~ ·:. SHERRY RADACK CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE CHIEF JUSTICE CLERK OF THE COURT TERRY JENNINGS JANET WILLIAMS EVELYN KEYES CHIEF STAFF ATTORNEY LAURA CARTER HIGLEY 713-274-2700 JANE BLAND MICHAEL MASSENGALE Court of Appeals PHONE: FAX: 713-755-8131 HARVEY BROWN REBECA HUDDLE First District www .l stcoa.courts.state. tx. us RUSSELL LLOYD 301 Fannin Street JUSTICES Houston, Texas 77002-2066 October 21, 2015 RECEIVED IN Court of Criminal Appeals COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEAlS Clerk's Office 201 West 14 1h Street, Room 106 OCT 23 2015 Austin, TX 78711 Abel Acosta, C1~;:; .. , RE: Document received in the First Court of Appeals On October 5, 2015, Stevie Wyre mistakenly filed in this Court a mandamus from trial court cause no. 1364440 and First Court of Appeals case no. 0 1-13-00414-CR. I am sending this document to your office for processing in case you may not have received this document as noted on page 5 of the petition. Very truly yours, Is/ Christopher A. Prine Christopher A. Prine Clerk of the Court s-/ewe JI/;~Z£ a/YS'ffltz.. b//Sf/;1!111 1./,{);/ tt _2fpft;5 J32~oJJ Kd. 1. Lo_vetuly_) /eJd~s 753'5/ ~; _;iof,~ ~ ~e-lex.A~ '"""<.~e_to'14- AAfHoc\A-rn~---- ~vle Wqtze .Y_. -n~ CJeg_L;IJ e.A~se IJD. 01- r:j-oo~I4CR. UtJdee ~~..tle_:_(2.__,J Alo+;orJ lef\ve ID_~de __~,:HitLDJl~M~IYl2.iS :£o;z ~~ci ?~·b±i.o_r;l_~.012- ~~~~rou~_'"Re I' e-9. De<-WL ~leR-:K,_ ·t JJ .. ~J."~..ose._o.Q_~ll~-'~1o±~.~e_( LettefZJ_is -t-0 ..._ 1 b.e _J JJ~o i<0)_~1t~__eoug.+__ %A+---~ ~ppl.~_cfJ~i--,~~v(e_k0~£Ze-Pu~ui_o~-- (Ke.\ie~) %~u~n_ili~~MUS-'1L.4-he.. le~ ~s_C.oW?.A: 0.0 ~12-t.I'D:uv.af_4~/'3 w Ac_c.o«~P-1 1&h ~~~ e_w Ar-P-'' c_ A~~,-~pp.hc_,o.,_-f~~1iJ_l3:1?+. l/_,_QL_{//_e. _{Qr?:___ C:OtuStc\eQA--+;o.V, · . ~~,L . 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