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ejuAnf SemUns Diaecwa. dP FbnolE And Ptssi owuJ Vindicate PLAiNPLFF-APPLUMtr
StZTlON IN AMDUfitT lb*»DOE. AAO AhAtNO fa ACT V&t mr" LCD- £H,i
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received froB th ' "f D«»b«r, A.D_ ,-
M 4th Court nf i 4 mandate of -c.
°r Appeals, Houscon. Texas"'"-«
°n Chi* the 3rd day of January,
. A.D<
19«5 mandate alias „. .
-D S C° be8in °n November 22, ig8
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^-^•^ conduct
S. B. No. 152
An Act relating to eligibility for and condition* revocation., and admlnl.tra.
tL orproD.t.on.°paro.e. mandatory .upervl.lon. ^J^^\^ZZ
a. pardon., emergency reprieve, or fur.oooh.. and other type, of prLoner
.upervl.lon and releaee from Incarceration; amending Article 42.12. Code
or Criminal Procedure, 1965, a. amended, by amending Section. 1. 2, 12. 13.
Subjection, (a), (e), and (0 of Section 14A. Sectlon.^15. X. 21 22. 24, 26,
27. 23, 30, and 31. and by adding Section 3f; addlno Article 6181-1 to Tl.
tie 10S, R.vl.ed Civil Statute, of Texa., 1925. a. amended; amending See-
tlon 21, Chapter 212. Act. of th. 4Cth Legislature, Regular Session, 1927.
a. am.nded (Article 6166x1, Vernon'. Texa. Civil Statute.): amending Sec
tlon. 1 and «. Chapter 493, Act. of the 61st Leglelature, Regular So«.lon.
19«» (Artlela 6166x-3, Vernon'. Texa. Civil Statute.); repealing Article
-WhOS, Cod. of Criminal Procedure, 1965; repealing Section 23, Chapter 212.
Act. of the 40th Legislature, Regular Scion, 1927 (Article 6166v, Ver.
non'. Texa. Civil Statute.)| and repealing Chapter 361, Act. of thei 48th
Legislature, Regular Sea.ion, 1943, a. amended (Article 6184/, Vernon'. Texa.
Civil Statute.).
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas:
Section 1. Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1965, as
amended, is amended by amending « Sections 1, 2, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, ZZ,
24, 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31, and by adding" Section 3f to read as follows:
} "Section 1. It is the purpose of this Article to place wholly within
the State courts of appropriate jurisdiction the responsibility for deter
mining when the imposition of sentence in certain cases shall be sus
pended, the conditions of probation, and the supervision of probationers,
in consonance with the powers assigned to the judicial branch of this
government by the Constitution of Texas. It is also the intent of this
Article to provide for the release of persons on parole and for the meth
od thereof, to designate the Board of Pardons and Paroles as the re
sponsible agency of State government to recommend determination of
paroles and to further designate the Board of Pardons and Paroles as
responsible for the investigation and supervision of persons released on
parole. It is the intent of this Article to aid all prisoners to readjust
to society upon completion of their period of incarceration by providing a
program of mandatory supervision for those prisoners not released on
parole or through executive clemency and to designate the Board of
Pardons and Paroles as the agency of government responsible for the
program. It is the final purpose of this Article to remove from existing
statutes the limitations, other than questions of constitutionality, that
have acted as barriers to effective systems of probations and paroles in
the public interest.
"Sec. 2. This Article may be cited as the 'Adult Probation, Parole,
and Mandatory Supervision Law*. .-..*• «. h
"Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall
apply to the specified words and phrases as used in this Article:
"a. 'Courts' shall mean the courts of record having original crim
inal jurisdiction;
32. Vernon*. Ann.C.CP. art. 42.12. II 1. 2. 33. Vernon*. Ann.C.C.P. art. 42.12. | Jf.
12. 13. 15, 20 to 22. 24, 26 to 23. 30, 31.
) n
"b. 'Probation' shall mean the release of a convicted defendant hv
dunnar 5"?f«,c°ndition9
the impositionl»P"«l by the
of sentence court to^p^bt£&
is suspended • 3pecmed penod
vision as the Board of Pardons and Paroles may determine Parole shall
e"xtu«^rency;mean *C°mmUU"0n °f"^"»'«™ °"
"d. 'Mandatory supervision' shall mean the release of a nrisan»r tmm
imprisonment but not on parole and not from the ?egal custoSv of thT
State, for rehabilitation outside of prison walls und^^h^^V
and provisions for disciplinary supervision" as £ Botrd oft*ITon and
o' "»UneeMandatory supervision
or any other form ofmay not be clemencyf
executive fonstrued **
e. Probation officer' shall mean either a person duly appointed bv
..f .^°ard Sha" m*an the Board of Pard»ns and Paroles;
} Boar^„fDpa'rdtn;a^Par,e9:t,endDiViSi0n °' P«" S*""Vi>™ °< *•
Supervisfon"010'' Sh<"' ""*" the Director ot the DMrtm of Parole
not'awiyf ^ "* PrOV,'3ions °' *«««» 3»d 3c of this Article do
.oW;;Tse^1rttnpetJ.Ucfdde:8Umy " M°f'enSe defined by ">e f«""
«/5? f ect,on 19-03 (Capital murder);
(B) Section 20.04 (Aggravated kidnapping)^
"(C) Section 21.03 (Aggravated rape);
«f2? feCJ.i0n 29.03
(E) Section S'!5 (A**ravated
(Aggravated sexual abuse);
robbery); or
a fel?nVofthtehrp !?.!? a"irinative findinS that the defendant convicted of
days ^nin the
th* VJ^t**? ^At Department
custody of the r^ny t,me aftep
of the defendantthe
Corrections, hassentencing
served 60
) \8
judge, on his own motion or on motion of the defendant, may order the de-
endant released to probation. The Department of Corrections shall xl
lease the defendant to probation after he has served 120 days "
c ''?"•, !2-iP7l!,6^oard of P^ona and Paroles created'by Article 4.
