Houston, Reddie

UT-,^-46 ' 10 CfiUSt Wo, REbPZS //0UT7&AJ COUZl Of #PP£^ PftV USELESS. JUh&6 COURTOFCR^ALAPPEAIS 3uth bzsr/?zcrc*u£7 — tW AUG 20 AbelAcosta,Clerk T& Ttt£ //*/V0e#£6G J U£&£ S/?J2U> ceLtM by ©lvno| tKr^U^k K:S pro SQ a f record £{\#s cewnpfe/n/ng a"f Pay Ci//te/esr/ J^^e, fies/z&deht, UJcLi\d ph&uj ^hc Ceurt k,he filial*In9: RECEIVED iir COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS SEP 022015 Of Abel Acosta, Clerk i^d^e *f sum Dzsy&zcr couxt *t ecu** CoMntV/ 7€*AS <5tvW reu'd nlntC in-Oa^utfQ ?u-fmj~oh ?±ytemi Ttt&sr&re of 7~&X#j u-r; PBbMcS #4UfT0N *ntgrec/^> r&per a^r&l€r t^ ~ u-f/V: SP*Tve«lev\*> denied befenctantV IMqU&\ Terjrzw* f®^ teelfe-P T&%a$ c®dt o^ fl/l/p 0TH-&R Represent;* &**; ^di^fusU to Set c\ kOO^frv^ x Sou'd MaVs\*Y\. £esp©v\den^& defied be-fewoloiyvVx reouex^ *~a J-bQ^e] ReF00>*vP« aW /W refuted fcd '-6t ^\ KQQw.T\ng OY\ S<^fd ma-&/)> tp f£ b <3l ka «tr ; >>g o>v> j^a Id m* b>'6»>St ^e$f®r\€i@\s\ d^vv;ed t>e-fc>vola.fc*;V £*K-Jbjfr kar i-e-fWed Ld ret a, k^ir^ by\ s*t Gm<$ bW-^^ XiTtTixcr AT7a*my Cftltft wo, fceHDZB C0HB7 Of frPPmu U vs, C&97QL S7&TT/M ®US rzivt 7&M 79?n JM7H b2S7/£2C7 Oh tktf d«vy ®£ 52«?XJJ C*cmff oh to b€ kese»./ i>ePe>yoL (a) $ c&hWcteJ petg&n r>nc^ submit ho -fcke »n- WctiVvy court c\ mnahidYi f#r fer&hffc 2>W t^fbftiy of .evidence CentAMnff lotdojiccA tv\oteir) TKe ha^t^n m*XN/ re^ueri .ftrensfc- 5FUW feeing OY\\y c^T evidence d$fcr\lb€d Wy SultfCCteVon (a) feVvsA ^^s s«cAJor*d iv\ re\<\t\*a* -*U ^Vc oflW.x< feWwb Is € °"S*V c-f tW oWUe^ed cp^v^w^ c^d Clj Uoas Hoi previously to 1)1VW beffttfng: (ft) become t)iv)(q tes^inq ujas; (I) not- ocV*»\flA>l«j or (tfJiaveJIabU, but vv>t technologically ca?a^ 0^ pTondvVg proW^'vC results; OT (BifcWou^h ho fault *f tU co^vvc^Jper^ f$r r€A5$H? t"K^ Oor-e d/*Oi n^urC jackt^ u\ve {*fcere*tr */ juxfa'ce re^Ve M/« ^^*^ heiA^er bee Wpuef %Wfe pravide ^ v-€a,^na,fe^e Kkelihood of result* bWt, owve more «cc- UxA-fee *Vv\d pv*bB^soy\ §£ ebkAV-jboeir^ori {^ ^^^obKow U,woler bWs Gkeupber{ b:W Court ffvxols re- tkg CoU.