Foust v. McNeill



                        m 01-60774

                    IN THE MATTER OF:









          Appeal from the United States District Court
            for the Southern District of Mississippi

                     November 12, 2002
Before DAVIS, SMITH, and BENAVIDES,                     fendants to appear” in the circuit court on
  Circuit Judges.                                       April 6, 1998, to respond to the Seals’ com-
                                                        plaint. The clerk issued a writ that conformed
JERRY E. SMITH, Circuit Judge:                          to these requirements.

   The sheriff’s office of Pearl River County,              On February 18, Gerald Seal delivered cop-
Mississippi, executed a writ of replevin by             ies of the pleadings and orders to the sheriff’s
seizing Bobby and Cathy Foust’s convenience             office. At the time, Dan McNeill was the sher-
store and permitting a creditor to repossess the        iff and employed Lamar Thigpen as a civil
inventory. The writ directed the officers to            deputy. Thigpen served all civil process, in-
take only the fixtures, inventory, and equip-           cluding writs of replevin, in the south end of
ment; state law required them to hold the per-          the county. He had been employed by the
sonal property for two days following seizure.          county for over eight years but had not re-
Disregarding both limits, the officers seized the       ceived training in the service of civil process.
premises and turned over the inventory im-              Thigpen testified that he was not familiar with
mediately. The bankruptcy court held that               the specific requirements of the Mississippi re-
these actions did not violate the Bankruptcy            plevin statute; he consulted with Seal’s at-
Code, the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Pro-               torney and other members of McNeill’s staff
cess Clause, the Fourth Amendment, or Missis-           before serving the writ.
sippi’s replevin statute. The district court af-
firmed. We affirm in part, reverse in part, and            Thigpen initially served the writ on Cathy
remand.                                                 Foust and her mother, who were working at
                                                        the store. Thigpen requested permission to
                        I.                              lock the door and seize the premises, but Ca-
   On February 17, 1998, Gerald Seal and his            thy Foust refused. She and her mother then
wife, Diane Seal, filed an ex parte complaint           called Bobby Foust to advise him that Thigpen
for replevin in the circuit court of Pearl River        was closing the store, having the locks
County, Mississippi, alleging that Bobby Ray            changed, and locking the premises. Thigpen
Foust and his wife, Cathy Foust, had executed           and McNeill testified that they commonly
an installment promissory note secured by in-           seized premises when they could not find a
ventory and certain furniture, fixtures, and            place to store the seized items.
equipment located in a convenience store in
Mississippi. According to the complaint, the               Thigpen then allowed Gerald Seal to re-
Fousts had defaulted on the note, and under its         move all the inventory and place it in storage
terms, the Seals were entitled to possession of         sheds on the property of Seal and his father.
the collateral.                                         The sheriff does not have a warehouse to store
                                                        items seized pursuant to writs of replevin.
   The circuit judge ordered the clerk to issue
a writ of replevin and directed the sheriff “to            On February 19, the Fousts filed a volun-
immediately seize and take into their posses-           tary petition for chapter 13 bankruptcy and
sion the property described . . . and to deliver        served notice of the filing on McNeill. At
said property to the Plaintiffs unless bonded by        seven o’clock that evening, Thigpen met the
the Defendants, and to summon the said De-              Fousts at the store and turned over the keys

but did not return the inventory he had given                                 II.
to Gerald Seal. Upon notification of the filing,          The Fousts agree with the conclusions of
Seal refused to return the inventory.                  the bankruptcy and district courts that McNeill
                                                       and Thigpen qualified as “custodians” under
   The Fousts’ bankruptcy complaint alleged            11 U.S.C. § 101(11),1 making the require-
that McNeill, Thigpen, and the county had              ments of 11 U.S.C. § 543 applicable. On ap-
violated the Bankruptcy Code by failing to             peal, however, the Fousts argue that McNeill
turn over the property promptly and provide            and Thigpen failed to comply with § 543’s
an accounting. The Fousts also sued for dam-           turnover and accounting requirements. The
ages under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that the         summary judgment, including the bankruptcy
writ of replevin violated their rights under the       and district courts’ interpretations of statutes,
Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. Finally,             are reviewed de novo. See Carney v. Internal
the Fousts claimed that McNeill and Thigpen            Revenue Serv. (In re Carney), 258 F.3d 415,
had violated the requirements of Mississippi’s         417-18 (5th Cir. 2001) (summary judgment);
replevin statute.                                      Samson v. Apollo Res., Inc., 242 F.3d 629,
                                                       633 (5th Cir.) (statutory interpretation), cert.
    The bankruptcy court dismissed most of the         denied, 534 U.S. 825 (2001).
Fousts’ claims at summary judgment, holding
that McNeill and Thigpen had complied with                                     A.
the Bankruptcy Code by turning over the keys               Section 543(b) imposes a straightforward
to the premises as soon as they learned of the         turnover obligation: The custodian must “de-
filing. The court held, however, that McNeill          liver” to the estate “any property of the debtor
and Thigpen had a duty to provide an account-          . . . that is in such custodian’s possession,
ing to the estate. The court ruled that McNeill        custody or control on the date that the
and Thigpen had quasi-judicial, absolute im-           custodian acquires knowledge of the com-
munity and dismissed the federal, constitu-            mencement of the case.” 11 U.S.C. § 543(b)-
tional claims against the individual defendants        (1). The Fousts admit that Thigpen retained
in their personal capacities. The court also
found that Mississippi state law immunized
McNeill, Thigpen, and the county from liability               The subsection defines a custodian as
for executing the judicial order. The bank-
ruptcy court therefore granted defendants’                (A) receiver or trustee of any of the property
motion for summary judgment on all claims                 of the debtor, appointed in a case or
but the accounting.                                       proceeding not under this title; (B) assignee
                                                          under a general assignment for the benefit of
   The district court affirmed for substantially          the debtor’s creditors; or (C) trustee, re-
                                                          ceiver, or agent under applicable law, or un-
the same reasons and dismissed the action.
                                                          der a contract, that is appointed or
The court failed, however, explicitly to rule             authorized to take charge of property of the
whether the Bankruptcy Code might require                 debtor for the purpose of enforcing a lien
Thigpen and McNeill to provide an account-                against such property, or for the purpose of
ing.                                                      general administration of such property for
                                                          the benefit of the debtor’s creditors.

