Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

:Dec?+ek 23,~'1947 '. " : Hon. Ceoo ,H. Sheppard Comptroller of Public'Accounts Austin, Texas Opinioa,No. v-461 Re: The designation of the "station" of a State employee as affecting reimbursement.of trav- .el expenses. De&Sir: . . Reference'.&3made'to your .letter of.October 20,. requesting the opinion of..'thisoffice ~cdnderning the au' thority of the State, So11 Conservatioq.Board.to designate as the *headquarters" of an-employee,a .place at which no official duties are expected 'tobe p.erformsd., .'' Section'2 (1i)b of thengeneral provisions ap- pendsd't6 Senate B&No. 391, Regular Sessiqn,'.50thLeg- .' islature; 1947, being,the General Appropriations Bill for State departments and,agencies, provides: Vhe Comptroller shall not pay,:and~'. ,. no State officer or employee of any of the departments or other,agencies of the govern- ment shaU include~.inhls.traveling expense ,acCount any amounts for meals and/or l.odging incurred~within the city or town where such officer or such employee is stationed. .Such e~mploye~es as are-stationed away from their : main office or headquarters who';arenot al- lowed traveling expenses where so stationed shall be allowed such expenses uhen called to their main office." The'words "station" and rheadquartersn in the above rider are not used in any technical sense, but In the ordinary accepted meaning0 (Revised Civil Statutes, Article 10, Subsection .l); Giving to these words their ordinary meaning, in the light.of:.thecontext, the word . Hon. Geo. H.'Sheppbrd, Page 2 v-461 "headquarters" contemplates the principal office of the agency employing the individual in question, while the word 18station11contemplates the place where the~em- ployee is required bylaw to perform his duties, or where he is by authority of law given a place at which he is to perform his duties, and from and to which he shall go as his duties require. The purpose of sta- tioning officers and employees in connection with the discharge of their duties is to afford the most econom- ical and effective means of servicing the State's bus- iness throughout the entire.geographic limits of the State. The place,at which the employee .is "stationed" does not necessarily mean the employee's,ordinary home, although an employee might be stationed at his-ordi- nary residence if the placing authority thought it ad- visable that the employee discharge his official duties at or from that location. Such:place of,"stationing" cannot be considered synonymous with the term "head- quarters". The headquarters'for Texas State Soil Con- .servation hoard is .$a;Temple, whereas.it appears that the Board has district superviso,rswho are "etationedn at variouscitiesthroughout the .State: : . It .is not contemplated.thatthe st,ationingof .an employeo must be:p.e.rmanentfor any definite period of time. It is sufficient that there be a manifesta- tion of an Intention%&; definite placement, as distin- guished from a direction forthe performance of a single isolated serv~ice..The stationing might be'ex-- pressly temporary or it might be expressly permanent at the discretion of the placing authority, and the in- tention of the placem~entauthority in.stationing its employees would be'a governing factor. A temporary stationing might be changed to another temporary sta- tioning or to a permanent one, and even.a '!permanent" station would be only relatively so,:indicating a sta- tioning with no present stated limitationas to dura- tion. No stationing of an emp1oyee.i.scontemplated except that which has connection with the discharge of .officicl duties of the employee. In'other words, the station of an employeo means the place from.which he officially operates and towhich he returns in the dischar~geof the duties of his employment. It is our opinion that the Texas Soil Conservation Board is not authorized to designate as the station of an employee a place at which'or from which no official,duties are i i,~ ., shone Geo; Ri~~Sheppard,Page'3~'.Y-461'. ,' '.. ., expected to be performed. It'is authorized to desig- .nate,the place from which Its district supervisors will; operate in their assigned territories, but it.is with- out authority to designate'as~the ,station of an em- ploye~ea place at which;no official functionsare con- ~templated,. : xe shall not endeavor to-apply the~opinions above enunciated to any given fact situation, ,aswe .' .trust you will have no difficulty in establishing the .necessary.,factsto'which theseprinciples may be ap- plied. SUIQ??RY The.T.exasState~.SoilConservation'Board is not authorized to designate as the *'SW,- . . tion?of an employeesa'place at.which no of- ficial duties are expec.ted~tobe performed,~ but it 'is authorized%to designatessuch place : from which its employees willoperate offic.i- ._, allv in the performance,oE',theircontemplat- _ .', .". ...Yp&s ~very~truly, : ATTORNEY G&RAL,GF TEXAS .' :By.&TJ&&‘jJ& David B. Irons Administrative Assistant DBI:bb .~ Joe R. Greenhill; : ~'Executive Assistant ATTORNEY ~GENERAL' .