!ZlZ\\^lht Const'tut,on of this State, shall administer th"provi:
1 .^M Act.respectmg determinations of which prisoners shall be
paroled from an institution operated by the Department of Corrections
he conditions of parole and mandatory supervision, and may recommend
he revocation of releases to mandatory supervision, paroles, and cS
the Board shall have the authority to determine the degree and intensity
o/ supervision a prisoner released on parole or released to mandatory
supervision should receive. manuawry
ofr their
4uS*C' *?J- TheJnl€,nber9 ol the Board shall give full time to the duties
office and shall be paid such salaries L the Leg^lature may de!
one of their number as chairman,Thewhomenjbe" °f theforBoard
shall serve sLTlof elect
a period two
years and until his successor is elected and qualified
The Board shall meet at the call of the chairman and from time to
m^oriwTtnihprW,S,e bi? determined by ™j°rity vote of the Boar? A
aTbuslness F Sha,h C°nStitUte aquorum for the transaction of
. "The Board shall adopt an official seal of which the courts shall
f ♦•
„Deci3io»3 °f the Board shall be by ma/ori yvol
-?ar? sha11 keep a record of »ta acts and shall notify each insti
AtZ°ii3 deci3i?n ",a«ng to the persons who are Confined there" n
aAnV CfL°A3er0f-T?
and^to the LegislaturefiSCal year the
a report withBoard 3ha» ^bmit
statistical to tLdataof™
and other Governor'
u ^fln' a"d B°/r? and decl3i0na
c,emency shall be re,atin* t0 mandatory
matters of
subject to public inspection at all reasonable times."
public record and
aJfj 1S: 4.(a> The Board is authorized to release on parole, with the
tE?i# •*Go/lr.nor' any Person confi™d in any penal^ ir correc!
WTuSSii Th^n' WhH° U, eMgib,,e f°r Par0,e Under «»*"Sin
B^d^ «P« order of fi
(b) A prisoner under sentence of death is not eligible for „9mi» t*
(l)rof0thLiSASfrVng a?enutenCC f0r the °"^M£n SecJ^on 3f(a)
«di ^Uon «r?ri?5»^^^ «»UiI». an affirmative finding
parole until"hi. art.* ™iUS
Sod ronrf.,!# #i
A?.,C,e' he i3 not eli*ible for release on
calendar time served, without consideration of
^^nfw.BJ,,l'll,0B*"?ih! °f the maximum 3eftten<* or 20 cal-
leasfI n« ' r ^Vei;u3 ,e3S' but in no event sha» be be eligible for re-
beeuAlef.r "J"' tha" two,ca'endar years. All other prisoners shall
good coJLl*V ,€aSe °,n paro,e when their ca'endar time served plus
or° 20^ of the maximum sentence K3
of deathAaPhlfi°Zr^° "I10? °n pa5oIc' excePfc aP€«°n ««der sentence
Board wh^nM e ^IefSed -to "»»**»* supervision by order of the
« « time equal the maximumh\term
to whichplus an/accrued
he was sentenced good
the prisoner's proper employment 2 P™«««ble, arrangements f0?
Prior to his releaL *^A™^%> .The
tory supervision .shall be for aIrU
••^V* mad«
of manda
tor which the prisoner was Lntf„riH.C(3|U,Va,]eni to the ™*imum term
on the sentence. The Sn^^^J?. CJ,!ndar tim* actuaI,y served
'ated as calendar time. Everv^rLZ™uf*t0ry supervision is calcu-
3hall remain in thecal c»&£of^f^fi. **»***" supervision
released but shall be J^^^^^^S^ "^ hC W*3
and 2i IS^S^ ^^^^ *«*
-r^on^t^^ "ance t0 th< P«"a' or
mine, the Board shall se^rfanI J2^^ ,Jhei*aftcp' a8 jt may deter-
warding each prisoner except any unZH f PertJnent '"'ormafion *
circumstances of his offense hI, n3 a^ence of death, including the
record, his conduct, t^^n^lJdV!!!1',
and mental health. *
3^1 -history and cri^"a'
3nd att,tude ln Prison, and his physical
^^^rlK Ptara°ndl?ny.PriTer' the Boa'd ™y bave
ordered only fo? the best invest of socL^T^ hinL AParo,e •»«« be
it shall not be considered to be r S 0t/S an award of ^mency;
prisoner shall be placedlo Dwl«»iv ? °f SGntence or Pardon« *
x made
as mayforbe,hisin proper emplSm?n?orte^hT,h*.w
part, evidenced[hi anWTOnta
«./ * maintenance and have
care, becn
) or in part. rBM&uUorirn^L^LP^m^.a havin* **»•. >" whole
amount of such restitutio^ or reparation"flVICt,m ih?!?J ^V* may incIude the makin*
amount of such nM^Z^rJ^l?^ "* Prisone^ crime, the total
court and entered in the iu«ent «T?i." MS1 be estab,'shed by the
prisoner to his term of J*6 C?Urt whlcn sentenced the
tion of the contract by ZfnwT? V AccePtance, signing, and execu
te release on parole Persons ^1° 5* ,)aro,ed sha11 be a precondition
be furnished aUUSZ
a written stetZ^ T „? °*
°n* mandatory supervision shall
Ian*,,™ *u" * I..Ven statement setting forth in rlpa,. La .^^n.^.^i-
language the condition" an?™ tf^JV'^ in C,Car and '»«««!«.
