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St/1 -r;rl;£! {o"I/Raii0!J. / -1/d.)o/~,e.A// ,., - t!f'dc].u~f ~d;./d 1 o-r/IJ!c/ M1£ ])1/J-tlld;; G/ f:_~JJute ?l!J,rj ~(J/ St€ /f'fM-Q_tfG'~]'J!_J J!!!j /IGs/.~rfO,<_!j /af-'/1fJZ,. jJ,ItJte_, / 1 Sli'\ICS f!;o f''Jrr:f, fiXJ 7''-.!JiFf;; ;/Its No ~!Jj Fj;IZ(JoP); fofr:/. !Jo;J;d NaJ:S~ /J/~d v0:f7 ~ ]y ;;~yJ7;;ro7J1~1 ~'c-d /Jo!;ej ~ /~;i;j JnJjj f..JoAj//:;~OI_)o#/1/d !3/84/o¥ Fat) :Sjl)fgs_. ;€p7!_j,/-:l !f!XJ;~:/~4- fitld s:-flS-rlJ£-NC,f!- ;f,·j 7a -)J;/IEf /}1'/d ~'Dj/flf17s pf);sd~/ /N]j~ .. ~-'lf!ttv/ 7(¥-rjr'soGEf.-M~).,. rr/ftl)J:JJ)H/} !Jtfc/ J)o!/:d_y fJ/1//(Js. 6j!J/j_J6'o( flO{ /f£0 v.];/1; 77/t:J)/Sfl)XCi /t)-fSlY-'6\.o The State of Texas § In the 86th District Court § Vs. § In and For § Donald Gene Blanton § · Kaufman County, Texas INDICTMENT - Tampering· With Physical Evidence Third Degree Felony IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: THE GRAND JURY, for the County of Kaufman, State of Texas, duly selected, empanelled, sworn, charged, and organized as such at the February Term A. D. 2005, of this Court for said County, upon their oaths present in and to said court at said term that Donald Gene Stanton, hereinafter styled Defendant, on or about July 10, 2004, and before the presentment of this indictment. in the County and State aforesaid, did theh and there, knowing that an investigation was in progress, intentionally or knowingly d~!!._r_:oy a thing, to-wit: cocaine, with intent to impair its availability as . evidence in the investigation; AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE ~<~Jdn:&a~ Foreperson· of the Graryd Jury .. · · ~ ·.• ·~ •.."'i .. · .. .. , ~· Recommended bond amount: $ ; ·.~ ·I ") .~~ ·: Person ID: 12123 Cause No. cX3SqJ__q .L£. ~ ])is.fY\c...+ ~ The State of Texas . § In the Gow~ty Ceur=t at Law § vs § In and For § Donald Gene Blanton· § Kaufman County, Texas INFORMATION IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: . . I, Ed Walton, Criminal District Attorney of Kaufman County, Texas, by and through the Assistant Criminal District "Attorney whose signature appears below, on the written affidavit of Ronnie Breathwit, a competent and credible person, herewith filed in 8/D..J+- J),t; irid CJ>UAJ- the CeeH"lt)· Oeufl: at Law in and for Kaufman County, Texas, do present in and to said Court that on or about July 10, 2004 in the County of Kaufman and State of Texas, Donald Gene Blanton, Defendant, did then and there: Knowing that an investigation was pending or knowing that an offense has been committed, intentionally or knowingly alter, destroy, o"r conceal a thing, to-wit: cocaine and its packaging, with intent to impair its availability as evidence in the investigation, or ~&. ~·f2f:;: in any subsequent investigation related to the offense; :-' 00000.3 Complaint Charge(s): Tampering With Physical Evidence; Name: Donald Gene Blanton Assigned Prosecutor: Bi Hunt Address: P 0 Box-403 Arresting Agency: Mabank Tx 75147 DOB: 11/13/1962 Offense Date: 07/1 0/2004 DL: TX-09578477 Personal tO: 12148 IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: I, the undersigned investigator, being duly sworn, do state upon my oath ·that I have good reason to believe and do believe based upon the following information, to wit: the report of Joshua Jennings,the arresting authority, who is a commissioned peace officer of the State of Texas, and I charge that heretofore, and before the making and filing of this complaint, on or about July 10, 2004, in the County of Kaufman and State of Texas, Donald Gene Blanton, Defendant, did then and there: Knowing that an investigation was pending or knowing that an offense has be.en committed, intentionally or knowingly alter, destroy, or conceal a thing, to- wit: cocaine and its packaging, with intent to impair its availabiUty as evidence in );~';the investigation, or in any subsequent investigation .related to the offense; , ~~~ ") .,r .<'·' . • ..,.. • . AGAINST THE PEACE ANfu~bltf~NITY OF THE;STATE OF TEXAS. Sworn to and Subscribed Before Me by the abov~named lnvestigator,;known to me to be a credible person,· on the )]f-~~day of ( J,. ~ . · ., 200 z:-. 000004 . ' . :-:,-;:...... );. Bi Hunt .···.. ~...~ ·!':"- ·, ~~ .. '·.·· Cause No. 23579-86 The State of Texas In the 86th District Court vs In and For Donald Gene Blanton Kaufman County, Texas ~~·\ The State of Texas by and throu ~ iQ1inal District Attorney moves this Court to dismiss this cause of action and\~·~~l!Jp~~J1•.thereof would show as follows: .'10··:"·~~:0 . . :':)i 1. The Defendant is charged with th~ offense1of Tampering With Physcial . ~- ,) \". ,·"~ \'·. ' ' Evidence. i;t'''\sA 2. The State moves to dismiss this cause of action in the interest of justice. WHEREFORE, the State of Texas respectfully requests that the Court dismiss this cause of action. Respectfully Submitted Ed Walton Criminal District Attorney 100 W. Mulberry Kaufman, Texas 75142 (972) 932-4331 (972) 932-0357 (Facsimile) ::;: 0 0 r- "-i-\.~~-~ (. ::J ~ A '0....:::., L.L- :.~. N: 24027081 o'Dlct b')(C, , .