March 16, 2015 NO. 03 -) H- 00313> - C.SK IKS THE TKLRD OlSTftXCT OFTKXAS SoPoarvve ^oOlClAl C00RT OF APPea\s KURTA\ I£f\> £STUA4, AffkWaWY. TWE STATE O^TEXAS 4flPeoJ oP Coxu^e.tV)D-0AS-\3-(DlBHc\ Fror>n TU'fc \\°T^ OxSTftXCT CoorT oF COWco CourTM HoTionTo SoPPMroeoT oftlGIWAV P^o SE SfieV or response -Vo Arxc^eTS £>o\e9 "To TY\e \4onJor®»b\e ^osV^ceS o9 W\e CoorT o9 Comes <\coJ W\cY X\\&s> E-sVKq^ AFPeAVcoT fro St. P^oTxor%To Su?PU*bAQ. A ^Yo Se KV^cofT \s io'Vx'VWc^ To c\WNe.r\di 0c SO^?\\to.eV\V u?UnJ. SVAes OW\X, 3DfcOHM-2>5li ©eaoroor^Texocs, -7770s THqT ATTorne^ Wq^ P\Wi an Ar^ees W\eP emd AYPelWnVs T\^Vi4 +t> ?\\e e* ^ro ^e. br\e? or res?ov^se Vo -tW A^IWde^s Wie.9. TEL. o^ S^RVe.fv\b^r S> ^o\H; V-W oS?e\\ocVe record uOQS foVs^r rrt^e e\va\k*b)e +o APfeAtarA*- The CajfT dM ^ve Vrve AVfeUcvrTT Tloo exYecvs\or\ VWere^nsre maKmc^ deadline. FeWoocH "37, io\^> For fAxnc^ brieP or fe^onse* _ 3r* j hi5 is AffellaoT Rrs-lr brveF, AfUJlarvr K4Rk)\qnT ^°T Knouoirt^ cjuhaf he 5 (d©ina> \yj\- 3ZT. W \W reason sWAed q\xn^, ATj^l^r^n^^c^^lUlH rec^uesV Vo W aUcxoei To SuWWmenVor Amend P Se. WieF of ttLS?o\Vfe \n SpforT oP A?telL^i eiffeqU ReS?^dVrLWM JoWiHed* *D(bD Kn- 351H BeaomonT, Texas 777o5 a, 4?fk\lctnT PrpHs +ho+ VVe C-©ck-V qOsirtV VKis rooTion To SoPPl1,rrvenV or Kroeo^ Oc\^tr\r\eF. SW^ectfullM SubrvVvHed, Ki' i-T A\ lerv estk<^h^- PeYiYxooer, tto Se. lexers P^rTr^entoFCrvrom^ 3U3YxOS- XnsVv\o-V;or\oA 0vVx3\or> POo-cK u)- SYiWs OniY T.P.CA-ld* ^v^o^S oV feeauraorT, TeAQS "7770S CtRTxFxCATE OF SERVTCt I VAecabo) cer-VIfH Yk&Y a Yrue CdPH oP \Y\e. •above Pn-oTioO. ror SoWxmenT or ArriendeJ "feY'xtxOo or Y>rte9 ouc*s Served on PV Geooo,e. r ir\ VKe. US. PHovW addressed To'. Tonr\ Green CounT4 CouvTKoose, CoorT SYCeeY Annex, v^H LOesT Beiavjce,c^C^, Son Ano>e\o,TeXaS 7^03/, Oft) HmS YW aaM.s9 Warc^ U,^o\S /T.VT Allen tsWxaH ReidYor 3- IMAIMES OF AW fhrfies Xn order YVkxY YY\e vnennbers ©9 YV»e CoorT CAaM £}eYetcvr\\tne, disc^QUPic-aYtons ©r >re£\>Ss<\ porsvjcxnTlb Rule.7H(p5 ©9 YKe To&a morY, T^xns?77&S". SYate. fear MO, IG5OQO; I3.S ScDO^h TrviO^, Sar> JXno^eAo TeXcsS 7^03. 30>ATtorneW o9 record en affea\,KlKK tiA^Wios, S-VaVc Bar K3o. \(,«>tfcj000, P0,Box3tHS, SAW AW&W>,Texas 769oX. 4D TKe. UoooraOtAe Ben LOocdujQ-r^^Tricil ood^e,, Tc>rv~\ Green CcorAM CooxrVVxoose., IP. toesV Se&vXTeQ/acc^ S^n A\-N^o,Texc\S. "76^03 5.) ^flPeWcxYTTv. STaTe oFTexeiS., fe?oe.SenWl bM. V^e/Georoe, TAeCcfeA, WHTK D^sYncY AYWnei, qnd W, £>u>o.4-H coorTKoosc, GoorY SVreeY ArvoeX, VHH oJesY £>e£(uffecy£xrc\, Sbn An^eio,Texas v^HG"^. f\)0, 0^-14-00 5\ 2>-cft IW THE CcorT d? AftW\s> KirT Allen EsVWi, RECEIVED^ VS; MAR 16 2015 TWRDcouwoFAprewy Tke. S\uVe ^,r \exoS>, SOPre_rr^ ^o^\C\a\ OisVpicV cSFTe^aS*, Comes TOQu37 KirT MVex\ LsW\,A??e\W^ Pro SET ipi \-Y\e. cibDve.-e.nV\Vled oly^g\ ^r\uo^WCeA CaoS£; ar\d £lWs \-Va"5 ^rleJ? 9 A^e\Vcm\ vr\ SupPorT VV\e_ce-©V ujooVA sVoujA\n\S Voc\©cat>le. CcucT ^ffkllcxnT, K^rTAWoiO d-sVYvoH, uuos charged uoiH-> Qt^ofoiV^Ted jQISSquiV ujvVh a decxd\H uOea?GC\ a ^nd decree- fceAorft ,W cxn oPPe.nse pUe^edi *©V\ove eccoCCed on Aoo^ost 3H;^o\3r The \odi£T VW foSSlfoie, ?or\\SVsr^eoV aP 3STo HS Hears or Ufe.TW CaSe uOOvS Vrv^ beware, a ^orM be,gmn\nc^Ve>ocoovcH N^iaoVA. TW J>ocH reVuroec^^ vefd*c\ dv c^j'AVM on fe\orucxcM t8;w>M. TVxe AWeY^aoY ?Wd Yroe. Vo boYH <^^nce_m<^Ys and ^V>eA??csL\\aT\Vujas S<^r\\eooed VoT^enVH PiveG^ HeoCS \0v YV*e "Vexa^ De^a^^exsY oF CrJvv^OcA ^osYvCe TnsbWY\ox^cA DiviSoc\\x} VW CoorT- TKe. CoocT also Poovvd YW*V Yb<& Pefer^ocsX u^ed or e?r^(c9NAo\^ 3t. t.T The State- 9oxx\ed to Prcve beHonei a s~eaSont>bW doubt that the Said \jOea¥c,r\ \J"Sed ^ VW Connm'tSSion o9 SoLd. oYTevASe. uJaS a dead Vi. uJeaVon. 