                                                       11 U.S.C. § 101(11).

“possession” and “control” of the keys to the           Thigpen lacked possession or control at the
premises only after they filed bankruptcy.              time he learned of the filing, therefore, does
Thigpen turned over the keys to the Fousts on           not preclude his obligations under the statute.
the same day that they filed for bankruptcy; he         We accordingly reverse that portion of the
already had turned over the inventory to the            district court’s decision.2
Seals, so it was no longer in his possession or
control.                                                                      III.
   The Fousts cite no authority, and have no                The Fousts argue that the district court im-
colorable argument, for the proposition that            properly dismissed the federal constitutional
Thigpen or McNeill failed to satisfy his deliv-         claims against McNeill and Thigpen in their
ery obligations. Nothing in § 543 indicates a           individual capacities. The bankruptcy and dis-
turnover obligation for items no longer in the          trict courts found that the judicial writ created
“possession” or “control” of a custodian at the         absolute immunity for actions taken in accor-
time he acquires knowledge of a bankruptcy,             dance with its requirements and that all of
regardless of whether the prior loss of “posses-        Thigpen and McNeill’s actions fell within its
sion” or “control” was proper. We therefore             scope. The Fousts argue, to the contrary, that
affirm as to this question.                             absolute immunity should not extend to ac-
                                                        tions taken by Thigpen and McNeill that were
                         B.                             not explicitly required by the writ.
    Section 543(b)(2) requires the custodian to
“file an accounting of any property of the debt-           Absolute immunity can extend to govern-
or . . . that, at any time, came into the posses-       ment officials who perform quasi-judicial
sion, custody, or control of such custodian.”           functions. Thomas v. City of Dallas, 175 F.3d
11 U.S.C. § 543 (b)(2). The bankruptcy court            358, 362 (5th Cir. 1999). In determining
found a fact question as to whether McNeill             whether a person is entitled to quasi-judicial
and Thigpen had violated their duty to provide          immunity, courts employ a “functional ap-
an accounting: “[T]he court concludes that as           proach” that focuses on “the nature of the
to the requirement of an accounting pursuant            function performed, not the identity of the ac-
to Section 543(b)(2), the Movant-Defendants             tor who performed it.” Id. (citing Imbler v.
are not entitled judgment as a matter of law            Pachtman, 424 U.S. 409, 431 (1976)).
and the motion for summary judgment is
denied to that extent.” The district court’s               Law enforcement officers have absolute im-
opinion dismisses the entire cause of action but
fails to address the question.
   In the appeal to this court, defendants have              The Fousts also argue that quasi-judicial im-
                                                        munity does not apply to the Bankruptcy Code,
not directly addressed their accounting obliga-
                                                        citing Paren v. Noneman (In re Noneman), 158
tions, but instead have only argued, under              B.R. 447 (N.D. Ohio Bankr. 1993), and In re
§ 543, that Thigpen lacked possession or con-           Sundance Corp. 149 B.R. 641 (E.D. Wash. 1993).
trol of the inventory when he learned of the            The defendants, however, have never argued that
bankruptcy filing. Section 543(b)(2)’s terms            quasi-judicial immunity eliminates their
encompass all property over which a custodian           responsibilities under the Bankruptcy Code, and
previously had possession or control; that              neither the district court nor the bankruptcy court
                                                        relied on such a theory.

