/\’:`>,”l" l'@"? Mr. Kevin Terrel1 Tatum Mareh 12, 2015 TDCJ #1409740 1 varyingtzu Unit 53 harrington Rd. Roshazon, Tx.» 77533 f TEXA»B CGURT OF ‘CRIMIN.R».L L?PEAL,S jggyna~Hon. Abel hcaata.»¢lerk ”3.3. 303 12333¢ Capital`Station Au$$fn,'?x. 78711 aec Cauae No. 11¢111~§7; Tr. Ct. No. 1042§08~§: ENGLOSED ”PET!TIQH 333 REQUBST 333 RE3G’UTL 33 `CLAIMS' 336 “AFPOINTMENT 03 COUNSEL* heat Court Clerké Enclosed, please find an original copy of P3tit10n3r'3 "REQUES? 303 'I'HF- RE$OLU?ION 03 311?‘113£3", 310$1;;'- with "A?PBINTMFNT OF COUNSEL“. 11133 pursuant to the above sty1ed n.d numb@r ed causn, to 131 33v33c33 befoxa the Courz. Please afile aaid 'PETITIQM' before the Couxv» 33v1n3 the appropriate Jur13dietton ovmr 113 mama,- at tha Court’3 earlieat convenience. By copy 3£ thi$ latter, and the enclosed 'PETITIQN' I'm fcraaz§img the 3333 to Respondant, Hon. KRISWIN GUINEY: Judga, 179th 33313131 Daamzict Court, 3 ., 1, ' .WQ 41 13333, 77002. 1333 1319 in Eiling 3313 wHefore the Couxt, at the Court'z eagliest ven13nc@, wculd 33 gr3311y appx3ciat3d, '~.\» f¥; R@$pectfuLly subm§twnd, HECEEVED EN COURTOFCHFMINALAPPEALS MAR 16 2315 ;‘€"' Caus@,mo. 731113~§7 'Pt¢ cba ND¢ M:_§ KEV!N TEBRELL_TATUM, §» rn The Texaa c¢urb €Agplicant) va. § O£ Crimlnal Appeals WILLIAM STEPHENS' 31£~ Gf TDCJ»ID, . (Raapondant)- § Travia Cpunty, Texaa 'PerzrxonEa-s nsauzs? ron ansoLuTxuN ns coarus ~Not A Fact Finding Gourt-. ~Appointment O£ Counaal- TO THE HOHGRABLE JUDGES,UF SAID CQURT| P¢EABE TAKE onxcE, thus coMEs\Now, nsvrw wERaELL TATUM, Applicant, Pro Se, in the above styled and numbered cauae, files this.hia “Fetition For Reaolucion 02 €um;me“, in good ialth, and in the interest of justice. Petibioner asserts ove Pgocess-would be best aarvvd by this ¢ourb Granting the eame, an§ in support thataof, your Petitioner §§uld present unto %him Honozable Court the followings `0 - "' _ RY 03 A' _2 That your Pet.itioner advanced' a Post-Trial implication for Writ of Habea$ Corpda before thé Trial Courz, pursuant to cause Nw. lgdeGH~B, in the 179hh Judicial nisttict Couz£ of Harris County, meas, on. or about luna 12, 2012. The ?rial Cou%t *'D@signateé leaves To Be R@sclved* on said Writ Sept@whax 259 ZBIZ. Youz Pebitianez advancéd an Af£idmviu, con$isting of a \'r@¢antabion’ from the $tah@'a gay witneee, CHARLEY IVCRY, §§Qng with slaims of Ime£fec§iva Assis£anca of Cbunéel. 8atd` claias should have been 'sup§lemantad‘ to Cause No. AQQLQQ§;§¢ but waxe unduly $@parahed by th& Court as two (2) distinct Cau&@ Numhaxé. Th§ Txial Courh}advanced Canma No. LQQQOQ§~§ to this Hon@rahla nonrt, but dz$ not advance P@uttioner's 'lsm;~§l§m§zzt~al paint_.:a‘¢ sty;l.m! ms sze§e No. _"_Q___g§_g_§;_§ to this chaxable Court. Eh$ Taxaa court of aximinal A;peala ruled on Cause Nn. 1932908*§, onAy, wtyln& by this Cmurt as Cauea N¢§ ?3¢221~9§, on March l$, 2014. Ther@after, yo$z' ?aticioner advanced a 'Fede:al Hah®am Ccrpus' to the United States Distr;ct Caurty Causa No, §:Ld~l?j , challengihg the Gon@titubionality 05 his Qon£inamant, on both cause mumbar@, i.a., Cau@e Nc._;§gggg§;§ and LQ§§QQ§;§. §§ Was th@n; §pen the Respondent'a rasponse, that yaur Patitioner was appri@ad, fcc the first time. Cause No. 1043008~3 was still pending, and was never reso&v@d by the Trial eaur%¢' The Respcndedt moved to ho§d Causa Nc. g»g§»g?§§ ié_ abeyance, pending the resolution of Cause No. lg§gOQB-.. On aeptembez 29, 2014, the Honorable FRANCES STACY¢_o£ the voided Bnanes mistrict Court, GRANTEB aba aame. 3 Th§r§after, your F§titiou§r §r§§§ 'a 'Lettar O£ Inquiry' to th§ T:i§l-Court, s§§king be d§§§kmin§ whether or not Cause N§. ;9§3998~§ wa§ §till pending. Th§ §ourt r§spondad ana §§§ri§§§'you§ P§§iti§n§r that sai§ Wri§: aaa §til; panding. Th§r§§§§§r, your' P§§i§i§ner aé§a§c§d§ a !P§titi§n, F§: Wri§ 05 'H§nda§§§’ to this C§§r§. seeking §x. ca m§§}. the Trial Court to xae§lv§ hi§ cl§i§s advanca§ in Ca§§§ No. lg§ggg§;§. Said 'Man§§mu§', styl§é ina C§usé No, ” 7‘+ F, w§§ deni§d, without §x§l§§§§i §n, on §§e§§h§r l§,-EGI§. : Yo§;zr i~‘§§,itior§§r §§v§mc§