"(h) It shall be the dTtvofthl T JT^ suPervision,
dering the parole of any prisoner nr » ^ l at least ten dav* before or-
ency by the? Governo?
rnor to
to noSl thlT>^?\8rV>ting
notify the sheriff, the districtofattorney
district judge in the county where such person was convicted that such
paroe or clemency „ being considered by the Board or by the Governor
"(. If no parole officer has been assigned to the localfty whei eaper
son i. to be released on parole, mandatory supervision, orIxecutvc clem
eitcy the Board shall notify the chairman of the Voluntar^Paroe Board
of such county pr.or to the release of such person. Th^Lard shall re
quest such Voluntary Parole Board, in the absence o"a parole 0I:Icer'
for information which would herein be r*nniv»A ^V «.. u / i
off cer
onertetea'sed loltJ^TJZ^iTZ^J"0^ If"0™1 aP"3-
reprieve or on furlou*or person .^leasednr."""/k on,nal Pardon to
issued bv the Board"n order bJth^w "21, °r 1?ardone<1 "W be
that he poses a danger taso^etv/h.f .1 t>>e cn-cumstances indicate
incarceration. Such«fT.,\hat «ar.rants,n<3 immediate return to
to take ac ua custodyo the prhoner ^hT^' "l"*™ "amei therein
) S= ^hchhar^£S? ^^^ia^MZ
Board ,hairXrr.h!rWh°3e ret,Urn a warrant nas b«" i»»ued by the
AC and shal! noJ^UttS^and e«Vct. "" "" * i""*"'* "y th,S
don'TseCac^se^orr'vL?at^°^rk0r *I"-"?°n grante-
conditional pardon on info™.^" J*™1*', mandat°>-y supervision or
officer or parolfofficer he Z'i hand ""J*1"'"' *>y »law enforcement
before may
Board the^oard
adopt"or"s designeeh^»
JroWdlnV unT auch.J,u'cs
" "t *,* "'^ 0n such char*«
an°" regulations as the
hearing an'd A^^F^S& £$%** »« »P-Wk
a warrant issued bv the Bon.i .fn". y i ihe date of arreat under
and at atime and Place set bi th/«? J^vu^ Parole* ov the Governor
' 'acts, it may recommend to thp r ?" ^ B°ard haS heard the
supervision, orI S 1ItSTr *? the 1>ar0,e' mandatory
"» any manner t^yStem??™*" °?tin£Z6' or revoked, or modified
Person's naroll m-^ YWarrant- w*>en the Governor revokes a
son ma!, ^ZulX™*™™! or conditional pardon, that Per
which he wasTleasedsuchn HP°rt,°n .r!mainin» •' the sentence
credit for
credit for the
th tYmeTrt^X?^™!™*}0}*
tne timeTrnm
time thl\idate
fiom the .,u°»
of hisrcnw,n,n*
release totothe calculated
b« date with,
of revocation
When a warrant is issued by the Board of Pardons and Paroles or the
Governor charging a violation of release conditions, the sentence time
credit shall be suspended until a determination is made by the Board of
Pardons and Paroles or the Governor in such case and such suspended
time credit may be re-instated by the Board of Pardons and Paroles
should such parole, mandatory supervision, or conditional pardon be con
"Sec. 24. When any prisoner who has been paroled or released to man
datory supervision has complied with the rules and conditions governing
his release until the end of the term to which he was sentenced, and with
out a revocation of his parole or mandatory supervision, the Board shall
make a final order of discharge and issue the prisoner a certificate of dis
"Sec. 26. The Board of Pardons and Paroles shall have general re
sponsibility for the investigation and supervision of all prisoners re
leased on parole and to mandatory supervision. For the discharge of this
responsibility, there is hereby created with the Board of Pardons and
Paroles, a Division of Parole Supervision. Subject to the general direc
tion of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the Division of Parole Super
vision, including its field staff shall be responsible for obtaining and as
sembling any facts the Board of Pardons and Paroles may desire in con
sidering parole eligibility, in establishing a mandatory supervision plan,
and for investigating and supervising paroled prisoners and prisoners
released to mandatory supervision to see that the conditions of parole
and mandatory supervision are complied with, and for making such
periodic reports on the progress of parolees and prisoners released to
mandatory supervision aa the Board may desire.
