01-15-00130-CR CHRIS DANIEL HARRJS.COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK FILED IN February 10,2015 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 2/12/2015 10:58:04 AM HONORABLE STACEY W. BOND CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE 176TH DISTRICT COURT . Clerk HARRIS COUNTY HOUSTON, TEXAS Defendant's Name: MICHAEL W. PETERS Cause No: 1413407 Court: 176TH DISTRICT COURT Please note the following appeal updates on the above mentioned cause: Defendant's Notice of Appealon motion only- filed date: 02/09/2015 Ruling Made: 0110812015 Court of Appeals Assignment: First Court of Appeals Appeal Attorney of Record: TO BE DETERMINED sl Naomi Salinas Criminal Post Trial Deputy . CC: Devon Anderson District Attorney . Appellate Division Harris County, Texas . , . This is your notice to inform anY and all substitute reporters iIi this cause. 1201 Franklin P.O. Box 4651 Houston, Texas 77210-4651 Cause NO.1 y/3L/fJ '7 THE STATE OF TEXAS ~~G\~\ ~-kr~AI _ _ __ \1 istrict Court / County Criminal Court at Law No. _ __ Harris County, Texas NOTICE OF ApPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: FILED ~hrjs Daniel _ D,strict Clerk On reb. q -_ ~!) 15" . '. (date), the defendant in the above numbered and ~ cays~g~ves . NOTICEOF ApPEAL of his ~. ~r\\-uk. r-I\o\'\a", to 5~((.~:S ;> Tlme:_ LU15 The unjersigned attorney (check appropriate box): rJ!' MOVES to withdraw. I:l AOVISESthe court that he will CONTINUE to represent the ' FEB· ~ ~iJ d/"1/I(. Date , Defendant (printed name) State Bar N u~r ? f -:J / (' . I j:/; 1>5~1 ., 118 1()'~ f--DENIED and is SET at No BOND. (Felony Only) DATE SIGNED: -_=-~-10-1~/;_1_:;;-·/_-- U~E PRESIDING, . ~~ISTRICT RT / COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW No. __, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS C:\Users\mindy.ochsner\Desktop\Notice of Appeal {2 pages-wout Affirmation).doc Page 20f2 1/09108 .' . Cause No. 141340701010 THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 176TH DISTRICT COURT v. HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS MICHAEL PETERS, Defendant TRIAL COURT'S CERTIFICATION OF DEFENDANT'S RIGHT'OF ApPEAL* I, judge of the trial court, certify this criminal case: D is not a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] fiJ is a plea-bargain case, but matters were raised by written motion filed and ruled on before trial, and not withdrawn or waived, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] D is a plea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to appeal, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] D is a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has NO righ~ of appeal. [or] D the defendant has waived the right of appeal. JAN - 9 2015 Date Signed Defendant '~~unsell Mailing Address: Telephone number: Z 1f /- 3 ['1- 2./9 b Mailing Address: Fax number (if any): ~Jt ED Telephone number: . Chris Daniel District Clerk Fax number (if any): . ).\ N Q- 20\5 * "A defendant in a criminal cas~llas the right of a e nder these rules. The trial court shall enter a certification of the defendant's right to appeal in everyr~:jn. . I lr~ment of guilt or other appealable order. In a plea bargain case-that is, a case in which a defendant's plea was guiltY or nolo CQlUend~re-and the punishment did not exceed the punishment recommended by the prosecutor and agreed t@oy-{he"defeiidant":;-~'defendant may appeal only: (A) those matters that were raised by a written motion filed and ruled on before trial, or (8) after getting the trial court's pennission to appeal." TEXAS RULES OF ApPELLATE PROCEDURE 25.2(a)(2). Judgment: Vol._ _ Pg.,~~ Judge Presiding S~ IA} &1tot Court Reporter_ _ _ _ ' _--:--_ _ __ Court Reporter____...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Court Reportei'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Attorney\D \\ on Trial \ \w, nf,..Uri n 1'\1\'\ \' r;h C \~ Attorney \ l ,\(l on Appeal._W!\.,..::, :........L......:.....:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Appointed ----- Ifued ~ Jury Trial: Yes_ _ _ No_-----''-'- PUDislniteDID/- . j Assessed ~-\O 81:WCv~8 "\X[\\t~ Companion Cases (IfKnown)_ _---,--,_:--_ _ _ _~- Amount of , Appeal Bond 0~ ()I-.J K\ --------~-- Appellant Confmed: Yes~, ___, _ _ No_ __ Date Submitted ") To Appeal sec~o~ I ' (;J1 S I Deputy c~~[]-=-"'"4A-ln&G-, - ---r \'?l~~