The defendant Pierce was indebted to the complainants,, severally, in sums amounting in the whole to about $2,500. For the recovery of these demands, the complainants, in August, 1825, commenced suits thereon ; and obtained judgments in February thereafter. During the pendency of these suits, all the visible property of Pierce was levied upon by executions issued on judgments confessed in favor of, or obtained by other creditors ; and the executions on the complainants’ judgments have been returned wholly unsatisfied. During the pendency of the complainants’ suit, Pierce loaned to the defendants, Elliott and Archibald, between eleven and twelve hundred dollars, for three years, and sold to them a small quantity of ribbons, amounting to $25,50. Pierce was insolvent at the time of this loan ; and the complainants allege that these funds were put into the hands of Elliott and Archibald, to keep the same beyond the reach of his creditors ; and have filed their bill to have the funds in question applied to the satisfaction of their judgments. The cause is brought to hearing on bill and answer; and the questions presented for the consideration of this court are, First, whether, under the circumstances of the case, as disclosed in the answers, the complainants have any equitable claim upon the fund in question; (1) and secondly whether the prior' judgment creditors are entitled to a preference, and ought to have been made parties to this suit.
The general principles of equitable jurisdiction, in relation to property of debtors in the hands of third persons, have been so recently and so ably examined and discussed, both in chancery and in the court of errors in this state, that it would be useless for me to go over the whole ground ;
The case of Hadden v. Spader, in the court of errors, (20 John. 554,) establishes this broad principle, that courts of equity have power to reach the property of a debtor which has been placed in the hands of a third person; and to cause the same to be applied in payment of the demands of judgment creditors, who are unable to obtain satisfaction thereof by the ordinary process of courts of common law; and that it makes no difference that such property was put out of the reach of the creditors before their judgments were obtained. The opinion of Judge Woodworth, which appears to have been adopted by the late Chief Justice Spencer and a majority of the court of • errors, in that case, carries the doctrine so far as to embrace ¿hoses in action and public stocks belonging to the defendant. And certainly the case of Taylor v. Jones, (2 Atkyn’s Rep. 600,) referred to in that opinion, and Edgell v. Haywood, (3 Atkyn’s 352,) which appears to have been overlooked by the counsel in that case, are authorities for saying, that property, not in itself liable to execution, if placed or left in the hands of third persons, to the injury of the creditor, may be reached through the medium of a court of equity. (See also 2 Kent’s Commentaries, 358.)
But it is supposed by the defendants’ counsel that the doctrine of Hadden v. Spader, as laid down in the opinion of Judge Woodworth, has been very much narrowed by the decision of the late chancellor, in Donovan v. Finn, (I Hopk. Rep. 59.) If there is any thing in that decision which conflicts with the opinion of the court of errors in the former case, I am bound to support the decision of the court of errors, it being the judgment of a court of dernier resort, to the adjudications of which all other courts in this state are bound to submit. It must be admitted that the reasoning of Judge Woodworth would extend the jurisdiction of courts of. equity much beyond what the late chancellor supposed was allowable; while, on the other hand, the
Every person should be permitted to exercise the most liberal and extended discretion as to the time and manner of disposing of his property, vesting the proceeds thereof, and of collecting his debts; provided he exercises that
From the facts disclosed in the answer of the defendants, I am pefectly satisfied that Pierce intended to put the money which he loaned to Elliott and Archibald, in a situation where he could have the use and benefit thereof, and still keep it beyond the reach of his creditors. At the time he loaned this large sum of money to them, for three years he knew he was insolvent. It was after the com plainants had commenced suits against him at law for the recovery of their debts ; he had suffered the whole of his visible property, which cost him between five and six thousand dollars, to be sold under the executions of favored creditors, for less than one fourth of its cost; when he had in his hands, or probably could have raised, upon Gates’ bill of exchange, from $1,500 to $2,000 ; and he had removed with his family to Ogdensburgh, for the pur
But it is insisted that Elliott and Archibald were Iona fide borrowers of the money, without any knowledge of the fraudulent intentions of Pierce, and that for this reason the complainants’ bill cannot be sustained as against thém. They do indeed deny that they had any knowledge of the concerns of Pierce at the time they received the money ; and they also swear they were not informed as to the extent of his debts or his means of payment, and did not then know that he was insolvent. There being no replication, these allegations, in their answer, must be taken as true, if they are not contradicted by other facts admitted by them in such answer. They admit that at the time they received the money, they knew that Pierce had broken up his establishment where he had been trading at Rossie, and had removed with his family within the gaol limits of Ogdensburgh; they knew that suits had been brought against them by the United States for heavy penalties, for alleged violations of the revenue laws ; they knew that all his visible property, with the exception of his household furniture, had been sold on the executions of some of his creditors ; and that suits were also pending against him for debts due to others. This certainly was sufficient to put them on inquiry ; and, if the cause depended on this question alone, I am not prepared to say that I should consider them bona fide holders of this money. With all these facts before them at the time they dealt with Pierce, and other facts which must have been within their knowledge, if they made no inquiries as to his concerns, and as to his ability to pay his debts without the aid of these funds, that circumstance, of itself, is certainly calculated to throw great suspicion up
