Randall Arthur Hazel v. State

ACCEPTED 03-15-00266-CR 6379657 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 8/6/2015 9:43:58 AM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK No. 03-15-06266-CR In ,the FILED IN Court of Appeails 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS Third District ofT,exa.s 8/6/2015 9:43:58 AM at Austin JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk --------·-------- CR-2014-020 In the 207ih District Court Comal County, Texas • RANDALL ARTHUR HAZEL Appellant v. THE STATE OF TEXAS Appe!k:e • MOTI,O N TO WITHDRAW AND DISMISS APPEAL • TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF SAID COURT: COMES N OW, Randall Arthur Hazel, Appellant ill the above-captioned cause, by and through his attorney of record., and respectfu[lly moves the Court to withdraw and dismiss hls appeal, as provided by TEXAS R ULE OIF APPELLATE PROCED URE 42.2. ln :Support hereof, Appellla:nt would show unto ilie Court the foUowing: 1. On :March 3, 20t5, Appdlant was found gnilfy at a uury tria[ for the offense of Aggt:avaood Robbery.. On Aprill 20., 20H 5, the tria[ court .a:s:sessed punishment :and :sentenced Appdl:ant to {_oudlee.n yea-rs in. the T,ex:as the Department of Crimffi:a[ Ju:sitioe. 2. Appell:a.nt file,d :a cimdy notice of :appeal 3. Appellant has had the opportunity to discuss the facts :and bw regarding his .appeal with the undersigned attorney on appea[ on many oocasions. Appell:ant been notified of the cons·equenoes of asking this Court to ,dismi:ss his appeal Appellant is .aware that upon this Court gtantiing this motion, Appell:ant':s conviction will become fin.a[ and Appellant will. not be able to fil