FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:29:57 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk TAB 33 FILE 10 /2 1 6:05:55 PM StanStanart Stan Stanart ` CountyCler Clef HarrisCo Co y Cause CauseN o.4427208 No. 27208 1N IN THE THE GUARDIANSHIP GUARDIANSHIPOF OF § IN THEPROBATE INTHE PROBATECOURT COURT RUBY RUBY S.PETERSON, S. PETERSON, § NUMBERONE NUMBER ONE((1) 1)OFOF ANINCAPACITATED AN INCAPACITATED PERSON PERSON § HARRIS HARRISCOUNTY, COUNTY, TE FIRSTAMENDEDANSWER FIRSTAMENDEDANSWER -o TO TO THE THE HONORABLE HONORABLE JUDGEOFSAID JUDGEOFSAIDC OURT: COURT: COMES COMES NOW, NOW, W. W. R ussJJones, Russ ones,acting inhis asAttomey in his capacity as Ad LitemforMrs. AttorneyAdLitem for Mrs. Ruby Ruby S.Peterson, S. Peterson, having been duly appointed been duly assuch appointedas by JudgeL suchbyJudge oydH Loyd H..Wright on February25, Wrighton 25, 2014, toTexas 2014, pursuantto TexasEstates EstatesCCode Section1054.001, odeSection 1054.001, and and entersan appearanceon entersan behalfof on behalf of theproposed wardand the proposedward and respectfullyshows untothe showsunto the Courtthe following: the following: I.I. General Denial The The proposed wardgenerally denieseachofthe proposed ward generally denieseach allegations of the material allegationsset forthinthei set forth in the applicationfor application for guardianship,and demandsstrictproofthereof byclearandconvincing evidence.S and demands strict proof thereof by clear and convincing evidence. II.Lesser RestrictiveAlternatives II. Lesser Restrictive Alternatives Proposedwardhasvalidgeneral durableandmedicalpowersofofattomey Proposed ward has valid general durable and medicalpowers whichhavebeen attorney which have been inplace andfunctioning formanyyyears. in place and functioning formany ears.A ssuch,thereis no need As such, there is no forguardianship protection, need for guardianship protection, given the and oftheselesser alternatives to given the existence and functionality of these lesser restrictive alternatives to guardianship. III.DEFENSESQ III. DEFENSES l.1. NOFALSE IMPRISONMENT: RubyPeterson isnotbeing,andhasnotbeen,falsely NO FALSE IMPRISONMENT: Ruby Peterson is not being, and has not been, falsely imprisonedattheSilverado Senior Living Center-Sugar Landbecause Mrs.Peterson consented imprisoned at the Silverado Senior Living Center-Sugar Land because Mrs. Peterson consented (byvalidDurable Medical Power ofAttorney executed in1993)forhealthcaredecisions tobe (by valid Durable Medical Power of Attorney executed in 1993) for health care decisions to be madeonherbehalfbyCarolAnnManley andDavid TroyPeterson intheeventthatsheshouldtt made on her behalf by Carol Ann Manley and David Troy Peterson in the event that she should Silverado Appx. 0177 No. 1-15-586-CV 3122 become become physically or mentally incapable or mentally incapable ofmaking such decisions of making such decisions for Oneofthe for herself. One of the reasons fortheDurable reasons for the Durable Medical Power ofAttomey Medical Power to avoid was to of Attorney was avoid tthe need for heneed for a guardianship of of her person tthrough her person hrough the creation of thecreation lesser restrictive alternative of a lesser to guardianship. alternativeto Further, guardianship. Further, the the decision decision thatMrs. that Mrs.Peterson Peterson beadmitted be admitted to secured toaasecured memory memory facility carefacility care forhersafety for and her safety and protection protection was not madesolely was not at thewhim made solely at discretion ooffMrs. the whim ordiscretion Mrs. P eterson’s Peterson's healthcare health care agents; agents; rather, rather, it was based it was the p on the based on rofessional professional medical recommendations medical recommendations and and a dvice advice of of M Peterson’s Peterson's treating treating physicians. Thus, physicians. Thus, residential residential placement at Silverado atSilverado was pursuant waspursuant legalauthority tolegal to authority and and which justification which RubyPeterson Ruby Petersonhadexpressly had expresslyconferred upon CarolAnn upon Carol Manley Ann Manley and and David David TroyPeterson Troy Petersonin1993. in 1993. 2. 2. NOVALID REVOCATION NO VALID REVOCATION OF DURABLE POWER OFDURABLE POWER OFATTORNEY: RubyPeterson OF ATTORNEY: Ruby Peterson didnot did notexecute validrevocation execute aa valid revocationofthe1993 of Durable the 1993 Durable Medical Medical Power Power ofAttorney of onNovember Attorney on November 2013because 15,2013 15, because thepurported the purported but denied butdenied revocation revocation was not was not made orallyor madeorally inwriting orin writing byMrs. by Mrs. Peterson, Peterson, inher in hercapacity Principal, asPrincipal, capacity as to to Carol AnnManley CarolAnn orto Manley or DavidT to David Troy Peterson, intheir royPeterson, in their capacity capacity as Agents. as Rather, Agents. Rather, ititwas theproduct wasthe ofsecretive product of ofundue actsof secretive acts influence undue influence which which Mackey Mackey GlenPeterson Glen PetersonandDon and Leslie DonLeslie Peterson Peterson perpetrated perpetrated upon Ruby upon Peterson, Ruby Peterson, whothey who they knew knew was was susceptible susceptible manipulation tomanipulation to and lacking andlacking inmental in capacity mental capacity secondary secondary to moderate to dementia moderate dementia with with severe severe cognitive cognitive impairment as a result. impairment asa Additionally, result. Additionally, thepurported but the denied rrevocation butdenied evocation of of durable durable medical medical power ofattorney power of attorneyis invalid because isinvalid because Mrs. Mrs. P eterson Peterson never m never anifested manifested any any specific intent intent to revoke to revoke thehealthcare decision-making the healthcare decision-making authority authority ofCarol of Carol Ann Manley Ann Manley or David or Troy David Troy Peterson whomshe Peterson whom she trusts, admires trusts, admires and and adores. Peterson Mrs.Peterson adores. Mrs. onlymanifested only manifested intentto anintent an sign tosign somepapers some papers(anypapers) (any thatshe sothat papers) so leaveSilverado couldleave shecould Silveradoandreturn to and herhome to her inBaytown, home in Baytown, (aprior Texas(a Texas prior h omewhich home whichnnoolonger longer exists). limited Thislimited exists). This andlegally and legallyinsufficient insufficient intentwas intent the wasthe directresult direct ofUndue resultof Influence Undue Influence exerted exerted Mrs.Peterson uponMrs. upon Peterson byMackey by GlenPeterson, Mackey Glen Peterson, Don Don Silverado Appx. 0178 No. 1-15-586-CV 3123 Leslie Leslie P eterson Peterson and and their wiveswho their wives whoknew knew that that R ubyP Ruby eterson Peterson was susceptible was susceptible to to manipulation andwho and who they they knew would knew would signANYTHING sign ANYTHINGifshe if she could goohome could g home ttooBaytown (ahome (a home w hichno which no longer longer exists). ThePlaintiffs' exists). The P1aintiffs’ undue undue influence influence subverted subverted thewill the ofMrs. will of Peterson Mrs. Peterson making the the execution their act,nothers, and hertodothatwhich shewould not document execution their act, not hers, and influenced her to do that which she would not otherwise otherwise havedone.TheNovember 15,2013 have done. The November 15, executions 2013 document executions tookplace took insecrecy, place in secrecy, notice without toCarol orDavid AnnManley Troy because Peterson Plaintiffs knew thatifCarol without notice to Carol Ann Manley or David Troy Peterson because Plaintiffs knew that if Carol Ann andDavid Ann and Davidwere wereppresent resent and permitted andpermitted to explain to theconsequences explain the consequencesofheractions, of Mrs. her actions, Mrs. Peterson Peterson would would havesigned nothave not signed thenew the newpower ofattomey power of and purported attorney and purported revocation revocation ofdurable of durable ofattomey. powerof power actedin attorney. Furthermore, Plaintiffs acted badfaithbecause inbad theyhadbeen faith because they had been advised advised more more than40 than 40days days p riorttooNovember prior 15,2013 November 15, thatM 2013that rs.P Mrs. eterson Peterson suffered suffered fromdementia, from dementia, was was extremely susceptible extremely susceptible to manipulation, to manipulation, and,most and, that she lacked sufficient mental mostimportantly, thatshelacked mental capacity capacity to manage to manage herfinancial otheraffairs. orother her financial or affairs. 3. 3. NOASSAULT ANDBATTERY: NO ASSAULT AND BA I I ERY: Ruby Ruby P eterson Peterson did not suffer did not "assault and an "assault suffer an and battery" battery" by being administered bybeing administered doctor-prescribed doctor-prescribed medications medications against against herwill.Byvirtue ofthe1993 her will. By virtue of the 1993 Durable Durable Power Medical Power ofAttomey, of Attorney, Ruby Ruby P eterson, Peterson, as Principal, as Principal, consented tohealthcare consented to healthcare decision-making decision-making herbehalf onher on byCarol behalf by AnnManley Carol Ann Manleyand and David TroyPeterson, David Troy as herauthorized Peterson, as her authorized agents. agents. Knowing, Knowing, fulldisclosure, after full disclosure, thatRuby that RubyPeterson's Peterson’s prescriptive prescriptive medications medications were were medically medically necessary for for the the proper careand proper care treatment ofheranxiety and treatment of her anxiety disorder, disorder, depression, depression, degenerative degenerative joint disease, joint disease, arthritis, degenerative arthritis, dementia dementia and other m andother edical medical conditions, conditions, and and having having R ubyPeterson’s Ruby express Peterson's express consent consent makemedical tomake to medical decisions decisions herbehalf onher on (including behalf (including the the rightto right toconsent consent to medical tomedical psychiatric orpsychiatric or andtreatment), careand care treatment), Defendants Defendants Manley Manley and Peterson andPeterson consented consented ontheir on their m other’s mother's behalf behalf theadministration tothe to ofprescriptive administration of medications prescriptive medications andvitamin and vitamin supplements supplements which Ruby’s whichRuby's treating treating physicians physicians prescribed prescribed forthe for proper the proper andtreatment and ofher treatment of her Silverado Appx. 0179 No. 1-15-586-CV 3124 conditions. Consent isan defense to and battery. Effectiveincludes consent conditions. Consent is an affirmative defense to assault and battery. Effective consent includes consent byaa personal legally consent by legally aauthorized uthorized toact on behalf to act on behalfofthealleged of the allegedvictim victimof anassault. ofan assault. See See Tex. Pen. Tex. Pen. Code Code Section Section l.07(a)(l9). Consent 1.07(a)(19). Consent isis also also defense aadefense assault toananassault to ifthe if the D efendants’ Defendants' conduct conduct didnot did or inflict not threaten or inflict serious serious bodily bodily iinjury. njury.See SeeTex. Tex.Pen. Pen.Code CodeSection Section22.06. 22.06. Basedoonntheabove, Based the above, there there was no "assault wasno "assault and and battery" with with respect to medication respect to medication administration, administration, with respect with respect toassistance to assistance with with showering Ruby Ruby Peterson, Peterson, etc. Defendants etc. Defendants were were authorized authorized to to consent consent to suchcare tosuch careon behalf onbehalf ofRuby of Peterson, Ruby Peterson, andRuby and Rubysuffered suffered no bodily nobodily injuryasa injury as a result result thereof. 4. 