) "Sec. 27. All information obtained in connection with inmates of the
Texas Department of Corrections subject to parole, release to mandatory
supervision, or executive clemency or individuals who may be on manda
tory supervision or parole and under the supervision of the division, or
persons directly identified in any proposed plan of release for a prisoner,
shall be confidential and privileged information and shall not be subject
to public inspection; provided, however, that all such information shall
be available to the Governor and the Boards of Pardons and Paroles upon
request. It is further provided, that statistical and general information
respecting the parole and mandatory supervision program and system,
including the names of paroled prisoners, prisoners released to manda
tory supervision, and data recorded in connection with parole and manda
tory supervision services, shall be subject to public inspection at any
reasonable time.
"Sec. 28. Salaries of all employees of the Division of Parole Super
vision shall be governed by Appropriation Acts of the Legislature. The
Board of Pardons and Paroles shall appoint a Director of the Division,
and all other employees shall be selected by the Director, subject to such
general policies and regulations as the Board may approve.
"It is expressly provided, however, that no person may be employed
as a parole officer or supervisor, or be responsible for the investigations
or supervision of persons on parole or mandatory supervision, unless he
meets the following qualifications together with any other qualifications
that may be specified by the Director of the Division, with the approval
i *f B°ard.of Pardons and Paroles,- four years of successfully com
pleted education in an accredited college or university, and two years of
full time paid employment in responsible correctional work with adults
or juveniles, social welfare work, teaching, or personnel work. Addi
tional experience in the above categories may be substituted year for
year for the required college education, with a maximum subsutution
for two years.
"Sec. 30. In order to provide supervision of parolees, persons re
leased to mandatory supervision, and persons granted executive clemency
who reside in sparsely settled areas of the State and in localities not
served by regularly employed parole officers, the Governor of this State
is authorized to appoint chairmen of Voluntary Parole Boards for such
areas or localities. The appointed chairman may, with the advice and
approval of the Director of the Division of Parole Supervision, appoint
additional members of such Voluntary Parole Boards. The term of ser
vice by such appointed chairmen of Voluntary Parole Boards shall not
exceed the term of office of the appointing Governor; and the terms of
service of locally appointed additional members of such Voluntary Parole
Boards shall not exceed the terms of office of the director. However it
is expressly provided that the terms of service by such chairmen and
additional members of Voluntary Parole Boards may be continued by ap-
propnate reappointments. The chairman of the Voluntary Parole Board
shall be responsible for assigning supervision of parolees and of persons
released to mandatory supervision to the members of such board.
♦ kiSeCj31'* N° per30n wh0 i3 serving as a sheriff, deputy sheriff, con
stable, deputy constable, city policeman, Texas Ranger, state« highway
n!v ihnu' °!;3,ml,ar law enforcement officer, or as a prosecuting attor-
o?n.!il a8 f or
of persons on parole Par°released
6 °ffiCer °r be ^sponsible
to mandatory for the supervision
) rJ^'f2r . Subsections (a), (e), and (i) of Section 14A, Article 42.12,
C°d?,°f £r,m,.nal Procedure, 1965, are amended" to read as follows-
*n* J?iJV and a33i.3t tbe Board of Pardons and Paroles in parole
annn£a£!n,°!2 3UPervl31on decisions, provision is hereby made for the
appointment of parole commissioners."
♦ •J ^e) -1" matJ*r8 of Da.role decisions and mandatory supervision revoca-
vI* T£l3 Kn8'ihe ^ssioners shall have the sami duties and authori-
rLaIthe^a,rd raembers- A Par°le panel, as hereinafter provided, may
recommend the granting, denying, or revocation of parole, the invocation
in« nn„Hat0ryHS?erV,ai0n
mgs and 3^US' revocation
mandatory supervision and may conduct P^e
hearings. TherevocaUon hear"
heir duties as ,".IMt«»
directed for Par°le
by the consideration,
board in its rules and
and they shTperform
regulations affect
mg these commissioners." B 3 aueci-
"(i) In matters of parole and i-elease to mandatory supervision the
board members and commissioners may act in panels comprisedfof three
persons in each panel. The composition of the respectivepanels shall
be designated by the board. Amajority of each panel Bh$S^^
a quorum for the transaction of its business, and its decisions sha 1be
by amajority vote. The functions given to the board tSroSt Art cle
anfe"xte°nd%o th? nm,naI Plocfdure' 1965> aa tended, maygbe enlarged
- th^ #* 2SKZ
ZKLttM as need'd <" i^tt-
3*. Vernon's Ann.C.C.P. art. «.u, j ha (a), (e). (1).
. {
Sec. 3. Title 108, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended
is amended by adding" Article 6181—1 to read as follows:
"Art. 6181—1. Inmate classification and good conduct time
"Section 1. For the purpose of this Article:
"(1) 'Department' means the Texas Department of Corrections.
