Greer, David AKA David Duane Greer

%(,¢ 9 gm /?@Z¢Wf? 79 95 _fc¢i z/A/j/ » jj 77 7 799/m 759 “ ./l 591 /" Z< yyf/f’ ' ' Q£L;L.'»ZB/f // `\,\\ §§LQL‘ 09 dps/97 0/'4(919)/9¢ /y//‘%U M RE:;¢EW:D m /9/( %Ag¢ 9¢¢¢/¢ couRToF`cR!F,elNALAPPEALs 994 609 999 em 082@35 :Z<;’: W /¢/;» 99 99 9\-,?@5@£913@3*;&, §33@§&< 9 9/ -9/9 f 919/99 97;(9;:: 999¢9 999 9¢9#/9»033,?9/~999,999»9 v 9 %£9;79; 293 99 §/9/!¢9 z /// /9 /9J@/ //9//%/9/;:;/ 597/993 %///z/W/;//WMM/)/ /0 //{Ma /7/2 :;9”/ : : fpm/y y 199 999 99/9/ /9 999 9/999// 999 /'\///9 %/95/»»/// //9/ WI//U %9’/9,(, /A»W /j //'J /2999 /L /9999%%/1{€”/ MWC y /7/¢//9/%0 774 /9/9 9[//./7/?/1/69 //1 //,¢‘9/~ %//L,}/c%’/, L'~JHI‘E NO. 3.2~“¢}332£.‘:°-€¢3?~272~:-"1 E§}¢; PPM@ ` -' § IN 'I.’HE CGUR’I‘ CJF CRIMI.?§‘L DIS'I‘E'~Z.'C‘X§F § 2721’1§51 JUDICI?*"L BISI’RICI* D§W¥?Z B.. GRF?ER § FRE’)?G£~? C(HI&\?!.'Y, TEXZ~`§S BPPLICANT'S B'BTION TO RECUSE D.ND DIS’Q‘UALIFY U'§ M\’.ABIE J{`)'DGE ‘F.`RZWIS M I[II FROM E§NY M‘I} ALL PRD¢HTEDIL‘C~S DFN~»ING WITH D.PELICANT’S ,}..O'? HZ‘£BE’AS CURPUS 'EG THE IM#EUBAHLE/JUDGE GE' SZ~!ID COURT: OQ?'U NOW, DAVE D¥WNE GREIER, .Z§ppl:§.cant,h@rein am in 511§;§..~»:):¢:€: of weiss W’;,icm will shm;' this warrale C¢.mrt the f§x`l,lowin;§: ` I. Pight before the jun/ry was ch)m in, during a hearing in open cmt, concernmg the fact that trial jw§g'e 'l‘mvisl?myan I`ELI, had mavile xcepresenteé applicant in a cr:§,u‘zinal casse |z-zs a des»f@szse at'&:‘:smeey, §'iis représ¢antatim (Wa: _"nsucéé:s:aful)- as hi$repr@i-z@n'a:at;iori r@sulte<§ in Appl.;§.can‘i; being amaridj;'ed. T.\:avis§ryan III wath for me record "ezn§ iii either :Bid@ mts 133 off we ca.¢se, I’ll willingly recuse Ws>elf. . ." \j'ol. ll P.S' L,lZ-»I€.B, Z§;_;gvlicwt was of the belief that when he filed his original application ~::.»f hamm cor;ms 3.1.07’ _zmich cited nmn€erou$ allegations vc:)z@‘:` ,i;lr:consti‘cutional violations and ir:~;zr‘oprieties of ITaViEEr§'an 111 himself Gmrjng am before tzial seven keegan concem'x.ixag- his ac:t:i.c;»n.~’s ami:¢“.mactionss by '§§rac@.all.y violating mmatc>ry S“€;atut@s, as Wel; as me~m rules of fevidence and proc@c?ure$. Applic&nt al.s=zo allech in grounds of emorss 3.8-19 in hiss hamm application that ju;`ig@ Bryem allowed the promoter in open baum cm th@ r@cc:>):r.% to cmzit a bkate.nt . \ criminal coff@n`.e@ (Tcex.?. Coc?»e E.Ql) {S&z@ Vc)l -f?~ Pa§,»‘@ 365 L.M~»X.S "?£'&: view ram vae.= to m bey of the subject matter of this procéeding. As,Suc‘n he has a' personal biasmss and Wcjm:ice in influij the out 003330,,0£‘ these _'c_mi=<:eminm Sc-:e In re Chaves, 130 S.W.Z%d 107,132 (Tex.Agxp.‘-FZJ_ Paso 2003.): "Di aqualiflcation of a judge can not be waiv<;~:-d even by consent cf the parties, and the issue may be ._,`.,_..;_3 rais@d at any timc. Games: ]v. Staf;e, 737 S.,W. 2d 315 (Tex.Crim.A§;/). 19537[ 737 S..W.S.?.d ;at 318.