4. LACK LACK OFSTANDING OF STANDING & &SUBJECT SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION: MATTER JURISDICTION: Plaintiffs Mackey Mackey GlenPeterson, Glen Peterson,DonLeslie Don LesliePeterson Peterson andLonny Peterson and lacklegal Peterson lack standing legal standing to to sue forFalse suefor False Imprisomnent, Imprisonment, Assault Assault andBattery, and Breach Battery, Breach ofFiduciary of Fiduciary Duty, Duty, Conversion, Conspiracy, Conversion, Conspiracy, Invasion Invasion ofPrivacy, of Privacy, Intentional Intentional Infliction Infliction ofEmotional of Emotional Distress or any other Distress orany other sstate or federal tateor cause o federal cause off action action on behalf of onbehalf of Ruby Ruby P eterson. Peterson. Ruby Ruby Peterson Peterson hadbeen had been diagnosed diagnosed with Dementia by(1) Dementia by (1) Federico (2)Saeed Federico Dancel,M.D.'; (2) Kahkeshani, Saeed Kahkeshani, (3)Samiran M.D.2; (3) K.Das, Samiran K. (4)Salah Das, M.D.3; (4) U. Salah U. June of 2013. Board Internist Board Certified Internist and and Ruby Ruby P eterson’s Peterson's longtime long timeprimary care physician. carephysician, 2 BoardCertified Neurologist Board Neurologist whodiagnosed who diagnosed Ruby Ruby with with dementia dementia inapproximately in approximately June of 2013. 3 Board Ruby with dementia atthePasadena Board Certified Internist who diagnosed Ruby with dementia at the Pasadena Bayshore Bayshore Hospital Adult Adult Psychiatric Unit in approximately August Unit m August 2013. 2013. Silverado Appx. 0180 No. 1-15-586-CV 3125 Qureshi, (5) Suleman Lalani, Qureshi, M.D.4.; (5)Suleman and(6)Christopher Lalani, M.D.5;and 0. Merkl, M.D.6prior (6) ChristopherO.Merkl, priorto to November November 15, 013when 15, 22013 manipulatedRuby when PlaintiffsmanipulatedRubyPPeterson eterson(through (throughthesecretive the secretive exercise of Undue Influence) ofUndue Influence)into signingaapurported intosigning butddenied purportedbut eniedrrevocation evocation ofdurable powerof of durablepower ofattomey attorney and butddenied purported but andpurported enied ewstatutorydurable nnew powerof durablepower attorneywhich, ofattorney predictably,replaced which,predictably, replaced Defendants Defendants Carol Carol A Manleyaand nnManley Ann ndDavid DavidTroy ithPlaintiffs Petersonwwith TroyPeterson PlaintiffsMackey lenPeterson MackeyGGlen Peterson andDonLeslie and Don Leslie Peterson Petersonaassthepurported gentsooffRuby the purportedaagents RubyPeterson. Peterson. Ruby Ruby P eterson Peterson lacked herequisite lackedtthe mentalcapacity requisitemental capacitytoexecute newdisability to executenew disabilityplanning planning documents onNovember documents on November 15, (sincesshe 013(since 15, 22013 hewas wasalready mentallyincapacitated alreadymentally andhad incapacitatedand hadbeen been forapproximately for approximately ayear p riorb ythat t ime). acted inbad faithbecause they a year prior by that time). Plaintiff's acted in bad faith because theywere were informed, informed, inwriting, onOctober in writing,on by Board CertifiedGeriatric 4, 2013byBoard October4,2013 PsychiatristChristopher GeriatricPsychiatrist ChristopherO. 0. Merkl, M.D. Merkl, M.D. tthat hatRuby RubyPeterson Petersonhhad addementia, dementia,was and lackedthe susceptibletoto manipulation,andlacked wassusceptible the requisite m requisite entalcapacityto mental manageherfinancial tomanage orother her financialor RubyPeterson’s authorized other affairs. Ruby Peterson's authorized for both financial agents forboth agents financialandpersonal/healthcare decision-making remain DefendantCarolAnn and personal/healthcare decision-making remain Defendant Carol Ann Manley Manleyaand ndDavid DavidTroyPeterson. Troy Peterson. Assuch, Mackey GlenPeterson, DonLesliePeterson andLormy Peterson have As such, Plaintiffs Mackey Glen Peterson, Don Leslie Peterson and Lonny Peterson have legalstanding no legal standingto no bringany causesofaction to bringanycauses nbehalf of actionoon ofRubyPeterson. Under Texaslaw, behalf of Ruby Peterson. Under Texas law, standing is a necessarycomponent standing is anecessary ofsubject matter jurisdiction. SincePlaintiffs lackstanding to component of subject matter jurisdiction. Since Plaintiffs lack standing to behalfofRubyPeterson, theirclaimsmustbbeedismissed for wantofsubject matter sue on behalf of Ruby Peterson, their claimsmust sueon dismissed foraa want of subject matter 4 Board Certified Psychiatrist Board Certified Geriatric Psychiatrist who diagnosed who diagnosed Rubywithdementia atthe Ruby with dementia at the PasadenaBayshore Hospital Adult UnitinAugust of2013. Pasadena Bayshore Hospital Adult Psychiatric Unit in August of 2013. 5 BoardCertified Intemist, Board Geriatric physicianandRubyPeterson’s attending Board Certified physician Internist, theSilverado SeniorBoard Certified Living FacilityGeriatric physician whodiagnosed RubyandwRuby Peterson's ithdementia in attending physician at at the of2013. Silverado Senior Living Facility who diagnosed Ruby with dementia in approximately September approximately September of 2013. BoardCertified Psychiatrist andtreating whodiagnosed physician Ruby with Peterson 6 inOGeriatric dementia ctober of2013.r Board Certified Geriatric Psychiatrist and treating physician who diagnosed Ruby Peterson with dementia in October of 2013. Silverado Appx. 0181 No. 1-15-586-CV 3126 jurisdiction. jurisdiction. n WHEREFORE, WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Proposed Proposed Ward RUBY RUBY S.PETERSON, S. PETERSON, respectfully prays tthat respectfully prays hattthe hePlaintiffs Mackey Mackey Glen Peterson, Don Glen Peterson, Don Leslie Peterson Leslie Peterson andLonny and takenothing Peterson byreason ofthissuit; thatcosts including, limitation, without all Peterson take nothing by reason of this suit; that costs including, without limitation, all court appointees’ appointees' feesand fees expenses, and expenses, beadjudged be againstthe adjudged against thePlaintiffs; andthatshe Plaintiffs; and hencewithout gohence that she go without day. day. Respectfully submitted, submitted, UNDERW UNDERW OD, JJONES, •I OD, ONES, SCHERRER SCHERRER & & MALOUF, MALOUF, .L.L.C. By: By: W.RU ·s W. RUS JO StateB No. adig |8050 State B No. 1 P8050 5177 5177 R ichmond Richmond Avenue, Avenue, Suite Suite 505 505 _ Houston, Houston, Texas 77056 Texas 77056 ; (713) 552-1144 (713) 552-1144 (713)781-4448 (713) 781-4448 ffacsimile acsimile ATTORNEY ATTORNEY ADLITEM AD FORRUBY LITEM FOR RUBYS. S. PETERSON, PETERSON, PROPOSED PROPOSED WARD WARD Silverado Appx. 0182 No. 1-15-586-CV 3127 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE hereby c IIhereby ertify certify tthat hataa true true and copyoftheforegoing and correctcopyof the foregoing instrument hasbeen has been forwarded forwarded to: to: Sarah Patel Patel Pacheco Pacheco Candice Candice Schwager Schwager Kathleen Tanner Beduze Beduze 1417 1417 Ramada Ramada Drive Drive Crain, Crain, Caton & James, P.C. Caton &James, P.C. Houston, Houston, Texas 77062 Texas 77062 McKim1ey, 1401McKinney, 1401 Suite1700 Suite 1700 Houston, Houston, Texas 7 Texas 7010 77010 PhilipM Philip M. .Ross Ross JoshK.Davis Josh K. Davis 1006 1006 Holbrook Holbrook Road Road Lewis, Brisbois, Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard Bisgaard &Smith, & L.L.P. Smith, L.L.P. SanAntonio, San Antonio, Texas Texas 78218 78218 Weslayan Tower, Suite Weslayan Tower, 1400 Suite 1400 24Greenway Plaza 24 Plaza Houston, Houston, Texas77046 Texas 77046 _ byfacsimile by and/ore-file on facsimile and/or the2' day onthe dayofOctober, of October, 22|t 14. 14. w. J Agall4/11§ W. RUSS JONES Silverado Appx. 0183 No. 1-15-586-CV 3128 TAB 34 10/6/2014 FILED 10/6/2014 8:51:06 PM Stan Stanart County Clerk D| UPTH\$ DATA-ENTRY DATE U Harris County PICK UP THIS DATE NO. 427,208 PROBATE COURT 1 PROBATE COURT 'I NO. 427,208 IN RE: GUARDIANSHIP OF INRE:GUARDIANSHIP OF § INTHEPROBATE COURT IN THE PROBATE COURT RUBY RUBY PETERSON, PETERSON, § NUMBER NUMBER ONE ONE PROPOSED PROPOSED WARD WARD § HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS C cv 2014-40980 N0. CAUSE NO. 2014-40980 ("MACK") PETERSON, MACKEY Friend Next § INTHEDISTRICTCOURT GLENPETERSON, § MACKEY ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON, § IN THE DISTRICT COURT PETERSON, Individually, Next Friend 0fRUBYPETERSON, DONLESLIE § of RUBY PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON, and as Next PETERSON, Individually and as Next § Friend,0f RUBYPETERSON, Friend, of RUBY and PETERSON, and § 0fRUBY Friend LONNY Next LONNY §§ S.PETERSON, PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually Next Friend of RUBY S. PETERSON, and § Individually and Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs, V. V. HARRIS COUNTYTEXAS HARRISCOUNTY, TEXAS § CAROL § ANNE MANLEY DAVID CAROL § PETERSON, SILVERADO ANNE SENIORLIVING MANLEY, DAVID PETERSON, SILVERADO CAREFACILITY, LIVINGCARE § SENIOR FACILITY, TAN TANAAMCMILLON, MCMILLON, § LINDALAVINS LINDA ON,DR.REBECCA LAVINSON, DR. REBECCA § CLEARMAN, DR.CHRISMERKL CLEARMAN, DR. CHRIS MERKL Defendants. Defendants. § 129TH 129TH JUDICIAL JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT OFNONSUIT NOTICEOF NOTICE OFTAN NONSUIT OF AMCMILLON, TANA MCMILLON, LINDA LAVINSON, LINDALAVINSON, DR. REBECCA C LEARMAN AND DR.CHRIS MERKL DR. REBECCA CLEARMAN AND DR. CHRIS MERKL 1 Silverado Appx. 0184 No. 1-15-586-CV 3211 COME, NOW PETERSON, GLEN MACKEY LONNY and PETERSON, NOW COME, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, LONNY PETERSON, and DON LESLIE DON PETERSON, Individuallyand LESLIEPETERSON, as Next andas Friendsof Next Friends RUBY of RUBY PETERSON ("Plaintiffs"), PETERSON and file this ("Plaintiffs"),and Notice this Notice ofNonsuit of ofTana Nonsuit of McMill0n, Tana McMillon, Lavinson, Linda Clearman Dr.Rebecca and Merkl, Dr.Chris would andinsupport Linda Lavinson, Dr. Rebecca Clearman and Dr. Chris Merkl, and in support would show asfollows: theCourt show the Court as follows: Plaintiffs give hereby thatthey notice have tononsuit decided claims their Plaintiffs hereby give notice that they have decided to nonsuit their claims against against theindividual the Defendants individual Defendants Tana McMill0n, TanaMcMillon, Linda Linda Lavinson, Lavinson, Dr.Rebecca Dr. Rebecca Clearman Clearman andDr. and Chris Dr.Chris Merkl.PRAYER Merkl. PRAYER WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs WHEREFORE, request tthe Plaintiffs request heCourt o takenotice Court tto take notice ofthenonsuit of of the nonsuit of the individual the Defendants individual Defendants Tana Tana M cMill0n, McMillon, Linda Lavinson, Linda Lavinson, Dr.R Dr. ebecca Rebecca Clearman Clearman and Dr. and ChrisMerkl.Plaintiffs Dr.Chris respectfully Merkl. Plaintiffs respectfully equestthat rrequest that this Courtgrant this Court all grantall requested reliefand requested relief andallother andfurther all other and reliefto further relief whichthey towhich theymay bejustlyentitled maybe justly entitled at lawor atlaw inequity.Respectfully orin equity. submitted Respectfully submitted Philip Philip M.Ross M. Ross 1006 1006 H olbrook Holbrook Road Road SanAntonio, San TX 78218 Antonio, TX 78218 Phone: 210/326-2100 Phone: 210/326-2100 Email: Email: By: /s//s/Philip M. By: M.Ross Ross 2 2 Silverado Appx. 0185 No. 1-15-586-CV 3212 PhilipM.Ross Philip M. Ross StateBar State N0.17304200 BarNo. 