3.") The Stale fa»Wobte daobY, H.) The sVate FcnWcJ To ?rove. q YhceaY x-0\Yh \r\Vsn\ for inncotnervY bcdUH trx^ucS- S> The Sta-W 9cn\ed Yo?CQVe otfs ©xSSau\Y xjJoS Com m xYt ed • fe.) The evidence i^> \ecya\VH vr\5o9Plc\eciT' To Su?forT tb>e, ConvicY'too. 7.) Oens-cA o9 6oe?roce55 oo>dnrxer\t: 8.) TKe evidence \ s PacVgalH \nsoYr,c'xeoY To SarlbrT oor\V Xn&hVecYws. aSS\SY0v\Ce of CoovV5e\- \0 XnconslsYenV aod oontcad'xc-Yxv-v^ 3- •SfaTeMENT OP The bvXP^cjg oft) AuGOsTw^o© vbe £0lq. Volurviter Rvr& OefetrTn^erT be\d c* YtqP shooV Vo ra\Se. Funds FoC de^ VcoobW, booVbe.r\r\^ \es>PW ^rPdi^Vio^ PHrS CbroVv^ cW\med aVPeAbnY Y^exd Wen Vr^no^ Vo VcU oloton- Hrs Cbrtr^K, VesVlPCed VbaV Vb\s a\\ ba?Penebcx\- bai baS?ene<^ ujbe^n e\VPe\WnY u^a^nV Weoe, £\n<^' longer- C2RR 35 57-\&*0 M. 7T The. SYcvYe CoWs P°\r Cervonks Pbcbaeb The Son el V»C~VYrn. PV Cervantes '.oc\S em?lcH^ by a Cooc^eAe. cornPooS and bad ^oocbeci aoV d? Touon oil\ uJeeVw VW \ived \ncanenY boose oconed bi £r ne s\ Yocre S, uj \Vb b\ s bra-Ybec - %o Aavo Goadalo^e Loncuor, aloocj udiYb b**s uo\Fe and S\>\ Kids a^es b-^^eo.r s .("5^ 3r3', \O~\d broker in-U^,(3R^Mo;\5-\HO ^vTel?uo\ Vod asKed abooV ujotK and oja^ ir*Pocwad \\ uaodd beoPVec \oboc dbH boY Yb*?^ racxH be biri^3*(3R^4o; a\:l Came bocK and K-ad osKed Suv-\e ouesYiorvs obaiV ujorV.-feR^MH ;\>O.V) AffifeWaKT bad cayv>e bac^^^ a^b.rvoj obaoV ujorU Q^aJn boY sYocWd c^eYbnq ?o*b^i3>mH5^UO>V,\ HV CecvanVe^ YbaY K« hue) o^oYYeo mad and oPver oooeds be +cU A^eXbrH h^ c* ^ob and jont- l^ave£3^4<^bB^ FV OrvqnYes Te^Tifted thcxV APPeUanT ha A uja\bed oPP WuY oJo/s re.cdU aY Ybe bacl< ov bv5 Yroe-K &nd A?Pe\|ab\ and K;d'sf and he oiob\ Kr^ouj i V,boV APPe\\c*v^T rv^osY VcKvebaecd Wir*x on Vbe_ \V-iox~\& u^bi W bo. bod t«\Kee) Vobis ujiVe ^rovvv ioV'i€, bx s> Vruc\<-(aRfcHb*,>-OV) SYaW i u)\Tncss',PV CecvanVes Yesb9\ed YVo-\ he qeVs cd\ ci Vu s VrUcb and *-be aPViLVVunv' Ccdb^di \bbN V\e SYeYs ui lu ln\m and Sb^yS T_ duvb\ \\V-e ujKa\ Hou '5cA\cd cAnd So ACPoa>; 3^ HM'3^%) ^34^ ) Pw CewcAn\e 3 tcrsbP^d VboxY W^ae\^ ScuCec\ Vor b\vv>Se\£ o\v>,d h\s K;ds becooSe Vb^M uobec6 ocVs ca\^^ dver^vWc^v^^ AnJ 5o L bob \a Vbe \ocvcYC oV v^\^ YtocK ond Yheres Sov^bt S^dvv rro\v\ '.jcjorb ,; iov^N^r ujoojcin S\abe s So I^e\ bA CooVW oPAb^T^ooV V^ beJ? XM\P^ uuod^v-&yr^ rn^ (3?\v\H%(4~-~^>'*^ *^b Ce.Cvo*nYe^ Cb\rv^ AYve\br\i iYoc \ s Coibnc^ b>s cbuobYecs Hov\n^; u)or\\\na V\ec Y^ Cu\'^^ V- b\Ao vjo , T sYacYe a uda V1 n^ 01Y h*^ Qno uje Loere Pa^ ofocV and V-sG v\ao\m com^s baCK doojn u\\d Sees ujV.ob exoin^ 00 (3U?V3^ s-l^d pOr L>er\/onie^ eLn^x •; ibc UoQ, Yn ed seYWe A?fe\\ad HooKoouj, bveci V-o mobs brx fb-V Vbs- \WrYed Calling V> and wjovVvnc^ acres s Vbe SY r eT uo\Vb a Knxbe.. Y^Yr Vunq Te& YbcvY be ujas c\ose Vo Voocb P^\c CewooYe5 unii 0\\ yv>o SY Voa cK A?vk\ lo bP a An^v feflft -73; ^H-S&3 (2>R^1H; 1-ihO r*V Looq Y«Yi?i3» 1x0-;od 7. P^'V Luno, VesViP.ed TWT be Yold bis broVVec in-iqtu 4o o^o mS\de YV>e boose and YdrV Vo Leave. (3b\V£b; b~7:) parWnq Y^sVbed YbaV iP POr Cen/onbes Said Hoo Void h«m VbaY YY^e \-c*lu naa been Ca*^d once m^-vJ Can^e sc^d^ QpYerYKe orresY- (3hb jrr; 12-iyJ (3pft \ \1; 15 - \"11) (3 hP \ n' "Xi - 53 •) O PP i ceC Ye s-v iPied tVat Sbe ujenV SVrcucjbY Vo Vbe fro? sbooV c*ndi sbe bad noV SVol ooujujbsre bePore £^eVY\r\C^ Ya Th^ trap sboaY, vncd even YV<*e CarvcxnVc SQOd tonus Y^ov^e.(3RYbVd'; \tOi\;)oPFicer PHonYz. VesV|P\ed VbaY Ped?V~ uoece PYacyiyna OS doton. Qnd aP-Ver c^eYVinoj Vo VV\e A?YeAWnV X Placed Wt*v* in buvndCoT^S Qnd SoY bm^ ciouuo on VWe ground -(3PP RH\-x-i 0 (3Kb\°i(b I-20 OPFice HaC'iY^ 7e si iPie a V-ba Y s be Yi ad OeSL>T H dot s bod r iqUeX uJi+h bec\ SYaVeTesYiPb^nO) Y-baY oFPVcer F^pri+z. did have atarYneC ud*Yb Vvar.&ftflcft* \R-x$ (3R«»0\;\3 "7-B") lbr Puna adrrTi+s he bo_d been bos?\ Vc\\\ a V9,'Wer evesV W^Vs Vbl For A\Wv^bYed So\C\de and dnu^ aY^d alcoVol addlcM&n^$?V78; 6ds^ Vbn Panq adnniYs Vbob be VoVd mrs P^YoCeno VVvcY SonneYblnOj Loqs happening aYYbe beose; anoll /©©# 0pR. Amd he hadnY mc^xy^cl q telepbone Call ^osV bePoce +heo*CsRftb\; H-^H"A p H\fcD >H'"iO ft^ oObenYWoY bcWenedfem^'S^^O-^rd bdr bona Ye^bbed bbaV be TecxW^ cooAd^auj uobcxV K;nd oP brdfc because q.\\ be bneuj \V bad cxVdinV onW, and be bad dosV Sauj liPe ex S'AveP edge, on W. (3Rftfc5*7-U0 mr Uonq YesY;P\ed TbctT be bad never YoVd anbbodH TbaT A?PeWonT Followed K\v^\ or V^r CervanYes aooond-) and b^ never 7d/d +h^ dePuTM 3rber\PP YbaV.feWBSP, VT-~X& VT\r Cervantes Ve^Vvb\ed Vbcd- once be. Sbe^VTs de?ax-\rr^e.