munity for enforcing the terms of a court order          limits the scope of absolute immunity. Id. at
but only qualified immunity for the manner in            114.4
which they choose to enforce it. In Mays v.
Sudderth, 97 F.3d 107, 109-10, 114 (5th Cir.                 In Hart v. Obrien, 127 F.3d 424, 440 (5th
1996), the court dismissed an arrestee’s §               Cir. 1997), abrogated on other grounds, Kali-
1983 claim against a sheriff for unlawful arrest         na v. Fletcher, 522 U.S. 118 (1997), the court
pursuant to an unconstitutional warrant. We              enforced the limits suggested in Mays. The
began with the settled proposition that judges           magistrate judge in Hart had ordered a sheriff
are protected by absolute immunity, id. at 110,          or peace officer to carry out an unlawful
then noted that in 1871, when Congress en-               search. Id. The assistant county attorney par-
acted § 1983, “the common law provided                   ticipated in the search, and the district court
absolute immunity to government officials in             afforded him absolute immunity for complying
their execution of facially valid judicial orders        with the court order. Id. at 431-33. We
entered by a court of competent jurisdiction,”           reversed, however, noting that the search war-
id. at 112. This common law immunity made                rant covered only sheriffs and peace officers.
good sense: Enforcement of a court order is              Id. at 440. The court applied the limit sug-
closely intertwined with the judicial function,          gested in MaysSSthe judicial order must com-
court personnel should not serve as a lighten-           pel the officers’ actions.5
ing rod for harassing litigation, and an official
charged with enforcing a facially valid court
order has no choice. Id. at 112-13. We there-                 The court stated that “our ruling does not ad-
fore held that where a sheriff executes a fa-            dress the liability of a n officer whose conduct in
cially valid warrant in a constitutionally per-          executing a facially valid order exceeds the scope
                                                         of that order.” This is consistent with our
missible manner, he should not face liability for
                                                         jurisprudence defining the scope of a court clerk’s
the warrant’s unlawfulness. Id. at 113.3
                                                         quasi-judicial immunity. E.g., Clay v. Allen, 242
                                                         F.3d 679, 682 (5th Cir. 2001) (stating that clerks
   We also noted, however, two limitations on            receive absolute immunity for “acts they are spe-
the scope of absolute immunity. First, if the            cifically required to do under court order or at a
court order is so unlawful that it falls outside         judge’s discretion” but only qualified immunity for
the scope of judicial business and the judge             “routine duties not explicitly commanded”)
himself would face liability, so will the enforc-        (citations omitted); Tarter v. Hury, 646 F.2d 1010,
ing official. Id. at 114. The second limitation,         1013 (5th Cir. Unit A June 1981) (same).
relevant here, is that the scope of the order
                                                              Cf. Martin v. Bd. of County Comm’rs, 909
                                                         F.2d 402, 405 (10th Cir. 1990) (“[A]bsolute im-
                                                         munity does not protect defendants from damage
      Other federal courts have reached the same         claims directed not to the conduct prescribed in the
conclusion. E.g., Valdez v. City & County of Den-        court order itself but to the manner of its
ver, 878 F.2d 1285, 1289 (10th Cir. 1989)                execution.”); Turney v. O’Toole, 898 F.2d 1470,
(“Officials must not be called upon to answer for        1474 (10th Cir. 1990) (“[T]his absolute immunity
the legality of decisions which they are powerless       extended only to acts prescribed by Judge Wolk-
to control.”); Henry v. Farmer City State Bank,          ing’s order.”); Cortez v. Close, 101 F. Supp.2d
808 F.2d 1228, 1239-40 (7th Cir. 1986)                   1013, 1016 (N.D. Ill. 2000) (explaining that scope
(explaining that appeal is the sole avenue for           of order limits scope of immunity); Sharp v. Kel-
challenging an unconstitutional court order).            sey, 918 F. Supp. 1115, 1121 (W.D. Mich. 1996)

    The writ directed Thigpen and McNeill “to               sumption in cases of silence. The Fousts also
immediately seize and take into their posses-               correctly note that the order does not require
sion the property described in the Complaint .              the seizure of the premises. The district court
. . and to deliver said property to the Plaintiffs          should not have granted absolute immunity to
unless bonded by the defendants.” The com-                  Thigpen and McNeill’s seizure of the premises
plaint defined the collateral as “inventory” and            and failure to afford the Fousts an opportunity
“certain equipment and fixtures” located in the             to reclaim the property promptly.
convenience store. The Fousts argue that
Thigpen and McNeill violated the terms of the                                       IV.
order by (1) immediately turning over the                       The Fousts further argue that Thigpen’s
property to the Seals and (2) seizing the pre-              and McNeill’s actions violated clearly estab-
mises.                                                      lished constitutional rights, so they are not en-
                                                            titled to qualified immunity. To evaluate the
   The Fousts contend that the order did not                qualified immunity defense, we first must de-
require the officers to turn the seized property            cide “whether plaintiff’s allegations, if true, es-
over to the Seals immediately; they point to a              tablish a constitutional violation.” Hope v.
state law that requires the sheriff to hold the             Pelzer, 122 S. Ct. 2508, 2513 (2002) (citing
property for two days before turning it over to             Saucier v. Katz, 533 U.S. 194, 201 (2001)).
a plaintiff. MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-37-109                    Second, if the defendants engaged in “consti-
(Supp. 2001). This interpretation is correct:               tutionally impermissibly conduct,” id. at 2515,
The order directs the sheriff immediately to                we must decide whether their actions “vio-
seize the property and to turn it over to the               late[d] ‘clearly established statutory or consti-
Seals, but it is silent as to how long he should            tutional rights of which a reasonable person
wait before turning it over to them.                        would have known.’” Id. at 2515 (quoting
                                                            Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 557 U.S. 800, 818
   McNeill might infer that he should turn it               (1982)).
over immediately, but state law, not a tabula
rasa reading of the order, should set the pre-                                     A.
                                                               The Fousts argue that the state circuit
                                                            court’s grant of an ex parte writ of replevin
(holding that immunity extended to act of arrest but        violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due
not “manner in which they took [plaintiff] to jail”).       Process Clause. Because “unlike some legal
                                                            rules, [due process] is not a technical concep-
    Federal courts are more likely to disagree over         tion with a fixed content unrelated to time,
the scope of a judicial order or command than over          place, and circumstances,” Connecticut v.
whether that command limits the scope of                    Doehr, 501 U.S. 1, 19 (1991) (internal quota-
immunity. Compare Martin v. Hendren, 127 F.3d
                                                            tion marks and citation omitted), we must re-
720, 721-22 (8th Cir. 1997) (finding that police
officer had absolute immunity when he used ex-
                                                            view the cases individually to determine the
cessive force to restrain arrestee in court at the          procedures that are constitutionally required.
judge’s direction) with Richman v. Sheahan, 270
F.3d 430, 437-38 (7th Cir. 2001) (holding that                 In Fuentes v. Shevin, 407 U.S. 67, 79-80
deputies exceeded scope of judge’s order by using           (1972), the Court struck down Florida and
excessive force to restrain persons in the                  Mississippi prejudgment replevin statutes, em-
courtroom), cert. denied, 122 S. Ct. 1439 (2002).

