Murton v. Dept. Of Veterans Affairs

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Cou1't of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit RICHARD MURTON, Clctimant-Appellan,t, V. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Respondent-Appellee. 2011-7058 h Appeal from the United States Court of Appea1s for Veterans Claims in case no. 08-2880, Judge Lawrence B_ Hage1. ON MOTION ORDER Todd. M. Wesche moves without opposition to with- draw as counsel for Richard Murton. Upon consideration thereof IT IS ORDERED THATI MURToN v_ DVA 2 The motion is granted. FOR THE COURT 2011 /s/ Jan Horba1y Date J an Ho1:ba1y Clerk _ cc: Sandra W. Wischow, Esq. |=|LE[) Todd M. Wesche, Esq. 9~SiEgE[_lERB€§AtP§F|§%|d3nFOR Sc0tt D. AuStin, ESq. 821 sEP 1 4 2011 JAN HORBAL¥ CLERK do