Phillips, Jeremiah Deshean AKA Phillips, Jeremiah D.

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Yr(EJ·- I F\LED \VRlT NO. \V0?-48) 64- V(A) ZOI5·DEC -3 PH ~: 13 \, , t . o" \ \l ?· --. ~l; .._. 7.~\QH!0 ~ c'-+ EX PARTE § .. · .@Il.l•.A~TRE IN THE 292nd JUffi D\S1R\CT ~RK '· LL J·"\'' S cr...-.t-I S ::::::~:~~:~T~~ 1--\ cp , § '- STATE'S PROPOSED ORDER DESIGNATING ISSUES Having considered Applicant's Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus and the State's Response, the Court finds that controverted, previously unresolved facts material to the legalit.)' of Applicant's confinement exist The Court tJ.nds that each of the aiiegations set forth in the application are controverted, unresolved factual issues, which require additional evidence and/or testimony to be resolved. Th~ Court appoints Bruce Anton to res~lve the issues and prepare findings of fact and conclusions of law for the Court. The issues may be resolved by affidavits, depositions, interrogatories, or by hearings as deemed necessary by the person appointed herein. Above appointed attorney does not represent the Applicant. Applicant is not entitled to counsel at this time. The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED to send a copy of this order to Applicant, or Applicant's counsel (if so represented) and to counsel for the State by depositing the same in the United States mail. Signed---·---------------' 2011J. Judge Larry Mitchell 292nd Judicial District Court Dallas County, Texas ", r '. Respectfully submitted, Craig Watkins Christme Womble Criminal District Attorney Assistant District Attorney Dallas County, Texas State Bar No. 24035991 Frank Crowley Courts Building I 33 N. Riverfront Blvd., LB-19 Dallas, Texas 75207-4399 (214) 653-:~625 (214) 653-3643 (fax) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing response was served on Applicant, Jeremiah Deshean Phillips, #15 I 2530, Beto Unit, P 0. Box 128, Tennessee Colony, Texas, 75880, by depositing same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, on November 24, ) 2010. I further certify that a true copy of the foregoing was served on Bruce Anton, writ master, Sorrels, Udashen & Anton, 23 I 1 Cedar Springs Road, Suite 250, Dallas, Texas, 75201, by_.. and United States mail, postage prepaid, on November 24, 2010. Christine Womble 2