phasizing that they did not provide for pre-               safeguards; and third, . . . principal at-
deprivation notice and opportunity to be                   tention to the interest of the party seek-
heard. The Court emphasized that modern                    ing the prejudgment remedy, with, none-
courts should preserve the hearing required at             theless, due regard for any ancillary
common law:                                                interest the government may have in
                                                           providing the procedure or foregoing
   That the hearing required by due pro-                   the added burden of providing greater
   cess is subject to waiver, and is not fixed             protections.
   in form does not affect the root require-
   ment that an individual be given an op-              Doehr, 501 U.S. at 11.
   portunity for a hearing before he is de-
   prived of any significant property in-                   In United States v. James Daniel Good
   terest, except for extraordinary situa-              Real Property, 510 U.S. 43 (1993), the Court
   tions where some valid governmental in-              held that the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process
   terest is at stake that justifies postponing         Clause requires notice and an opportunity to
   the hearing until after the event.                   be heard in civil forfeiture proceedings for real
                                                        estate. The Court, employing language origi-
Id. at 82. The Court held that the statutes’ re-        nally used in Fuentes, stated, “We tolerate
quirements that a plaintiff post a bond, con-           some exceptions to the general rule requiring
clusionally allege an entitlement to specific           predeprivation notice and hearing, but only in
goods, defend his claim at a prompt post-               ‘extraordinary situations where some valid
deprivation hearing, and open himself up to             governmental interest is at stake that justifies
damages if in error did not sufficiently protect        postponing the hearing until after the event.’”
the defendant’s due process rights. Id. at 83-          Id. at 53 (citations and quotations omitted).
85.                                                     The Court gave formal effect to this presump-
                                                        tion in applying the three-part Matthews test.
   In 1991, the Court invalidated a Connecti-           Id.
cut statute that permitted a party suing for per-
sonal injuries to seek an ex parte, prejudgment            Under the first prong, the Court empha-
attachment of the defendant’s real estate to            sized that the defendant has a strong property
guarantee the judgment. Doehr, 501 U.S. at              interest in his home and the possessions it con-
5. The Court adopted a formal test for exam-            tains. Id. at 53-54. Under the second prong,
ining the provisional remedy, borrowing from            the Court remarked that ex parte seizure could
Matthews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 343-44              be predicated on a magistrate’s finding of
(1976):                                                 probable cause that the property was used or
                                                        intended to be used in the co mmission of a
   [T]he relevant inquiry requires, . . . first,        drug offense. Id. at 502. The United States
   consideration of the private interest that           did not have an obligation to disprove the
   will be affected by the prejudgment mea-             owner’s innocence, and the owner had no right
   sure; second, an examination of the risk             to be heard. Id. at 55. The Court held that a
   of erroneous deprivation through the                 post-seizure procedure would not adequately
   procedures under attack and the prob-                protect the owner’s property interest, id. at
   able value of additional or alternative              55-56, and that the United States had a weak

interest in prompt seizure, “because real prop-              seizure hearing where “feasible.”7
erty cannot abscond.” Id. at 57.
                                                                Thigpen’s actions in seizing the premises do
   The Mississippi Supreme Court has consid-                 not survive constitutional scrutiny under the
ered the constitutionality of the replevin stat-             Matthews test. First, the Fousts had a sub-
ute at issue in this case.6 In Underwood v.                  stantial interest in the continued occupation of
Foremost Fin. Servs. Corp., 563 So. 2d 1387,                 their commercial premises. Second, the risk of
1389 (Miss. 1990), the debtors sued creditors                erroneous deprivation was significant. Al-
for seizing their home under MISS. CODE ANN.                 though the record does not include the appen-
§ 11-37-101 without a pre-seizure hearing.                   dices to the Seals’ complaint, the complaint re-
Without dwelling on the issue, the court noted               fers generically only to the “certain inventory,”
that the statute “now meets minimum due pro-                 “certain fixtures,” and “certain equipment.”
cess requirements.” Id. at 1389. The court                   This resembles the sort of skeletal complaint
held that the circuit judge had erred by failing             that the Supreme Court repeatedly has con-
to hold an evidentiary hearing on the debtors’               demned.8 The circuit judge did not articulate
claims, because the debtors at least had plead-
ed a constitutionally suspect seizure. Id. at
1391. The Court explained that “the record                       MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-37-101 (Supp. 2001);
evinces no explanation for the necessity of an               MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-37-131 (Supp. 2001). The
immediate seizure. In cases where pre-seizure                constitutionality of the amended replevin statute
process is feasible, compliance with MISS.                   remains an open question in federal and state
CODE ANN. § 11-37-131 (Supp. 1989) is re-                    courts. As one commentator has explained:
quired.” Id. at 1391. The court interpreted
                                                                The Mississippi Supreme Court has stated
the Mississippi statute in light of the federal
                                                                that the statute as revised meets due process
constitution, because by its terms, the Missis-                 requirements. Underwood v. Foremost Fin.
sippi replevin statute does not require a pre-                  Serv., 563 So. 2d 1387, 1389 (Miss. 1990).
                                                                Nevertheless, many Mississippi attorneys
                                                                think that the procedure authorized in
                                                                section 11-37-101 remains unconstitutional
                                                                because it allows seizure of the collateral
                                                                without a hearing, and will only seek
     The statute has a checkered history. In 1989,              replevin under section 11- 37-131, which
a Mississippi federal court struck down its                     requires a hearing prior to the issuance of
predecessor because it required a judge to issue a              the writ.
writ of replevin if the party filed a declaration; the
court held that a judge must have the discretion to          W. Rodeny Clement, Jr., Enforcing Security
refuse to issue the writ. Wyatt v. Cole, 710 F.              Interests in Personal Property in Mississippi, 67
Supp. 180, 182 (S.D. Miss. 1989), aff’d in part              MISS. L.J. 43 n.161 (1997).
and rev’d in part on other grounds, 928 F.2d 718
(5th Cir. 1991), rev’d on other grounds, 504 U.S.                 See, e.g., Mitchell v. W.T. Grant, 416 U.S.
158 (1992). The current version of the statute               600 (1974) (upholding Louisiana sequestration
became effective July 1, 1990, and it is this version        statute in part because it required plaintiff to plead
that was considered by the Mississippi Supreme               specific, sworn facts demonstrating an entitlement
Court. Underwood v. Foremost Fin. Servs. Corp.,              to specific goods); N. Ga. Finishing, Inc. v. Di-
563 So. 2d 1387, 1389 (Miss. 1990).                          Chem, Inc., 419 U.S. 601 (1975) (invalidating

any standard for making his decision, and the                of pre-existing law the unlawfulness
replevin statute does not specify a standard.                must be apparent.

