Cox, Charles Layman

‘M,%' '05 1a fhe,£our* op Crim/`na l A/;deals Ausiri`n From$ £harl~es Loymon[’ox //Om se .TuI¢/Z‘)/ 20/5 gill L’/S.f_mp,n{s L/m`i' RECEWE. |N' 60[ ur 59/ s c Amm 1450/730 79/07 couRT oF cRr..nmALAPp,_/u.s ' v 4 To f Abe/!lcos'hy/ C'/erl< - AUJG 2915 lea wR`ZB'qS/~DB ` Ab@m@@§ia,©&evk 779 #)e yonorablaC/e/l'< af+})e,£ourf.' &m@l?ow fha/les layman fox/am se , ana' asks H)e E/e//< +of/`/e %}$ documen+ in+p Hre faa/fo¢’,£/im.’nn/A,nnen/s Reco mlann',a/a£e in +he file wire?ond)na wi#') 'H\e a#a£hml h:‘a} £aur% add bella/gina blanc/able four of Crimina/A/)nea[e. H/'s W)emomndum /lonhn ned-inn S{mLes proposed F/`nd;np$ In S’u/)pori and Su)nn)n/y £ona/usions ol’/i/)pe//nnlé /M. 11,07 Habea$ fornu§’, 0rde/ed by Hze #r}‘a) Cnu/f ll/i`mfna} man/shah Charle$ H.Reyno/d$ . ' fha/les layman fox wDu/d fu r{-lner feauasf fha /¥/anafa foia C/er/\ +e> please fpile Sfon’),o and Copy L’/er/<§ 501/er le#er and re‘{~urn haag /'n 1113 Se/¥’ addressed S’)lamped enue/v/)e;?/a `\/Kded .Fo/M}$)Ourpase . ` `W)ankyou fof your 035/dance , ' Respedfu//q v an£, ad One 014/ser is§ue,alease: Appe//an+ fe uesi` +hm‘ Ru/e ‘L‘$ (c) be anal/ied /‘n fth ran/y Hla()ria)‘nn/ Heed be fi/ej/an/) 7%6# #w`s documen} be c/as’S/'l’)'ea/as Origina [. `Wan/ E+]i\is gaap/emenieI/Hieebmen+ 1'0 £OM/i/»evle_'ihe_ gelco/di Re$pe£m!”y§ubmmea] §‘ {, . . ' 11 Z,¢QX l emen 5 dni %0/ 5’01,1/ 5‘)/ Amari//w Tx, 79/a7 an C»ziS»ooqLHz~oonH‘n-A ix park lnlhe2l3thd lola Olsl*rz`ol fourlo£ Charles layman fox lorran’r£ouni,/,‘l§<. memorandum lonlroverling§lale§ Flopas\ecl H'ndinqs In 3 u,a,oorl' and$umm)arq fanolusr’anso.@ »lnaeI/anl's’ Arl. Il.07 llabea.s fonou.s dnae//onl brina§l’orlb lhe.l°ol/oo)ina memorandum in o no asi lion 4 don 'lro Ver l~lny global l:)`nol inas and bone/uslons reno rolan /l,n/aellanls/ lJrll Ol’ llabeas dor)aus. _ ' s Aaae//an l'a)oulol nna/d, 759/77l (l`ex. fr,`rn. /¢na, 200/li lhal dlsorel-lon arises ancea senlence has been imposed or suspended ln 'l`a)o or more cases l 'l` n a deferred adjudleal/`on order senlence ls rlei l'her l mpased orSas/a£r)aleol, see dana var) 49 §,Ld,l?al alb§é o Thus l'he_ S`la'l`u'le eis wrlllen gives l_'he COur\L di`screl‘lon lo»-l)ashian an ' lndivl`dualiz ed ,alan / burL does nol gramL disere lion lo slaeka deferred dd/l/d/'ca lv`an order lnla,ar)'san l'lme, `lbere£ore lhel//eaalyjalndered ret/ocaln`on hearing and lrrz`al/£ou/el r)alqranl lhe @ou rl'ol¢'sc relion lo Senlenee /l/}aellan l' loprison from a revocalion ol’ deferred adjudieallon arder/ callh oul` a formal Gdjuca l')'an al blue