Limas, Juan

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                 \o ~(. ~o.,._o... ~\o\E.. -lu~(.. -of So~.,a <2-oort:
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                    1\Nd ~           ~-r~".\-'~1 f6\,\1nl'i ~OC" \Alf'\\- of                                  1'-"-o-W\JO\MVJ
                   ()J\!     ~"l>~·b\ho.J VJOV\d ~e. O.~(='r-opr,t.l\e_.,

                                                                                                               RECEIVED IN
                                                                                                        COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS

                                                                                                                    OCT 07 2015

                                                                                                              Abet Acosta, Clerk
            s"""'.W\e. 0 ~ \,~,~-\lo,Jf un~e..f 1JY\-\~ s~+-e-r Code..S
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de.f.en~r-\ 1     f\ll)    t:.xtens~oi\)J.\o.V            "'S           de-~1N ed~

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G..,n o~          o'sc.... ,"",..,e\+tv/\1     "'3"''1)~-\-      c...   fret-q"'/ -oe..f&l~ee- 1         , ....

 ..\-u\N'\S oC"        f"'"C..C.'"' e~u~h\~                  .
 IL} 1\     VIOI'{tto,J   (!)~ ll'11te.d- s~.f-c.f lo.uJ Auth1Jfl2ed, u~dlj' +~ i'ub\tC...
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Fol'      Ut"'dv e.       d.!)~/
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 Af~eJ\£4;)+ v-e~pe-£-l-Fo\\y                 frc.\y      fi,"+ -h,\s      CO.J/f     av·£\,,..,t
'?e -h ~ o,J rt> ( j
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 \ t)ec\f'\-re unoct" PGYl"'\ty of 4'erfecA·· 1 -r 1-ne :)..S u.s, C- ) \ 14g
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                                                     CERTIFICATE OF SERVICl&

            ·I hereby certify that on this the                             Q.          ·day of_6c_<~.,...o....~~f':.-- _ _ _                                         .J.             2.() \ S ·
a           true                 and ·               ·correct ··           cdpy             of           the                   .above                           and                        foregoing
..:=l).'):::.!~...l.:'\~oCi:..;..._jM~"':.;..;V"l:.wOO~rn~"';..o.;·~.....·.;:;.CA.;....~-llo~'--IS?\.,...:.:'b::;..';..;.}...;.\..:;..b_,J_____ was fonvarded to the office of


              On this the._ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----~ came on to
be heard Defendant's                                                                                                                                                                           and said
motion is. hereby
                                              { )GRANTED                                                      { )DENIED
              Signed on this the                                      day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~:------

                                                                                                              JUDGE PRESIDING