   Judging by this particular complaint and               Anderson v. Creighton, 483 U.S. 635, 640
order, there was a high risk of erroneous de-             (1987) (citations omitted).
privation. McNeill’s and Thigpen’s actions, by
locking the Fousts out of their business, fur-               In Hope, 122 S. Ct. at 2516, the Court ela-
ther increased the risk that they would deprive           borated that “officials can still be on notice
themSSalbeit temporarilySSof unencumbered                 that their conduct violates established law even
property.                                                 in novel factual circumstances.” Previous
                                                          cases need not be “fundamentally similar.” Id.
    The cost of additional government proce-              “The salient question” for a court of appeals is
dures was minimal. The Mississippi Supreme                “whether the state of the law [at the time of
Court had held that circuit courts should hold            the state action] gave respondents fair warning
hearings where feasible, and the circuit judge            that their alleged treatment of [the plaintiff]
in this case did not make a finding that a hear-          was unconstitutional.” Id.
ing on notice would be infeasible. On the facts
of this case, locking the Fousts out of their                Thigpen and McNeill did not have such
store violated the Due Process Clause.                    “fair warning.” The constitutionality of Missis-
                                                          sippi’s replevin statute remained up in the air,
                       B.                                 and the Supreme Court precedent demands a
   Even if Thigpen’s seizure violated due pro-            highly fact-dependent inquiry that a reasonable
cess, he will escape liability if the constitu-           could find difficult to predict. Thigpen even
tional right was not “clearly established” in             had judicial authorization to seize certain
1998. For a right to be “clearly established” in          “fixtures” in the building, and he might have
the context of qualified immunity,                        concluded the only reasonable way to do so
                                                          was by seizing the premises. He had no way
   [t]he contours of the right must be suffi-             of knowing whether the underlying replevin
   ciently clear that a reasonable official               statute was unconstitutional, and he reasonably
   would understand that what he is doing                 could rely on it to inform his opinion of
   violates that right. This is not to say                whether seizing the store was lawful.9
   that an official action is protected by
   qualified immunity unless the very action                 Although Thigpen should have known that
   in question has previously been held                   the Mississippi Supreme Court had held that
   unlawful, but it is to say that in the light           the court should conduct a pre-seizure hearing

statute, emphasizing that the supporting affidavits             Cf. Wyatt v. Cole, 994 F.2d 1113, 1120 (5th
might contain only conclusional allegations);             Cir. 1993) (“We think that private defendants, at
Doehr, 501 U.S. at 14 (finding significant risk of        least those invoking ex parte prejudgment statutes,
erroneous depravation under a Connecticut statute         should not be held liable under § 1983 absent a
because plaintiff did not need to provide detailed        showing of malice and evidence that they either
affidavits or factual support, only a “skeletal           know or should have known of the statute’s con-
affidavit.”).                                             stitutional infirmity.”) (emphasis added).

“where feasible,” the contours of feasibility                Fourth Amendment.12 In Audio Odyssey, the
had not been spelled out. A reasonable deputy                court held that a sheriff’s deputy had
or sheriff acting in 1998 would not have                     unconstitutionally executed a writ of replevin
known that seizing the premises violated Four-               by changing the locks on a commercial
teenth Amendment due process rights.                         business, posting no trespassing signs, and
Thigpen and McNeill enjoy qualified immunity                 barring the entry of the owner for several
for the violation of the Fousts’ Fourteenth                  weeks, even though the writ only called for the
Amendment rights.                                            seizure of personal property. Although the
                                                             court determined that Iowa’s replevin statute,
                     C.                                      on its face, satisfied the Fourteenth
   The Fousts argue that the seizure of their                Amendment, Audio Odyssey, 245 F.3d at 732-
premises violated their Fourth Amendment                     33, the court held that the Fourth Amendment
rights.    The Fourth and Fourteenth                         rendered the seizure of the building
Amendment questions interrelate,10 but we                    presumptively unreasonable, and the writ
must consider them separately, because either,               authorizing the seizure of inventory, equip-
standing alone, could provide sufficient                     ment, and fixtures did not extend to the
grounds for the Fousts to recover.11                         building itself, id. at 736. The court noted that
                                                             the sheriff had barred others from entering the
   Only the Eighth Circuit has squarely                      building for weeks, far longer than necessary
addressed the constitutional ity of a                        to inventory and repossess the relevant items.
prejudgment attachment or replevin under the                 Id. Finally, the court held that the officers did
                                                             not deserve qualified immunity, because any
                                                             reasonable officer would have known that the
                                                             seizure of the premises violated the Fourth
      In Fuentes, 407 U.S. at 97 n.32, the Court
refused to reach the question of whether the Flori-              Thigpen excluded the Fousts from the
da’s and Pennsylvania’s prejudgment replevin stat-           premises for hours, instead of weeks as did the
utes violated the Fourth Amendment. “Once a                  officer in Audio Odyssey. Such a short-term
prior hearing is required, at which the applicant for        seizure could have been necessarily incidental
a writ must establish the probable validity of his           to taking an inventory of the contents and re-
claim for repossession, the Fourth Amendment                 possessing the secured property. Like the writ
problem may well be obviated.” Id. In Fuentes,
id. at 78-79, however, the petitioners only
challenged the constitutionality of the statutes and                See Audio Odyssey, Ltd. v. Brenton First
did not request damages under § 1983. The Court              Nat’l Bank, 245 F.3d 721 (8th Cir. 2001). The
did not have to consider multiple bases of recovery.         court vacated Audio Odyssey to rehear the case en
                                                             banc but reinstated the panel opinion in full. Audio
     James Daniel Good, 510 U.S. at 50 (holding              Odyssey, Ltd. v. Brenton First Nat’l Bank, 286
that because the “seizure of property implicates             F.3d 498, 500 (8th Cir. 2002) (en banc) (“The
two explicit textual source[s] of constitutional             panel opinion addresses the full array of issues
protection, . . . [t]he proper question is not which         presented in this appeal in considerable detail. We
Amendment controls but whether either                        cannot improve upon that opinion’s discussion . .
Amendment is violated.”) (internal quotation marks           . .”), cert. denied, 2002 U.S. App. LEXIS 8038
and citation omitted).                                       (U.S. Oct. 21, 2002).

