County Attorney
arazoria. County Re: Authbrity oi ta% c&-
Angleton,:,Texas! lector to aollect, taxes
delinquent for past ten
years and then isbue
certif ioate showing
taxes paid prlor there-:
tb, thowh fiat peiid but
Bttbjrot tb plfm of ten
rear liraitatlon a5 Bra-
Dear Mrar,.
Your letter requesting our opinion reads, in
part, a6 f oll.ows:
Vhers are looated within Brazoria
County aany tracts of land whioh are rlth-
in so&001 diltriot and road dlatriote, end
on which the faxes half* i~ot been paid ior
many years, On some of these traots the
taxes have not been paid for a period of
time more than ten )-ear&.
Wan the tax colleoior of Braz’oria
County, with reference tb tax&s due, and
owing to a school distriotor.road 4istriot
for ,a ,peri~od, of,more than ten,yeara, r+
oeive and coll.ect taxes for the ten year
period and not colleot the,,taxes ior the
years preceding the ten year.perioq im-
mediately before the collectfon, and give
a tax certificate to the payer of the taxed
showing that all taxes have been paid on
the particular piece of property involved?
“9 k *”
It is our opinion that *he tax co~l%ot6r ha%
ohs autborfty to reoaive and eol$eot tax%% due, whet&w
current or delfBqu%nt Par one or 1ll0m y%%re. For 8X-
ample,, A owes taxee on a tract of land for the palet Pit-
teen year%. A aan pay to the ta* ao&lw$or the total
BtgoUStt ibe for BBY 011%or more of eald tm4%n p%%re arid
the tax oolleator trhoufit issue snb i$eliV%r td, A B tax
redenptien reoelpt for aitCh y%ar o* year& ahor5.a& 846
b&T%8plll4L As bs eech erpsrate $‘%a~‘,A met p9t th%
t&al uaount due all th% taxing tuUts *hod% t&xttP 1%~
a$#et%s%dunder th% %%!a% e%seasPeat. The eboV% stat%-
mente are ao rsll woogntml by cmr eb%.r$b, tax oolleot-
on3 and offloials gener%lLg that re d%%n~ the citiBg of
authorities unnecessary,
ArtiDle 7290, V&,8* mab& 88 rollopYs:
That 00 delinquent taxpayer%&aLl llraoe
the fl@ht to plead in any Co.Wt or fsl say
manner rely ugan any Statute or xslaitatlbn
The 3uprerite Court of yerae in Baebeft Lumber
co. ve City or Howstan, 198 3, WJ (2d) 879 fp poQptrUl.q
maid Artiolo 7298 B%ld that “d o .such 1MCJtl~~ $Mb-
utes do not release or extinguulsh the debt, b*b *I
*erect the mu%dy wrisa ita 6m=0wmicmt16 mqbt~+*, 03t-
ing Goldfrank, Frenk B Co, v* Young: 64 Tex. 4;;42*
storm County Y. Bobbin8, 120 Tex, 241 36 8 a’ d$&
Central lht. Beak 0, Lat4ua & Coa, T%i. cio: a;t 22
8 w (2a 765 wrib reruad- 37 C. 3. 698 Booa k &i
aiao’coo k OS: City @f Bbok&, 167 5L W. [2&) 232 wh%Pe-
in the G6urt held that the mmL%ooontaimd ila ArtlQle
7298 Co ba a stabwts of li la tetlon tit3be fdgsaieL&y pleaded
in ami-tsea
Our recent Opinion,V-39, id foElawisg prior
oglnion% of this of’fioe held, “that the prOofso oonbained
in &tiole, 7298 is a iatatuts of limitations whloh must be
Bon. 8an K&e - Pn&* 3 - opinion Ror v-302
plead by the taxpayer
mf 0s the aOr6nOO.=
It f4Qlowa thet the tax coLleotor oannot isaue
a tax certifieato to tha ekieat that all tare6 here been
paid On a traot of lasd, rrhen thee nre unpaid delinquent
taxes more than ten yaar8 peat dne. Tim onlt ray the ae-
linqadat ro1U can be oloamd of these tams whioh are
past due for a. period Br more than ten years is to either
pay such taxes, or in a PUCforeelo~ure cult to speolelly
plead the tcan pear stetuto of Umitatlons oontaired In
the provieo to Aztialo 7298, V,Ci8,r~
We appmlriate y@ar well pIPspared brief whi6h
aooompenied your r*qu,eat*
The pmwlao oontalaed. in Art? 7294, t.C,l.
that no suit shall be brought tar the aalleo-
tion of drllnqneat t&m6 ot a dchsrl er road
aistriot U&LOWinetitntra within t(rtr tea.m
from the time mm shall beoome deliaqtlen$ is
e statute or limitation aad muet ba apeelally
pl0aaOd.~ Bassett Lmbsr co. v. city 0r Rouston,
198 s, vi. (26) 8793’ When t&era are delinquent
tax08 of a echo01 or roaa aidtri0t 801-ethm
ten years past due the tax eollaator OImOt
iaaw a tax certlfioato showing all taxes peid
on t&e property in question aa the proviso eon-
talara in Art. 7298 irr a liritation Wktote and
nwt br speoiallr plwidrdin l f&z foroohm.trr
Your8 very truly