Honorable Lauraen Moore, Commlaaioner
Bureau of Labor Satiatias
Pustin, Texeae
Dear I.iedam: opinion NO. O-7028
ut or iwee 00n-
Section 22 of the proaont law rePPar
"sec. 22. iiepwiliag Uontllcting Lerr. The
hnployment Jgpma~r~Law a8 pasoed by tbm Thlrty-
eighth ieglalature~ In 1923, and am4nded by the
Forty-fifth tegl.slatura, Ysaond Callad ~eBliOn,
1937, being Artiok?8 5208 through Artfalea 5221,
ion. lhwQrn WQn, page 2
%oA,uaurem bloorw, pago 3
qumtion or nrwring skfllod labor * est or st6t8 00601pkt6.~
@eo. If ne4.r
n a ree ts ohsrg& ror obtaining m~lopw~t
soah ""zco in no ev4tlt 6iiillero668 ths 6a~ of Thr60 ( ~,)
Doll6r6,'nhfeh puy bs nolleot6d from the sp~liasnt o!I ',y
after employmat has baaa obtained and aaoaytsd by thr
a p p liea pa rtl etidwhowwem,
l, lm~loy=6w~t or Labm a-at*
l436&0a •XQ~W.~~VO Is protiding mploym6at for awed,
)re?oeslaaBl, or Y o rslosl O6Ltlira6 may ahalga, witk f&&6
wz?btt6n,esnornt of %ha app~loanb,
P a ido, not to sxiwrd
thirty (30) psr o66tm of the iix6t nonl&~r ed&rf, rDlioh
map be aollaot& Srom the 6ppliaant only after empl6~wt
hsr brma obtrkned End atwepted by the appltcmt."
I awmhg 83f08th Gmoar 6 raa U rail8 Dorugg*at that
n6ruiting OY- akiU+4 Zmbcr ;car employmn* outa2de of Sui68.18
hl~ic.4. .'
Hon. Xaurean fiioore, page 4
T&oar two motiona apply *to 00paoQ or agrioultural
workare, not to akllleeb labor. swnad, it r0il0w8 that out or
State agenoier am only regulated Insofar am the xyaruitlng or
oomm aad agr:cultural worker8 is oonoernod. It 18 hard to
beliarr thht this clree of worker8 ialla Into the claa8 of
ekilled labor auoh a9 et~&nesre, dreftamen, etc. of whioh your
let&m apeaks.
Tou ars advised that it ia our opinion that an uuploynent
aeonoy oan refer 8kUed labor, nuoh a8 en&aeoru, draftmen,
lt0.. to out o fsta te o o nCer n8.
Your6 very truly,