Ineli`c_lm-en‘l, S‘ee S’?Loles lara/closed Fi`ndlr)ps exhihll CSl. fl mellon ‘lo proceed lo/ld/udleal/`on ls a mlm`slen‘al lnslrurnenl anal does nol' infer proper/raeedu re wa_s~l'o//ou)eol, v f d,¢Od/anls [A)rll` alearly,dralre$ lhe globe proceeded loan illegally /alrldereal lv)ylarld Trial. d/}aellanl was unprepared 'lo make ana knowinala or inle//l/aenl d eeis/‘ons or_,aleas , His Courl A,aaolnleol Counsel el-’aileolorinlenl/`ona»llu ~ did nol'advlse him of lbe consequences of an ll/eaa lia/ain dereal l~lubrid Trial al Revaea lion llear»`na and Trial al lhe sino/e,aroeeed/`na, /l,a,ae//an la aaoeal was based on his ln‘al loonsela srraleoa of hearsay les‘h`mona allowed al lria l. blow-ever d,aaellanl_é Ldril clearly exposes The un res`/`ral`neol \/)‘o/e lions o£l`u nda menha l doris li la li`o nol rlohls allowed lsu bls Courl‘/l/)/Qoinled faunsel. proseeul’orlal l'lh'scanduel lora/aosed lind/nas B‘/‘l aaa 3,‘! 'I?ebulla/ Bround Une of d/naellanla: ldrll C/alms den)'alafldue fourse of Law / ¢/W‘N»Oi, '~lh e Judai'nen'ldoes slale ‘ihe De_l’endani was,aunished lar launane , °lhereb ,aroo¢@ lhal.'(li Sub/'eeldlaller al lrial was llobalion l/i'o/a_lr`ons andf l Zl donslilu l/`o nol rea uiremenlol`a lrial by lndielmenl had nol been me . irc/o v, §lale 230 §.la,Bd, 2b‘/ l`i`ex,/.’rim,¢l,n/o, 2009 in S’ub/'ecl l’lla ller jurisdiclion is a#’ense s~,aeei£ic because il is abou~l wha‘l lone ofo#ense Can be lried bu Vhe_ four‘l', Sub/ecl imaller/urisollcb`on depends nolonla on ‘lhe aramL olau‘ihorilu lo lhe lrial eourl in lhe aonslilulion and lhe slalules/ bul also on il-s being in vol:& ‘In z£iv.i,l"l’asefs'.zi r)_/udamen+ is void onl when lhere is`no//'urisdiclion al ibe,narli_es / no jurisdiclion al‘ +hesu joel maller/ najurisdi`c lion lo enler a parlicu/ar /udarnenlr/ ar no capac’i la ~lo aclas a courf,/ l+ Thercd`e)re lhc l’oar'l'on delaber hmw/fo l led l~a ad/'_udlca le lhe §’ub/‘eel' l’llaller ol` +h-e. lndiclmenl’, wilhoulan a d/udicalion of Znoli`clmenl,' lh,e_,»_ dour‘i` did nol' reach fans l'ilul`ional]_u rlsdiclion of l nol iclmcn~ls duihorilgr Or il;§/orrisd iciion, Tcx,dodel'rim, groc,¢drl, l, l;’) i,,,U/ea aliguillalone does nol' dulhorlze a canvi‘cl)`on, pdppe//anis plea was coerced/ /lppe/lanl was unprepared lo ma l<‘ Menale/ `l'feolmenl'/d/D i/ldef\{ implied by l'he probe lion ell/le D./’ ‘l`he 0 defendant end she replied +ha‘l marie mellell` was'ihe/)e/son d_$’lrhiloil CL`i / il does nol apply lo dp ellaan claim lhal his Appellale . /,`ounse/ hod l. RE oLi)s cRIMINAL MAGI RATE TARRANT coUNTY, TEXAS