"(2) 'Director' means the Director of the Texas Department of Cor
"(3) 'Inmate' means a person confined by order of a court in the Texas
Department of Corrections, whether he is actually confined in the insti
tution or is under the supervision or custody of the Board of Pardons and
"(4) 'Term' means the maximum term of confinement in the Texas
Department of Corrections stated in the sentence of the convicting court.
When two or more sentences are to be served consecutively and not con
currently, the aggregate of the several terms shall be considered the
term for purposes of this Article. When two or more sentences are to
run concurrently, the term with the longest maximum confinement will
be considered the term for the purposes of this Article.
"Sec. 2. The department shall classify all inmates as soon as prac
ticable upon their arrival at the department and shall reclassify inmates
as circumstances may warrant. All inmates shall be classified according
to their conduct, obedience, industry, and prior criminal history. The
director shall maintain a record on each inmate showing all classifica
tions and reclassifications with dates and reasons therefor.
"Sec. 3. (a) Inmates shall accrue good conduct time based upon
their classification as follows:
"(1) 20 days for each 30 days actually served while the inmate is
) classified as a Class I inmate ;
"(2) 10 days for each 30 days actually served while the inmate is
classified as a Class II inmate; and
"(3) 10 additional days for each 30 days actually served if the inmate
is a trusty.
. ',(b).£r<>Jg0od conduct time shall accrue during any period the inmate
is classified as a Class III inmate or is on parole or under mandatory
"Sec. 4. Good conduct time applies only to eligibility for parole or
mandatory supervision as provided in Section 15, Article 42.12, Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1965, as amended, and shall not otherwise affect the
inmate s term. Good conduct time is a privilege and not a right. Conse
quently, if during the actual term of imprisonment in the department,
an inmate commits an offense or violates a rule of the department all
or any part of his accrued good conduct time may be forfeited by'the
director. The director may, however, in his discretion, restore good con
duct time forfeited under such circumstances subject to rules and policies
to be promulgated by the department. Upon revocation of parole or man
datory supervision, the inmate loses all good conduct time previously
accrued, but upon return to the department may accrue new good con
duct time for subsequent time served in the department.
i'SeC.' i5*,.]* the. re.lea8e of an inmate falls upon a Saturday, Sunday,
or legal holiday, the inmate may, at the discretion of the director, be re
leased on the preceding workday."
35. Vernon*. Ann.Clv.St. art. 6181—1.
Sec. 4. Section 28, Chapter 212, Acts of the 40th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1927, as amended (Article 6166zl, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
is amended 3C to read as follows:
"Sec. 28.
"When a convict is entitled to a discharge from the State penitentiary,
or is released therefrom on parole, mandatory supervision, or conditional
pardon, the Director of the Department of Corrections or his Executive
Assistant shall prepare and deliver to him a written discharge or release,
as the case may be, dated and signed by him with seal annexed, giving
convict's name, the name of the offense or offenses for which he was
convicted, the term of sentence imposed and the date thereof, the county
in which he was sentenced, the amount of commutation received, if any,
the trade he has learned, if any, his proficiency in same, and such descrip
tion of the convict as may be practicable. He shall be furnished if
needed, suitable civilian clothes, and all money held to his credit by any
official of the Texas Department of Corrections shall be delivered to him.
"The amount of money which a convict is entitled to receive from the
State of Texas when he is discharged from the State penitentiary or re
leased from the State penitentiary on parole, mandatory supervision, or '
conditional pardon shall be $200."
Sec. 5. Sections 1 and 6, Chapter 493, Acts of the 61st Legislature,
Regular Session. 1969 (Article 6166x—3. Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is
amended " to read as follows:
"Section 1. The Texas Department of Corrections is hereby autho
rized to grant work furlough privileges, under the 'Work Furlough Plan '
as hereinafter provided, which may include programs and procedures for
inmates to contribute restitution or reparation to victims of the prisoner's
crime, as established by the judgment of the court that sentenced the
prisoner to his term of imprisonment, to any inmate of the state prison
system serving a term of imprisonment, under such rules, regulations, and
conditions as the department of corrections may prescribe."
"Sec. 6. Every prisoner gainfully employed under work furlough
™wiSf^JJa-.1!fbi'l f0I the C03t 0f hla keeP in the Pr*son or quarters as
?«!Li!J d.b?.thS dePartment of corrections. Such payments shall be
deposited periodically but at least annually, in the general revenue fund
of the state. After deduction of such amounts the director of the depart-
r^l0fl.C?i,re*Cti0n3.3han disb,Jrse the wages or salaries of employed pris
oner foi the following purposes and in the order stated •
^JJ? necessary travel expense to and from work and other incidental
expenses of the prisoner; *
"(2) support of the prisoner's dependents, if any;
fnr 12Liewtitution ol* reparation to the victim of the prisoner's crime
,w£ ♦• e 13 Serv,n-* a term of imPr«sonment, the total amount of such
n fil l°l! °r reparation as may be established by the court and entered
imprisonmf^11 °°Urt tHat aentenced the Prisoner to his term of
"(4) the balance, if any, to the prisoner upon his discharge."