in Audio Odyssey, the writ here authorized the             Circuit concluded that the sheriff’s actions
sheriffs to seize “fixtures.” A fixture is a ten-          violated “clearly established” law, but the
ant’s personal, removable property that is at-             sheriff in that case barred the owners from the
tached to the property. BLACK’S LAW                        premises for weeks; his exclusion of the
DICTIONARY 652 (7th ed. 1999). Removing                    owners from the property drove the store out
fixtures could require occupying the premises              of business. Audio Odyssey, 245 F.3d at 727-
for several hours, and the sheriff should have             29. Thigpen had a much more reasonable ba-
the incidental power to exclude others to pre-             sis for his belief that occupation of the
vent a breach of the peace.                                premises was constitutional. In light of the
                                                           precedent discussed supra part IV.B., it was
   The summary judgment evidence, however,                 not “clearly established” in 1998 that Thig-
does not support interpreting the seizure of the           pen’s actions violated the Fourth Amendment.
premises as merely incidental. Thigpen told                The dismissal of the § 1983 claims against
Cathy Foust and her mother that he was going               Thigpen and McNeill is affirmed.
to have the locksmith change the locks on the
building. He also did not immediately reopen                                      V.
the convenience store after Seal and his co-                  The Fousts argue that the district court im-
workers had removed the encumbered                         properly dismissed the claims against the coun-
property. Finally, Thigpen returned the keys               ty and McNeill in his official capacity. In §
only after learning that the Fousts had filed for          1983 suits against the county or governmental
bankruptcy. The Fousts at least have created               officials in their official capacities, such as
a fact question about whether Thigpen                      McNeill, the courts apply neither qualified im-
unreasonably deprived them of their property,              munity nor state respondeat superior
beyond the scope of the writ. His actions, as              doctrines.14      Instead, a plaintiff must
pleaded, violated the Fourth Amendment.                    demonstrate that a county “policy” was the
                                                           “moving force” behind the constitutional
                       D.                                  violation. Brown v. Bryan County, Okla., 219
   We next turn to the question of qualified               F.3d 450, 457 (5th Cir. 2000). The Fousts
immunity for Thigpen and McNeill for the                   argue that McNeill’s practice of locking
Fourth Amendment claim. Until the Eighth                   owners out of their premises when executing
Circuit’s opinion in Audio Odyssey, neither the            writs of replevin, and his failure to train his
Supreme Court nor a federal court of appeals               deputies on how to execute such writs,
had held that a seizure under a replevin statute           constituted “policies” that were the “moving
violates the Fourth Amendment.13 The Eighth
                                                           applicable. Furthermore, Audio Odyssey would be
                                                           insufficient to “clearly establish” the right at issue
      A consensus of authority in other circuits           here, because it is insufficiently factually similar
may “clearly establish” a right even absent binding        and represents the view of only one other circuit.
precedent by the Supreme Court or the Fifth
Circuit. McClendon v. City of Columbia, 2002                     In Coon v. Ledbetter, 780 F.2d 1158, 1161-
U.S. App. LEXIS 18318, at 32-33 (5th Cir.                  62 (5th Cir. 1986), the court expressly rejected the
Sept. 5, 2002) (en banc). Given that Audio                 notion that a Mississippi sheriff could face re-
Odyssey was decided after the actions taken in the         spondeat superior liability where his deputies
present case, however, McClendon is not                    violated § 1983.