17304200 ATTORNEY FOR ATTORNEY MACKGLEN FOR MACK GLEN PETERSON, LONNY PETERSON, PETERSON, LONNY PETERSON, AND AND DON DON LESLIE PETERSON LESLIE PETERSON THESCHWAGER THE SCHWAGER LAW LAWFIRM FIRM /s/Candice /s/Candice L.Schwager L. Schwager CandiceL. Candice L.Schwager Schwager 1417Ramada 1417 Ramada Dr. Dr. Houston, Houston, Texas Texas 77062 77062 Tel:(832)315-8489 Tel: (832) 315-8489 Fax:(713) Fax: 583-0355 (713) 583-0355 ATTORNEY ATTORNEY FOR MACKGLEN FOR MACK GLEN PETERSON, L ONNYPETERSON, PETERSON, LONNY PETERSON, AND AND DON LESLIE PETERSON DONLESLIE PETERSON CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE OF SERVICE II hereby thatthisdocument herebycertify that wase—filed this document was andserved e-filed and served on allcounsel on all of counsel of recordon record the6thdayofSeptember, onthe 2014./s/ 6th day of September, 2014. M.Ross Is/ Philip M. Ross PhilipM.Ross Philip M. Ross 33 Silverado Appx. 0186 No. 1-15-586-CV 3213 TAB 35 FILED 10/6/2014 8:51:06 PM SI Stan Stanart County Clerk DATA-ENTRY UPTHIS DATE Harris County PICK UP THIS DATE PROBATE COURT 1 PROBATE COURT 1 NO.427,208 NO. 427,208 IN IN RE: GUARDIANSHIP RE:GUARDIANSHIP OF OF §§ THE INTHE IN PROBATE PROBATE COURT COURT § RUBY RUBY PETERSON, PETERSON, §§ NUMBER NUMBER ONE ONE § § PROPOSED WARD PROPOSED WARD § HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS CAUSE CAUSE NO.2014-40980 NO. 2014-40980 MACKEY MACKEY("MACK") ("MACK")GGLEN LENPETERSON, § § ININTHEDISTRICT PETERSON, COURT THE DISTRICT COURT PETERSON, NextFriend PETERSON, Individually, Next Friend §§ ofRUBYPETERSON, of DONLESLIE RUBY PETERSON, DON LESLIE § PETERSON, andas PETERSON, Individually and Next asNext §§ Friend, ofRUBY Friend, of PETERSON, RUBY PETERSON, and and §§ LONNY LONNY PETERSON, Individuallyand PETERSON, Individually and §§ Next Friendof NextFriend ofRUBY S.PETERSON, RUBY S. PETERSON, §§§ § Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs, § § V. V. § HARRIS § HARRIS COUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS §§ CAROL CAROL ANNEMANLEY, ANNE §§ DAVID PETERSON, DAVID SILVERADO PETERSON, SILVERADO §§ SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC.,d/b/a INC., Silverado d/b/aSilverado §§ Senior L iving Sugar L and, —Sugar Land, Senior Living — § § Defendants. Defendants. §§ 129THJUDICIAL 129TH DISTRICT JUDICIALDISTRICT FOURTH FOURTH AMENDED ORIGINAL AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION PETITION AND AND CONTEST TO GUARDIANSHIP A PPLICATION CONTEST TO GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION 1 1 Silverado Appx. 0187 No. 1-15-586-CV 3214 MACKEY ("MACK") MACKEY GLEN ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON, PETERSON, LONNY LONNY PETERSON PETERSON ("Lonny"), ("Lonny"), andDONLESLIE "Don"),Individuallyand PETERSON(("Don"), and DON LESLIE PETERSON asNext andas Next Friends of Friends PETERSON (("Plaintiffs"), RUBY PETERSON of RUBY "Plaintiffs"), Amended O this Fourth Amended file thisFourth riginal Original Petition Petition andContest and Contest to of Defendants,CAROL complaining ofDefendants, to Guardianship complaining ANNE CAROL ANNE MANLEY ("Carol"), MANLEY DAVID PETERSON ("Carol"), DAVID ("David"),and PETERSON("David"), SILVERADOSENIOR and SILVERADOSENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC.,d/b/aSilverado SeniorLiving INC., d/b/a Silverado Senior —SugarLand Living— ("SILVERADO"), Sugar Land ("SILVERADO"), andin support would and in support show theCourt would show follows: the Court aass follows: DISCOVERYCONTROL PLAN DISCOVERY CONTROL PLAN Discovery inthislawsuit Discovery to beconducted in this lawsuit to be conductedunder Level3 ofRule190.1ofthe under Level 3 of Rule 190.1 of the TexasRules ofCivil Procedure. Tex.R.Civ. P.190.1. JUDGMENT DECLARATORY Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. Tex. R. Civ. P. 190.1. DECLARATORY JUDGMENT Plaintiffsallegeandwouldprovethatthey Plaintiffs allege and wouldprove that theymay be entitledto declaratory may be entitled to declaratory judgment as a matter judgment asa oflawthatthe 1993DurablePowerofAttomeyappointing matter of law that the 1993 Durable Power of Attorney appointing Carol andDavidwas Carol and David w asrevoked revokedas ofNovember 15,2013.Tex.Civ.Prac.&Rem. as of November 15, 2013. Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code37.001-37.005 Additionally et seq. Additionally andaltematively, Rubyexecuted a new Code 37.001-37.005 etseq. and alternatively, Ruby executed a new durable of attorney n November 15,2013appointing her sonsMackand power of attorney oon durable power November 15, 2013 appointing her sons Mack and Don heragents.Plaintiffs seek declaration thatMackandDonareauthorized as her agents. Plaintiffs seek a Don as a declaration that Mack and Don are authorized to Ruby'sagentspursuanttotheNovember 2013powerof attomey. serve as to serve as Ruby's agents pursuant to the November 2013 power of attorney. 2 Silverado Appx. 0188 No. 1-15-586-CV 3215 33 33 Therefore,Plaintiffssubmitthat Therefore, submit that they may be they may entitledto be entitled to the following thefollowing remedies remedies a vailable available court when ttoo a court of trust when aa breach of hasoccurred: trusthas (a)compel occurred: (a) the compel the trusteeto trustee to perform the trustee’s performthe trustee's dduty or duties; uty or (b)enjoin duties; (b) enjointhe the trustee from trusteefrom a breach committing oftrust; (c)compel toredress thetrustee oftrust, a breach committing a breach of trust; (c) compel the trustee to redress a breach of trust, including including ccompelling ompelling tthe he trustee trustee to pay money or to paymoney property;(d) restoreproperty; or restore orderaa (d) order trustee to (e)appoint account;(e) to account; receiverto appoint aa receiver takepossession totake ofthe possession of thetrust trustproperty property andadminister and thetrust; administer the (f)suspend trust;(0 thetrustee; suspend the (g)remove trustee;(g) thetrustee removethe trusteeas provided as provided C) underSection113.082; (h)reduce under Section 113.082; (h) denycompensation ordeny reduce or thetrustee; to the compensation to (i) void trustee;(i) voidan an ofthe actof act thetrustee; trustee;and/or (j)impose and/or(j) lienor impose aa lien constructive orconstructive truston trust trustproperty ontrust property according according to Texas T theTexas tothe rustC Trust ode.Section Code. 114.008. Section114.008. ACTION OF CAUSES CAUSES OF ACTION FALSE A FALSE A IMPRISONMENT IMPRISONMENT 34.Plaintiffs 34. Plaintiffs allege allfactsstated allegeall hereinabove facts stated hereinabove as fullyset as ifif fully below.Texas setforth below. Texas law imprisonment falseimprisonment law defines false as as the unlawfulrestraint theunlawful of an restraintof individual’s anindividual's personal or freedom personal liberty or freedom of of movement against hhis movement against or herwill. isor Plaintiffs her will. Plaintiffs allege allege andwould and provethat would prove Silverado h thatSilverado has restrictedR asrestricted uby’smovement Ruby's movementto andfromthe to and from the premises withoutaa court premises without order. courtorder. 68. To 68. date,thereis Todate, Courtdeclaring noCourt there is no Rubyto declaring Ruby to be incompetent beincompetent or or to lack to lack capacity. capacity. Thereisisno There presumption nopresumption ofincompetence of incapacity. orincapacity. incompetence or 12 12 Silverado Appx. 0189 No. 1-15-586-CV 3225 69 69 next friends as next Plaintiffs, as Ruby,cclaim friendsooffRuby, all of her rights undertheElderly laimallofherrights the Elderly of Billof Bill of Rights Section 102 in Section Rights found in Resource C the Human Resource 102 of theHuman Code including:(a) odeincluding: (a) An elderly individual Anelderly individual hasalltherights, benefits, has all the rights, benefits, responsibilities, and responsibilities, and privileges granted by theconstitution granted by and laws of this the constitutionandlawsof this state and the United state andthe United States, States,eexcept xcept wherelawfully Theelderlyindividual restricted.The where lawfullyrestricted. has elderly individual has righttotobe theright the befree of free of interference, andreprisal coercion, discrimination,and interference, coercion, in exercisingthese reprisalinexercising civilrights. these civil rights. C (b) elderly individualhhas An elderlyindividual (b) An astheright the rightto betreatedwithdignityand tobe treated with dignity andrespect forthe respect for the personal iintegrity personal ntegrityof of the individual,without the individual, regard to race, without regardto religion,national race, religion, national origin, origin, ssex, age, disability, ex,age, marital tatus,oorr source disability, maritalsstatus, of payment.This source of payment. Thismeans that means that the elderlyindividual:(1) has the rightto makethe individual's ownchoices the elderly individual: (1) has the right to make the individual's own choices regarding individual'spersonalaffairs, care,benefits, and services;(2)hasthe regarding the the individual's personal affairs,care, benefits, and services; (2) has the um.Resource Codes right right to befreefromabuse,neglect,andexploitation. ..Tex.H to be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation...Tex. Hum. Resource Code s 102.003. Clearly,thisStatutehasbeenrepeatedly violatedwithrespecttoRuby. 102.003. Clearly, this Statute has been repeatedly violated with respect to Ruby. 70 Plaintiffs, as next Plaintiffs, as friendsof Ruby,claimallof her rightsundertheTexas next friends of Ruby, claim all of her rights under the Texas 70 Code 19.401,et seq., which Administrative Administrative Code 19.401, etseq., guaranteesthe elderlywiththei which guarantees the elderly with the uninhibitedrightto free andegressoftheirfacilitiesinwhichtheyreside, uninhibited right to free access access and egress of their facilities in which they reside, thatanelderlypatient’s mandating bynotinterfering privacyrightsberespected mandating that an elderly patient's privacy rights be respected by not interfering in anymanner withtheirreceiptof unopened mail,telephone calls,privatemeeting any manner with their receipt of unopened mail, telephone calls, private meeting 13 13 Silverado Appx. 0190 No. 1-15-586-CV 3226 areas withtheirfamily. areas with their family. Section 19.401 states thefollowing 19.401 specificallystates the following guarantees: guarantees: a. The resident hastheright a. Theresident to exercise has the right to exercisehhis isrights as aresident rightsasa residentaatt thefacility the facilityand and as a citizen asa citizen or resident ofthe or resident of the United United States. States. b. The b. The resident resident hastheright obefree has the right tto be free ofinterference, coercion,discrimination, of interference,coercion,discrimination,or or reprisal from from thefacility the facility inexercising in exercisinghisrights. his rights. c. In c. In the case of the case of a residentaadjudged a resident djudgediincompetent ncompetent under the lawsof underthelaws oftheStateof the State of Texasby competentjurisdiction, of competent courtof Texas by aa court jurisdiction,the therightsof rights of the resident re the resident aare exercised exercisedby by the appointedunderTexaslaw toact person appointed under Texas lawto the person act on the resident`s on the resident's behalf. d. The facilitymust comply d. The facility must complywith all applicableprovisionsof the Human with all applicable provisions of the Human ResourcesCode,Title 6, and Chapter102.An individual may ay not be denied Resources Code, Title 6, and Chapter 102. An individualm not be denied appropriate appropriatecareon thebasisof his race, religion, care on the basis of his race, color,nationalorigin, ex, religion, color, national origin,ssex, handicap, status, sourceooffpayment. age, handicap, marital status, oorr source age, payment. e. Thefacilitymustallowtheresidentthe to observehisreligiousbeliefs. e. The facility must allow the resident the right to observe his religious beliefs. Thefacilitymustrespectthereligious beliefsoftheresidentinaccordance with The facility must respect the religious beliefs of the resident in accordance with 42UnitedStatesCode§l396f. 42 United States Code §1396f. 71 Section19.401et seq mandates thatallnursinghomefacilitiesunder 71 Section 19.401 et seq further mandates that all nursing home facilities under of theDepartment thejurisdiction to ensureprivacywith ofAgingandDisability the jurisdiction of the Department of Aging and Disability to ensure privacy with 14 14 Silverado Appx. 0191 No. 1-15-586-CV 3227 respect to accommodations, medical respect to access, visitation, care, access, medical treatment, personalcare, visitation, andotherpotentially and other potentially iinvasive, nvasive,uunwanted nwantedororintrusive intrusiveacts orpractices actsor practicesbby y the the facility. 19.401. 72 72 Plaintiffs Plaintiffsaallege llegeandwould provethatSilverado and wouldprove that Silveradohhas asfailed orrefused failedor refusedto to provide pprivacy provide rivacyto to Ruby Ruby andthePlaintiffs and the Plaintiffs regarding regardingpphone calls,m honecalls, ail,oorr personal mail, personal 0 : visitation with visitation with Plaintiffs Plaintiffs and andttheir heir wives. wives. 