- mO‘I§\IUIE 2: Ru'.l.e 3.£31'.)(2) provide$the various gz.'cmldss for recusal, which incer requiring a judge to recuse §353333€:13? in any pmceed:inc in mich (331) 1330 :ml:>.:zxt;` might reasonably be quan ticnec¢, and (b) he has a 3:)@3:'~'=03'33.1 bias or gmejndice concerning the subject wattr=~.r or a party, or personal 3mvlwdge of disputed evjdnntiary facts ccnce'ming the proceeding. ` The courts have flatqu held that even 331 ken a ;ud~gc’ 35 w131:&13‘'¥.ity mcjh*" reasonably be cpestioned he challe recuse himsclf. Gulf writich Warehomsc Cc, v. 'I‘cwer@, 858 ,.W. 2335 5,6 558 (TQM. Ai;,p.-Eeamacnt 99 3): "Rcega:rda`ng di.Sq\§alificaticn of a judgz-:», we have two !:aSeS cf considerat.'§,cm `E‘irst, is TEX CGNST.:§;Y#: ‘3/" §33 which 3=:1:03:033 as :Fc;l 1.<3;»33: S~c=c 11 No judge shall Sit in any cane w}':c~ercin handy be interested, ...‘ 331 559 "I-Iavjng a gemmiaz:y or financial interest_’»;is certainly of foremost considc~;ration. ’lhere are other concerns however finish have been addressed by Justi<:e Sgears caicez'ning ccr.rmcnts in &m Fbcplora*cion end production Co. v. Jac?~:son, 783 S.W. 2d 202, 206 (Tex.l?~$?$)); .?.~`u'nlic policy demands that the judge who sits in a case act with absolute impartiality. Parz§€ergrass v. Eeale, 59 Tex.l}%,¢él£~? (].E’.~SB) 0 Reycmd the dam diet a judge be :Em}_:sl~tial, however, is the ):'equriement that a judge appear to be impartial so that no doubts or suspicions exist as to the faimess or integrity of the court. . Actna wife Im. Co. v. lavoze, 475 U.S. 313, 106 S.Ct. 1580, 89 L.Ed.£d 823 (19~‘1”€); Marshall v. Jerrico, Inc., M..€i U.S 23€',, 199 S.Ct.. 163.€), 64 L“EJ. 2d 1552 (1980) . 'I‘ne judiciary must strive nat o xiv to give all parties a fair trial but also to maintain a high level of public trust and confidence. Im?etmity .T.ns Co. v., Mc€?ee, 163 Tex., 412, 356 S.W.,Bd 6»€5€%, 663 ('.?.`cx. 19&2). 'Ine legitimacy of the judicial process is based upon the gabl.ic:'s resin§ct and its confidence than the system settles controversies inv;;:nxt:ially and fairly Jvdi.cial decisions rendered wider circzmstancns that suggest bias, prejudm:e, or favoritism cmr<:~.mine thc-z intagity of the miri:,'s, bused skepticism and mst;cus’c, and thwart the very priciples can which tha judicial nystem ia?.:'ased., Ti'le judiciary must tea extremely diligant in advoiding any appearance off :impr.~ogz.c:?,ei:y' and must hold itself no exacting standards lest it loan ita legitimacy and suffer a loss of §mfnlic: confidences Mtnough the court .. c ." Hn 'IEX., R.CIV"PROC. RUI.,E 1510 Gro\mds far Rcma,al and D' squlific:ation of jenigenz "(a) Grmuuisfor IB:-'L.