Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

-- ’ R-174 AS AUSXTN~P. TEZ~AS April 22,, 1947 Hon. George Comptroller Capitol Station - Austin, Texea OpFnkx~:&,b V&X& ore:: ~VhQthbb:,the;Ctiptrolleti ma. m&m%!kt~ to pess an 4a~.owxt.for payment to, the Rl@hWy ,Depe:rt- mmt far rsezicees ren- de%v?dby it to, the A:uatLn S&ate School for strecrts withkn the school Dear Sir: ground. . Your statement and requeak for an opinion is as follows: "The IPTghweg-DepaMwnt @s&d to be reimbursed 8.5 fbllmrs: "1 . Servic~es of employees of the Highwag Deplrmnt .' "2 . R@e& tin &a I$ ~&+@ '-guipraent . “3 . MeterUl~ kw&&& "Questionr Is there ,ls@l wthorlty for paselng l&is aecaunt In Whole Or in part for payment." Artlcle"6673, V.C.S., ra&dS a8 followsr -. Ron. Georeo B. Sheppard - rage 2, v-160 “The Commission iv authorized to take over and nlntaln the various State High- ways in Texds, and the counties though which said highways prss shall be iree from any cost, expense or supervision of such highway! D The CommistIion ~shall use the auto- mobile rc,gkstmtion fees in the State Highway Fund for the mefnteaance of such highways, and shall divert the same to no other use un- less ~the Commfssion shall be without suffl- cient funds f?om other sou1~3es to meet Fed- eral aid to posds.l.n Texas, ,and in such case the Commission is authorized by Pesolu- tlon to ‘tr+ansfer a sufficient amount from such fund to metoh asid Fedex%1 aId.” .. Artfcle 6674, V .C .S *, provides in pert as fol- ‘I* * + All money hemsin authorized to be apppOpx4eted for the operetlou of the Department and the purchase of equipment shall be p8i& ircm the Stste Hlghwej Fund, and the reuirde~ of al&d fund shall be ex- pended by the Cwrlsslon for the it&her- 8nce of publio rcwd oonrtruetion and the establishrcsnt’of a mystem of State hl@kwags as herein provided D” Article. 6674a,, rsads as follows a “All maneyr now or hereeftep deposited in the 3tet.s Trusuzy to credit of the *State, MehuT Fund”, including 011 Federel ’ old moneys deposited to the credit of said fund u&or the terms of the Fed,erel HFghway Act and all oounty rid moneys. depo8ited to the credI.t of said fund under the to-8 of ;hFt;ztsshaU be subject ‘to appropriation 0 pecific purpose bf the improvement of said ay8tem of’ State Highvays by the Otate Hlghwaj apetitment O’t (Emphasiti added) a hrticle 6674q-5, provides: . “All money8 ‘nti or heresfter deposited fn the State’ Treasury to the credit of the “State Highway Fund” lncl@.?ing all Federal aid money deposited to the credit of said c Hon. George R. Sheppard - loge 3, v-160 fund under the tori of the Pederrtl Aid Rlghvrf hbt, shall be subject to raproprla- tlon by the Legislature for the 8, oific purpose of the i~p~oveiueut of 88 Ti%Emi of Stmte Highways by the Strte l$Iighvry De- partment." (Emph.c318 ours). From the above strted atatutea, we therefore conclude that the Nighwry Department ir authorized to expend aozicpy for the construction or maintenance of the State Hlghvay system only, apd &,e not authorized to build streets within the grswldr of another State De- partment, viz, the bustin State School. In Opinion Ho. O-1475, this Bepartwnt held that the Texas Highwry Bepartaeat wrs'wlthout authority to improve the stpeet4 et C~IU#Xt&lOnsit344 the streets did not omprlse 8 part bf the system of highways of thls State. We are onclosing a copy of thld opinion. Opinion HO. O-420 of this office held th8t the Hlghvsy Departmeat dld not have the authority to re- quest the Board af Control to puroMss out of highway funds su@plioL wh%oh ybr@ te Ire uned for the purpose of sale to otheel* drpart~eats of the $Wdt, a?@ that without a pre-existing lrw one State kporttrent csuld not chrrge another departmeat f(Pr sorvlces rendrrod. We 8re en- closing a copy of this eplnlon. Xe h&v8 found BQ lrv thet would authorize the Highway Department ta reoofaditioti streets within the Austin State School grounds, and no 18~ that would authorize apent to the bapartmsnt for such work out of Austin iitote School funds. i?.?!sR The Comptroller ef ?ublic &xounts 1s without rutblerity to pr8& for w)reat (111~ account sf the I!1 wry karrtm**t for aerv- Ices rendered by p*t tb the Amtin State School for streets wlthl8@ the school grounds. 'Yours_very . truly ATT~,RI'&GENERALOF TEXAS ; Asalstant Rhi%/.TMc/dr/lh