73 73 Plaintiffs Plaintiffsallegeand allege and would provethat wouldprove that Rubyand Ruby and they havesustained they have sustained substantial substantial damages as a proximate damages asa resultooffSilverado's proximate result Silverado'swrongful wrongful imprisonmentof of Ruby. Ruby. 74 74 Plaintiffsfurtherallege Plaintiffs further allege and wouldprove and would thatSilverado's provethat wrongful Silverado'swrongful ofRuby imprisonment of Ruby was intentional andmalicious, suchthatSilverado should was intentional and malicious, such that Silverado should beassessed exemplaryorpunitive be assessed exemplary or punitiveddamages. amages. B B ASSAULTAND BATTERY ASSAULT AND BA11ERY 75 75 Plaintiffsallegeandwouldprove thatSilverado Plaintiffs allege and wouldprove hascommitted assaultand that Silverado has committed assault and batteryof Rubywithrespect tto battery of Ruby with respecto psychotropicdrugsforced uponheragainst psychotropic drugs forcedupon her her against her willinfoodandotherwise. Plaintiffs allegeandwouldprove thatSilverado will in food and otherwise. Plaintiffs allege and would prove k11ew that Silverado knew or shouldhaveknownthatRubyrefusedto takemedications thatshecomplained or should have known that Ruby refused to take medications that she complained made hersick. made her sick. 15 Silverado Appx. 0192 No. 1-15-586-CV 3228 76 76 Plaintiffs allege allege andwould thatSilverado provethat and would prove Silverado placed Rubyinreasonable placedRuby in reasonable fearof fear harmfulor of aa harmful offensive oroffensive contactand/or contact forcingor and/orforcing or tricking herinto trickingher into taking drugs, which sherefused whichshe takevoluntarily, totake refused to voluntarily, which wrongful whichwrongful conduct causedRuby conductcaused Ruby (0 to feel to sick. feel sick. tT 77 77 Plaintiffsaallege Plaintiffs llegeandwould and would prove thatSilverado prove that placedthem Silverado placed themin reasonable in reasonable b fearofa oroffensive contact orarrest authorities, bylawenforcement fear of a harmful or offensive contact or arrest by law enforcement authorities, CO Silverado whenSilverado when wrongfully wrongfully orderedthem ordered themto leavethe toleave premises thepremises andissued and criminal issued criminal trespass w trespass arnings. warnings. 78 78 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs allegeand wouldprove allege and would that Ruby prove that Rubyand theyhave and they sustained havesustained substantial substantial damages damages a proximate ass aa proximate resultof result Silverado's of Silverado's wrongful wrongful assaultand/or assault and/or battery.79 battery. 79 Plaintiffs ffurther Plaintiffs urtherallege allegeand wouldprove andwould thatSilverado's provethat wrongful Silverado's wrongful assault assault andbattery and intentional wasintentional battery was andmalicious, and suchthatSilverado malicious, such that Silverado should beassessed shouldbe assessed exemplary exemplary punitivedamages. orpunitive or damages. C C BREACH BREACH OFTRUST OF andBREACH TRUST and OFFIDUCIARY BREACH OF DUTY FIDUCIARY DUTY 80 80 Plaintiffs c Plaintiffs laimdamages claim jointly and severally a damages jointlyandseverally against DavidandCarol gainstDavid for and Carol for fraud,breachof fraud, fiduciaryduty,and/orbreachof breach of fiduciary withrespect trustwith duty, and/or breach of trust respectto their to their obligations fiduciary obligations toRuby to andthemselves. Rubyand themselves. 16 16 Silverado Appx. 0193 No. 1-15-586-CV 3229 81 81 TheEstates The Estates Code breacheshis thataa fiduciarybreaches Code providesthat her dutyby orherduty hisor by neglecting o provide accounting, neglecting tto records,funds, accounting,records, funds,aand ndinformation informationwhenasked when askedor or under under aa duty to provide duty to provide the same. IItt further includes the same. includes ffailure ailureto meetthehighest to meet the highest degree degree of care owed of care owed to to any humanbeing.Tex. anyhuman being. Tex. E Code.7751.001 st.Code. Est. 51.001eett seq. seq. 82 Carol Carol aand ndDavid have duties David have dutiestto: account,keep o:account, accuraterrecords, keepaccurate ecords,andproduce and produce the the same demand bby upon demand same upon ythe the beneficiariesincluding includingR ubyandthePlaintiffs. Ruby and the Plaintiffs. Sec.751.102. Sec. 751.102. Duty to Timely Inform Duty to Inform Principal. [TPC§489B(b)] states:""(a) [TPC §489B(b)]states: (a)The The attorney in attorney in fact fact or shalltimely agentshall or agent timely inform the principal of inform theprincipal of eachactiontaken each action taken underthe of attorney.(b)Failure power of attorney. under the power of anattomey (b) Failure ofan attorneyin fact oragentto in factor timely agent to timely inform, as to inform, as third doesnot invalidate to third parties, does not actionofthe attorneyinfact any action of theattomey invalidateany in factor or agent."Sec. 751.103. of Records.[TPC§489B(c),(f)] states:"(a) agent." Sec. 751.103. Maintenance of Records. [TPC §489B(c), (f)]states: "(a) The The attorney in fact or agent attorney in fact or shallmaintain agentshall recordsof eachactiontaken or maintain records of each action takenor decisionmadeby the attorneyin decision made by the attomey fact or agent. in fact or (b)Theattorneyin fact oragent agent. (b) The attorney in factor agent shallmaintainallrecordsuntildelivered to theprincipal, releasedbytheprincipal, shall maintain all records until delivered to the principal, released by the principal, or dischargedby court."Sec.751.104. Accounting. [TPC§489B(d), (e)]states or discharged by aa court." Sec. 751.104. Accounting. [TPC §489B(d), (e)1 states "(a)Theprincipalmaydemandan accounting bytheattorneyinfact agent.(b) "(a) The principal may demand an accounting by the attorney in factor or agent. (b) Unlessotherwisedirectedby the accounting underSubsection (a) Unless otherwise directed by the principal, an an accounting under Subsection (a) must include:(1)the propertybelongingto theprincipalthathas cometo the must include: (1) the property belonging to the principal that has come to the attorneyin fact’sor agent’sknowledge or intothe attorneyin fact’sor agent’s 17 attorney in fact's or agent's knowledge or into the attorney in fact's or agent's 17 Silverado Appx. 0194 No. 1-15-586-CV 3230 possession; possession; (2) each action taken (2)eachaction ordecision taken or decision m adebythe made infact by the attorney in agent; or agent; fact or (3)aa complete (3) complete ofreceipts, accountof account disbursements, receipts, disbursements, andother and other actions ofthe actionsof attorney the attorney infact in agentthat oragent fact or includes thatincludes thesource the sourceandnature and natureofeach of receipt, each receipt, disbursement, disbursement, action,with or action, or withreceipts receipts of andincome ofprincipal and income shown separately; shownseparately; (4) listingof (4) aa listing of all property all propertyover whichthe overwhich in fact attorneyin the attorney factor oragent hasexercised agenthas exercised control that controlthat N includes: includes: (A) (A) an adequate an adequate description ofeach description asset; and(B)theasset’s of each asset; current and (B) the asset's current value, ifthevalue value, if isknown the value is theattorney tothe known to attorney infact in oragent. fact or (5)thecashbalance agent.(5) on the cash balance on handandthe andlocation nameand hand and the name location of thedepository of the whichthe at which depository at thecash cash balance is balanceis kept;(6)eachknown kept; (6) each known liability; and(7) liability;and otherinformation anyother (7) any andfactsknown information and to facts known to the attorneyin the attorney factor in fact agentas oragent asnecessary necessary for fulland foraa full and definite understanding definiteunderstanding of of the condition exactcondition the exact ofthe of property the property belonging belonging tothe to principal. theprincipal. (c)Unless (c) directed Unless directed otherwise otherwise bbyythe principal,the the principal, attorneyiinn fact the attorney fact or or agent shallalsoprovide agentshall also provide tto the o the alldocumentation principal all regarding documentation regarding theprincipal’s the principal's property. 83 TheTexas DurablePower of AttorneyAct,TexasEstatesCode751.001 Powerof 83 The Texas Durable Attorney Act, Texas Estates Code 751.001 governsDurable governs Powers of Durable Powers Attorney.In of Attorney. 1993,Ruby In 1993, executedthis Ruby executed Powerof this Power of Aattomey, Aattorney, declaring iit declaring t to to be "unlimited be "unlimited in nature. in Basedupon nature.Based completetrust." uponcomplete trust." 1993Durable 1993 DurablePower Power ofAttorney. of Attorney. 84 84 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs allegeand allege andwould thatCarol provethat would prove andDavid Carol and theirduties breached David breached their duties of disclosure, of disclosure, accounting accounting anddisbursement. and Sec.751.105. disbursement. Sec. Failure 751.105. Effect of Failure to 18 18 Silverado Appx. 0195 No. 1-15-586-CV 3231 Suit.[TPC§489B(g)] Comply; Suit. states: ""If [TPC §489B(g)] states: If the the attorney in fact attorney in fact or failsor agentfails or agent or refuses to to inform theprincipal, informthe principal, provide documentation, providedocumentation, deliveran or deliver or accounting anaccounting under 751.104 w Section751.104 underSection ithin60daysof within demandunder 60 days of aa demand thatsection, underthat longer oraa longer section, or or periodas or shorter period demanded asdemanded bytheprincipal by or ordered the principal or byaa court, orderedby theprincipal court,the principal may suitto: may file suit to: Compel tthe (1)Compel (1) attorneyin he attorney factor in fact agentto or agent to deliver theaccounting deliverthe the or the accounting or assets; or assets; (2)Terminate (2) Terminate the ofattorney. powerof the power attorney. 85 85 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs allegeand wouldprove allege and would prove that Rubyand that Ruby theyhave and they sustained havesustained substantial substantial damages damages aas proximate s aa proximate rresult esultof CarolandDavid's of Carol and David's breach of trust breachof trust and/orbreach and/or offiduciary breachof duty. fiduciary duty. 86 86 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs allege andwould allege and thatCarol provethat would prove Carol and David's ffailure andDavid's ailureor refusalto orrefusal to providewrittenannual accountingooff the provide written annual accounting the Peterson Trustis PetersonTrust intentional is intentional and and malicious, suchthatthey malicious, such shouldbeassessed that they should exemplary be assessed exemplary punitivedamages. orpunitive or damages. 87 Ruby 87 Rubyrevokedthe 1993Powerof revoked the 1993 Attorney Power of Attorney November onNovember on 15,2013. 