\-xT stwxued O? b^ <&\d noY come ouT noY \jr\V\W ever^\h,nq coos eveC. (3W53j^-"XoO) PVCc-rvaMei Veined orao^d av^d Ve/sYx9"ted> TV-,eT be, qY Luna tried to rncVb a?fe.\\aoY ?oT Ybst Kn\be au.oH Q™3 c^t oWk\Wnt Yo 0,0 xn^de wWsa^tf jT)c Cefvqn\e5 uoc-oVs Yo r^eAAe SOfe be rf-ts/6"-c o>\\ orooxnds * VW ©Aso YesYNV\ed YVxcxV P^cUunq OjeY? a??e\Wn\ \ <_, c^o \00cK ujhere tbeb oJ^Te. beca03s_ V>e coer\Y \r-xb>oe' (3f?$53;2bb30 Tb& State SVoCbs Ae5\A9^o^ boc Ybe ^\tnsSS(3RRS"A;>b:ib^5^S3;b\\:') pn,,-Cervcaxr^eS YetsYT-ved YboA bbrbona escorted offife-Wavxt bacH to bxS boose, hot pes Hot 5vX*e. ^c l~oaq ^oS t>_,c^ Vo tbeckaH sbocsV.{3W53;8-\00 r'VLuna tesbbea tbat once be arrived Ar->d tcAd Abrbbqv-b <-oba\s o>o\ooj nd ^r c©^var\Tes ojeks ^osY Yo\Kb>cj- b>r bono. Te.^TvYbed W Yo\d \vnv C^vonVe^ Yo 30 \oV,de QY->d Yo\d a^eWobT To Wove becoo^e bs uoaS aoxrxq t^ C^H tb^ lato, a^d uJWn Ybe sWVed fvxc Vvjx-xq tes\T\ed,qnd Y->bat Vx& Sex \d coa^fY LiK,= mr Cbervaf-Te>- 10, HV Ce-vvqntes testx^xed tbc»Y b»s tarotbeC- ,n- W^ fOckund ^tt^alfeilonT To o>o \oSide and +^n fV Cervantes boeK door's arxd YesYxbxed VVxaY 00r buna Gjebs affellont Vo go bacK x^jbsre -VYeM vjjer-e ©d, becaoSe be. qds \r>Sxde-.(3P>B5^"> lo-Xyd Ax-»d ncK-oTW States Starts \exxd oxvnd te^Yx^xna,. (3Wfc53»a-N\> OeferxSe never object's. St^Te Jegb^ and /ead(3RR54; «-J-3»3-) POr CeCvanWs Ve.'iYxbxed. tbat tbis bo?fened around bOO 0' C\oOv< ?^(3R^5T, e}-Q:) Tbr LgOQ YasYxY\i».d \VmS otb boWefNe^ around H;0o» H*-3D,(3fl^e&,3xV^ OFF.cerGeorG^atW.'tz Te^T.r.ed Sbe a)o5 dtS?xeci acoorxd 4>"'~5>£e. was at tbe Kids, Wonce I <3oV ^*<"e. it "JQS K;W and rWH bnoYW<--;n_LQuj into ujordsX3^"73',2o-^y T^V LoOa back dodTS and *esti.P»ed tbat ba Votol fVs. THore-oo *sv^d YVxetv--. Yba\ tbe re ujqs Sox-netbtno, boppenxoex, aV YV»e bause? an-d be tooK c?T, amd be coasbtoo Vbe ?b©oe- <3$ft8U 17-24:) U^tness for Defense r^rs Xr^<* xmoceoo TesTibeid tbaV f^r bono, bo.d been on Yne ?bone a\od bad e^oYten ovse-Y ojK. \e on 4be;iMb^:) f^V Cent*nVes VesY&~\ ^d VWqV b\ 5 taroYher- \n - W^o fncLuooj <^eVsQ?RdbnT To o>o \nside~ and Yhen HV CervioioYes baoK doobs" and Y^sY\P\ed YhaV PV bona QyabS aiPeUanV Yo ejo bci^b uohere YYaH uoene q\Y^ because We qos bs\ck-^Rfl5i) aO-S30 Avnd nou)Tb SYoVds sVorY's lexxd ound Ye^Yxbyvncy C3W^53;a-n;) DePense never ©bdecYs, STcifc TesTi^ii^ and /ead(3RR5M;M-^B0 P^r CervanY&s VesY\9\ed> VbaY Ybis bexPPen^d abound Poo 0 *C\oeb p^R^^n* £f-p:) V^r V.onu Y^sVv9\ed YYVi'S cd^ hoY?er\e& ground H:0o, H-3O,(3ftfte3;3d0 OmcerGeorGUn^tWPYz TesTPied SheuOoS diS^cxYcVed aroonvd &>'♦!>.& fr-^ TOr Wona uoos ' never aY rnc G^cvrxrA^ boose udbeo OvPPeWunV and f^r CecvcxnYo^S bad ujordr. feRRSaSie-n:) far Luna V-esYifved he heard His taADYherbn-\ctuO Hell«nQ and Vbow^hY he was HeVhr^j cxV Ybe Wuds, buT once I <3oV ^Wne iV ^qS 141KV and mHbnoVW<--;n-Lctuu .nfo ouordsX^W73;2o-;»:) P°Vr LoOa \dolc\< docTS anA +e.sY\Red Yhn VhctV Yhece ujQS Sorr\eVb\no^ h^ppexbne^ c\V Vbe bouse.;, and be V00K dPP, eir\d be ooashY on Vbe ?hone< (3Rft&\ ; n-ab:) UdboesS Por Defense P^\rS Xrrac* rnoceno TesTiPxeid YhaV P°^ ^r\c\ b^d been * on Vbe ?bone c\nd had a^oYYen e??se-Y ajhde or\ YbefbonefHR^SlO^Hd^:) PHrCervanVes TisXifted VboY Yhe A^eWonT Ca\rie bac\4 -Vo Ybe ^ronY Me\hr\o> Por b>n^ Vo Come aJi*side«> and X closed Vbe cocVa\ns« AS^Wacft OjqS 4-here).Ond be tePY, T cyjess YhaVs udhsvn VVms. SbeCiPPs de^VafTmevT Shouo o?.