Chafer 21/^ i^kSEw °£. ?rimi'Ml Procedure, 1965, Section 23,
fiuSSr v * *C5 °f tbe.40th Legislature, Regular Session, 1927 (Article
6166v, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and Chapter 361, Acts of the 48th
36. Vernon's Ann.Clv.St. art. 6I662I.
37. Vernon's Ann.Clv.St. art. 6166x—3. if
1. 0.
S'c^sKV, 2SEJS2&as amended
Ch. 785, § 5.01
seZeo}T:?Jc% '"°Se l,m""s ""*** <» * Program and aeai! „„„„.
^M^i^S^PJ^^^l "»« inaintaining astatewide
program participants and in helpinTSp^H^LnZT "" *"* "°S°™«1 "U
Wthe methods by which the ComliZ„ ! » nta to secure employment; and
""""» PortnerMp Act (Articll UUfsP) ttr„„XrU'"ff,!•"•"": ""> Tvms J">"
ic> The Commission shall coordinate tkt ''""' S"llH'C!"-
:><:dcrstandi„g. The Terns /,,/, ,' ,' , fr cZZT}'' ,"f "'? """»»"»»'«'« of
(e) The program director shall:
o^oToTttprttm? "" ^ C°'""M°"- '^ndard, and Adelines for «.
--4.24. Secr^H^^rr^^re are
SECTION ,25. Section ,W Article 4,12, Code rf ^ ^^ ^^^
^SECTION 6.01. Article 42.18, Code of CHminal Procedure, „amended ^^ ^
set f'Uvr^fIT AfD TDAT0KY s™,sroN LAW
appropriate persons on parole and ffe^Slrfif '" provide f"r »>e release of
pmoners to readjust to socieiy^tSeHnttt^,>(en^til^^^M7i
providing aprogram of mandatory supeS^U^T Pen°d of iTOar«ration by
or through executive clemency [aid^EXL^t p"son. ''-a, Code (Aggravated Sexual
^^^Zr^ZX^^Z^^^ (Deadly Assault on Law
Elderly SSwdSST fe'°ny """" 8"*B 22°4' P™1 C°de W-T to aChild or an
(9) afirst degree felony under Section 28.02. Penal Code (Arson)-
asecond degree felony under Section 29.02, Penal Code (Robbery);
s d!Sreef °"y "n;'er SeCt''0n 29'°3' P0"al C°de st legisLaturk_kegular session
^ard. [Th*^
wwtor /Amr «rtio« that provide for the LJprlj*tle bon/dshnl1- enter into contracts
- —f uiui.t, una • e> ••jij»uiii whw age
S* « COlfl.
ate or contractfi»
to house, maintain
. (V persons ret
"on under Sect
facility; and
(2) persons wht
or modified undt
imposed under a
Jr^J Tke PUrPose
^Perrnsion, counse
Programs for perso,
,'JrirrThe board na
na P; or***** t,
^facility unless
°n the issues in th<
***** under Sect
2TthUlder Sect^
o,' htHeJ0ard establi
Statutes), or under A
(d) The Texas Boa;
management ofcomm
n <•) The board mav
authorized by this*
«*mini8trat£e cms oi
[mPosed under th%°i
Kjfl-previdn fundo-feiL^h^^tfoUa--^.
"*£* to the perZ>c
au honzed by this secu
(g) The board may en,
-pervision of the board, h^S*££2? * b« P™ded to releasees K
JUST *«*— Wh» -». a^ry of menu, impairment flm)tb]ormental P^ded direc'tlybyZ
pACTION 5.02 fa, 4
S:is: rir: :hh: hhra hhistory °f sub—at-.-
. 0.) The board sha, sTfundin, ",. ^ °f ^
"d'ng f°r the "* ft- 'He legislature as apriority
The program must provide ^highest l/vefof s^on^ded^
Ch. 785, § 5.02
*«mrn nnrrontinnU fimlitinn „ H" •''"1'^ g " ["" P™nmnnl nf uffumWJn
Sec. 16. COMMUmTY-BASBD IHGttjmBMn I' -T "^
f.0' contractfor the operation ofcommunity
to house, maintain, and pronde serZeTfor^ hL,n ?"''d T'J ''sUMish '""' »per-
intermediate sanctionfacilities
facility; and irnete r^r
to serve "f""r"!f
Period in° a community
**»»«~* based
imposed under that section a%ct%ZSTrti0n *" been "»*<"*
' "'d "n whom sanctions have been
Proprarnsfor persons described by %^ffiffi^ ***** ™d otkir
facility orJangTtlZe Torl^c^%^eTZ\ M?—•***»•*
based facility unless the board provid7sn^otUS*iT. **"***. ofa community-
on the issues in the same manZrreauted/f^PIT$ed ^U^ and afaring
divmon under Section JO, Article \l,?/ ti '/C™?u™% Justice assistance
action under Section 5ofthat article Thl code before the, division takes an
that the board establishesor contacts ArlZlZ^r",to any residentiaffZlUy
imposedunder this subsecHonntX Afee
senses to the person chargedfor ^^viS^Th^hL^01 ""? to the ooard for
acommumty^ased facility to aperson^eL^
authorized by this section """ thnt Person « ""able to pay afee
if) A parole panel or a desianee of th., /,„ ^
person placed in acommunity^as%dfacmtvs7^Zrnt alimited rel™« * a
employment, education or training courses or htf/Jnn ST°" !Haff ****** or seek
(9) The board may enter into acoZdct'Zh^if^ T*"**" *efacility.