15, 2013. Silverado Silverado hhad adnotice ofthe notice of newpowers the new ofattorney powers of appointing attorneyappointing MackandDon as Mack and Don as Ruby's Ruby's a gentson agents November 15,2013.Silverado on November hadaaduty 15, 2013. Silverado had acknowledge dutytotoacknowledge and and honor Ruby'snew honor Ruby's newpowers ofattorney. powers of attorney.19 19 Silverado Appx. 0196 No. 1-15-586-CV 3232 88 88 Plaintiffs allegeand wouldprove allege and would that Ruby provethat Rubyand theyhave and they sustained havesustained substantial damages asa oftrustand/or breach ofSilverado`s substantial damages as a proximate result of Silverado's breach of trust and/or breach offiduciary duty breach of dutyregarding Ruby'snew regarding Ruby's newpowers ofattorney. powers of attorney.Additionally, Additionally, intentionally Silverado intentionally and maliciously failed andmaliciously failed or refusedto or refused honorandrecognize to honor and recognize Ruby's Ruby's rrevocation evocation ooffherprevious her previous p of attorney owerof power andherappointment attomeyand ofDon her appointment of Don andMack and heragents, asher Mack as suchthat agents,such Silverado that Silverado shouldbe should assessed beassessed exemplary exemplary or or punitive damages. punitive damages. E CONSPIRACY E CONSPIRACY 89 89 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs claimdamages againstthe claim damages against Defendants jointly theDefendants andseverally jointly and based severally based thealleged on the on conspiracy alleged conspiracy Carol,David amongCarol, among DavidandSilverado and Silverado to accomplish toaccomplish an an unlawful unlawful p Conspiracy urpose.Conspiracy purpose. eexists here because there xistsherebecause are (l) there are twoor (1) two more or more persons, (2)an persons, (2) objectto anobject beaccomplished, to be (3)aa meeting accomplished, (3) oftheminds meetingof theobject onthe the minds on object ofthe of ofaction, courseof the course (4)one action,(4) oneor unlawful, moreunlawful, or more overtacts, overt and(5)damages acts, and as (5) damages as theproximate the result. proximate result. 90 90 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs a llegeandwould allege thattheDefendants provethat and would prove agreedto the Defendants agreed violateor to violate or infringeRuby's infringe againstfalse rightsagainst Ruby'srights falseimprisonment and/orassault imprisonment and/or andbattery, assaultand under battery, under thefactsalleged inthis the facts alleged in case.JURY this case. JURY DEMAND DEMAND Plaintiffs demandaajury Plaintiffs demand jury trial and have paid aa juryfee. andhavepaid jury fee. 20 20 Silverado Appx. 0197 No. 1-15-586-CV 3233 TAB 36 1 1 APPELLATE COURT CASE NO. 01-15-00567-CV & 01-15-00586-CV 2 TRIAL COURT CASE NO. 427,208 & 427,208-401 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS 3 HOUSTON, TEXAS 9/15/2015 10:04:54 AM 4 IN THE GUARDIANSHIP * IN THE PROBATE COURT OF CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk 5 * 6 RUBY PETERSON, * HARRIS COUNTY, T E X A S 7 * 8 INCAPACITATED ADULT * COURT NUMBER (1) ONE 9 10 MOTION TO RULE FOR SECURITY FOR COSTS 11 AND MOTIONS FOR SANCTIONS HEARING 12 13 Came to be heard on this the 9th day of October, 14 2014, Motion to Rule for Security for Costs and Motions for 15 Sanctions Hearing, in the above-entitled and numbered cause, 16 and all parties appeared in person and/or being represented by 17 Counsel of Record, before the Honorable Loyd Wright, Judge 18 Presiding. 19 20 VOLUME _10_ OF 13 21 22 O R I G I N A L 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0198 RR Vol. 10 2 1 APPEARANCES 2 ATTORNEY FOR RESPONDENTS/PLAINTIFFS, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON: 3 Philip Ross 4 State Bar No. 17304200 1006 Holbrook Rd 5 San Antonio, TX 78218-3325 Telephone: 210-326-2100 6 ATTORNEYS FOR MOVANTS/DEFENDANTS, CAROL ANN MANLEY 7 AND DAVID PETERSON: 8 Sarah Patel Pacheco State Bar No. 00788164 9 1401 McKinney Street 1700 Five Houston Center 10 Houston, Texas 77010 Telephone: 713-658-2323 11 ATTORNEYS FOR MOVANTS/DEFENDANTS: SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING 12 CENTER SUGAR LAND: 13 Josh Davis State Bar No. 24031993 14 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77046-2410 15 Telephone: (713)659-6767 16 GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 17 Jill Young State Bar No. 00797670 18 2900 Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston, Tx 77027 19 Telephone: 713-572-2900 20 ATTORNEY AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 21 W. Russ Jones 22 State Bar No. 10968050 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 23 Houston, Tx 77056-6775 Telephone: 713-552-1144 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0199 RR Vol. 10 3 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 Page 3 Preliminary discussions between Court and Counsels-------- 8 4 Mr. Ross explains Ms. Schwager's absence------------------ 14 5 Ms. Young updates Court on Mrs. Peterson's condition------ 15 6 Mr. Jones presents his motions---------------------------- 19 7 Ms. Young presents her motions---------------------------- 33 8 Ms. Pacheco interjects just on their motions-------------- 35 9 Mr. Ross responds----------------------------------------- 37 10 Ms. Pacheco responds-------------------------------------- 53 11 Mr. Ross responds----------------------------------------- 55 12 Mr. Jones responds---------------------------------------- 61 13 Ms. Young responds---------------------------------------- 62 14 Mr. Jones responds---------------------------------------- 63 15 Mr. Ross responds----------------------------------------- 63 16 Ms. Pacheco presents her motions-------------------------- 69 17 Defendant's Exhibit No. 1 admitted------------------------ 73 18 Defendant's Exhibit No. 2 admitted------------------------ 75 19 Defendant's Exhibit No. 3 admitted------------------------ 76 20 Defendant's Exhibit No. 4 admitted------------------------ 77 21 Defendant's Exhibit No. 5 admitted------------------------ 78 22 Defendant's Exhibit No. 6 admitted------------------------ 79 23 Defendant's Exhibit No. 7 admitted------------------------ 80 24 Defendant's Exhibit No. 8 admitted------------------------ 83 25 Mr. Davis presents his motions---------------------------- 87 Silverado Appx. 0200 RR Vol. 10 4 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 (continued) Page 3 Defendant's Exibit No. A admitted------------------------- 94 4 Defendant's Exibit No. B admitted------------------------- 97 5 Defendant's Exibit No. C admitted------------------------- 101 6 Defendant's Exibit No. D admitted------------------------- 104 7 Ms. Pacheco requests sanctions---------------------------- 105 8 Mr. Davis requests sanctions----------------------------- 106 9 Ms. Young is excused-------------------------------------- 107 10 Mr. Ross responds----------------------------------------- 107 11 Ms. Pacheco responds-------------------------------------- 110 12 Mr. Davis responds---------------------------------------- 111 13 Mr. Ross responds----------------------------------------- 113 14 Court Reporter's Certificate------------------------------ 119 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0201 RR Vol. 10 TAB 37 · - · FILED DATA—ENT Stan Stanart Stan Stanart County Clerk DATA DATE UP Harris County PICK UP THIS DATE Cause No. 427208 PROBATE PROBATECOURT COURT11 INTHE IN THE GUARDIANSHIP GUARDIANSHIPOOFF § INTHE IN PROBATECOURT THEPROBATE COURT . § RUBY RUBY S.PETERSON, S. PETERSON, § NUMBER NUMBERONE ONE(1)OF (1) OF § ANINCAPACITATED AN INCAPACITATEDPERSON PERSON § HARRISCOUNTY,TEXAS HARRISCOUNTY, TEXAS Cause CauseN o.22014-40980 No. 014-40980 MACKEY ("MACK") GLEN MACKEY ("MACK") GLENPETERSON, PETERSON, § IN THE DISTRICTCCOURT INTHEDISTRICT OURTOF OF Individually Individually and NextFriend asNext and as FriendofRUBY of RUBY § PETERSON, PETERSON, DON DON LESLIE PETERSON, § Individually and asNextFriend andas Next FriendofRUBY of RUBY § PETERSON, PETERSON, andLONNY and LONNYPETERSON, PETERSON, § Plaintiffs § Individually Individually and NextFFriend asNext andas riendooffRUBY RUBY § PETERSON, PETERSON, § Plaintiffs § vs. vs. § COUNTY,TEXAS HARRISCOUNTY, HARRIS TEXAS § CAROL ANNE MANLEY,DAVID CAROL ANNE MANLEY, DAVID § PETERSON, PETERSON, SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIORLIVING LIVING § FACILITY, FACILITY, TANA TANAMCMILLON, MCMILLON,DR. DR. § REBECCA REBECCA CLEARMAN, CLEARMAN,and andDR. DR. CHRIS § MERKL, MERKL, § § Defendants § DISTRICT 129th JUDICIAL DISTRICT GUARDIAN ADLITEM AD &ATTORNEY GUARDIAN AD LITEM & ATTORNEY AD LITEMS' MOTION TO DISMISS TODISMISS MOTION PLAINTIFFS’CLAIMS BROUGHT INTHEIR PURPORTED CAPACITY ASNEXT PLAINTIFFS' CLAIMS BROUGHT IN THEIR PURPORTED CAPACITY AS NEXT FRIENDOFRUBY S.PETERSON FORLACK OFSTANDING AND LACK OF FRIEND OF RUBY S. PETERSON FOR LACK OF STANDING AND LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION TO THE HONORABLEJUDGE LOYD H.WRIGHT: TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE LOYD H. WRIGHT: COMENOW, W.YOUNG&W.RUSSJONES,actionintheirrespective COME NOW, JILL W. YOUNG & W. RUSS JONES, action in their respective AdLitemandAttorney Guardian and thistheir AdLitemforRubyS.Peterson, capacities as as Guardian Ad Litem and Attorney Ad Litem for Ruby S. Peterson, and file this their MOTION TODISMISS PLAINTIFFS’ CLAIMS BROUGHT INTHEIR PURPORTED MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFFS' CLAIMS BROUGHT IN THEIR PURPORTED Silverado Appx. 0202 No. 1-15-586-CV 3320 CAPACITY CAPACITY AS AS N EXT NEXT FRIEND FRIEND OF OFR UBY RUBY S.P S. ETERSON PETERSONFOR FORLACKOFSTAN LACKOF GAND STANDING AND LACK LACK O OFFSUBJECTMAT'I`ER JURISDICTION, MAI Iblt JURISDICTION, and and in supportfor in support forthe the dismissalofsaid of said would show theCourt unto the claims, would show unto the Court the following: I.Plaintiffs L PlaintiffsHave HaveNo toAct No Authorityto onBehalf ActonBehalf of RubyS. S.P eterson Peterson 1. 1. In 1993, when In1993, she wasof when she ofssound ound mind andffully mindand ullycompetent competentto executeaaDurable toexecute Powerof DurablePower of Attomey Attorneyfor forb oth bothher andffor her financial affairsand orhherermedicalandhhealthcare medicaland ealthcare decision- decision- making, making, Ruby S. Peterson,after Ruby S.Peterson, afterddue ueconsideration, consideration,appointed appointedCarol CarolA Manleyand nnManley Ann and David David T royPeterson Troy Peterson (Defendants (Defendantsherein) tobeherlawfully herein)to be her lawfullydesignated designatedAgents Agents and Attomeys-in-Fact. Attorneys-in-Fact. 2. 2. Fortheensuing For the ensuing20 years,Ruby 20years, RubyPPeterson eterson wasmentally was mentallycompetent competentto manageher tomanage herown own and make medical herown healthcare and decisions. financial affairs and make her own medical and healthcare decisions. 3. 3. However,in late2012 However, in late andearly2013,Ruby 2012 and early2013, RubyS.Peterson developed increasing confusion, S. Peterson developed increasing confusion, disorientation, disorientation, andshort and shorttterm ermmemory impairment. 4. 4. Beginninginapproximately Marchof2013, seriesofRubyS.Peterson’s treating Beginning in approximately March of 2013,aa series of Ruby S. Peterson's treating physiciansexamined, evaluated andassessed herphysical andmentalhealth, andeach physicians examined, evaluated and assessed her physical and mental health, and each concludedthatshehaddeveloped Dementia. concluded that she had developed Dementia. 5. 5. TheBoard Specialists andtreating physicians whoEACHDIAGNOSED RUBY The Board Certified Specialists and treating physicians who EACH DIAGNOSED RUBY PETERSONWITH DEMENTIA IN2013include: PETERSON WITH DEMENTIA IN 2013 include: a. FedericoDancel,M.D.(Board Intemal Medicine specialistand a. Federico Dancel, M.D. (Board Certified Internal Medicine specialist and RubyPeterson’s longtime`primary physician whodiagnosed Mrs. Ruby Peterson's long time primarycare care physician who diagnosed Mrs. withdementia Peterson inapproximately March2013); Peterson with dementia in approximately March 2013); b. SaeedKahkeshani, M.D.(Board whodiagnosed Neurologist b. Saeed Kahkeshani, M.D. (Board Certified Neurologist who diagnosed withdementia Mrs.Peterson inapproximately June2013); Mrs. Peterson with dementia in approximately June 2013); Silverado Appx. 0203 No. 1-15-586-CV 3321 c. SamiranK.Das,M.D.(Board Samiran Certified K. Das, M.D. (Board Certified Intemistwho Internist whodiagnosed Ruby diagnosed Ruby withdementia with dementiaat Bayshore thePasadena Bayshore atthe Hospital Hospital Geriatric Geriatric Psychiatric Psychiatric Unit inAugust Unit in August 2013); 2013); d. d. SalahU. Salah M.D. U.Qureshi, M.D. (Board (Board Certified Certified Geriatric Geriatric Psychiatrist Psychiatrist who who diagnosed diagnosed Rubywith Ruby withdementia dementia thePasadena atthe at Bayshore Pasadena Bayshore Hospital Hospital Geriatric Psychiatric Unit inAugust of 2013); Unit in Suleman e. Suleman e. Lalani, M.D. Lalani, M.D. (Board (Board Internist, Certified Internist, Board Certified Board Certified Geriatric Geriatric physician physician andRuby and Ruby P eterson’s Peterson's attending attending physician atthe physician at the Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living Living Facility Facility inSugar in Land,Texas Sugar Land, Texas who diagnosed whodiagnosed Rubywithdementia Ruby inlateAugust with dementia in late August o early September of2013.); orr earlySeptember of 2013.); f. Christopher Christopher O.Merkl, (Board M.D.