Advance Construction Services, Inc. v. McHugh

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit ADVANCE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC., Appellcmt, - V. JOHN MCHUGH, SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, Appellee. ~~ 2011-1536 Appea1 from the Arn1ed Services Board. of Contract Appea1s in no. 55232, Administrative Judge Owen C. Wi1son. ON MOTION ORDER J0hn McHugh, Secretary of the Arn1y, moves for a 10- day extension of time, until February 27 , 2012, to file his response brief. Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: ADVANCE CONSTRUCTION V. ARMY 2 The motion is granted No further extensions should be anticipated. F0R THE COURT 2 1 lsi Jan I'I0r`na1y Date J an Hor‘oaly C1erk cc: Gerald Scott Wa1ters, Esq. . DaWn E. Goodn1an, Esq. F"_Eg U.S. CDURT 0F APPEALS FDFl 82 1 THE FEDERAL CIRCUlT FEB 21 2012 JAN HORBAL¥ CLERK