d am iii-det . . _;`z l_r§_ sara ':r;-' waterman ZfiiB UCT 22 hit 8= 35 n r‘ ;. € §:_. !N THE COUR`E' OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF WASH|NGTON ROYAE_ CARlBBEAN CRU|SES LTD., a Liberian Corporation, NO. 76275»3»1 D|ViSlON ONE Appefiant, V. ) ) ) ) ) l SWEDiSH HEALTH SERVICES, a ) Washington Corporation d/b/a ) SWEDlSH NlEDiCAL CENTER; ) SEATTE_E RAD|OLOGESTS, a ) Professional Corporation; THE ) POLYCE_|N|C, a Protessionai ) Corporation; FREDERLCK A. iV|Al\El\E, ) lVl.D.; PEGGY D. HEADSTROM, M.D.; ) and K\’UNG Hl HAN, Ni.D., ) ) ) UNPUBL|SHED OPENION Respondents. FiLED: October 22, 2018 ScHlNDLER, J. -- in 2009, Jacqueline Atmonte fiied a lawsuit against Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (RCCL). Almonte aileged RCCL provided inadequate medicai care and asserted claims under federal maritime an for unseaworthiness negligence under the Jones Act, 46 U.S.C. § 30104, and maintenance and cure. in 2014, RCCL settled the lawsuit for $700,000. Almonte released ali claims against RCCE_ and medical care providers in May 2015, RCCL filed an indemnity and contribution action under federal maritime an and state law against Swedisn Health Services, the Poiyclinic, Dr. Peggy Headstrom and Dr. Kyung Han, and Seattle Radiologists and Dr. NO. 76275-3-|/2 Frederick Niann. We affirm summary judgment dismissal of the indemnity and contribution iawsuit. BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURAL i-iiSTORY lVledica| Care .iacqueline Alrnonte is a Dorninican Republic citizen in 2007, Almonte worked as a crewmember aboard the Roya| Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (RCCL) cruise ship Serenade of the Seas. ln Ju|y 2907, Airnonte saw the ship doctor for “severe abdominal pain.” When the ship docked in Juneau, Alaska, the ship doctor referred Aimonte to Vailey Medicai Care. On August 16, Vai|ey |Viedica| Care diagnosed Almonte with “an acute peptic ulcer” and prescribed medication Ai‘ter Alrnonte returned to work aboard the ship, her symptoms got worse. On Septernber i, a ship doctor examined Almonte and found her “not fit for duty." RCCL case coordinator Tania Arroyo1 worked in the crew medical department in N!iarni, Fiorida. Arroyo made arrangements for Airnonte to leave the ship and go to the Sitka Cornmunity Hospital Emergency Department. The hospitai admitted Almonte on Septeniber 3. Dr. Robert Hunter examined Aimonte and ordered a CAT2 scan. According to Dr. Hunter, the CAT scan showed “Crohn's disease with an inflammatory obstruction of the terminal ilium, fistu!as and free fiuid in the pelvis.” Dr. Hunter treated Airnonte for Crohn’s disease and prescribed steroids. Dr. Hunter discharged Aimonte on Septernber 9. in the discharge instiuctions, Dr. l-iunter refers Aimorite to gastroenteroiogist Dr. Peggy Headstrorn at the Poiyciinic in Seattie i Tania Arroyo subsequently changed her name to Tariia Rivera. For clarity, we refer to her as Tania Arroyo throughout this opinion. 2 Computerized axial tomography. NO. 76275-3-|/3 and directs Almonte to call the Poiyclinic on Septen'iber 10 to make an appointment RCCL paid for Almonte to fiy to Seattle and stay in a hotel. At the request of RCCL, on September 10, 2007, AXA Assistance USA taxed the Sitka Community l-iospital discharge summary and a “ietter of Guarantee of Payment” to the “Po|y Clinic --- Dr. Peggy Headstrorn.” The September 10 AXA “l_etter of Confirmation of Benefits Nledical Services” confirmed coverage for A!monte and reimbursement for reasonable charges as “approved by AXA Assistance USA.” Your facility will be reimbursed reasonabie and customary charges as determined by geographic location or by prearranged contractual assignments for emergency treatment which is medically necessary and approved by AXA Assistance USA. Coveraqe is subject to g|i terms. conditions, limitations and exclusions of the patient’s policy.['°‘] Dr. l-leadstrom examined Aimonte on Septernber 10. Dr. Headstrom notes: The report l have from that {Sitka] hospitalization is not detailed Apparentiy she did have a CAT scan that showed some ileal abnormalities, and she was placed on prednisone and Asacol for the last several days. i do not know the results of any other iaboratory testing. Almonte was admitted to Swedish Nledical Center for diagnostic testing. Dr. Headstrom ordered a “CAT scan with CT[“I enteropathy” and a coionoscopy. Dr. Frederick i\!lann of Seattie Radiologists reviewed the CT scan and found it was “[n]egative" for gastrointestinal disease On September 12, Polyclinic physician Dr. Kyi,ing Han performed the colonoscopy. The results were “noimal.” Swedish l\/ledical Center physician Dr. lVlari< Kohrnetschei discharged Almonte on September ‘l3. `l`he discharge states the “CAT scan with CT enteropathy [ls] essentially negative No evidence of that described frorn films done in Sitl