`~?,c.pndifir:>a‘<;;icc:rns.1 n judge must disqualify in any proceeding in zdaich; 7 _ _ (23) we judge knows that, izd.ividuslly dr as a fiduciary, the judge has an interest in the subject matter in ccnvroversy; or 1 (3) (b) Groundsfcr recusal. A judge must recuse in w?s.ich: (1) the judge's impartiality might resmmbly be questionsi; (2) the judge has a personal bias or ;:ccc=:juc"iceccncaming the subject matter or part “; _ (3 .'T`." the judge has personal kumle~dgeof disputed avident;i.ary facts concerning the pmceeding: .. Ihe judge can no more bc- expected to admit his wm incopetency than a a trial attorney can be ex;'¢:ed to file a dir»;~:»c'i: appeal and schmitt his own inccmpe!:oc_y. This is the very reason that after a trial a new and differem; attorney is appointed to to gr'e;;;ara and file the direct animal Alsaaon v. Ga:rrison. ??.€} E“.Zd 312,&16 with Cir.i%?.~) ("The cont@nt of an appam is heavily controlled by cMael, and diem as hard the dnfendani;"s trial lawyer alst presented tha appeal, in iacnv;i.ousthat ineffactive assis€;anca of co\m.¢:s€=el ns nut likely to bn raised at trial or to apwr anan tim assignments of constitutional cannon ") o ., ‘."` ~.,_!.` II¢ m &i;;:»giort of Appl:§.cant'@b@l:’@f CRMQB man W:i.ilin§;ness tc rémmc=: himSeli? when placedin a ¢Nes;timabi@ minimum is eha amax mist RULL\YG ci»* aims cream which evasist c'>m Jul§r '5, 2915 Cmirt O”rri<=,»r that Beesifgzciat@d"lisuc-JS of Iz`a<:t*i‘<§ 33 Resolv€;ci." ‘Z€'i'iat v~re=c$ sigma-353 by the ficmz:'aa?ole Ky.’i,e Hawthorn AS "Firc~:'.zirtially decieie vizethe..n':t Crirunty to micare~;~ an§ tmriéinit tha recoré. herein to the Cozirf; cf Cz:iminai Apmals with fha mcmmrz§;ati€ms Uzat the a;piication bca DI$MISSED, " Signed by ‘.Travr;.ss Bi“yara 1351 .` ¢‘.?; PRESIDING...:‘ Ft»r suRi'?` this mem citier serer thai best intem:st of Jui)?ge Bryan. zv. ` For Sw;'e we know action speaks lending thin w@rds.. Ju§g@ I~.“€i"yan &lawre£ out no imcer@ to totally clam S‘nut amy chance that Applic:emt might name had to mgmw'f€é his due process right to develop the factual bases of the facto that are presently outside the record V. Jwige Bryen‘e eeli:` alerting order is extremely inadequate to Sez|/(: the wielded pampose in a wheels preceedings, as o'fecideé by the U.S. &igzr'z~)me Cou:c't;, the Honorable Fifth circuit one Texae highest Court; “Court: of Ci':lm‘§nel Ap_oeels." E*eoh mandates that when en applicant files his collateral attack on his criminal conviction, the initial took is to "',$.i.ciel Dietrict Pree:§.c"¥ing Jedge Olen Unoexwom`§, 301 N. 'Rxcmpeon St.. Sto. 102, Cor\.roe, ’l‘exee 77303,; we £?onoro"x')le Jw§!~ge Tz'avis Bryen I§Il', 300 E 26th St. Ste, 204, Br§ien, Tez¢ae 77303; 'l“.he Diet?:ict. Cle'rk of the Court of the Crizm`.nel A¢_.;;:eefle¢ Ak:el P.ooete, Supreme Cou;t“i: Bldg», 201 D`J.létw E$t. R.m 1(?.’5, Aust;in, Tez~:ee 7970.'§-.-144‘5, by placing a co£.~y of tne earle m the U.S. P-?e.'§.l gostec_.,e grop¢aj£' on this 3m day of Coto!;et, 2015 .