Murton v. Dept. Of Veterans Affairs

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit RICHARD MURTON, C'laimant-Appellan,t, V. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, Resp0ndent-Appellee. 2011_7053 _ Appeal from the United States Court; of Appeals for Veterans ClaimS in case no. ()8~288U, Judge LaWrence B. Hagel. ON MOTION Before LOURIE, C'ircuit Judge. 0 R D E R Richard Murton moves for this court to dismiss that portion of his appeal which does not challenge determina- tions regarding his claim relating to alopecia areata. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs responds We note that the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims denied Murt0n's request to bifurcate his claims in MURTON V, DVA 2 the case, and in this motion he challenges that ruling. Briefing in this case is now completed Accordingly, IT lS ORDERED THATZ The motion is deferred for consideration by the merits panel assigned to hear this case. Copies of this order, the moti0n, and the Secretary's response shall be forwarded to the merits panel FOR THE COURT SEP 01 2011 lsi J an Horbaly Date J an Horbaly .. Clerk cc: Sandra W. Wischow, Esq. ss c0um|§|LEn SF0R ' 1 1 SCOtl§ .Al1St11'1, 'l'HE FEQé)é:A‘?_PC'RCll'Jn- 38 SEP 0 1 2011 .|AN HORBs\LY CLEEK