74964: Case View
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19-18124: This document is currently unavailable. If you need a copy of this document, please contact Clerk's Office at (775)684-1600.
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Case Information: 74964
Related Case(s):74963
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - P089638Classification:Civil Appeal - General - Other
Disqualifications:Case Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: En Banc
To SP/Judge:01/30/2018 / Worrell, CarolynSP Status:Completed
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:How Submitted:

+ Party Information
RoleParty NameRepresented By
AppellantDoan L. PhungL. Joe Coppedge (Mushkin Cica Coppedge)
Michael R. Mushkin (Mushkin Cica Coppedge)
Reference PartyFund for the Encouragement of Self Reliance
RespondentThu-Le DoanPeter Co (Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.)
Dara J. Goldsmith (Goldsmith & Guymon, P.C.)

Docket Entries
01/29/2018Filing FeeFiling Fee Paid. $250.00 from Mushkin Cica Coppedge. Check no. 5146.
01/29/2018Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.)18-03978
01/29/2018Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice of Referral to Settlement Program. This appeal may be assigned to the settlement program. Timelines for requesting transcripts and filing briefs are stayed.18-03981
01/30/2018Settlement NoticeIssued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Issued Assignment Notice to NRAP 16 Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Carolyn Worrell.18-04102
02/15/2018Settlement Program ReportFiled ECAR/Not Appropriate for Settlement Program. These cases are not appropriate for mediation. Case Nos. 74963/74964.18-06352
02/16/2018Settlement Order/ProceduralFiled Order Removing From Settlement Program/Briefing Reinstated. This appeal is removed from the settlement program. Appellant(s): 15 days transcript request; 90 days opening brief.18-06539
02/21/2018Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement Civil Appeals.18-06646
03/05/2018Transcript RequestFiled Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: February 22, 2018. To Court Reporter: Kerry Esparza.18-08649
05/16/2018Order/Clerk'sFiled Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix due: May 31, 2018.18-18602
06/01/2018Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice of Deficient Brief. Corrected Appellant's Opening Brief due: 5 days.18-20832
06/01/2018BriefFiled Appellant's Opening Brief.18-20870
06/01/2018AppendixFiled Appellant's Appendix Volume I.18-20887
06/01/2018AppendixFiled Appellant's AppendixVolume II.18-20888
06/01/2018AppendixFiled Appellant's Appendix Volume V.18-20895
06/01/2018AppendixFiled Appellant's Appendix Volume III.18-20891
06/01/2018AppendixFiled Appellant's Appendix Volume IV.18-20892
06/01/2018AppendixFiled Appellant's Appendix Volume VI.18-20893
06/01/2018AppendixFiled Appellant's Appendix Volume VII.18-20897
06/21/2018MotionFiled Stipulation to Extend Filing Deadline for the Respondent's Answering Brief Under NRAP 31(b)(2).18-23729
06/21/2018Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice Motion/Stipulation Approved. (Answering Brief due: July 31, 2018)18-23748
06/22/2018Notice/IncomingFiled Certificate of Service - Stipulation to Extend Filing Deadline for the Respondent's Answering Brief Under NRAP 31(b)(2).18-23907
07/31/2018BriefFiled Respondent's Answering Brief.18-29463
08/28/2018Order/Clerk'sFiled Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Appellant's Reply Brief due: September 13, 2018.18-33538
09/14/2018BriefFiled Appellant's Reply Brief.18-35942
09/14/2018Case Status UpdateBriefing Completed/To Screening.
03/21/2019Order/DispositionalFiled Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." EN BANC (SC)19-12516
04/04/2019MotionFiled Appellant's Motion to Reissue Order as a Published Opinion. (SC)19-14756
04/25/2019Opinion/Non-DispositionalFiled Authored Opinion. "Reversed and remanded." Fn1[We grant appellant Doan L. Phing's NRAP 36(f) motion and replace our prior unpublished order with this opinion.] Before the Court En Banc. Author: Pickering, J. Majority: Pickering/Gibbons/Hardesty/Parraguirre/Stiglich/Cadish/Silver. 135 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 10. EN BANC (SC)19-18124
05/20/2019RemittiturIssued Remittitur. (SC).19-21881
05/20/2019Case Status UpdateRemittitur Issued/Case Closed. (SC).
06/04/2019RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by District Court Clerk on May 24, 2019. (SC)19-21881
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