> X 53; I>^dO PV6ervQnYes +evriP;e3 YVaY rarUir^ hcid ojoV Ybere and vJt. ujece aco^uVn^ and KV?e\b*yT hod WsKn\£e and T had vnH sYabeS in w\H ho\r\d. (3RRWU-V*-.) FV CecvanY^ VesV\Fi«* Yhad Hi* b-roYbecbn-Aav^ or L,rneSY had caW Yhe?o\vce* kffiUU S-VdTheM bod Void me Ybe^ had already bod Called Yhe lau^* 3R^t\^ \\*. boPe m^ bro\hec*\n-W Void me VbeH had a\^epdu> CoUe d YW P0\icj£-* fceeoOSe X had called rHC^"OL)ife and "fold her he coos harassing nne,and sbe Called bee Cousin LcnevY Torres and He Called Yhe ?o\ice. (3WRfeUH-25*) LoPe Yold me vYe»r uJmsPolrceon Yhe ujouj^^ b"3t#55-GO >Andl XoPe Ha D Yo ^e h«? hod ca/led +he Police^Rft fcV, ;l-4:) The Teuton be bod CaW W ^> oo^e \nSYorvd qP Vbe 9o\ice uoa^s beeooS^. YAH Phone n^josIH Yhe Vroc\k cVarcynq> and X d»dry\ haue bvv\«. Vo oJLVh h'\r*\ uj^Yu Hni9e aY htrv-w(3fft? 6,3; H-\sO DeVense5 X i^Aooq)hY v^oj Scud ucur ?Yione uJoS \o ^ooc 7ruc^,(3RS\63^^bSx^;^ Me^ F\H ?Yoa^ vjoo% 'tn^ Trud he believed about So long) He ujqSbvt Sufe-(3Rn 50*) lH'O f^f CeCvanteS S-fcded TboV be See's ^n;?-e ond <^eb Scared for himself* qocJ bis Kids becc»u5e 4taeN uaefe Ptay»ViOj on the +rocK(3TOHc*\l4-1.8\) n»r CarYtvrtas eqrNer -fes-KrnorM, T^oT A?PeWanT Vod x^W^ drP but Affedbff beqvd Vum on bis rY%or\£To hx's uj'.fe beCaose o^?e"ibxnT ujas crHhe bacrbeT his brocH u>V-u'le be ujaS on Phone inside Ca»V> oF h«S frocK) Qr\6 Vbs Kids ujere a\So in bciCr\ c£ his YrocK b^ h,'seor\Her tesVnrorrb fenRH6;7-B")teR^H^i6*IB'^ po ucM fbr CerVanteS u>od\dVtY have Knou->n affe\\a.nT uuqS <5+ 4be btxcK o^ Ws tOJcX* > LOith Ki'dSi bouJ Ccxj\d Sonne one net &ncwu Who ujouNabe. second tWe. ki^^r ^6 5**2 (^RR4S;i6H80 feRRHT7jlH7-)Thefx5 vj*$ no Kids or c. V\r\ ^ersbFxed VKat once, bis braVber 'm-\auJ )T°vr Uona o/stt&VWre W Yrx^s *e> SetUe affeUarT douon ,Yrbj> to nnobe avU.\\av-xY Rjt tYe Knife ouoqMj C^Pfe-WabY ujo 5 Sb l\ ac^u'ina^ 5oxa\oc^ H-nSbW o,o'mO| Vo fxbxSYx VVx.s. no VT\a\br uobaY.(3RR52.*, \5-\c*-> ^r Luna teshrrxobt ujos not arbUhtng ).Ke fHr Gervarvtes * »n?act Ke neVrM Send av-N^-x-birxc} aboot c*n°e\lainT hcw*ri<^ Kn.9«s. out or ? 14 -SjjkTfc' Cobs GoadaPuPe Voncx .bc} Te^Ybbed helYej Ssbhis SisVeC and bis brother— in-\aul ond Vhe.r Kids* fAc Uunq i^ eu4TCenV\H disobWd Caused b<^ Vyvv-v-% fo-no\nv\ \nYo an \8 oJiV^eebr. C2>rbV\bb;\0-\u;) pYr Uuna Ye^Vibed he had dca?ed ,APPe II a nT orP qY Horne end Yhen be ^oen\ baeb To /Ae irol sHooh "ond Vben VbcxYs uobeb X hea<"d oYbcrsV I YhoOAhY iY luQS mH bro YYief-\n-\avj^ Me\li'noi oV the Kid's, boY uiWol o^oY Yhe.ce \V uX>S Y\\r\ ar>d rvx^ VroVYec-', v^Aouj \nV toord^ THeW ujere /iKe Cuss'^no) eacb oYber, and X Sqn^J fnH broVY>eC - n -XcxvjJ UJtYh a £ Yi cK i n b\ £ Y^and , cxnd X SaoJ hub uo\Vb q KrV\Pe \r\ViS kond.(3RR73;ib^S^(3P^lH;Y^b) HV bona -hesY.ned Yha\ be ujors C\o5e t,r\OKji^\^ Yo Yooch b* s bfoTher ~T, ^ou Knou3, UJbaYs qoioqon- NPVec YhoiV "fbeM uJefe bsi Va\V/*nc\ and mu VoroYherbrv buj 5ma } uJeb be iosY Cannes over he's dfonb and JL to\d KirY 1leoSe leave because Lm Cjoma To CqH t-he Cop^. And bohen Ybea SVacYed S&Paf odYnt^, X VooU. oVV Vo ca\\ Vbe ?o\tce. \v *Wr DePense Co Us £rne-sY Torres ; Plr Torms TeshP\'e,(d YhaV exPYec PAf V-uncv ^5b/ed uaev^Y ever Yhefe- PYr Torres TeYT \P{ed YhoiY Yhe.ce .o^ a de^oYM a IreadH Yhece^HR 3DiV6-io^. OpRcec PHanYz- lesTiPie^ ThaT laVeron She Va\bed ubiYb 'P°lichcxe\ CeCvqnYeS omd PuP^p. Uoaq ^P5 (3fift \OclVH~fcO DePuT^ P^acW^L VesVified she bad r\oY YctKeo Yhe SVciYernenVs^ and \V udas in. her Ve^orV e^YheC- OYPieeC stdnnvVs , SVre bad been Void abcoY bneir S+Qtennebp or^d she ehcV Cea^d Vhe\A-n, OFFrcec Lo\s Ro5B-3dO OPPtoeC T^sPaPted VbcY she Search Ybe YvrnrnedvaVe cacea Par We KniPb^ ^be Vesbbed Ybeb JTKe also loobed ;rv Ybe ProvYT Ho^d oP 0"Vr CcrvqnYxes Ko^e. APPiiCcbon ffVs SVaci OotoVxVn for Ybe sYoYe-.mrs DorotiK Testified -tbat sW d'x$o\ b>«*c>^ oobcxY V\ad \oeCarr\e dr f\We,\\abV or»te. We uaa5.'r\Y qt tbe. Yro? sWoot orM Io^o/lcX^^S", K-\&-) FacTj there \^> Oo loqM V^ics "DocxjVvVs LOouVd noY b\ave Kr\©Lon> ujhoiY bad •bec_jG>rv-\e cP ftffle.Ua.nT \£ "Sbe. vjocxAd Vxo^e. WWn^ ud\YVx OVVxoer VTgccVx-Z-., KKe orP\cec te5ti9ied sbebwb (3ftftSb"5\-"*0 a\sofefcfc\Dfc% n-^S".^ OrVicer fOariYzi had oAso Yesti9ied YW\ sV»e Wd onotV^er de?uTH r\d/vno> ujbb W.C DsfoYi Lo i5 Rodr\^oex; (39,?