(Board 0. Merkl, M.D. Certified Certified Geriatric Geriatric Psychiatrist Psychiatrist who who performed performed a mental a mental capacity capacity examination on Ruby examination on Ruby Peterson October onOctober Peterson on 4, 4, anddiagnosed 2013and 2013 diagnosed herwith dementia, her with dementia, severe severe ccognitive ognitive impairment, impairment, susceptibility susceptibility manipulation, tomanipulation, to and lackof andaa lack ofmental capacity mental capacity tomanage to manageher her financial other a or other financial or ff`airs affairs inOctober in of2013). October of 2013). 6. 6. Despite Despite knowledge knowledge oftheabove-findings of the above-findings regarding their m regarding their other’s mother's diminished diminished mental mental capacity capacity andsusceptibility to manipulation, and susceptibility to manipulation, Plaintiffs orchestrated Plaintiffs orchestrated meeting aa meeting with Ruby with Ruby Peterson Peterson onNovember on 15,22013, November 15, without 013,without noticeto notice herlawfully designated toher agents designated agents and and attorneys-in-fact, attorneys-in-fact, CarolAnn Carol Ann Manley Manley a ndDavid and David T Peterson, andmanipulated royPeterson, Troy and manipulated Ruby Ruby Peterson Peterson into signing intosigning Revocation aa purported Revocation ofPrior of Durable Prior Durable Power ofAttomey Powerof andaa Attorney and purported Statutory purported Statutory Durable Durable Power ofAttorney Powerof Attorney in favor o infavor offPlaintiff` Plaintiff Donny Leslie Donny Leslie Peterson Peterson with with p romises promises that with that thenew with the newdocuments, documents, Plaintiffs Plaintiffs could could move Mrs. move Mrs. Peterson Peterson the ofthe Silverado outof out Silverado Senior Senior Living Living Facility Facility secured Memory (asecured (a Memory Care Care Unit). Silverado Appx. 0204 No. 1-15-586-CV 3322 II. II. JUDICIAL JUDICIAL ADMISSION ADMISSIONOF OFM ENTAL MENTALINCAPACITY INCAPACITYTO TOC ONTRACT CONTRACT 7. 7. Less Less tthan hanthirty thirty(30) (30)ddays aysaftersecuring securingthe newdocuments, thenew Plaintiffsinitiated documents,Plaintiffs initiatedthis this guardianshipproceeding proceedingby by filingtheir their OriginalPetition PetitionforAppointment for Appointmentof of Temporary and and P ermanent Permanent Guardianof ofR S. uby Ruby Inconnection S. Peterson. Inconnection therewith, PlaintiffsDonny Donny Leslie LeslieP eterson Peterson and and MackeyGlen GlenPeterson sworeuunder Petersonswore nderooath aththatthey that theyhadreadthe had read the Plainttffs' Original OriginalPetition oAppoint Petitiontto Appoint TemporaryandPermanent and PermanentGuardian Guardianoof fthe the Person Person aand ndEstate EstateooffRuby RubySS..Peterson PetersonAND ANDTHAT THATEEACH ACHOF THEFACTUAL OFTHE FACTUAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTSCONTAINED CONTAINEDTTHEREIN HEREINWERE(A)WITHIN WERE (A) WITHIN THEIR PERSONAL PERSONAL K NOWLEDGE; KNOWLEDGE; AND(2)WERETRUEANDCORRECT. AND (2) WERE TRUE AND CORRECT. 8. 8. InParagraph In Paragraph 113 3oftheir of their OriginalPetition, Petition, PlaintiffDonny DonnyLeslie Petersonaand LesliePeterson ndMackey Mackey their Glen Glen Peterson sworetthat Peterson swore hattthe hefollowing followingfacts factsw erewithin were within theirpersonal personalknowledge knowledgeand and were true and were true andcorrect: correct: also topetitioners appearsto "It also appears petitionersthat that becauseofthe proposed of the proposedwward's ard's mental condition, condition,she sheiissunabletoprotect to protectherselformake herselfor makedecisions decisionsthat arein thatare inthe the bestinterest ofhererpersonaland best interest ofh andffmancial inancial affairs. affairs.Still, Still,believing believingin inthe the petitioners foregoing, petitionersaccepted theproposedward's signed of owerofattorney accepted the proposed ward's signedppower attorneyon on ll-15-13, 11-15-13,not not contradictorytotheir belief to their beliefintheir in theirmother's mother'smental mental limitations, butperhapsin lucidmomentthat limitations, but perhaps inaa lucidmoment sheunderstood whatshe was that she understood what shewas signing.” signing." 9. 9. Theabove statements The above statementsare considered TRUE JUDICIAL ADMISSIONS under Texas are considered TRUE JUDICIAL ADMISSIONS under Texas law.A truejudicialadmission is formalwaiver ofproofusually FOUND IN law. A true judicial admission is aa formal waiver of proof usually FOUND IN PLEADINGS thestipulations oftheparties.Ajudicial is PLEADINGS or or the stipulations of the parties. A judicial admission is CONCLUSIVE Silverado Appx. 0205 No. 1-15-586-CV 3323 UPON UPON THE THEPARTY PARTYMAKING MAKINGIT, IT.AND ANDIT ITRELIEVESTHEOPPOSING RELIEVESTHEOPPOSING PARTY'S PARTY'S BURDENOFPROVING BURDENOFPROVINGTHE THEA DMITTED ADMITTEDFACT, ANDBARS FACT.ANDBARSTHE THE ADMITTING ADMITTING PARTY PARTYFROM FROMDISPUTING IT. SeeMendoza DISPUTINGIT.See v.Fidelity Mendozav. Fidelity Guaranty Ins. Ins. U nderwriters, Underwriters, 606 606 S .W.2d S.W.2d 692, 692,694 694(Tex. 1980),citing (Tex. 1980),citingGevinson v.M Gevinsonv. anhattan Manhattan Construction C0.ofOklahoma, Co. of Oklahoma,449S.W.2d 449 S.W.2d458,467(Tex.1969); 458, 467 (Tex. 1969);M cCormick McCormickandRay, and Ray, Texas Texas L awofEvidence Law § 1127(2ded.1956). of Evidence§1127 (2d ed. 1956). 10. 10. Thus, Thus, PLAINTIFFS PLAINTIFFSDONNY DONNYLESLIE LESLIEPETERSON PETERSONAND ANDMACKEY MACKEYGLEN GLEN PETERSON PETERSON HAVE HAVECONCLUSIVELY CONCLUSIVELYADMITTEDTHAT,byNovember ADMITTEDTHAT, 15,22013: by November15, 013: (a)BECAUSE (a) BECAUSE OF OF THEPROPOSED 'SMENTAL PROPOSED WARD'S MENTALCONDITION, CONDITION. SHEIS IS UNABLE UNABLE TO TOP ROTECT PROTECTHERSELF HERSELFOR ORM AKE MAKEDECISIONS DECISIONS THAT AREIN TARE INTHE THE BESTINTEREST OF HER PERSONALANDFINANCIAL BEST INTEREST OFHERPERSONAL AND FINANCIALAFFAIRS; AFFAIRS;aand nd(b) (b) TIL4 TSTILL THAT STILLBELIEVINGINTHE BELIEVING THEFOREGOING, FOREGOING,PETITIONERS PETITIONERSACCEPTED ACCEPTED THEPROPOSED SIGNED THE PROPOSED WARD'S SIGNEDPOWER POWEROFATTORNEY OF ATTORNEYON ON1 NOT 1-15-13, 11-15-13, NOT CONTRADICTORYTOTHEIR BELIEFIN THEIRMOTHERMENTAL CONTRADICTORY TO THEIR BELIEFINTHEIRMOTHER'S MENTAL LIMITATIONS. 11. 11. Theabove admissions arenot The above judicial admissionsare onlyconclusive againstPlaintiffs herein, not only conclusive against Plaintiffs herein, butTHEY ALSO RELIEVE THE OPPOSING PARTIES'BURDEN but THEY ALSO RELIEVE THE OPPOSING PARTIES' BURDENOF OF PROVINGTHE ADMITTED FACT, AND BARS THE PLAINTIFFS PROVING THE ADMITTED FACT, AND BARS THE PLAINTIFFS FROMDISPUTING IT.Id FROM DISPUTING IT. Id. 12. Basedontheabove judicialadmissions, itisconclusively thatRuby 12. Based on the above judicial admissions, it is conclusively established that Ruby S.Peterson lacked therequisite mentalcapacity toprotect herself make S. Peterson lacked the requisite mental capacity to protect herselfor or make Silverado Appx. 0206 No. 1-15-586-CV 3324 decisions decisions that are inthebest that are in the bestiinterest nterestofherpersonal or financialaffairs of her personalor affairsoon n November November 15, 15, 22013, 013,which whichw ouldiinclude, would nclude, without withoutlimitation, limitation,thecapacity the capacityto to contract, andPlaintiffs contract, arelegally and Plaintiffs are legally barredfrom disputingit. fromdisputing it. 13. 13. Therefore, Therefore,thepurported the purportedbutdenied but deniedR evocation RevocationofPrior DurablePowerofof of Prior DurablePower Attorney Attorney dated datedNovember November 15, 15, 2013isnull, is null,void voidand ando offn noolegaleffect. effect. Likewise, Likewise,the butdenied the purportedbut StatutoryDurable deniedStatutory Powerof DurablePower ofAttorney Attorneydated dated 15, 2013 November 15, 2013 isnull, is null,void void andof Asaaresult, no legal effect.' As ofno result,the theoonly nly persons with persons withlawful lawfulauthority authoritytoact onbehalf to acton behalfofRuby of RubyS.Peterson’s S. Peterson'sestate rtoto estateoor make m make edical medical orhealthcare or healthcaredecisionsonherbehalf decisionson areCarol her behalfare AnnManley CarolAnn Manleyand and David David T royPeterson, Troy Peterson,acting actingiin ntheir theirccapacity apacity asRuby as RubyS.Peterson’s S. Peterson'sduly duly appointed appointed aand nddesignated gentsunder designatedaagents Mrs. Peterson's1993 underMrs.Peterson’s 1993Durable DurablePPower oweroof f Attorney. Attorney. III. III. P LAINTIFFS’ PLAINTIFFS' LACK OFSTANDING LACK OF & LACKOF STANDING&LACK OFSUBJECT SUBJECTMATTER MATTER JURISDICTION JURISDICTION 14. 14. Lacking legalauthority any legal authoritytorepresent Lacking any RubyS. Peterson,an to represent RubyS.Peterson, Incapacitated an Incapacitated Person,Plaintiffs Donny LesliePeterson, Mackey GlenPeterson andLonny Person, Plaintiffs Donny Leslie Peterson, Mackey Glen Peterson and Lonny Petersonlackstandingobring Peterson lack standingtto bringor maintain thislawsuit inthepurported but or maintain this lawsuit in the purported but deniedcapacity denied capacityas Next ofRubyS.Peterson. as Next Friend of Ruby S. Peterson. Indeed, RubyPetersonwasmanipulated intosigningitbased promises thatby Indeed, Ruby Petersonwas manipulatedwould basedon sodoing,Plaintiffs Donny Peterson andMack Petersoninto signing m ove hiterout on promises that by oftheSilverado so doing, medical Plaintiffsand facility——a Donny Peterson healthcare and Mack decision Peterson expressly would move her durable denied out of the Silverado toa statutory powerof facility—a medical and healthcare decision expressly denied to a statutory durable power of attomey. attorney. Silverado Appx. 0207 No. 1-15-586-CV 3325 15. 15. isan Standing is integral anintegral component of, andisimplicit component in,the and is implicit in, concept ofsubject the concept of subject . matter jurisdiction. Ass'n o Tex.Ass'n jurisdiction. Tex. offBus. v. Tex. Bus. v. Air Control Tex.Air Control Bd, 852 S.W.2d 852S.W.2d 440, 440, 443(Tex. 443 (Tex.1993). 1993). Subject Subject matter matter jurisdiction isisessential to theauthority tothe authority of of a C. decide todecide court to a case. Id.Whether acase. a trial Id. Whether a trial c ourthhas court assubject matter jurisdiction subject matter jurisdiction is is questionof aa question oflawsubject denovo law subject ttoo de novo review. review. See See Mayhew v. TownofSunnyvale, v. Town of Sunnyvale, 964S.W.2d 964 922,928(Tex.1998). S.W.2d 922, 928 (Tex. 1998). 16. 16. Ifaa party If failsttooestablish party fails standing, establish standing, thetrial must d the trial court must ismiss dismiss thesuit. the suit. IInnre re 344S.W.3d N.L.D., 344 S.W.3d 3 3,3377(Tex. 33, (Tex. App.--Texarkana App.--Texarkana 2011, no pet.).See, 2011, no alsoIn pet.). See, also In ReMcDaniel, 01-11-00711-CV Re McDaniel, 01-11-00711-CV (Tex.App.--Houston (Tex. [lstDist.] App.--Houston [1st Dist.] original 10-11-2011). proceeding, 10-11-2011). The trialcourt Thetrial courtcan consider canconsider evidence evidence standing onthe standing on issuewhen issue evidence whenevidence isnecessary to is determine jurisdictional to determine jurisdictional facts. facts. Bland Bland IISD SDv.v. Blue, 34S.W.3d Blue, 34 547,5555 S.W.3d 547, 55(Tex. (Tex. 2000). evidence 2000). Here, no further evidence isnecessary is necessary because Plaintiffs because Plaintiffs havejjudicially have udicially admitted admitted thatRuby that RubyS. Peterson lacked S.Peterson lacked m ental mental capacity capacity tocontract on November to contract on November 15,15,22013 intheir 013in Original their Original Petition, Petition, Defendants andtheProposed Defendants and are relieved Wardare the Proposed Ward the burden o oftheburden relieved of offproving proving llack ackof of capacity capacity toexecute to theNovember execute the 15,22013 November 15, documents, 013documents, andPlaintiffs are and barred are barred disputing from disputing herlack her ofcapacity. lack of capacity. 