>r4c ^ebQrvv^lV\es, bUt bW T^rjfcn tfS ic/i^enfe* Counsel vv\ust be ixppofofc&l ureter t:Ws JUbjrecW^ not lovke.v %Vaw bW V5i.k oUky cx-Pt^r Vk 4\e t Ve tout b fivds r€<\sov\a..ble OrouvvAf o-v bW ^l^t^'tki Court d-cbevm/nCJ' kVt kU per^n is indigew^/ uJkCcV*eA/<^ ^ 'o^sCr. dtfrnpensd-fciVh of ccmux- Se^\ \S provided Jvx bhc S^vvve Inaajn*nev <^r i5 r^£u*f| fey; CI) nr£\cle 11011 -fa* tke v-epreye%vba,fci'ovi • £\ pebfbtaY&v CoVNVCcbQol «s»^a, capita,! /eltfhyj Q) CW*\P'!?c*- oU» ^v- bWe representor* >k ov Kafeeas corpus Manvg o-T a^ i\rtfb'&&*'±-def- <3>nd&r\±* C&ftVi'chGet &f <% /e/&toy ateh&v fckan A d^p(fca\ felony.. ftz-r, 4ll, Oil. £u*«.i>;rftN* **& OTtfe* vfc) Xv% tWs cYtopfee*, 4^^,^reli^,Va^ ^ caywi'cfceol per. San meotnS A per/** uoKd /? t;kg te%a\ gU^¥«U<\v\ d£ tVe carwvcbed pevs^n, L'Ok&bkcr bWe leoaj reUb^. SV{p between bW Q^oi^di^wowyusI 4#*>yrcbed pecf- oy\ exists Weccxu^e of tkc cxge of tit covtwctaf p^v-yov^ or because or tke ^Vyf/ccLl qv me^fe*.) r^{\ mob^nS for fcW* eavwvebed perte* ureter tV\is cAvcxpb&r o^^A Is ev%b\%J,ed bo Cou\vS*A cbW •fivuM^e firovid^d -to .e-yea^ tiWboi^W. pen'od, Uccmai€ *i A# r wfc/ej?.ce && tk& e&turt>) along U//tr'A of c/eJl&^iphfan of 'ttrAx a©*d Stabe cannot otelfrer tU* e^j\fdenca h& bke cowtrb. , ftrtfcte 4%&S afler fe-K* response p^^d dwfr &f Uj/iehher t kg ^b &* ney M^D ireTevi fcr*5 fc** I \L.CSbiV)Q Uv\der tk^S dkocptev- o*v*fy iA £1) bke Court find* tKottt W)tW evidence; Ci) 5btU exwts o^*| if in coYsdrUan r^ecfevwg JbiUfc .b£sbo$r»ftlejowv>d Cii) Haf be.Cn Suleyecbcd "bo fc?x o>r is cxn isyiue in tkc coje; Convicted person es tAb Itf^V by o prepaid e^^wce &4 bke evidence bWxv. (ft ) b K6 •f*£ r>"^*» ujouid Kob kc^e )>£&>* ;/ eKctdp^^ory r-esulks had been obtained bVrouoi* D«/^ hen/^;and t&) 4?te rm^est fir tkc p+*jw&d b^H ten ,!3 uj A e ff*€J* be'&*>€ dr a fb&y tffjb* fh -tU care /%^ s^&^/t e/,,r / une/er tb»'r ch^Pte^ ain^f i?ke Con^fct/*^5 Court if pr®h>%/beJ frfwi finJinf that fJent/kzy UW not Cth *&*-** /* tA^ m/>e s*/etp ah tke apptic#Me* Cc) £f tVt C0*v\'ctin«i c*uvfc finds ih i'kt aftiVm- abiVe bk£ /Vruey Arta^ /'a, fujject/'*h fe)Ci) and fete can V)'cheat perron meets bKe re^Wremente of uJsect/an C&)Q)/ the c&Litrt St*M oyeter fck^t trkg r equested fWenft'c &w$ bestmg be conducted* The c&y*t m&iy prefer the -test *bo be, co>i- ( 2-J £:ir &epetj>tr>?ejjt a/ P&t&h'c Jhfhtyj t*t) d laboratory Operating U*der a, Cars- bra>cte uoibK tKe deport ^ev*b; ov (3) o* ^V* reouesb of tk e^^cfc^^ S'av\* AViob'Ko^ 