* SH; 7?) Qod (39& R Cfbxcer ^(xbxVzu Ws\b9ed She bad YaVbed uo\VY\ OTr Torres (3ftfboV, bVO Officer ho,d noV bedKed lodh 9nr YorreS.Cb^9x3^; ^M-5.S0 Po, I. r^CS SVac'x Dox-otib Vesti9xed ThcT sW d*dr\\ Kcvouu v^bere <&?Ve\WOT ooebY »-Or\en be'b\ Tbere orx^ W^r. (3^3S*A^\«»*0 fV Torres tesbfxed ThcCT be didbY see oooVWr de&Ti uP oVP»«r maritz. testified she bad no\~ Sto?ano^bere beFor aeVYi^o, Yo tbe IxVPeW axbY, noY even We Vo noCs Wr^e(3Wb \\<\', Ifc -3A"O <£Y jcec Ye^Vvibed VbaY sW SecxCCrxed, Vbe\oYe area. W nouo sbe Searched W Cer VanY^-s Sro^i S^rd.Ci^bxW^Vi^Cs^rWN&^O oY^ter oeYoCe o^tbo^ Vo Ybe ©x?Pe\tant(3RR\\°b->V<>-3V0 OFPxcer cxd^xts 5^e dcdtA bcve We YbcY tboY VenT( boV sbe. Vodx been Yo\d oibcoY \Y qnd sbeW, n-ad b.(3^WV, Y^.-aS'b) DePuTM GeocG.oa TAabvYz. YesYvVied focSYate. Oe?oTl r^ar'Az. testi9xed tbQtsbeb&£ been dis^tcbed around t'.^S^ °°d acvbved around £>''S2>?f^cxr\a oo tbe^Coond- C3Rft\0&*, n^AV.) P^r bnvcboe. Cervantes te^Tibe^ it qH Vxa^ned at i:oop- &Rri ^7; lo-uO PV GuQ^q\4 Vono ^r. tesY.Fied YbaY evexrHvbxna^ Y^aFPened H:00 Pnr> H:30 PfV> fe*ft 83*, )G-2.t0 OirecT examirwVioo SYate Ccd\ 5 T°iicbc*e\ CorvonTes Vo^umTc,bi\M tesViFiett oibouT rVxor Criro\Oo\\ <"ecord Ttsere^pre, vieav<"rNOJ aW>'5e ' "iprft-essiorx w,\\x ^or4 . (3ftS. 3^;7-^\*d ^3. S IoiTt S lO i VneSS 0 ^T\ cbcxeA CervanVes Te-sTbied TbcPP Q^e\\oc.r\V had c^oWen PoshM aYx>oP q Aob; and thocV rno\de h\r\n mad* So he Veils andlomYYe's 'CxgY ^o\noj YoheYP hirn ooihY a dcb> vanvdl Yhen he YbVcX o\\\eA\°onl To have, APPeUanT.sYcvcYs vao\bv(no) 0FP a^dsc TV C&Wan\a5 call bYS W\Pe a.nd Yc\b ber APPeWanV ujasYoVhea^oj bm- P^C CeCv/ctf\\es TesTvP[ed Ybo\Y XPPeAWbP WdnV re,ex\b\ alKed obP^ aVPcWov^Y toas bst aY YheBo^h O P b\S Vc^cAb edexne^ aJxVb Y\ne Vbdsj W>Y V\e did NnoY bnouo ^^VeAlcinV v^ja 5 Ybect^. 5c Y^^ b pave hcxecd b'^nrv con Yhe \ hone ujhde VdlbxoOj Yo hi 5 eOiPc bf*©rn Ybe \n5\de oP bis Vrocb£^^bt^-\^Y(3YY^M^)\^--\5) (3hbdqy\(o-\&) xrn^r CeronYes YesY^xcd Y-hoY A9Pe-UexaT Yold Kii^ be- dMnY h K 5eon £XS be o>eYs 00 Y ob Yh YrocK- P^ r ceCVanVes K;d^ bxjece Soid Yo he Pl^byr^ \n Vbe bcvcb oP Ybe Vrucb ; boY VC\C Cerva\bc5 Ye-sYiPv^ YhaV he booden SVcxK^S, and 50 be geb ov Cou?\e oP sVavbes ao'T To KeeP afPelWYP ouJoHfeRftHtij H§ P^r kona T^sTifb^o^ roc tbe state 3 Ibr bunas ts-^txcvxcbt Ybat be beo,cd TAr C-ervontes belbna, ^°°V Ybo^abt \\ x_o(as o,Y 7??e./wc^i} and tbat once t\e cvrcwed ffAr CerVcioies arid APfe-bow^Y ooere CoSSirvC^ aY eo\cb otbeC eind be Sauo h>^ brotber-tn-\auj .Ajitb a StJcK and 'APPelloobT uoitb a ^n\re a^rsd be COQS Cxk»Se er\ooab to tooeb T^r CerVarvYes cw\<^ coo id alroosb Youcb WebarvV, Ybere ujo.s no doobt about a KniPe-O^ 73*, ~3xO-3l^ (3R9x74*> 1-HO nr Uxjna testified YbaY be to\d yAflellotbT, uu^qTs cvoimo^ oo av^oV tV\at VAr Cervantes and APJe-UanT uJere 5u5t tcAY^.na^ be.te.Us Tnr Cervantes bgo \r\side Vbe. boose. anAf?e.ilanT To PtaaSe leave- 4r>d ujlnen YVea, <5tarYed SeFaratino, he YctKe ©F- to cob PcA\Ce> (SW»V7H, Ifc-^MO Hr Cervaote^TeiTxrv^orH So\& Sows etbt na ek. 3. '(3 9.9^ ^H %\^> "3-3 0 VA r Cervewrvbs bellvoo, uoas LobaY tAr Luno\ sobco\ be b&©irdj but no^ its b&caose ke told ms bWeno T/^Qr^oKne-tbioO) uias g© 1noj oayQnd he +o«>& ©PK 8o V\r Lorva Yime aboot "jb®n 'Yb>S bad haTTeoed WqS WoY Ybe Sovo-e QS var CetvanVc* or 3WV Wfc>Yt\e(3RR83*>ao-*\) (3^35; Wx57> ^"00 PS£. C^rS Irmet fborenc TeshPo^c^ 9or Yhe OeP^Se^ ThcxT PHf LoHo hae} been CO Yhe Phones Qnd be had ^ohfen U?3o \nS\de Kts hoo^e.(3R^8S3 3) P0^ CervanYes earlvjer TeTv^chi? Ke OjcYs APRdbnY Vo c^o \n^ic)e^ he ^eV YVir^vVo cxo bacK Vo ouhere YKeu UOere abl3R\Y5^ 3vO-^3) fbrLona charges Vhs YesY\msn\ Qgain^^P>8(DS^^:) PYr CervQnY^S YalK;^s ahcaT UJKM he d.'dnY cxxW Ybe Po\vc*.&Rft 6\;&-350 rOr CecvqrfYes Te5p\P\ed aY>ooY ho<~*-> be u3a^ cihle Yo a>eV be'5 12>Co-Vher- in-\avvo ^fbr Lonq To Co\^e ob/en(3^tXdB^i:) nrsIrmK P^oiTcno Te^PeA T"haT i V cacxS To rtxc To heo\r av^Vhinc} bo(^ V^f Lomqb houSe.., and ^ou uocxjl^n\ Vvcwe been aoe To 7^/1 /T Sov^eYYin^ U3q5 qoi riC) on bo^\ VheY Par.(Vibft ab 3-S1.) ^b^ 3^;b7 -) 6rne^4- Torres TesTi'P^ed VbaY bV lo^s seVencA bov^dneA \e\cd To For To Year Qnnwing pro^\ V^^ Uunas hor^^* C\nd Vlr LlJCiq. Ytfxd Yo bxV<^ coj\cxr5 po See7hoT KTs. moY^er Y>aci gli/inc^ h\m QTQ;r once or 7^/ce, ^h?