17. 17. The The petitioner petitioner must the facts e showthefacts must show stablishing establishing standing standing existed att thetime existed a the time suit suit inthetrial wasfiled in was the trial c court. M.D. A ourt.MD. nderson Anderson Cancer Ctr. v. 52S.W.3d v. Novak, 52 S.W.3d 704,708 704, 708(Tex. Inre 2001);In (Tex.2001); re Vogel, 261 S.W.3d 9 Vogel, 261S.W.3d 917, 921(Tex. 17,921 (Tex. App.--Houston App.--Houston [14thDist.] [14th Dist.]2008, orig.pproceeding). 2008,orig. roceeding). Here, Petitioners/Plaintiffs Here,Petitioners/Plaintiffs havejjudicially have udicially admitted admitted that capacity didNOT thatcapacity did NOT exist. lfthepetitioner exist. If failstomeet the petitioner fails to meet tthis hisburden, burden, Silverado Appx. 0208 No. 1-15-586-CV 3326 thetrial must dismiss courtmust the trial court dismiss tthe suit. In re NL.D.,344S.W.3d hesuit.In at 37. N.L.D., 344 S.W.3d at 37. 18. 18. SincePetitioners/Plaintiffs Since Petitioners/Plaintiffsarebarred are establishing barredfrom establishing that heyhad that tthey had standing to to represent RubyS. represent Ruby S.Peterson thetime atthe Peterson at suitwas time suit thenthey wasfiled, then lackstanding they lack standing to to bringsuit bring suiton ontheProposed the Proposed Ward’s andthe Ward's behalf, and dismiss mustdismiss the Court must thesuit the suit forlack for ofsubject lack of matter jurisdiction. subject matter In re NL.D., jurisdiction. In 344S.W.3d N.L.D., 344 S.W.3d 37. at37. at WHEREFORE, WHEREFORE, PREMISES PREMISES CONSIDERED, CONSIDERED, Movants Jill W. Young a Movants JillW.Young ndW. and W. RussJones, Russ Guardian Jones,Guardian AdLitem Ad Litem and and Attorney Ad Litem, respectively, Attorney AdLitem, forRuby respectively, for S. Ruby S. Peterson, respectfully Peterson, pray that, respectfully pray that, a fternnotice after oticeaand oral h ndoral earing, hearing, theCourt GRANT tthis the Court GRANT his Motion andDISMISS Motion and DISMISS thePlaintiff`s’ claims the Plaintiffs' claims brought brought their purported butdenied intheir in but denied capacity capacity asNext as Friend Next Friend ofRuby of S.Peterson Ruby S. forlack Peterson for ofstanding lack of andlack standing and lack ofsubject of subject matter matter jurisdiction; andthat jurisdiction; and thatthe Court theCourt allcosts taxall tax costs against against forwhich+ Plaintiffs for which execution execution issueififnot should issue timely nottimely paid;and paid; andforsuch otherand for such other further andfurther atlaw relief, at law or or inequity, in towhich equity, to Movants which Movants may themselves showthemselves mayshow justly entitled justly entitled and for which they andforwl1ich they shall induty shallin boundforever duty bound foreverpray. submitted, Respectfully submitted, UNDERWOOD, UNDERWOOD, JONES, JONES, S CHERRER SCHERRER MALOUF,P.L.L.C. & MALOUF, W. RUSS W. RUSS JONES By: JONES TBA ##10968050 TBA 10968050 Richmond A 5177Richmond 5177 Avenue, Suite505 venue,Suite 505 Houston,Texas77056 Houston, Texas 77056 Telephone: (713)552-1144 Telephone: (713) 552-1144 Facsimile: Facsimile: (713)781-4448 (713) 781-44482 Silverado Appx. 0209 No. 1-15-586-CV 3327 0 ADLITEM RUBY ATTORNEY AD LITEM FOR RUBY S.PETERSON, S. ANINCAPACITATED PETERSON, AN INCAPACITATED PERSON PERSON · MACINTYRE, MACINTYRE, MCCULLOCH, MCCULLOCH, STANFIELD STANFIELD &YOUNG, & L.L.P. YOUNG, L.L.P. 0 By: W.YOUNG JILL W. YOUNG 0 T.B.A. T.B.A. #00797670 #00797670 2900 2900 150 Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston,TX Houston, 77027 TX 77027 Telephone: Telephone: (713)5572-2900 (713) 72-2900 Facsimile:(713) Facsimile: (713)572-2902 572-2902 GUARDIAN GUARDIAN ADLITEM AD LITEM FOR FOR RUBY S. RUBY S. PETERSON, ANINCAPACITATED PETERSON, AN INCAPACITATED PERSON PERSON CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE OF SERVICE I hereby c Ihereby ertify certify tthat true and hata true and correct copy oftheforegoing correct copy of the foregoing instrument instrument hasbeen has been forwarded forwarded to: to: SarahP Sarah atelP Patel acheco Pacheco Candice Candice Schwager Schwager Kathleen Kathleen Tanner Tanner Beduze Beduze 1417Ramada 1417 Ramada Drive Drive Crain,Caton Crain, Caton& &James, P.C. James, P.C. Houston, Texas 77062 Texas 77062 1401McKinney, 1401 McKirmey, Suite1700 Suite 1700 Houston,Texas77010 Houston, Texas 77010 Philip Philip M.Ross M. Ross Josh K.Davis Josh K. Davis 1006Holbrook 1006 Holbrook Road Road Lewis, Lewis, Brisbois, Brisbois, Bisgaard &Smith, L.L.P. Bisgaard & L.L.P. SanAntonio, San Antonio, Texas 78218 Texas 78218 Weslayan Weslayan Tower, Suite1400 Tower, Suite 1400 24Greenway 24 Greenway Plaza Plaza Byfacsimile By facsimile and/or on the and/or e-file on the 17thdayofOctober, day of October, 2014. 2014. W.RUSS W. RUSS JONES JONES Silverado Appx. 0210 No. 1-15-586-CV 3328 TAB 38 FILED 10/27/2014 9:02:08 PM Stan Stanart County Clerk DATA-ENTRY Harris County PICK PICKUP UP THISDATE DATE PROBATE NO.427,208 NO. 427,208 coulir1 IN RE: GUARDIANSHIPOF OF §§ IN THE PROBATECOURT INTHEPROBATE COURT RUBYPETERSON, RUBYPETERSON, §§ NUMBERONE NUMBER ONE PROPOSED §§ HARRIS TEXAS PROPOSEDWARD WARD HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSENO.2014-40980 CAUSE NO. 2014-40980 MACKEY ("MACK")GLENPETERSON,§ INTHEDISTRICTCOURT MACKEY ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON, § IN THE DISTRICT COURT PETERSON,Individually,Next § PETERSON, Individually, DON Next Friend LESLIE § ofRUBY PETERSON, of RUBY PETERSON, DON LESLIE § PETERSON, andasNext PETERSON, Individually and and as Next § ofRUBYPETERSON, Friend, of RUBY PETERSON, andand PETERSON, § LONNY LONNY PETERSON, Individually and of RUBYS.PETERSON, § Next Next Friend of RUBY S. PETERSON, § Plaintiffs, V. § COUNT TEXAS HARRIS V. HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS CAROLANNE § CAROLPETERSON, DAVID ANNE MANLEY, SILVERADO § DAVID PETERSON, SENIOR SILVERADO LIVING,INC.,d/b/a § SENIOR LIVING, INC., d/b/a Silverado Living § Senior Living — — Sugar Land, Defendants. § DISTRICT 129THJUDICIAL Defendants. 129TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT RESPONSEINOPPOSITION TODEFENDANTS' MOTIONTODISMISS PURSUANT RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TOTRCP TO RULE91MOTION TO DISMISS DEFENDANTS' PURSUANT TO TRCP RULE 91a WRIGHT: JUDGELLOYD TOTHEHONORABLE TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE LLOYD WRIGHT: DonPeterson,LonnyPetersonandMackPeterson thisResponseto in Don Peterson, Lonny Peterson and Mack Peterson file this Response to in 1 1 Silverado Appx. 0211 No. 1-15-586-CV 3347 Rule toDismiss toTRCP Motion andwould 91a, toDefendants‘ Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to TRCP Rule 91a, and would 0 follows: A showthe show the Courtas as follows: INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION i 0 U1 11 filed 25,2014. onJuly thissuit Plaintiffs filed this suit on July 25, 2014. andentered anappearance onJuly28,2014. 22 Defendants waived service and enteredan Defendants appearance on July 28, 2014. theirmotionto onSeptember 25,2014. 33 Defendants Defendants filed their motion to dismiss on September 25, 2014. CO UNDISPUTED MATERIAL FACTS UNDISPUTED MATERIAL FACTS is aninvoluntary residentof Silverado SeniorLiving, 4 Ruby ("Ruby") Peterson ("Ruby") isan RubyPeterson involuntary resident of Silverado Senior Living, 4 Silverado SeniorLiving SugarLand("Silverado"). Inc.d/b/a Inc. d/b/a Silverado Senior Living— - Sugar Land ("Silverado"). durablepowerofattorneyappointing CarolManley 5 1993,R In 1993, In ubyexecuted Ruby executedaa durable power of attorney appointing Carol Manley 5 2013,Ruby ("Carol")aand ("Carol") ndDavid Peterson("David").However,on November15, David Peterson (''David"). However, on November 15, 2013, Ruby appointing Revocation ofPowerofAttorneyandnewpowersofattorney executedaa Revocation of Power of Attorney and new powers of attorney appointing her DonandMackPetersonasheragents. hersons sons Don and Mack Peterson as her agents. Dr. Christopher 6 There are conflictingdiagnosesregardingRuby`scapacity. There are conflicting diagnoses regarding Ruby's capacity. Dr. Christopher 6 dementia, althoughhe later Merkl, M.D.hasreportedthatRubyhas severe Merkl, M.D. has reported that Ruby has severe dementia, although he later testified M.D.reportedthatRuby that she has mildto moderatedementia.Dr.MarkKunik, that she has mild to moderate dementia. Dr. Mark Kunik, M.D. reported that Ruby Dr.JohnTennison, M.D. has mild to moderatedementiaandthatshelackscapacity. has mild to moderate dementia and that she lacks capacity. Dr. John Tennison, M.D. butto a reasonabledegreeof reportedthatRubyhas mildto moderatedementia, reported that Ruby has mild to moderate dementia, but to a reasonable degree of of attorneyon medical sheprobablyhadcapacityto executenewpowers medical certainty, she probably had capacity to execute new powers of attorney on 15,2013. November November 15, 2013. 2 Silverado Appx. 0212 No. 1-15-586-CV 3348 RULE 1aSTANDARD RULE991a STANDARD 77 TRCPRule91a TRCPRule 91a allowsaapartyto movethe party tomove groundless cause the courttoto dismissa a groundless cause The rule of action. The of in part: rule provides inpart: dismiss causeofaction thegroundsthatithas [A] [A]party may moveto partymaymove to dismissaacause of actionon on the grounds that it has basisinlaw nobasis no orfact. in lawor fact. A ofaction has obasis cause of action hasnno A cause inlawifthe basis in law if the allegations,taken allegations, astrue, takenas togetherwith inferencesreasonablydrawn true, together with inferences reasonably drawn entitle theclaimant tothereliefsought. Acause of from them,do fromthem, donot not entitle the claimant to the relief sought. A cause of actionhas nobasisin action hasno factif reasonable basis in fact ifno personcouldbelievethefacts no reasonable person could believe the facts pleaded. pleaded. TRCPRule 9la. TRCP Rule 91a. ARGUMENT ARGUMENT A. Plaintiffs inthiscase. havestanding A. Plaintiffs have standing in this case. 8 havestandingtopursueclaimsonRuby'sbehalf,andthiscaseshould Plaintiffs 8 Plaintiffs have standing to pursue claims on Ruby's behalf, and this case should not be dismissedfor wantof subjectmatterjurisdiction.Plaintiffsbringsuit on not be dismissed for want of subject matter jurisdiction. Plaintiffs bring suit on Ruby'sbehalfas nextfriendandattomeys-in-fact. Claimsbroughton Ruby'sbehalf Ruby's behalf as next friend and attorneys-in-fact. Claims brought on Ruby's behalf forlackofstanding. shouldnotbe dismissed should not be dismissed for lack of standing. 9 AlthoughRuby executeda durablepowerof attorney,whichincludeda 9 Although Ruby executed a durable power of attorney, which included a medicalpowerof attorney, in 1993,thatpowerof attorneywasexpressly revokedon medical power of attorney, in 1993, that power of attorney was expressly revoked on November 15,2013,andtherevocation wasrecordedinthe publicrecordsof November 15, 2013, and the revocation was recorded in the official public records of Texas.3 HarrisCounty, Harris County, Texas. 