forces” behind constitutional violations.                   the requisite degree of culpability and must
                                                            demonstrate a direct causal link between the
                         A.                                 municipal action and the deprivation of federal
    To establish liability for a policy or practice,        rights.” Id. at 404.
a plaintiff must prove that (1) the local
government or official promulgated a policy;                    Thigpen and McNeill testified that the sher-
(2) the decision displayed “deliberate                      iff’s office routinely seized a debtor’s entire
indifference” and proved the government’s                   premises to secure personal property and
culpability; and (3) the policy decision lead to            fixtures. Neither the bankruptcy court nor the
the particular injury. Bryan County, 219 F.3d               district court mentioned this testimony, and the
at 457. A formal policy is “[a] policy                      defendants do not address it.               If the
statement, ordinance, regulation or decision                department repeatedly went beyond the scope
that is officially adopted and promulgated by               of the writs to seize real property, its policy
the municipality’s lawmaking officers or by an              may have violated the Fourth and Fourteenth
official to whom the lawmakers have delegated               Amendments.           The department was
policy-making authority.” Bennett v. City of                deliberately indifferent to those results, i.e., the
Slidell, 735 F.2d 861, 862 (5th Cir. 1984) (en              seizure of the real property and exceeding the
banc). An informal but still official policy is             scope of the writ, even if unaware of the un-
“[a] persistent, widespread practice of city                lawfulness of the actions. The Fousts have
officials or employees, which, although not                 created a fact question about whether the de-
authorized by officially adopted and                        partment’s policy of seizing the premises vio-
promulgated policy, is so common and well                   lated the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments,
settled as to constitute a custom that fairly               so this portion of the district court opinion is
represents municipal policy.” Id. Finally, “a               reversed.
final decisionmaker’s adoption of a course of
action ‘tailored to a particular situation and                                     B.
not intended to control decisions in later                      “The failure to provide proper training may
situations’ may, in some circumstances, give                fairly be said to represent a policy for which
rise to municipal liability under § 1983.”                  the city is responsible, and for which the city
Board of the County Comm’rs v. Brown, 520                   may be held liable if it actually causes injury.”
U.S. 397, 406 (quoting Pembaur v.                           City of Canton v. Harris, 489 U.S. 378, 390
Cincinnati, 475 U.S. 469, 481 (1986)).                      (1989). To prove that the failure to train rises
                                                            to the level of a municipal policy, a plaintiff
   The culpability element requires proof that              also must satisfy the culpability and causation
the defendants adopted the policy with                      requirements described above. Brown, 219
“deliberate indifference.” This “is a stringent             F.3d at 457. The failure must rise to the level
standard of fault, requiring proof that a                   of a deliberate or conscious choice among al-
municipal actor disregarded a known or                      ternatives. Canton, 489 U.S. at 389.
obvious consequence of his action.” Id. at
410. The causation element requires that the                    When evaluating whether additional
policy be the “moving force” behind the                     training is constitutionally required, it is
plaintiff’s injury. “That is, a plaintiff must              necessary to consider whether the department
show that the municipal action was taken with               has faced a history of similar problems.

Languirand v. Hayden, 717 F.2d 220, 227-28                    immediately turning the Fousts’ property over
(5th Cir. 1983). We also must look to the                     to the Seals and for temporarily seizing the
officers’ overall training and must consider the              store when executing the writ.
need for additional training in that context.
Canton, 489 U.S. at 390-91; Pineda v. City of                                           A.
Houston, 291 F.3d 325, 334 (5th Cir. 2002).                       In 1993, the Mississippi Tort Claims Act
                                                              (“MTCA”), also known as the Mississippi
   The Fousts presented little evidence that                  Governmental Immunity Act, shifted virtually
additional training would have helped. Thig-                  all tort liabilities from governmental employees
pen admitted ignorance of the requirement that                to the state or political subdivision.16 The
the sheriff retain the seized property for two                employee may be sued only as an official rep-
days. McNeill provided Thigpen with books                     resentative of the political subdivision. MISS.
on civil process but did not send him to any                  CODE ANN. § 11-46-7(2). “[N]o employee
formal classes.                                               shall be held personally liable for acts or omis-
                                                              sions occurring within the course and scope of
   The Fousts have not met their burden of                    the employee’s duties.” Id. Only fraud,
proving deliberate indifference. McNeill rea-                 malice, libel, slander, defamation, and criminal
sonably could have assumed that Thigpen                       offenses fall outside the “course and scope” of
could learn the necessary details of civil                    employment and create personal liability, id.,
process from the books. The Fousts have pre-                  and none of these exceptions has been pleaded
sented no evidence that Thigpen would have                    here. The MTCA therefore eliminates any
been less likely to violate their ambiguous                   personal liability that Thigpen or McNeill
Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights if he                  might otherwise face.
had received additional training in state law,
which, after all, does not speak to the in-                                      B.
cidental seizure of a commercial building when                   The MTCA also sets forth the scope of the
executing a writ of replevin.15 The district and              sovereign immunity of the state and its
bankruptcy courts properly dismissed the claim
of failure to train.

   The Fousts contend that the district court                       MISS CODE ANN. § 11-46-7 (Supp. 2001).
incorrectly dismissed the state law claims on                 Before 1993, government officials possessed “qual-
the basis of Mississippi statutory immunity.                  ified public official immunity, which insulated
We therefore must consider the liability of                   them against tort liability for all acts or omissions
Thigpen and McNeill in their personal                         in the course and scope of governmental
                                                              employment, except where they committed in-
capacities and the liability of the county for
                                                              tentional torts, substantially exceeded their
                                                              discretion and authority, or performed ministerial
                                                              acts.” Jim Fraiser, A Review fo the Substantive
       As discussed supra part IV.A., the                     Provisions of the Mississippi Governmental
constitutionality of Mississippi’s replevin statute is        Immunity Act: Employees’ Individual Liability,
uncertain. It is therefore also uncertain that any            Exemptions to Waiver of Immunity, Non-Jury
books or classes on state law could have sufficed to          Trial, and Limitations of Liability, 68 MISS. L.J.
protect the Fousts’ constitutional rights.                    703, 719 (1999).