or supplement housing, board, or supTrllLmfor urn' °T?nj¥ v™dor to provide
facilities. Aperson housed or superlTediin ^f„^m°m place^ mcomm^ity-based
contracts subject to the same wSwoPlw^^T*^
provided directly by the board
by aVendor ™d*r a
J laW °S lJ the W"^ or supervision were
December 31, 1989. expire on that date Of (heT™ mem,b6rS t0 the ^ard of
JBRni °fmembers se™ng on
been serving as members of the Board of Panion" K » at *&three must have
lb) Of the initial members of the new boa d rh "" September L W9.
terms expiring on Februarv 1, 1991 sixVserv, ELS™*??1 sha" appoint six *> serve
•J oserve t*rms expiring on Feb uary ° 995 MT^ ? Pebruary l« 19^ and
«- -mbers of the new board, the *-o^^^ ft
^^^ Board of Pardons and
Ch. 785, § 9.02
Sec. | AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING RON£ . *'° "*'' Mfol,<>™
•SECTION 8.04 fa) Th;c .„ ••
(b) Proceeds of bonds authn™ ,h . .i • i;°Partment of Public Safety.
££- be approved by the UgiS&£ „SefTtSS^fiS
AcfS^fect'sepL^, a198P9roVided "y SubSeCli™» W»d (c, of this section this
(= The following provisions have imm^ ^effeT' " ^ ^ "° effeCt'
(1) Section 8(a) and SpffJnn to »„.• , ,„
by Section B.Ol' of "his'Acl?" ** *** 42'18' Cod* *Criminal Procedure, as amended
(2) Chapter 493, Acts of the niot i
o<3» Section^Article 42.03, Code of Criminal a ^ J ^ ^ ,„,
(4) Section 3(c), Article 6181-1, Revised <*»*.,.
Act r Gd Statutes' aa amended by Section 4.18 of this
Passed by the House on May 4 1989 hv iho i ..
jSfette af (Sexzs TDCJ-PD
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Pardons and Parole Division
Certificate of H.nd.tory Sup.rvlai„„
°»«t af laawaneai 17/l|/}Va|
*oorov*d county of ralaaaa
Location: Unit KN, TDCJ-ID
Causa*: 375537
,«o-« II11' C0R8, FACILITV „ lM •"»" »»«•«•« »..- r,P
10930 lEAUNONT HWV 90 *»oort inaadlataly 1 dir.e*iu *
HOUSTON. TX 77071 " "Mfiabla trSaMrtotlS J? ^^ h*lfW*V hou" «*«
CTl««1.44»« occur., contact thXJ .^J:!" V"" —»•••"•V furtn.r „t. .on.y':„T;:;,£
•rraat warrant.
J-JJ-- to dc ,0 will
>""«uat in tha laauanca of
i^^*:~SS z-^^~—" ^:ar;.r -
• "*•" "•"•"ant •«..r»i.1.fl .,
Unla.a atharviaa •rt>via)#«, j -•„.,
s'ECtat. conotrra««
*»" • t .r»ii „-,,, „,„, IUMp 1M.fU1„ lMM
•"""hub PTaejrea canaitlana.
r • • I
usuco iv oaof* or rut toito
Of PUOOHt 41(0 rVWOLtt »T *0ITlaJ.
" aanaat.ry lutervi.i.. .^
•uaarriaien u eat».#aetarllw
••••rattan „.,, „,,, b eaaalatad, aaalaua
»«** MTHt UTH 0« OF DECM.„. „„
•0M0 or MWOUt »KO Pi|0Ln
^ 7 «=7S> EXHIBIT A. PAGE I .. . it-
Case Manager: £^>jAo, 1st 1/ 2nd 1. Date of Offense:, V/j// 4.TDCJ# -? 62 V/yW^T-
6. Incident: ! 7. Code ~^~
8. Descnption of Incident" (If more spaces are needed.'continue on back) on the date ar.c^iMeliiteri
above in (place)
Resident ^-^^
&* <3#U.tyr &£&*£,
11. Signature of reporting Employee/ Date/ Time:"sSOq/frifr,? ^is7&7~ "^v'^3~57
12. Name and title of reporting employee (Print)! WT#$riSc*7J /tr,Y^^T^-""^ ~
13. Resident Notification
I have received a copy of the charge(s) alleged against m.?
Date and Time Notified
a&d.'- ~£
A Res'dent Signature 6i
Notifying Official/Title: kiJj£&Q_.._
You have the right to appear before a hearing officer 24 hours or more sft«.r rer.a'.otof tir* no*i"o Y<
have the nght to have an opportunity to be heard, call witness and submit a wr-e'" stateTvnt Bv
signing here you give up the right to 24 hour notice and authorize the Hearinc Officer to omceeo wit
the heanng. w
£ ^
1 « ?TI I
r-» T~ t ~ »-» k k i a < a <~« ~~ _ -~^ _
•* . "» •»
14. Accused Statement and Attitude:
- v-* »
i^ ^.^
'•^Investigation Section
Investigation Comments and Conclusions: Awx'.i.. *
r -» •; . fc . . • , .