3 Silverado Appx. 0213 No. 1-15-586-CV 3349 Thereis 10 There 10 ubyhad hetherRRuby evidencewwhether is conflictingevidence to executea acontract had capacitytoexecute contract 0 in November2013. inNovember the T However, the 2013. However, exas Texas Healthand Health Safety Code,Section 166.155 and Safety Code, Section 166.155 provides ofaamedical or revocationof providesffor of attorneyasasfollows: power ofattorney medicalpower follows: (a) Amedicalpowerooff attorneyis Sec. 166.155. REVOCATION. Sec.166.155. REVOCATION. (a) A medicalpower attorney is revoked by: revoked by: (1) oralor written notification (1) oral or notificationat atany timeby the to the any time by the principal to the CO agent raalicensed agentoor r certified licensedoor health residential certified healthor careprovideror or residential care provider or by otheract evidencing intentto revokethe power, any other act evidencingaa specific intent to revoke the power, by any withoutregard to whetherthe principalis competentor the without regard to whether the principal is competent or the mentalstate. principal's principal's mental state. of medicalpowerof attorneysignedby Rubywas therevocation 11 Therefore, 11 Therefore, the revocation of medical power of attorney signed by Ruby was effective"withoutregardto whetherthe principalis competentor the principal's effective "without regard to whether the principal is competent or the principal's Rubydoesnothaveagentspursuantto anymedicalpowerof mentalstate.Presently, mental state. Presently, Ruby does not have agents pursuant to any medical power of attorney. attorney. factquestionsremainwhetherRuby'sexecutionof newdurable 12 Additionally, 12 Additionally, fact questions remain whether Ruby's execution of new durable powersof attorneyonNovember 15,2013waseffective.Construing contested facts powers of attorney on November 15, 2013 was effective. Construing contested facts in favorofthe Plaintiffsindicatesthattherevocationof the 1993powerof attorney in favor of the Plaintiffs indicates that the revocation of the 1993 power of attorney on November15,2013was andtheexecutionof newpowersof attorney on November 15, 2013 was effective, and the execution of new powers of attorney werealsoeffective. were also effective. prerequisite 13 Standingis a constitutional to suit. v 13 Standing is a constitutional prerequisite to filing suit. Heckman v Williamson 4 Silverado Appx. 0214 No. 1-15-586-CV 3350 S.W.3d137,150(Tex.2012). haveallegedthattheypersonally Ciy., 369 369 S.W.3d 137, 150 (Tex. 2012). Plaintiffs have alleged that they personally wrongfulactsand/or resultof Defendants' harm andinjury sufferedharmand asaaproximate injuryas proximate result of Defendants' wrongful acts and/or omissions. T omissions. To wit, Defendants o wit, retaliatedagainstDonandhis wife,Mackandhis Defendants retaliated against Don and his wife, Mack and his wife,and Lonnyas well as Rubyfor revokingthe 1993powerof attorneyon wife, and Lonny as well as Ruby for revoking the 1993 power of attorney on allegeand would provethat Rubyhad a rightto November115, November 2013. Plaintiffs allege and wouldprove 5,2013. that Ruby had a right to her priormedical revokeherprior revoke owerofofattomey medicalppower pursuantto theTexasHealthandSafety attorney pursuant to the Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 166.155,andDefendants' retaliation waswrongful.In fact, Code, Section 166.155, and Defendants' retaliation was wrongful. In fact, Defendants‘ retaliation asknowing, intentionalandmalicious becausetheyknewor Defendants' retaliationwwas knowing, intentional and malicious because they knew or knownthattheyhad noauthority topreventthePlaintiffsfromvisiting should have known that they hadno shouldhave authority to prevent the Plaintiffs from visiting each otherandthatdenyingvisitation wouldcauseirreparable harmandinjuryto the each other and that denying visitation would cause irreparable harm and injury to the Plaintiffs. Plaintiffs. Therefore,Caroland Davidwerewithoutauthorityto preventRubyfrom 14 Therefore, Carol and David were without authority to prevent Ruby from Silverado becausetheirpowerof attorney wasrevoked on November 15, leaving leaving Silverado because their power of attorney was revoked on November 15, 2013,andSilverado wrongfully deniedDon,MackandRubyaccessto eachotherfor 2013, and Silverado wrongfully denied Don, Mack and Ruby access to each other for haveproperly thepurposeof movingheroutofSilverado.Plaintiffssubmitthatthey the purpose of moving her out of Silverado. Plaintiffs submit that they have properly pleadedfacts,whichdemonstrate thattheyhavestandingto bringclaimsonbehalfof pleaded facts, which demonstrate that they have standing to bring claims on behalf of Ruby. Ruby. standingto 15 Becauseit is clearfromthe Plaintiffs'pleadingsthat theyhave 15 Because it is clear from the Plaintiffs' pleadings that they have standing to o fRuby,t heCourt h asjurisdictionto heartheir claims, andthe bringclaimsonbehalf bring claims on behalf of Ruby, the Court has jurisdiction to hear their claims, and the Courtlacksdiscretion to dismissPlaintiffs'suitagainsttheDefendants initsentirety. Court lacks discretion to dismiss Plaintiffs' suit against the Defendants in its entirety. 5 5 Silverado Appx. 0215 No. 1-15-586-CV 3351 at150. 369S.W.3d Heckman, 369 S.W.3d at 150. Defendants Defendants Ruby,Don,MackandLonny. toRuby, Don, Mack and Lonny. areliable to are B. B. t heyknew or haveknownthatthe 1993 liable because 16 Defendants Defendants are liable because they knew or should have known that the 1993 are continued reliance 16 andtheir 15,2013, of was onNovember power of attorney was revoked on November 15, 2013, and their continued reliance noticeoftherevocation, which unreasonable after they had express was arbitrary wasarbitrary andunreasonable after they had express notice of the revocation, which and Public Records. Texas HealthandSafetyCode, Harris County the Harris wasrecordediinn the was recorded County Public Records. Texas Health and Safety Code, 166.155 Section166.155 Section statesC odeprovides in relevant 17 Specifically, Specifically, the Texas E the Texas Estates Code provides in relevant part: faithon thirdpartywhoreliesin good 17 If a durable power ofattorney of attorney i iss used,aa third used, party who relies in good faith on lf a durablepower of performed in the scope of the power the acts attorneyin fact in fact or agent oragent performed in the scope of the power of the actsofof an anattorney not liable isnot theprincipal. to the principal. attorneyis attorney liable to 751.056. Section Texas Texas Estates Code Estates Code Section 751.056. thatDefendants didnotrelyon theactsof Plaintiffsaallege Plaintiffs and would llegeand would prove prove that Defendants did not rely on the acts of 18 knewor 15,2013becauseDefendants 18 in good faith after November Carol and Caroland David David in good faith after November 15, 2013 because Defendants knew or authority t o actafter the 1993power andCarol Davidand lacked Carollacked should have known shouldhave known thatthatDavid authority to act after the 1993 power Therefore, Defendant areliabletoRuby. of attorney w ofattorney asrevoked. was revoked. Therefore, Defendant are liable to Ruby. provides: H ealth and Safety Code,Section166.155 Texas theTexas Health and Safety Code, Section 166.155 provides: 19 Additionally, 19 Additionally, the (a) A medical power ofattorneyis revokedby: REVOCATION. REVOCATION. (a) A medical power of attorney is revoked by: notification atany timeby the principalto the anytime (1) oralororwritten notification (1)oral at by the principal to the certified healthor residential careprovideror orresidential care agent or agentora a licensed licensed or or certified health provider or 6 6 Silverado Appx. 0216 No. 1-15-586-CV 3352 by any other by any otheract specificintent evidencingaaspecific actevidencing revokethe power, intenttoto revoke thepower, without regardtotowhetherthe without is competentororthe whether the principal iscompetent the principal'smental mentalstate. state. 20 Plaintiffsallege would allegeand reliance Carol thatDefendants' prove that Defendants' relianceon and wouldprove on Carol 20 nderthe1993 uthorityuunder aauthority of attomey not David'sppurported and David's and urported power of attorneywas the 1993power was not faithafterthat powerof revokedon November15, in in good good faith after that power of attomey attorneywas was revoked on November 15, 2013because therevocation asrecorded in thepublicrecordsof Harris 2013 because the revocationwwas recorded in the public records of Harris County,Texas,andDefendants hadexpressnoticeofthatfact. Therefore, County, Texas, and Defendants had express notice of that fact. Therefore, Silverado Silveradocan be held liableto Rubyfor all its wrongfulacts and/or can be held liable to Ruby for all its wrongful acts and/or whichwereperformed omissions, inbadfaithrelianceon the1993power omissions, which were performed in bad faith reliance on the 1993 power 15,2013. onNovember of attorneybeginning of attorney beginning on November 15, 2013. 21 Plaintiffs'claimshave a basisin law, and they shouldnot be 21 Plaintiffs' claims have a basis in law, and they should not be dismissedbecause eachofPlaintiffs' claims, taken astrue,together with dismissed because each of Plaintiffs' claims, taken as true, together with inferencesreasonablydrawntherefrom,entitlePlaintiffsto the relief inferences reasonably drawn therefrom, entitle Plaintiffs to the relief can be held sought,i.e., 1) Plaintiffshavestanding,and2) Defendants sought, i.e., 1) Plaintiffs have standing, and 2) Defendants can be held liablefor theirbadfaithrelianceona medicalpowerof attorneythathad liable for their bad faith reliance on a medical power of attorney that had beenrevokedas a matterof law. Therefore, dismissalis not appropriate been revoked as a matter of law. Therefore, dismissal is not appropriate becausePlaintiffscanprovefacts,whichwouldentitlethemto relieffrom because Plaintiffs can prove facts, which would entitle them to relief from Defendants. at150.7 369S.W.3d Defendants. Heckman, 369 S.W.3d at 150. 7 Silverado Appx. 0217 No. 1-15-586-CV 3353 PRAYER PRAYER PREMISESCONSIDERED, WHEREFORE,PREMISES WHEREFORE, respectfully the CONSIDERED, Plaintiffs respectfully request the kx Living,Inc.,TanaMcMillan andLinda Court Courttto of SilveradoSenior deny the motionof o denythemotion Senior Living, Inc., Tana McMillan and Linda Lavinson in itsentirety. Lavinsoninits alsorequestthat entirety. Plaintiffs alsorequest theCourt taxcostsagainst the that the Court tax costs against the shouldissueif not timelypaid. Plaintiffspray for for whichexecution Defendants,forwhich Defendants, execution should issue if not timely paid. Plaintiffs pray for andfurtherrelief, towhich they maybebejustly entitled. such other and further relief,to suchother which theymay justly entitled. submitted, Respectfully Respectfully submitted, 210/326-2 Phone: PhilipM.Ross,SBN17304200 1006 Holbrook Philip M. Ross, San 1006Antonio, Email: By: Philip Holbrook Road SBN 17304200 Texas78218 Road San Antonio, Texas 78218 Email: 210/326-2100 By: /s/ Phili M.Ross M.Ross /s/ Philip M. Ross Philip M. Ross CandiceSchwager 1417Ramada Candice 1417 Drive Schwager Ramada Drive Houston,TX77062 Phone: 832-315-8489 Houston, TX 77062 FAX: 713-583-0355 Phone: 832-315-8489 FAX: 713-583-0355 AttorneysforDonPeterson, Peterson Attorneys Lonny Peterson andMack for Don Peterson, Lonny Peterson and Mack Peterson 8 Silverado Appx. 0218 No. 1-15-586-CV 3354 Certificateof of Service hereby certifythat IIhereby trueand thataatrue copyoftheabove and correctcopy of the above documentwas was e-filed and and sent byemail sent by emailoorelectronic deliveryb y r electronic delivery by agreementto: agreement to: Sarah Sarah Pacheco Jill JillY oung Young Maclntyre,McCulloch, Stanfield,Young, LLP KathleenBeduze Kathleen Beduze Maclntyre, McCulloch, Stanfield, Young, LLP Suite150 aton&& James,PC 2900Weslayan, Crain,CCaton Crain, PC 2900 Weslayan, Suite 150 1401 McKinneySSt., 1401McKinney t.,Suite 1700 Suite 1700 Houston,TX77027 Houston, TX 77027 Houston,TX77010 Houston, TX 77010 JoshDavis Josh Davis RussJones LewisBrisbois Bisgaard &Smith, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard LLP & Smith, LLP Russ Jones Scherrer& WeslayanTower, Suite 1 400 Underwood, Jones, Underwood, Jones, Scherrer & Weslayan Tower, Suite 1400 Malouf,PLLC 24Greenway Plaza 24 Greenway Plaza Malouf, PLLC Houston,TX 77046 5177RichmondAve.,Suite 505 Houston, TX 77046 5177 Richmond Ave., Suite 505 Houston,TX77056 Houston, TX 77056 onOctober 27,2014. on October 27, 2014. /s/ M.Ross Is/ Philip PhilipM.RossM. Ross Philip M. Ross 9 Silverado Appx. 0219 No. 1-15-586-CV 3355
in the Guardianship of Ruby Peterson
Combined Opinion