political subdivisions.17   The legislature                   If Thigpen’s activities related to “police
codified specific exceptions to the state’s                protection,” the Fousts would have to
waiver of sovereign immunity for employees’                demonstrate that he acted with “reckless
acts within the course and scope of their                  disregard” to a person’s “safety and well-
employment. MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-46-9.                     being.” MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-46-9(1)(c).
                                                           No court has yet addressed whether serving
    The defendants assert that three exceptions            civil process or seizing goods constitutes
to the waiver of sovereign immunity have rel-              “police protection” within the meaning of §
evance here. First, the government remains                 11-46-9(1)(c).
protected for claims “arising out of” “the per-
formance or execution of duties or activities                  “Waiver of a state’s sovereign immunity,
relating to police or fire protection unless the           like waiver of any constitutional right, is strict-
employee acted in reckless disregard of the                ly construed in favor of the holder of the
safety and well-being of any person not                    right.” Lelsz v. Kavanagh, 807 F.2d 1243,
engaged in criminal activity at the time of                1253 (5th Cir. 1987). Similarly, the MTCA’s
injury.” MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-46-9(1)(c).                  exemptions to Mississippi’s waiver should be
Second, the government is immune from any                  liberally construed in favor of limiting
claim “arising out of a . . . judicial action or           liability.19 Mississippi courts have applied the
inaction . . . or administrative action or                 “police protection” exception to a variety of
inaction of a legislative or judicial nature.”             situations20 and have yet to determine that any
MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-46-9(1)(a). Third, the
legislature codified the traditional exception to             19
qualified and sovereign immunity for claims                      See Ellisville State Sch. v. Merrill, 732 So.
                                                           2d 198, 201 (Miss. 1999) (“The Legislature passed
“[b]ased upon the exercise or performance or
                                                           into law the MTCA in 1993 to carve out a limited
the failure to exercise or perform a
                                                           waiver of immunity for the State and its political
discretionary function or duty on the party of             subunits.”); Fraiser, 68 MISS. L.J. at 741
a governmental entity or employee therof . . .”            (discussing the decisions of the Mississippi
MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-46-9(1)(d).18                         Supreme Court interpreting the MTCA, and
                                                           specifically § 11-46-9(1)(c), and concluding that it
                                                           appears the court “is construing the Act’s
      Under the previous regime, the state and its         provisions liberally in favor of governmental
subdivisions had sovereign immunity for                    immunity.”).
governmental functions but not for proprietary
acts. Fraiser, 68 MISS. L.J. at 738; McGrath v.                  See, e.g. McGrath, 794 So. 2d at 985-87
City of Gautier, 794 So. 2d 983, 985-86 (Miss.             (deciding that patrolling the streets is police pro-
2001).                                                     tection, as is the maintenance of police vehicles);
                                                           Foster v. Noel, 715 So. 2d 174, 178-80 (Miss.
       A fourth exception is also potentially              1998) (holding that arresting and detaining
applicable but was not raised by the parties: The          criminals is police protection); Hall v. Miss. Dep’t
statute allows that the government remains immune          of Pub. Safety, No. 96-CA-00832-SCT, slip op. at
from suits “[a]rising out of the detention of any          7, 708 So. 2d 564 (Miss. 1998) (table) (opining
goods or merchandise by any law enforcement                that administering a sobriety test is police
officer, unless such detention is of a malicious or        protection); Smith v. Thompson, 1998 WL 97287,
arbitrary and capricious nature.” MISS. CODE               at 2-3 (N.D. Miss. 1998) (stating that aiming a
ANN. § 11-46-9(1)(j).                                      weapon at and negligently detaining a person

activity of a police officer or sheriff performed               The police protection exception does not
in the scope of his employment falls outside                 apply if the “employee acted in reckless
the reach of the exception.21                                disregard of the safety and well-being of any
                                                             person not engaged in criminal activity at the
   Under Mississippi law, seizure of property                time of injury.” MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-46-
under a writ of replevin may be executed only                9(1)(c). “Reckless disregard,” within the
by “the sheriff, or other lawful officer. . .”               meaning of the subsection, “embraces willful
MISS. CODE ANN. § 11-37-109. The statute                     or wanton conduct which requires knowingly
presumably prefers that service be performed                 and intentionally doing a thing or wrongful
by sheriffs to protect the creditors’ employees              act.” Maye, 758 So. 2d at 394. Even if Thig-
who are seizing the goods and to prevent a                   pen did ignore the replevin statute, he did not
breach of the peace. This is a mandatory duty                exhibit “reckless disregard” for anyone’s “safe-
of sheriffs within the scope of their                        ty and well-being.”
employment and, consistent with other
interpretations of § 11-46-9(1)(c), falls within                 The § 11-46-9(1)(c) exception to Mississip-
the scope of “police protection.”22                          pi’s waiver of sovereign immunity is applicable
                                                             and bars the state law claims against the coun-
                                                             ty and against McNeill in his official capacity.23
mistakenly believed to be the real suspect constitute        The dismissal of the Fousts’ state law claims is
police protection). One court has held that the              affirmed.
hiring and training of police relates to “police
protection,” Moore v. Carroll County, 960 F.                    For the reasons we have explained, the
Supp. 1084, 1088-92 (N.D. Miss. 1997), but the               judgment is AFFIRMED in part, REVERSED
Fousts do not base their state law claims on failure         in part, and REMANDED for further
to train.
                                                             proceedings in accordance with this opinion.
      Mississippi courts have found, in some cases,
that acts, though within the scope of police pro-
tection, were not protected under the other re-
quirements of the statute. See, e.g. City of Jackson
v. Perry, 764 So. 2d 373, 377 (Miss. 2000)
(applying the police protection exception to officer
who was speeding while driving to dinner, but
finding liability because his actions were reckless);
Maye v. Pearl River County, 758 So. 2d 391, 392,
395 (Miss. 1999) (stating that transporting
prisoners in a car is within the scope of “official          McGrath, 794 So. 2d at 985-87.             “[T]he
duty,” but officer was reckless in backing up an             maintenance of a police department is a
incline and hitting another car when he knew he              governmental function, for which municipalities are
would not be able to see cars behind him).                   exempt.” Id. at 987. Under this analysis, too,
                                                             Thingpen certainly performed a governmental
        The Mississippi Supreme Court, in                    function and would fall within the exception.
determining whether actions are related to “police
protection,” has returned to the pre-MTCA                          Having found that the police protection
analysis, which turns on whether the actions are             waiver exception applies, we decline to address any
taken in a governmental or proprietary capacity.             other waiver exceptions that might be applicable.