>33b^S^(H^3VdbV^ £*<•' P^c Punch's eiomlv^ec Ve_sVvnnorH had sbouued YhoiV V^r Lon©v udaS ^™3 abooY heQr'tn^ kis braYherbndcaO Hell;n^-G>RH7^;'iO-^:) V°ins TOQTCHRR^1^5^ 64pN^Q^b7:^ trnesY Vonres VesYiTied Vhod Yhe Tra? ShooV uMS Severod hundred cjards- £it\o\ Ljoo Coo\dnV becvC 5KooY Vo Yhe H^huuaM^Qnd oi^s por e^S Vo?S he, had Vo Kave c^lcxSSeS Yo See^^ci Kels TDo+her had o>b!r^3 IHlt) and^RH^^n-I^O PfV Vans* VesYvP^S he Keard Y;s hroVhe^"nn Iquj lelUrxq boY once he <^\Yha sVicK in his hand and SauJ oV?e\\anV uj&Yh cs\ y^nvfe \r\ V\\S W\nd eond he coaS cYo5e? he Could Tooch his bnoYher-tn-Wvjxj (3Rftgsyn-^P> OFPiccer Ibciv^iYx TesT\bied TbaT VeoPle \^jq_c*l ^rWgo) ^3 US cdooJo ) TTAeann\ngT<^oo-.C2>^°l^3"?:) SVcYVe Ye5Y\P^\n^ TboT she bad Oe?6b\ UoiS^YoaPvQo^ rtd\no3 ujWh Ob^o^r ^nYi^R^Wjia^oO feftfhoi^lg-lR) tmesY YaoosbY\ ojanYed Yo qo ov^r Yo Yhe Trc^ Shoob Xnd Vbe YeuPlH rnade o OdvjCn cxn& (juehP over TTiere ; Qnd Vhere waS a ds5b\h dfcQbduj TAepe.CHRH^?^^^ There uoas iosY t^rY^er PYonYz, YWY P\csY showed u?o OTbxCer P^^riY^TeiPvbeA VbaY SWi b^d YcAUed To a. hach^ b^VW x\Ov>fVNe o> SYocV OoroVOb uAPAe. j\We\WT uj^ Van^cJvYeA and sWbnt} orvXhs. C^ctV-z. TcsTiP;ed sta WA Ya\h uo\Yb ^LrnesV "Yornes and VovVeo She- YeAhed Yo P^CcbcK^X CervanVes and hobebon^ 'M1 * P^fc- POr LoDQ Said he Sqvju a KniFe^ijOben he even Ctdm\Vs Ye hoidhV Seen ct hC^Pe, Vbe VruVb \S r^jr LuOQ uoqs neven douJn qY YVe house uJiVb he>S brGYher-if\-\aoJ Qnol aPPell^nT There ouas MO KnTe-(3RvV7H ; V-14'0 anc^)W&5;7-i!0 POr CervanVes 'TesTiPied hlS~ broYher dndqi^J LOenT WcK To TraP sh^obfeWs 53; 7-10:) SkTe TesTipLA-lnOj Qnd leading eohYness(3H^5X>2d-Q}) (3KH^5;idrO PV CeCVanYes Veshbcd VhuV 7-80 FVs Irma r^orexno VesUPWd ThaP VT\c bunq had been on \he\hooe a\na c^oY ' nudIH (i'set.CM^^0;ib-i8 0 p^i0- f^\c bonoTestit\ed about uoWoY VW\d ©9 Ynox^g. it tudS, boY \c\ carlter te.stirr\£>nM) be HT) and (3 Rft &?>•, 7-MO m r Una Te£Y\9ieci YW^t be Dever Yold Vbe de?oTt sberi?P tK&Y a9A-er tbe CorlrronYciYiQn tV>e ol?re.l\.anY YoMovjoed. b'xm and PV Cervantes arauod-(3&&©£>*, H-X^) See^> (Cn,Px8) Officer GearS\nc* FW\Vz. Y^sYiPied TboT sne bcxdnY taY»er\ PTc Gervoorvtes SYatems-rvY^ Sbe a\so Yestvried Ybat SV«e badnt tolbed To nr buna cf? V<\c Cervantes dbooV tVxe CQSe.feRrW^Sp^-nO Officer tesWied tbcY sbe Y\exdnt tabeo tbe statew\er\t and \t uxxsnY \<\ Yxer Ve.?orTo aW© sYve did'-rd sto? anaoobere before geYYin^ "^° ^AffiaHcirTt and Sbe dixtnt o>o bacK Yo tbe cr^e Scene drter YKe Qrrest-X3r^\\s;^\-aM0and(>^\^;l^\) (£W\\H >>5~ n?) (3W l\7; 3^*330 From Tbe OYbcenj OijJn TesTiroonH; sbe bad noY txYVbed coxtb eVtber P°ir GerV^nbes ©p V^Xr bor\a^ Sbe dldat StoV anauobere Y>e9ore_ Ybe acCesY ©r c^Yer Ybe c^rres-b^ ar\d bo, ber ovn adm'ission 'bbs badbt YcdK ubitb elYYer uoitr\ess^3KRllV>Y5-Y\) OVvicer PWmYz. xx>as. Tbe PrtmacA XvweSsV\§c\W» Officer PWrlk TesTifred rUvT Sbe Se^Ccb Tbe irnmedxate aCea, u)ni cb uJOuld tove. been Tbe trap" sboot area- Ofr~\c OFPx'ce THoin'Yz. testified -Sbe b«A not Stofed cmHuoKere bePore cxett'ioc^ \-o tbe aPiellqnT, not even PV Cervantes^RRIl^lk-ai:) Tbere vjoas'ot anH feoP\e ujavino> and PoxrvYvcxx^ UKe OPF.cer clairmed.(3Pf?sq^biO^R^Hp:; (3Rftelli;a-3z) ^TaTe TesTPy^S (Dxxrxa lecoicUno,.. fcftPrV^l-^SO feRn^oiHS'd C«oonse\ soMs notbirxo^j tbis u_><\s'rxY q tria\j itu_>©xs more iibe <^ bncYx rnob.-« OfPiter P^ar'itz. TesViP>ed, or admts tbcb tbel never Looked Por a Krufe.&RBIiBpKlS) 6.arl^erTesV;rv-.on^ rrorrx OPPicec P^iQCxYl.) (3fift \\•&; Y8 -) STeJe TesT'x9^,no, ar\& l-ead Jr,c^, (3ft? 132,* 18-25:,) &RfU3!>; \-\\:) State and O^iceC qWinOj false YesVxrnonH,(or\^ n*V? 3b7») AfPellpbT ujqS qrresY.Kuo^osY ^M, ^o\3:omcer PQ^ritz Probo,VJe Goose. &FRaaV\\ ObTed Auapsf -AfVe_\\abP is 'tncbarxed b' bdeave a Cb^e. ujou\ Cheaper. fa.xo OPhcef adpAih nouu VhoV Vhe<~^ becd noY Searched 9or o bn;Pe^3^x\\3^) ^b^30 P^C Gocxdc\ho?e yuor\'c\ ^>r} cxdmWs he couVdh^ bed ohooV KnxYe^he !