*..-<- • »
e •• ' " . :\
16. Iwish to waive my right to a Disciplinary Hearing: Yes
^esidehVs sVnaWV' - V1'- vv"»" - ::^\rr&
;; \Hearihg.diKHSflhatUn,''" ;•"*v;. ?.V.*-'» •:
"•' ____^__/__^* --\ •
17. Resident's Plea: Guilty: V * <*i . !» %* *
_ Not Guilty:
8. Description of Incident? If more snare? a",.', 7^" , 'A —r— •*L
above In (place) _^[7. "" "*"'*'• c0"tae on back> "> »« date »"SJ'5S?1555-
Resident Name:
9. Descript?gn_of physical evidence takerr rr^.;—7T "•- ^
10. Witness Name- — "^'d~- ^^t- O^r^^O^Z 2^v^r,
11. Signature of rir^tm^ l3^^''?7^/>^
12. Name and title of repnrtingo^T^^
repnrtinr1^phTe7p^ ^^r^r~/^7^-
^f^rn^-~/^^^~ ~--—&•*
13. Reside; rNotification: ^^-jl^-^J^^^^^
| : hsve receiver] a cepv of
<^f 'rh-2
•••- eh- r.-.:-. ->ii .,».
ch'-> t.u:-. ,1 ,.-,
^ 2."
™"1C ClM'gm8 Cd radl"S which
°f*« ** *"« -icingreviewed
were previously a„
F. A.ncnd.nen./AdditronsteAllegationshsredontheChargingtnsrru.nent: g None QAs follows:
G. Other Preliminary Matters: D None g| As follows:
H. Additional information /Statns ofCriminal Law Charges: g| None QAs follows:
I- Motions /ejections and Rulings /Determinations made durmg ,he Hearing: DNone BAs follows:
Counsel entered Objection to the hearing been convened because the OFFFNnFP 1
he . under the authority ofthe Board ofPardons and Paroles^Obje'.o,, OvTrrulED." '**
ofPardons and Paroles. Objections O^S^SJSAZbS^."^"^^
Objection OVERRULED. Exhibit CACCEPTED P ,h,e 0[7E*DER—-»
CoIumn was left blank"
HS-104(R 07-01-04) * 3^
Page 2 of4
ED0'E D°N J°^0N, rDCJ ,364033
I WetherJohnson has eVer received
•""- -- ^zzzrr*---*'-'-**
VnS: Rocords "Mimainod bv the roc./ p ,
— -ri^rjirT"*"'
^charge date ofNovember 12 '042 « o
"' "" '^ J°hnS°n "^ *SChedu,ed
- -<"»-• (See Exhibit A, page 1 ? «n „
^^ndatorySupervisio,,..). "~' ^ State°fTexas Certificate
•>/*• No, Johnson is not suh.fiCr*n r
"wson,sserv,ng sentences for offenses m
""" —<"'-» omc, „„-„„„_ "- '"""»»' ««*«
-—*—.,—«.,_ 24,20,; -".rr—*--—* JTWkUaW ,, ,
W *,n<"Mi"*«r.**»»„««_.„ ,
3<-\ on ST^Q^ for the following reasons:
visitor name date'
Check one:
Not on approved visitation list.
Inappropriate Identification (ID or Driver License did not match information on list)
Inappropriate attire
Inappropriate conduct
ed on relationship
r^Sa^tto-4 Ij-U hoi^ lA.%LSkjA/UA
age 2
ofr d ~ mo3Q-<^i_j
SSil^ .0- I982 •
«•— offen**ofMu_. ^^-J*-*. ^ S S ' ^
Pursuant to Tex GOVT Co '°
JUL 2 9 2011 /
TO: Johnson, Eddlo
ITJCJtf 364033
FROM: Administrative Rovlow &Risk Management fc-(to| UNIT: LH
SUBJECT: Offender Correspondence
Ynu should always attempt to
r u : ;r*z™rzir *•s^ is-i-*--
communicate the problem, or submit an 1-60 Olfondor Rnmmet »« nm^i^i
e _« ™~Cl£M» *oc APPEALS
tlttfcO fcrsttatr dP rtXAS
p.VX5tIKiT€fV« TB"IU-2S>~C\L
V, TUC StfttE DFTElflS
EHClDStA PIMSC Mb /r #>/V *f M bEbU&im bFAOSUZ. PittC flU AMoM
omtfi P/tPtfis in rf+& cause jx 3uPPi>/w m rttc APPml tb lie bnouettr btfbnz tnc
UMonMis JusnteA of wl tHjm cou/ir df APteafi fir soul rmc tF Aw htetmic
THaiuc You Pd/l ioaa fcsisr/wcc sk rftjs mrraL.
^xtiUAdbl /RECEIVED ^
SEP 1 8 2015
Mb S / Wl£>H WM TO 37 \ JEFFREY D. KYLt= /
1098 S. HWY. 2037
Ux8& t£ fc?9EMS
TKERfi toStfOtf CtfTBCftS
P.&.&C W5H1
Aosrat ,toa3