No. 2014-CI-08659 Appeal #04-14-00508-CV RUDY MENDEZ (plaintiff) IN THE DISTRICT COURT VS /k£ JUDICAL DISTRICT CITY OF SAN ANTONIO BUILDING STANDARD BOARD (Defendant) BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS ■-■ extension on the filling fees PO 5 - - CO Plaintiff, RUDY MENDEZ, party to this case files this notice; co ;. ■. 1 am asking for an extension on paying the court filing fees I have also file an appeal to reconsider my indulgens This notice is being filed by Rudy Mendez. Respectfully submitted By; M Plaintiff Rudy Mendez No. 2014-CI-08659 Appeal #04-14-00508-CV RUDY MENDEZ IN THE DISTRICT COURT (plaintiff) vs JUDICAL DISTRICT CITY OF SAN ANTONIO BUILDING STANDARD BOARD BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS (Defendant) en j. re ro XT - ■",-■: CO CO Plaintiff, RUDY MENDEZ, party to this case files this notice; I have file a motion for reconsider on the above case, Due to the reason that I am not able to pay the court fees, and I do feel and believe that the appeal is good and that I do have proof. This notice is being filed by Rudy Mendez. Respectfully submitted By; PlaiSfT Rudy Mendez