i% / - i O I FILED IN SS D ft rr! UGtOiJ IC d ,ST court of appeals Ro zhnroJ 22 nns r^_ ho***™* ^ apr -8 Z015 Flpr'fl S , 2-OjsS cHBis^y PRINE CLERK f. hri'sfophgr R. Pr/;jg ; CJgric Fi'r34 Court o-f App£ftk_ 20/ F&ukiI/J Sfrggt RE: F\r+uro IDg/p Pled//Jft Cr»us£ Wu-onbdr; oi-U-OOZSliC^ Ol-^b-OOlbO-Cft Ol-%-00 Zkl-Cft. Dcflr DD.r. Pnu£_; tTlu ptjrpa3£ fu cxjrrtikjo i$ to rgcpgsi- •ffnW Ly/OLJ iajcai&nd to "T Q. C, o, thei OpLA/10/\7 re KJ d £ r Lrd / Kj_ CRUSe A/OS, ^.Hlr7J2J^|/^Hllll.3/_cI.^T5yjL. XAJ_3aiLd OOxAJioAL -fhi-s C-OLT+ r£-forn~>ed the Tr/fYlJ^Qpri.3- judcjno copu o-fth£_ judqmeuf-Fronp th£ d^stnct oierk hu-f -the triftl court fjj-forrngd ni£ -flint tlngu d/d/o't hftV£ A copq o-P thio, .0 pi iJ iOM, Sc£ ft ft6 ch ad. hftvs. p> cop^ o-f this opi/j< M0+ hO/JOr_B^COp<-j com", Ma -From n^j [jjmA-f£ . I-f has -ro r.nniH -From the courts. SikiCE thnf d^Lj _LV£ b££/J fruiklcj fLO_^Lii X D.C-lJ. ±Q deleft fha dendJu mi-Apou -fludikin trom mu _i— .y-v *-1 — I ,~ i, ,—" .-4- I—* *~ »— 1 — .« .- I , i .— r/N /"V V» . S _L • I ^-1 i i r „ d— —,—* ,r\^\ .y-.*—. , i records. "fhr. o/olu_LQ£u_fo_deiejfe J"J" IA "For uou T(l kioti-Pu thirrr> -fhnt th& n-f-Prrmnti\/t5 -fiKicllucj (jjns indeed delef^d. CHRIS DANIEL & 14ARRlS£0UN CIERK February 10,2014 Arturo Medina #743972 59 Darrington Rd Rosharon, Texas 77583 Re: YourRequest Received: 01/21/2014 Reference Name: Arturo Medina Cause Number: 9427213,9427214, & 9427947 Dear Arturo Medina, Certified copies of the Criminal document(s) in the above referenced cause number(s) are enclosed. £3 Other: Judgement/Sentence, Second Request for Hearing,Respbnse to 2nd request for hearing, Motion for NUNC PRO TUNC & Mandate, Docket sheet. There was not a reformed judgment in your file. You may have to contact First Court of Appeals about getting a reformed judgement. @ 301 Fannin, Houston, Texas 77002-2066. Sincerely, Chris Daniel, District Clerk Harris County, Texas vy-M A & Ja Mary S/pJmtoja, Deputy gjjstrict Clerk Enclosure 201 CAROLINE • P.O. BOX 4651«HOUSTON, TEXAS •77210-4651 • (713) 755-7300 www.hcdistrictclerk.com TOtn O \ ? T ^ i -.u-- /-. rs K -4 B -J •j o o W M O s IS 2 j. 4- Tl C 2? •+ $ l- o D c "\ Pi s "ft 4 (X? ° T-, 31 \i si to o ^ pi