Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

365 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TU(AS AUSTIN OROVLR SLLLCRS AI?-OI)WII GCNCML lonorrblo Y. 1. Idrardr o o unt~ Attorna~ t1aterlA Oopnl~ flrtork, Fau bar Br. Ldmrdrt OplnloQ lo. o-Ts3i Bat Bam8rlt~for the hnrbaadto Tourroquort?or an oplnl jart utter ir u followst department four quartion. should t i8 atit& onru00884~ r0r the vlfoin th a lrrrotiui of the band w bar. 366 louornble w. L. xdlirrd*. ?rge 2 "8Iacm under the Coaatltutloa In Texer a cwrried womm msr hold offlom, #he ur of oourao do all thiaga necesrr~ or lwident to the pro- p0r tx0mi8e of that right, 8p~h •~ 8fmtig 0 bond. The genenl rule forbidding her to con- tmot e 118bIlIt~ vould no LEOIWprevent her mrk- lug l bond than it vould derq her the right to wk. neoerroq bonda In the pmseoutloa of aulta peulttod to her. In lech inmtmcs the parer I# ma lnoidtmt to the right conferred, end la necer- rrrI1~ Implied, If not sxpresely required, by the atatuto deaandlng bonds." In 23 Tex. Jur., ?egs 216, SW. 180, It 18 arid: "l'b vife's bondr executed In the ooume of legal proceedings to vhloh mhe ID l party, either olv¶,lor criminal, of ccurot, bInda her penonrlly vlthout rtgtrd to her husband'm joinder, for this Ia tn Ineldtnt to her right to lltlgstt or defeul in court." ?or thI8 pronouncement severs1 ceatm ere olttd. Tht huabtnd mey, hwtvtr, becomo surety for his wife upon ruoh ofSIcIs1 bond and would bt liable 8~ suoh sumty pre- clstly ls ray othtp surety for eq liability of tht vlft es prlnolpal thereon. He 18 act raqulrtd to beoomt such surety fbr 8ht may furnish other sureties at her option. ATTORh'EHGEtii OF TXXAS BY