··<"1 The State of Texas vs Donald Gene Blanton _ ~-~@Jfman County, Texas . · . cr~:~=~iit-;,:\ ORDER ~~iS~JSSAL ·· . ~;·,:~~~~~~::~t~\ On this date, the Motion to Dismiss ®~!_~~!~~t~, of Texas was presented to the Court. The Court is of the opinion that such tt.f2tf~shbuld be, in all things, granted. ~~tf''t~· . . IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that t igjcause of action is hereby dismissed. , SIGNED this -l- day of :r:: . O~<:i·.: '-'- ::r::: , __ au.... w:::l ....Jc{ i::l:t: Certificate of Service · This is to certify that a true and correct c~:~:yof this instrument was this day forwarded to: . \f.i.,if"- . Deborah A. Beesley . P 0 Box 1589 · Forney Texas 75126 signed this "3.., ~of --~-U---=-,J____,'=:-___, < ,200_. 139 1 A. From November to July. Q. And how ~any months is that? 3 A. Nine. Q. s yotrr ·c.a·i · vi'.cie o? 6 A. No. 7 Q. Could you explain why not? 8 A. My car W·aS .. not equippe.d wi:th. videci and audio 9 capabilities .at .tha.t time. 10 Q. At -~ in 2002 didn't all police cars supposed 11 t6 be eq~ipped with audio video? 12 A. .Mil3::o.e. was not working, .sir. 13 Q. Was .it not working or you didn't turn it on? 14 A. ·No, . sir, it. was not w·or'king. ·15 Q. Officer didn't tell you not to ttirn it on 1.6 corning to the seen, did he? 17 A. No, sir, he did not. 18 Q.·. When you arrived to .the scene, can you explain ·19 what'you Been? .20 A; Officer Jennings had initiated· a traffic stop 21 on a silver pickup. And at that time r exited my 22 patrol vehi~le an6.cohferred with Officer ~ennings. 23 Q. And you never searched the accused vehicle? J,24 A, No, sir. 25 Q. Did you see -- did you see any cocaine in the .' t. ct\t-E f 1'A'-'~1Vr. . · t(). -- ~~·~.,JC~. TX MABANK POLICt DtPARTMENT CHIEF OF POLICE ·ALEX SMITH September 17, 2004 P.O. Box 293 Mr. Donald Gene Blanton 129 E. Market Street , Inmate Kaufman County Jail ~Texas 75147. 1900 E. Hwy 175 Kaufman, TX. 75142 P!me: M78 Dear Mr. Blanton: Fax: 00l-88742B8 This letter is in response to the letters that you have flooded my office with. Under Tex:as Govemrrient Code 552.028(a)(l), my office is not required to comply with an open record request from a person confmed in a correctional facility. However, I am forwarding a copy of the arrest report to you. Texas Government Code 552.029 that you referred to has to deal with your information being released as a.n inmate, not your right to information as an inmate. In response to your allegation of corruption in this department and the allegation that Officer · Jennings took drugs from the trunk of his patrol car and placed in your possession. I find no evidenceofthis fact. The evidence we have in custody that you have been charged with can plairu_y be seen on video being thrown from the vehicle you were driving as it travels down the road.· · ' I can assure you, that this office will not "negotiate" the charges against you. This is not the functiol) of the Police Department. The Distri~t Attorney's office may offer Plea Bargains but you wili have to contact that office in reference to that matter .. As to your request for Motion of Discovery, that also is a matter that is handled through the DA' s office. · As to the allegation of Racial Pr()filing, this department along with every department in the ·. yoo State has a policy that pertft!;rt;-&;'&icfai Profiling. I can assure that an investigation will be done in accordance with that policy. ·Mr. Blanton, I appreciate your determination in your present legal situation however most of· your efforts are being forwarded in the wrong direction. I recommend sending any further correspondence to the District Attorney's Office Chief of Police Mabank Police Department · 139). According to the applicant, all.patrol cars were required to be equipped with such equipment and therefore, the officer's testimony to the contrary was a lie. But the applicant provides no authority for the claim that all patrol cars are required to be equipped with cameras, nor has he provided any evidence that Officer Swearingen's . . • - x·(-] :.r-r vt ~, ~ ·~ . .. . . patrol car had a dash c;mera. Thus, the applicant has not sustained his burden of . pleading true facts that would entitle him to relief. 6 See Ex parte Maldonado, 688 S.W.2d at 116. The applicant also contends thai Officer Swearingen committed perjury because it conflicts with Officer Jennings' testimony concerning where on the/ street the evidence was found. The applicant does not provide record cites for his claim, but in any case, the State notes that both officers testified that the evidence was found on top of the roadway with most of the contents having been spilled out (RR 4 at 34, 140). Those are not inconsistent statements. Therefore; the aoolicant's . ..._... complaint ' .. . is.meritless. . Finally, the applicant asserts that Offic~r Swearingen committed perjury by testifying that Officer Jennings never went to the trunk ofhis (Jennings') patrol car when in fact Jennings testified that he placed the evidence in his trunk (RR 4 at 33-34, 146). However, the record reflects that Officer Swearingen also testified that he did not observe 6 According to counsel, OfficeJ_ ?.':Yearing<;:n's patrol car "':'as equip_p~~