Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Ausmnr na. TEXAS May 12, 1948 Hon. C. H. Cavness Opinion No, V-569 State Auditor Austin, Texas Re: Eligibility of eaployees of various conservation and +eclamatlon districts to be members of the Bm- ployees Retirement Sjs- ten of Texas. Dear Hr. Cavness: Your request for an opinion on the above sub- ject is as follows: 'We shall greatly appreciate your 0 ln- ion as to whether the employees of each Psepar- ately) of the following are eligible f6r mom- bersbip in,the Bmplojees Retirement System of Texas: Bexar County Metropolitan Uater Dls- trlct Brazoti River Conservation and Recla- mation District Central Colorado Riier Authority Coma1 County WaterRecreational Dis- trict Ho. 1 Colorado'County Flood Control Ms- trlct Dallas County Flood Control District Dallas County Park Cities Water Con-~ trol and Improvement District Ho.2 Fayette County Flood Control District ffuadalupe-Blanc0 River Authority Guadalupe River Authority Gulf Water Supply District Harris County Flood Control District Jackson County Flood Control District Lavaca County Flood ControL District Lower Colorado River Authority Lover Conch0 River Water and So11 Conservation Authority Lower Rio Grande Flood Control Dls- Han, C. H, Cavness, page 2 (V-569) Leon River Flood Control District Lower Heches Valley Authority Nueces River Conservation and Re- clamation Dlatrict Panhandle Water Conservation Anth- ority Pease River Flood Control District Sabine-I’ieches Conservation District San Jacinto River Consemotion and Reclaution.Distrlot San Antonio River Canal a& Conser- vancy Distrf ct Sulpllnzi Rlvep Conservation and Re- clamation Dlstriot Upper Colorado River Authority Upper kadalupe River Authorltj Upper Red River Flood Control and IrrigatLon District Vslleg Conservation and Reclamation District Webb County Conservatkon and Recla- mation District, Artiole XVI, Section 59, Subdlvlsloh~ (a) and (b), Cormstltution of Texas, provide as follows”. “Set, 59. (a) The oonservation and development of all of the natural resotirces of this State, Including the omtrol, stor- igg, preservation and dlstributlon of its storm and flood vaters, the waters~ of Its rivers and atream, fer irri&atlon, power and all other useful purposes, the reclau- tion and Irrigation of Its arid, seri-arid and other lands needing irrigatien, the Fe- clamatlon arid drainage of its over-Slowed lands, and other lands needing drainage, the conservation and development of Its forests, vater sad hydro-electric power, the navlga- tlon of Its Inland and coastal waters, and the presemation and conservation of all such natural resoumes of the State are each and all hereby declared public right8 and’duties; and the Legislature shall paas all such laws as mey be appropriate thereto, ‘(b) There may be oreated within the State of Texas, er the State may be divided Hon. C. H. Cavness, page 3 (V-569) Into, such number of conservation aud reola- matlon districts as may be determined to be essential to the accomplishment of the pur- poses of thfs amendment to the constitution, which districts shall be governmental agen- cies and bodies politic and corporate with such powers of government and with the auth- ority to exercise such rights, privileges and functions concerning the subject matter of this amendment as may be conferred by law.’ Article 8194, V. C, S., reads as follows% “Conservation and reclamation districts may be created and organized in any manner that water improvement, drainage, or levee Improvement districts are authorized by the laws of this State to be created, and