In the view I have taken of this case, it is not very ma terial to inquire whether Elliott and Archibald were or were not conusant of the fraudulent intentions of Pierce. The *who!e amount is still in their hands : and they have no equitable claim Upon, any part thereof. If the transaction was only fraudulent on the part of Pierce, and Elliott and Archibald had no knowledge of the intended fraud, and are bona fide holders of the fund, they must still, in equity, be considered trustees for the benefit of the execution creditors. And surely there cannot be any hardship or injustice in requiring them to pay the money to those creditors, at the times and in the • manner they have agreed to pay the same to Pierce. (Per Woodworth, J., 20 John. Rep. 570.)' Justice and equity certainly require the protection of innocent holders of property, which has been fraudlently transferred to them, or placed in their hands by the fraudulent debtor, without any notice of his intention, and without fault on their part. But a court of equity will never permit a shield which is properly interposed for the protection of a bona fide holder of the fund, to be improperly used for the benefit of the'fraudulent debtor. If a fraudulent debt- or sells his property to á bona fide purchaser, who has no notice of the fraudulent intent, he will be permitted to hold the property; but if any part of the purchase money remains unpaid, he will be considered in equity as holding such unpaid-purchase money for the benefit of those who have been defrauded by the sale. (Jewitt v. Palmer, 7 John. Ch. Rep. 65.) •
It is also objected that there are other judgment creditors who.had sued out executions prior to the executions of the complainants, and who are entitled to1 a preference; and that they should have been made parties. And the case of McDermutt and others v. Strong, (4 John. Ch. Rep. 687,) is relied upon to support that objection.
It is a sufficient answer to this objection, that it does not appear that the prior executions have been returned unsa
Where the property has not been levied on by the execution, or where it is of such a nature that it never could have been levied upon, or reached by an execution at law, the return of the execution' unsatisfied, will not, of itself, give the creditor a specific lien upon the trust property, or choses in action of the debtor. He must follow up- his execution by - the commencement of a suit in equity, or, at least, must give notice *of his claim, and of his intention to pursue the trust fund; or do some decisive act, showing such intent, before he can be considered as having a specific lien. The creditors whose legal diligence has continued to pursue the property of the defendant into this court, ate entitled to a preference as the reward of their vigilance. In Edgell v. Haywood, Lord Chancellor Hardwicke says, “The court does not proceed, in this ¿ase, on the ground of a specific lien, but only considers it a part of the property of the debtor, which the creditor cannot come at without the aid of this court. If, therefore, after judgment, or even after the fieri facias, the debtor had assigned this bona fide, and for a valuable consideration, and without notice, it would be good, and prevail against this creditor. But after a bid brought, and a lis pendens created as to this thing, such assignment could not prevail.” (3 Atk. 357.) So in Spader v. Davis, (5 John. Ch. Rep. 280,) even the holder of the fund, under an assignment which was fraudulent in law, was only held accountable for so much thereof as remained in his hands at the time of the commencement of the suit in chancery. And certainly there" can be no more injustice1 in considering the commencement of the first suit in equity, by an execution creditor, as giving him a preference there than there is in giving a preference to the creditor who has obtained a specific lien upon the property of his debtor, by a prior seisure on his execution at law. If the creditor whose execution is first returned unsatisfied, pursues the race of legal diligence, by the com mencement of a suit here, he will obtain the reward of his vigilance; but" if he abandons the pursuit, or lingers on the
1 shall therefore decree, that Elliott and Archibald pay to the complainants the amount of the note given by them to Pierce, together with the interest thereon, at the times and *in the manner prescribed therein for such payments ;
and also pay to the complainants the sum of $25 50, due for the ribbons received of Pierce, and the whole to be applied towards the satisfaction of the judgments of the respective complainants, ratably ; first retaining out of the same their costs of this suit, to be taxed. And under the particular circumstances of this case, Elliott and Archibald will not be charged with the costs of the complainants, or permitted to retain their own costs out of the trust fund.
Decree accordingly, (a)
Vid. 2 R. S. 173, 4.
For a further examination of this question in the English courts, and a review of the case of Edgell v. Haywood & Dawe, (3 Atk. 352,) see Otley v. Lines and others, (7 Price’s Exch. Rep. 274.)