Ramos-Hernandez v. United States

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit LEONARDO RAMOS-HERNANDEZ, Plaintiff-Appellant, - V. UNITED STATES, Defen,dan.t-Appellee, AND ANDREW TOMBLEY, ROSA LOPEZ, RYAN STARKEY, KENNETH ROYALS, AND ALFREDO ZABALA, JR., Defendants~Appellees. 2012-1155 Appea1 from the United States District C0urt for the District of C010rad0 in case n0. 11-CV-1073, Magistrate Judge B0yd N. B01and. ON MOTION ORDER RAMOS-HERNANDEZ V. US 2 Leonardo Ramos-Hernandez responds to this court’s January 26, 2012 order directing him to show cause why this appeal should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdic- tion. Ramos-Hernandez also moves to waive the payment of the court’s docket fee. On January 25, 2012, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado dismissed Ramos- Hernandez’s complaint and issued judgment This court will consider Ramos-Hernandez’s response to this court’s order as a timely notice of appeal from that judgment Because the district court Aanted Ramos- Hernandez’s motion for leave to proceed in forma pau- peris, he does not need to pay this court’s docketing fee. Accordingly, IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motion for waiver of this court’s docketing fee is granted Ramos-Hernandez’s brief is due within 21 days from the date of filing of this 0rder. APR 1 9 2012 FOR THE CoURT /s/ J an Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk cci Leonard0 Ramos-Hernandez (Informal Brief Form Enclosed) Michael Goodman, Esq. F||_E[) U.S. COURT 0F APPEALS FDFl 325 msFenEaALc1acu:T APR 10 2012 JAN HOHBALY CLERK .