>>osY Kneud \V ha^ ov ?o\bb omd he iosY Scxuo hhe o Silver edo^,. The[c uocs KJD KniPc^P&^^ldO PV Lone* (Lo^A^er Y<^d\mor^ 7 he Seen e\ Kr\f?e (3Ul% oe>> OS Ybooc^b i?P Yodicxbl DisYricV CoorV oP Concbo CcunTI, TeX-aS; To AfPeUanV MYocne^* JVn^one edno can read-) v*d\W S>bb« The officer did no \rYvesVi3oVion^ and V. SVcdce. GHSSuJ^a 7&X Ts Vbe evidence /egqlH qnd PacVoodlH SoPPvc\enV Yo sofporTov ConvicVioo under Vcmon s Ar\r\t Te*eis Code CrJrn.Proc-ArVHQ-A^, :§ 3F(e0feb noau MXU.§ 3^(2> and ^-0^(a)ft) dr VbeTexcxs fend Code uses or exhibiYs o aeadlH uJeaAon donoc^ Yhe Comnn^SSion o9 anAsSaoW £d\ison V STdPe (jex,Cc, A?f?) Hl^ S*uJ< 2d SH^- APPeiUnT never Savd h*L uuoo\d do an^Wino^^nci ^PPelbbT had boid boY- nncxde, dn<~\, Ysvv\A> or ex VbreccY* And Yhere xjoaSbV an aSSaulY ox~\ QnH one- CommirtO) 0o\~ ob +he c^aYci .sY-oiYe. made eonv\cYed o9hY mosV Oxvonable To Vhe ProSeeohon, a ruhonod Wero? fdcX could noY have Poond each eAernenV oP Ybe opPense beMond q CfeciSonobW doubV- ^c^cKson V. Vlr^inlQ, HW3us-3cT7,3IB, 99S*cTa78\; Xi8% 4,1 L.jta ad sfco, 573(1^7*0 UasVecV* sVuie, 3^5 ScvxJ.3d S\a?5\l(Tex crcm Afe 3ooQ) P^rsChroVlh Could noV IdenVPM ^PPedanV vjobhooV be\na> kectd bu> Vbe sYoYe.^ftb^^V^^^dTherePon- denins ^PPellanYs Four^nYh Qfn^me^, Proh»biYYino^ a Convlc+ion epcCeP-h ofon rroov beyond a reasonable doubV oP ever4 PocV nece^SarM Yo cor\sVlVoVe Vhe cnme, toihh uobicb adePenP ^V\^ Vrd 10&S, \<\fco) \nSubPvc\ehP Yo esYobhsb TboT Tbe Kaire. he ^xVh^Yed coas a dead\M uJeApo^r fcejn^conbin Dasddson V X^eWabYVTW ^VaVe c9cr\m'inaY >§?ea\s d? T ?r\oC cc\m\nd record bovYhouVany Pno^P+ino^ or r^cineLVering on?arT cF dePendunb^ nYVorne^te&fr yV,H-lBV) Xs Yhe evidence \ecja\Pi cond PcxcYocdYH 5ob\eCon under \fernon's Ann. Te^as Cod<« Cnn^ <9roc A\T,b^A^%3T(a) C?0; x^cxjo H^xfX* 3^(» Qnd -sql'.Ox e:hs)3\ 50003 Second Detgffee. Pe\onH> oP Vhe Texas ?er\a\ Codb_ \r\ Yhe. absence. oP e:\zidevice Ybc\V d^W\dar\V Y>£xd no cdejcSon *ncxmeYH cf7, 3\^ 0*179) ,Tb^ Y\eces^t eVernenY \r\ Yb\s toSe ¥v\uY LOaS noY proven oe^no c\ rex\5onob\e d\tdbV vjouS We credWAiYl op Yhe 3h*Yes Lo\Ynes5^_s YS\on udYh Vne donM *(3RH 3S; M-\feO OePendonVs Ccunse\ b\o\ Vo inv^sho^Ve •lOiVaess R^iDP Cam'inrj recocd ; Yheo^Vone ShoYe ccibie Vc leave, Pc^be rmrpeSS\oo uoYh Aabb ,4f?s not Vo Sheoj boV o\ -CecxSorM^dXe Probcxbi bbl YboV not Por GouttSfeVs c^nvoc, AWe-YWnY uoou\d noY hcA/e been convicYed dP Q^notVQted QSSQuhV uJiYh a Dead^H uJeqPon, novnnelM o, bniPe- ^QVber Yhe \ssoe \S uobeVber be receded Gi,Phb Vriod YY\qY Produced ^ Verd\cY oUorYb^ cP cond^nce. CP. hdles V- ouh'bhl, 5\S U,S M\chH3h (VWS),.. A CrYmlnoY dePence. oVYoroei YY\o5Y- have Q Pirrv^ comrncvnd oh Vbe' PctcYs* , as ude\\ ^S govern in^ \cxuo bePore he. Coin render reo,5onc\b\e epbecdWe cxss^sYc^ncc oP CoonSeh clx ?orVe. uddbn 785 S.uA, *3sd 34 \, 343 Tex A?P. IbYRob QVVl^sg t^cYe HbarCcukXS scUj, ^^43,^^^ cntvN, K??N(t4fea) (c. Tbe ^bnnioul ePi'sode begins uuben Vbe aWacher in Qn^ uUc^ TesVpi cYs hhe. vicAVrns Freedovn or rnovernexvV cmd W &r\row-\ Yhe odVo^ebers CanTcoh Cru2-"v: Sbde 3L3g> Sdv^J 3d S8% 34% &ex A^hoosWd |SV DfsV \3.oob, Vdo 7-OS-03)4- CR, UDDia Tex /iPT? hEXiS afc03, 50ofc UY 8*5036, aV ^ Te* lYPP-An^ardlo "XcoG, no 9btT) A neuo Vria\ is rex^dred \P Yh^. 'raise, VesVimon4 coo Id in an^ ^eaSonob^e uVshi incxod Ycxve eVeeved VY\0- AoAc^^\v\eh\ oV the ^urH;Mo^*J5^Y \SH,3\ V ^e.nJam,r\ D<=ivic!k,soY\ Ac .X??e\Vcu\Y V- The -StaVe oF cr'xrrvxrxcA AV^-cAS" o? Te*os tco. S.uJ>, 7,«i 27^*, nso Tex Cf^ k?P, ArfeVWiT ©r^es -VYcY TK*S eviderxce iS inSo9Fx'er\T To esYYA'xsYi TYciT Sai, tV\Is never ha^ev^ed, YWre. ujciS no Kn^e. THr CervcmYe 5 Y<^Y\9xeo\ YYqY A??eUa oY ^o\leY ©1 5Yvc\C SYoiVvt-, or c_\t}V>, oJood Yv^earx) TKe. cr\\v\\rva\ e^sodte. Y>e.q>x\-\s x-oV\er> YYe. sY+cicKec in a^v^ooH TesYr^cYs YV\e. vicJV\^\s Vce^dorr^ oV^ Yv\tov«£.rv\er\V and \V e.r\QS uJxYY* YYve. Ss-rvaA reAejcx3»e. or escafe oP-vYe VicYvmfc-Dm Vhe aHcvcKers control- CayzV. 5We 32>8^ 38^3^% (yex AFP- VlousYorD Is* Dxs-V U^oo6,^o o, o1-D5-03\^-cR .