ACCEPTED 03-15-00715-CV 7909975 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 11/19/2015 3:15:10 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE 3RD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN, TEXAS CAUSE NUMBER 03-15-00715-CV FILED IN 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS JOSESANCHEZAND 11/19/2015 3:15:10 PM VIVIAN SANCHEZ, APPELLANTS JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk v. BORA NHEK AND HANNA NHEK, APPELLEES AGREED MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE LEAD COUNSEL OF APPELLEES Pursuant to Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 6.5, Bora Nhek and Hanna Nhek, Appellees herein, and make and files this, their agreed motion to substitute lead counsel of record and would show the following I. Appellees hereby move that Benjamin Trotter of The Rutherford Law Firm, PLLC be substituted as their lead counsel of record in this litigation in the stead of Collin Henry, and that he be recognized as their lead counsel in all proceedings herein. The Plaintiff asks this Court to direct the Clerk of the Court to transmit all notices of judgments, orders, or notices of the filing of pleadings to Benjamin Trotter, State Bar No. 24082567, at 923 S. Alamo St., Suite 2, San Antonio, Texas 78205. Benjamin Trotter's phone number is (210) 225-4200 and his fax number is (210) 225-4495. Attorney Collin R. Henry is in agreement with the substitution. His agreement is indicated by his signature on this motion. Appellees pray for relief in accordance with this motion. Appellees pray for general relief, both legal and equitable. Respectfully submitted, The Rutherford Law Firm, PLLC Email: 923 S. Alamo, Suite 2 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Office: (210) 225-4200 Fax: (210) 225-4495 Attorney for Appellees Motion approved: ~;?£ Collin R. Henry SBN: 24087710 Law Offices ofW. Hampton Beesley, P.C. 610 S. Abe, Suite A San Angelo, Texas 76903 Telephone: (325) 653-1356 Facsimile: (325) 653-2423 co! 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE A true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document has been forwarded on November 19, 2015 to the following by the method indicated: J.W. Johnson 228 West Harris San Angelo, Texas 76903 Via telecopier: (325) 655-6402 The Rutherford Law Firm, PLLC B y:<=!....-="'----i"'-+'-------"'---_::;_--- Ben a in Trotter Stat ar No. 24082567 923 S. Alamo, Suite 2 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Tel: (210) 225-4200 Fax: (210) 225-4495 Attorney for Appellee 3