\ Ootobsr 13, 1947
Hone ~BaSOcinGiles, Chairman, oplaion No,, v- 405
School Lend Board
Austin, Texas Re: Constitutio&ility oi
Art. 921r, V;P.C., and
related qusdtions aon-
cqdng Oily explora*
tion work $n the mf
of ,Mexioo*
Dear Sir!
“-. ,‘The Board hab requested our opinion on aavswl
quretiohs Loonoejming ‘geophysioal expl.orations within the
~SCate’s bt-+nd+‘ise’ iii the ‘~G4.f of Mexico, as ~followsr
“l* Is Artiole 92&, V, Pm c, pr@ibit-
~lng ‘the 02 dynatiits and explosives
use -in tha
waters 0i the St&&a, a’pplicable tQ tha,~Qulf ’ .‘I ’
of Idexioo, and 3.f~so, la th6 lrtatuta oonstl-.. ~.. :
~Dutlonal? ~ .
“2, Doss the Land Commissioner ol! ~tbe ’
school Lana .Board 4~8 ‘authority to make ~. “~; 7
,rulea, -pertnit.ting anfl regulating geophysisal, z_
exploration work ,on State lands wl~thin t-h& ‘2,’ in
oulf ~of-~yerlrol
., *&, :
"34 IS the State ‘&nti,tled t0 OOmp8n- 22.
aation for the rlvllega of geophyaloal ex-
ploration of GuPt lands c~onduoted by those
who do not ‘halve leases thereon?W
Your ftrst. question obviously relates ‘to