxas to do bUsioe6s in'tbls state,
Tours very truly