x,$i''iW-i- <-J 'V.; >£?.u* I6^73-iC> Mr. Maurice.Mitchell, Pro-se Specialize LegaJLlTechniciari, fSET] RSIOTOM REMlllEP Southernn Career; Institute DAT Paralegal;.No#<[P]t7g-9169-Z,..._ . William J.; Estelle Unit,TDCJ, IrE TDCJ, ..I-D No# 648121 „ ^ .264 F;M< 3478 ,Huntsville, Texas 77320 :^pril^7-2015. rAIIB deceived m -:—-•M"" / COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Hon:, Abel Acosta,:Glerk||t;";:: .;'•',',. APR 22 2015 Texas Court of Criminal.appeals P. 0. Boxl2308, Capital.Station, Austin, Texas eiAcosta,i 78711^12308 RE:... ..JYIAURICEM^^ ON;-APPIiICATI0N FOm KOESHAfiEAS^QOEPUS:; Writ. No#-13;: 573-10. -..'....' Cause Number^98TFT033i^2O2r; APPLICANT'iSlMOTIONi FOR REHEARING. Dear Mr. Acosta, I find, myself severly perplexedby-the..Court's .DISMISSAL.of my applica- tionrffor habeas corpus relief,,in face.of :.what.:a entitl ing me to relief. '•-' LhareinoiMea^ proper materialsJ'ACCESSi TO ffiURTS'^^ .need-to.research,, in order to know what to. file. Therefore.,.,1 amiimprovising. .. Pleasing .place^the^endosureilaefore :the:.icQurfe;at2>rour ^earliest eonven- .iences.fpr consideration'. ' '".'" °' ' ' . Respectfully-. /(l)_Gi3rrectioniitfus:word is Please. cc/files skf. <:. • >rrr V"" i :;?. i4V P': IN THE TEXAS. COURT OF CRIMINAL.. APPEALS ON THE ORIGINAL PROCEEDINGS APPLICATION FOR HABEAS CORPUS RELIEF MAURICE MITCHELL LAJpplicant, § § Writ No# 13:.. 573,09 Vs. THE S.TATE OF TEXAS § [.Respondent, § * .APPLICANT' S. MOTIONFOR:: A :RE-HEARING * [ ENBANC ] " ..ALTERNATIVELY: A MOTIONLFOR:RErHEARING PER. CURIAM TO .THE..H0N0RABLE. JUSTICES OF SAID. COURT: Comes.. Now MAURICE.MITCHELL,. pursuant ito the Texas.Rules. of the Court, this Court's Local-rules,..;or..any applicable.rule, asking.:.this.Honorable Court for a, [RE-HEARING], in .regards .to;his.:APPLICATION. FORfWRIX:0F H^EAS CORPUS filed in this court:.on: oruabout FEBRUARY "23.: 2015 as a.resuM-ofrfthis.'Court's *Por oin-iW' ORDERS issued, .-uDon ." I^^2i32nd:^rimiaanpistrict Court of Bowie r^nm-y, TpxarkanaTfexasx on FEBRUARY:- 04, 2015... In; support::;. of ;this:request fori a rehearing applicant., will respectfully show the following; I. Due uo previous Applications .filed:, in ithis court, pertaining to the: SAME CONVICTION, your applicant was. Proce'turally..Barred.:;from,liaving: his: SECOND APPLICATION considered, .on the: \"merits" UNLESS he could show he. was EXCUSED in accordance with,: the :STATUE,.Vernons. Anotated :Code of Criminal Procedures Article 11.07 4 (a) (i or ii). APPLICANT'S REQUEST FOR REHEARING, continued... -APPLICABLE LAW (a). In BIBBS V. KIRKENDALL:;2013:U;:S,rDist:.LEXIS.32872:Civil Action No# ll-CA-671-XR,...The., UnitedS:StaJ^sMDii&r:i^ of.Texasl in regards to..a:, 42 .USGA:.§ .1983.:action. attacking article 11.07 of. Vernons annotatedt.Code:. of: Criminal: Procedures.,.stated, 'as. follows in regards to the STATUE. " IN AppnT0N3:;::T0:::M^ ^APPLICANT. WITH:: Mr:,OPPX)RTU^ EVENT". THAT: . ' THE. .CURRENTS C1^IMS:AND2::ISSU^^ PRESENTED PREVIOUSLY. IimiM-DRIGIMLM APPLICATION, BECAUSEI..; (i)-. THE_FACmJAI...OR:LEGAL.:BM UN AVAILABLE OR; . (ii).. .