Advance Construction Services, Inc. v. McHugh

NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit ADVANCE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC., Appellant, » V. JOHN MCHUGH, SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, Appellee. ' 2011-1536 . Appea1 from the Armed Services Board of C0ntract Appeals in no. 55232, Administrative Judge OWen C. Wi1s0n. ON MOTION ORDER Advance Construction Services, Inc. moves for a 22- day extension of tin1e, until Apri1 6, 2012, to file its reply brief t Up0n consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: ADVANCE CONSTRUCTION V. ARMY 2 The motion is g"ranted. FOR THE COURT MAR 1 6 2012 131 Jan 1-I@rba1y Date Jan Horba1y C1erk _ cc: Gerald Sc0tt Walters, Esq. Dawn E. G00dman, Esq. 4 FlLED 321 us coumoFAc=PEAl.sF0a me reagan macon HAR 1 6 2012 .lANHOBBALV U.ElK n