^.Ciot Tex. AW. L.e:*xS 3to3, ^006 uol s^so^t, aY a Tex AW-Ax^cxv'xWo Km STA\\rS uhVneSS Hr bervanY^s \e_-bVi9ied Thod b& booK^oV. in Ybe Y^ovcb dr h\S YrocK ck<\& ^Ys q couple eT SYabes ooV, APPeWexnY Con onVY Vhmh eP Yhe YY\ovie; uOaihin^ VolW- A^eYWnY is o? ex oJodd vjo^re, "3. v"X 6ouah •=. MPooC- vboY HeV Peels e^s vP boVlHooood he*S Cooped Yhis To\h TYe cr\m\noA ePisode beains voherv Yhe oVYc\eheCS in Qn4 uoaM r^^VpiCVs Vhev cbcuY an^ Kids ar\H ujere, noYhina^o- shdfev^enV e>9 Odr CervonVes, or eCVhec oP h£ 099\cerd re?cH7, 94 StcT UosQ474) ^ The. ccsxjpT \n dolors ^osh use d? fe-rlor^-d YesVivnonb invoWes ^^secdTor^cd nniccndocV ond more Vn^rVVYY? involve^ ex Cor^uPhvon oP Vbo. V>ruYV\ Seehing PoOcVlon o9 Ybe dried Process Xd, orV \oh;H4 VecY 3A 34 5,, 4b 5-cV 33>4^U The CJEX^rYs ooou\d hexve Yo PoY bPndecs on ciS Vo neV See ed\ dP Yhe?er\5ored Ye^Yi^vNodY Gpeor5?ecxcbnnenY Vr\ ^ne^oN. ^soYes c9evid, <\de Go8Cb> Go^^ Ph oYoeA So9? cci. ^>n cY\ \ VeYvb ovnerS pQcVua\ Su99voYenc4 ar^menYs are based on Vbe R^crYs o9 Yhe. C^eood 9or oJP^eah ^ePencXconVs CouSel's PerbocrncxnQ^ uOas dLeSbcxenT, because Coonsd made errors So 5eC\oY)S ols Yd dePr\ve VY\e. c^ePendcvnY of ex f^vir Vriod uo\Vb^x P^oOoW nesoVY, \o. The coor+ rfeaSon^d 4-Viq-V- o deAibeToVe. decePvton Knouon feba lerdore-d is \nc©nsis+enb t-oi-Yb +be rud \ meaWl demooods c£ JosHce. X^ aY I\£ 7S V. EcA 7^\, 5S S-CA-3M0, 98 AV$n Mob. The. CoorV Vea^r-fTied Tb'iS fr\nc,\Ple.\n broader Ve.rrr> \c\ PWl^V Kansas 3)1 us al3> 87 L Ed ^4,t2>S.cV l77.()°lM^y (jJbere fV he\ci 4V\cQj2. q doe. Process V ie>WV\or\. CF-WQ?oe.vT\Wr\o'\S( 3to us, ^fcH, StS, 2>VEA '3cdUl"7, 7SS.CT V\73 0^5C!) The. docH esVimak ©V +be +coVhFo\ne.sS c*nd re.\»obi\\V4 o9ex a>Ver\ oji+-nes5 rneM uJe\l be. de.\scmvr\e*¥.Ve. o9 A-be. uJ'i^ne-SS \rv, FqVseH 4bab q deSerwWAs Nife. or Ubec4M mcH defencb JU. coofY \r\ Pv^urs Jos-Kfi©9-PCcer aido+ c$© "Vo Yke cJSme scjejne, bePoCe ©r c&VeC Dt1fTe,sYt.rx.o> ..4PP&1 lanY, (Sftft11 ^ j 16>-^ *)(;2>Pxft IU , Xl-^O boY 4eV OrFYoeC Su)off\ ©oV Probable cause •AfridovViV SYqW +YiqV sV\e bad Y^een Q4fPeAWrxY YnreaVerxinOj HV Ce.rVcxc\Te.s> aJiVb a KA\9e> arxdl Yotd YoWouJ^d YVu° rr\ cyyoorA* (jJvYYx cFVxosr ouooTesTlmonH sbouos YbaY Sbe no/en even vjJe-rxY Vo YWe. so ooAlecoY So hooJ u>as sbe oY>\e Yo YxcxVe. YovVV^ed uolAYv PU mr LuYvexY ffV Cervtm-Ves Wd ToV^ Wlrn. Plr UuOc* Te-sVononH/vrx IV be Sqxji's YVvaV kav^na, coords., Qrnd Yka\ k& Seerx Ws broker |A-/«.u3 xjOxYVx gl SY-xcYnVxTx V\vS V\ex,r-id ©\.Y~\d. Ybe ov?Pcl\WrxT uJ iYV> -«s\ Kx a; Ye vrx Y\ ^ Worud, (Hftft73*} ^H-^kR^H^-^V) aUo See-, 3^74;S-IH*. also&ftftfcV, 7-XU) io.. OPFccep CeorG^AQ m«*n-b.z. oidmded She had noV Va\h Vo POnCervoinVes and P^r j-unci abouY Yhe case. Sbe cdso adnnvVed She- hcxd noV V^Reo VbePe SVaWrnerAs cxnd She didn4 hav/e c\no>Vhvno> abooV sWiKe or Clob in her 17e?orT. fefift \1U53 15470 (^ll5S^V^-> P^p hunqTeWTvP'ted Ke hadbY VoYdl om^ O^FaYt an^Vhin^b^^S^ n-3a^ OPPicer PTqpxYz. Oidn VesVimon4, sbe adrnihs shve didnY sYo? ano^-uJhere bePore QfdVino> Yo Ybe Q^elWrVon &r^^er^ cx^Yep Vhe errPesb (3RSYW43 ^~^*} ^^ lS P^bcer VOdriYz. d\dnY do hep ioh and Xnve5Yi^a\e Vhe So CaW.') Ocime* X-She uJ€>u\d hcwe, She oO(9uVd hckve Kjoe.wY Yo Vhe so Ccdl orif^e Scene xH* Probable Cause, dpPiceC uJWo nWxs Ybe ChaUena>ed < 0p Secxreh Solo^eeViveb> Noehev^d be bad e^Osunds Vor bvs €xtV\en* As em9h£xSvx.&dL \n £>ecb V. OVnag I37 S.cX3a3'Q5onnan^ uOct4ne.R-L^9©vve c\nd ^ePo\d H. Israel crYminaY Procedure %32>^ oY \H&„ 3d 0.4^^0 Trier oPfbcV oJexS V eyjiYbbe^ovnd a ffcaSoncxble d©obV- ftobe^Vs Y S Vcdte. ^.^o Svc^ id 5^\/S"3v4 (Tex Cpvnn A?P ^eol) iOaYsonV.sVaYe aoH S.ou. B>d HG4, 4lsCTeAcrivvN A?? 2.00fc^ dleaYinc^ v^OiVh Cesnv'icY'ion based on Yhe ProsecuVvonS KooudinO) OSe c>9 Perjured Ve;sY\fv\ooY Xn mooneHV, Hoiohan^H US \ ^h^ Hok(\4^>s) APPellahk 'OF^iCer nbT XnVesYYo^Yvn^ Shoujk) cxsu^dl as \nSoP54c\en\ VeudrocA\4 e.Vxden'Ce Yo sJ^^T The Convv eYvbn^ \eV Vhe CoorT Te^ocTeP records SVeoK Vhe VroYb ar\d Ote&l bvVYd d9Vbe SY^W s voiYnessesr, AWeXWihs 9oorVb Sond SiKVh ^ndi VborVeenYh ame^dnaehP» Ttghbs uJ^re denY J*i f> 0 n P T u >