^^^ A VIOLATION OF^TflFZSUNITEDIirSTATESlC^ !FOUND..THE. .APPlIC^NTrGUffi^ Citing; TexiGk^everirh.Prpcfart 11.07:.§ 4. This court:goesTori to:^I0TE,: that::: " Bibl3sr:avaia:ed:jhlmself*ofivBOTH OPPOR TUNITIES : :provideie::in:::ihe^ court denied:M6s^piajca.tion.;:: While ::Bibb'.S;:::SEGOND;: applicatlonv'macle: claims . of "ACTUA. DWQCENCE",,, ;in-order:-*dr^the-raerits^dg:BIBB!:S:APPLICATION- to be considered by.-xhercourt:, su^ FICIMT SPECIFIC:FACTS*!,^.....„.:e^ -exceptions... See; Bibbs: supra, at^page: (5) 11 (4); 0»)-» THEREFORE;, in.:.::the:: ^^ establish under :0NE:df:.t^^ Specific Facts", in order .to be. EXCUSED.:bf.:the.Procedur^^ Through his..: application,.. :[:MITGHELL]..shdwed:clearly,:his sufficient; and. specific facts.,:: article.£11.,.07: :4: (a) (,ii)::.i.,e;::":BY.AI^REPONDERANCE'OF THE EVIDENCE, . BUT . . FOR:TA.'.: VIOEmQN::OF::Tm::UNl^ juror . could., have:: fxdund:^ihe:ap!pxicat^::guilt^^ .". NO RATIONAL.jm0RaC0tO.:HAVE::F0UJ!roiT^ :MENT [TRUE],, beyond treasonable doubt. APELIC^lS..RB^IE^^K-iiffiHE^ING^ continued... III. :THIS.SC0lfe^S::DENIALvM::RELiEF: (a).. By._ this .SWORN AFFIDAVIT,. -this-verv pleading,:, applicant: S^ and. the unit mail room log shallrverify;:that on.:APRIL:10, 2015 [less than 14 or 28. days ago] .appIicanfe^RECElVEDi.thi NOTICE,- stating as toldows: the xx)URt:ihas;:dismtssed:wIS0M::^^ FOR A WRIT OF:HABFAS:C0RPl]S:.: TEX.:.X^ Sec 4 (a)e(c).. r——--section. ..(.c-)k; of•the. statue,explains:§ ,llv07 4(a)(1) as follows;. (c). for: purpose-of .subsection .:(a)(l):, a ..factual basis of: acclaim ,1s:::. unavailable rdni^oft before:: a ;; date::described::hy.:. subsection:(a)(i) if that .factual...basis_was:nd.t.:asceri^inable::thrQugh the. exercise.:of:..reasonable diligence on.or before that date. THEREFORE:.,.'it.. appears::: "that .;t^s-:.H0N0RABI£:. Court:.has taken § (c.) and applied: -it :^o:t^1^s::^;app].xcanti rand:..;has::totallyDISREGARDED:§ (a)(ii) which.-. is^an :INDEPE!®ANT.:.excuse:..f^ : :WHEREF^E::::PrenttsessiaQmsi^^ APRIL 1^20il5:ORDER._...bf :^ ...; i rv. appligant:':s.:e^ J iS::SHOM:BY..THisivji^:eouRT':s::pRFC^ (a).- Your :[A]pplicant: [HAS NOT] entered: this .Honorable court:with nothing, of his own:. . . Your., applicant:is::at^tihe'r:J:Mercy:Vv:of-T::this..„Cour.t'.and:..it!s jurisprudence. Applicant: can. only rely on:::what:.THl^ it' s precedent..... Pursuant::to±the STATUE,, applicant relies. on:.:§ 11.07 4 (a) (ii) ONLY. We have found: an ..authority, .t^ .case. In..GR0UND:0F:ERRQR:0NE,:^ .sets .out..the.WRONGIDATE,,-as:th^ criminal ..district.::,,,court.:.: of; Harris, „C6unty,.:Texas,under cause number: [447,141]]. APPLICANT'S REQUEST F^R REHEARING, continued... Section IV, continued... (b.). The: enhancement^paragraph-.-.of the indictment asserts that applicant was inally:Convicted, on APRIL 12, 1986. This is... TOTAIiY.uTSITRUE*:.^ under cause, number::[447,141]: on AUGUST 25, 1986. .THEREFmE: BBi:.:Fm:viOL^ JUROR .COULD ,HAVE.FOUTKTHE ,.HMANCEMENT..:PAMGRAPHS:m^ AREASONABLE DOUBT. Applicant; relies :. •on your ..authority: aslfound:InUEXPARTE BARFIELD 697 S,W, ,2d 420 [Tex.Cr.app.. 1985:] as./Controlling. Applicant. also.:.cited.: EXPARTE:::RICH::i94 S.W. ,2d 508:.