7oibovctfr** V^X @2afj ^t^mevit, Cent** (J) Xf the eanw'cts/nf ctf-wb vder,f h 'k ab kk farenS/c 0/U# besbfnj &* C&na/uchCci by q l#karal0Y/ obke? tk^h €\ j)ey?c*r bto&ht of Pubh'C S*ifry oy c* MJ?ar£ory und er Cohbr«ci -av/VA tk* clep**-bme*t>t tko. ftcihe of 7eJ^$ is /9#t //^i/e fa fck« c&ft &f hesbixn$ 'u ftete* t k,'t fi4bsectt'oh UHte-er * /^^ ^ *le c*rt o/ ^"* u*ser t-A/j- ftr&seetJ&n, ref^rJless &r eU^ cost W h€€n yW Z-f tKc wvt ox (rlerJ fcWvb bM belong be coviducted by c* lcvV>orc\boxy oleSCviWd by bWf Sub TecWon, tke CoxA^vb SKa\\ include m tke order veoUiVcme- ^b.s tlkAbl- y O) tVe I)WW te*tfog fee conducted /n a tiV^eJy a^ efwc-ienh vv\^Ysne.r uvxdex Veo^ov* r iwsto,v>ce tWt tVe bwift bests cKvcvtlouW °tb vve bfwxe <»£ K;s br*o>c co^>©A>te o+ PVoV8drw9 p^^b'vt Y7€* CnK vw 2^eyj 5/k.h u, Sb&tc, J£T X W.3el S^X CleJc. Cr^ Qpp. 2ooS) thxi°\ juAge*s jud.'cTal wb'ccofbU brrctl recorrol com ItVcd loi\sV t^£<^eno/aht X /vio/ti^ and dffid^vit suffi'a'ewh: fee ju/b^y bert% C&ul&l /iodise beer* bcs-keof or l*j?<*-/ 5fe/I/ •6C £?/? 6/'6te4g/ L& pazSk-C&>'*et,C±i'*>>i l^X^'v^, #*•* /'i^m r^txy 'he ees^ /f <^7 ^e^^ ^^ <^A/£ ^^"fc^od of khJA bMbfwaj nofe be.ck~ m&loflc&lly &%p<**ht af providi^ p^^b^btVc results, ^f Diy$ evidence ^r^ fcef4c<^/t $h&l*J th4& J\e US &eS6/*if beckntyu-ZS Lua>ul*4 accurate c%-^<\ t>to\><\\,\\/*. tVeo/\ "pvewoMS results, it. Support? ^wae •i55qcs; ( 2j fcA«fc wet Stereo/ •\tV^;«U*WVy O^ fcfcC p*rp€rV-raAfcY...U«JQ.* ev/v«=le.*»c* .|»j^e-v» t£-$te©lj o>v©i v^Ve v»'KVg n ^i/^r|ab/e prvbatUe that.tU /?*rs*.» ^*u/J »„t AM ' "•eeji c&mj/rct.ed, JftZftt £ou«tt 14 ur thtizry £^j)ber &H aubkari-ter tU eotwi'ctf^ court b© <3vde* bW^ tWblVg eww@l ^© More* tkl tn'ctl- j^d^C Kar >o oubVori'by t» ^A? ^y^v f]\v^i>tQf t/v^t results Cu<*rQ VcKvaraXK or n<*t ( 7€& Cr,m, »^>, £La?J£), #r^T* ^v. or. mp^>w&\s $n ^tppeo.\ u.vvr\ vnn^v\o,\ Wv.a^bbe^ €J£C€p% bW i£ V.K* acrn^\ecb^dl ^yttyy% uj*k$ co***A'c&eJ a dhvccb cKpp^&f bo bk^ edurt Of dr;% cou^r-el ow k,T i^\ob{flv\ 6* D^M be?fs/n? . S^cotuXe tke cosjLtks o-f cvppcej/ ^^ ^^erojiy k?k& -£frS*£ nir€eif rir&rn tz^e e/rS turret d**/ u»by **" SA~«1*t 4 peb/t'i'*h Atr e=c OeJr/t: c?^ <^^r?r Jaunty Csjur$ Js^e py-ese*\&d -first bo trie c^u^af ^CftScP+i J'm t &e> c*/&.S*e>t pa^cJtll^ \s, Wc P*n/e/y