[Tex.Cr.App. 2006] as controlling..: in: that:. ;this is:a"NO EVIDENCE" Point, of,::error cognizable on writ of habeas corpus. See; EXPARTE- WILLIAMS 703 S.W. 2d ,674,,[Tex.Cr.^p. LEXIS 1183 (1988). In applicant',s:;:SECOND.:issue:presented:to: this, Honorable;Court, he. asserts continuously, that- he :::is: "Actually ...:Innocent" .:.of the:enhancement paragraphs because, the enhancement; fa^s: to,.^ P?-™E-.'.'- OFFENSE, under cause /number :[447,141.] lri.;:that the.statue article 12.42; (dto require that all:: VAVERMENTS'.:.:. to:whiGh.:the.:.atate:.will:be called upon: to. prov- by TRUE. BEYOND, AREASQNABLE.DQM and proven by the standard of: [Ti|RE||beyond,,a:reasonable doubt. Applicant cited as. CONTROLLING, this., court's::.precedent set. out la.J0RDEN;V. STATE 256 S.W. 3d 285.[iex.Cr.App. 2008]. Finally, .both: errors: shownconclusirvely,::that..."IF. NOT FOR VIOLATION:OF THE ..U.S.... Constitution.,.:, .no: rational: .juror_.wouM:ha\-e..found[the enhancements TRUE:beyond.a reaon&^Iedo^ bar, and_this Gourt.:was/is:;fi^e::to;consider:;,,^ claims. May this :court .note, that applICBintwa^ [70] for..an.-:otherwise.±hi^^ penalty of no less than two.years::.nor:more-than: ten:years:. See; This .court'.s. opinion, in EXPARTE:RICH, supraj APPLICANT'S REQUEST FOR REHEARING., in conclusion... CONCLUSION . :WHEREFjaRE^^anisfiS-::GonsMered^ :[A]pplicant..Prayj that: this~Hondrable' Texas... Court. of.Criminal. .Appeals.,.: willWnHDRAWit's: APRIL.'Ol, 2015 ORDER of DISMISSAL, arid grant/applicant a ."Rehearing"...;.:.in„. the .interest of justice. Applicant, pray . this.cause be. reversed :to:the:trial:court with instruc- tions .to., grant...applicant a new trial. Respectfully.. Submitted; TTfTjp Mr. Mauric jPfo-se. Your Novice William J. Estelle Unit. TDCJ, I-D No# 648121 264 F.M. 3478 Huntsville, Texas 77320 NOTARYEQUIVALENT. § STATE OF TEXAS County of WALKER: § Subscribed: and SWORN, to .on the undersigned Is: oath,: .that the/above and foregoing factual: allegations: of ..whichithe undersigned :does have- personal know ledge ..are .true..correct and. complete,:to. which/he places;ihis^ftapd^and proprietory SEAL on this Xhe/?SfJ day of APRIL. 2015 . Sincei ;.::CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ...:,I.MAURICE MITCHELL.../do....hereby.: cer ify that/::a:|:true and correct ocpy of. APPLICANT'S MOTION .FOR.;- PREHEARING. iENBANC]:ALTERNATIVELY:A: MOTION FOR REHEARING PER CURIAM,...•/has.: .been./served; upon/the clerkiof the Tecxas Court of Criminal appeals;/ by ^placing sameln.the; United.^State's Mail/on this, the IStk day ofi..APRIL:.2015;::postage prerpaid//addressed as follows: lxa^rtG8!tCrSi!n;al Appeals - P. 6. Box 12308, .Capital Station^^^f Austin, Texas '"'"'-.: 78711-12308" Respectfully .Submitted; aurj^erg:gKtcheli,Pr):-se /Specialize: LegalTEchnician/ .^Southern.Career Institute . Paralegal No# P-7g-9169-Z Wiliam J.. Estelle .unit . TDCJ, I-D No#. 648121 .264 F.M. 3478 Huntsville, Texas 77320 ...