oplaloa k. 0.7580
&ruhiah&tioloo or the PerulCo&
666-l?, V’.A.?.O., pmvlder la put*c
‘(IL) It lball bo anlmfRl fO? any pmroa to
ban %ahir poeaersto~. . . my llllaltk?8~:
, -
-- .-_-_-
-- ---.-
._.-.-_., _ ~__
” a
. .
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Aa to illi6lt wust8a~d dirtlM.ad splrlt., ~lquor, vlrvs aad
v1aear 14uor aad sblt a4uor c o a tb l8la g
b l6o h Ol 1 Plxeea #
a l fo ur
p er ma t b y wi#bt 8
Ar tid& 666-H, V.I.?.@., p ~~vidr r lo part c
"Dlotlbd 8plrltr' Ml1 mm aleobol eiritr
of a&m, rhiwy, Pm, breadg, a¶.& bnd rltfilqaoP pro-
dwod la whole er la pm@ by the p~oersr of dietlllatloa,
laoludlag bll Ulutloru aad mlxtarer thenot,
Artlet 666.a, V.A.?,O., provldsrin pWt t
%n la henb &Had Wtd iqxta.8 OR the t&ret
wlo la bdditioa to t he 0tAm Seer wul tam0 lwwi
by thlr Act thn foUovia&i
y*) A tu . . , on ebah pllon ei dltiiU.od
'(b) A tbx . . . oa *oh p1100 or VlaeU8 11 UeP
thbt doe,bot soRUlPeverrotA?tuon~1)n~t ofa P -
o&o1 br vo1111*r
l .OIL lu h & ule P
o i vima a1 1 q uo r
*eat‘2 th
l A mm
b arolutnlr
t” r mat ma h o tR a r e
thnratrea“ppiour per uaat of 8Ysahel by valor.
'(d) A tu . . . on e88h @.lon o? mtif leti
earbormted amd ertuml qparkl~qrgviaaur liquor.
‘(o)A tu . . .*a laah 4llo8ot vlaourUquor
ooPt8lalag llo&ol lo 4xoes8 0s foe pw cant bf wlght.
‘f).A tu ...o a lb o h aotwlt l,iQua@oen-
tdaingdmhellaoxoorrof Poltt~womt btmeij#tt,
%m taxhrnlapsld ahUlk *tdbl afiixlpo
b etamp 09rtmpr o a lwh bettla or Oontain0r or 1lquor.
s person, peeaoa~, ep rrnwlatloo *ho tlol8tss
en7 port
90 n of thlr So&iota aball k demo8 guilty of
a Rledemmor, rod upon BOtwiQtloa da1 bn punished
brb tin. oi set lerithba &oO WI? mentb*m 1000,
or by lmprleotmnt la tha rountl Jail 'q mt t ea
twn aart7 tlb7s a o rR OM th m lm y e a r .
Thus, Artirk 666-21 &al, roldy rlth tuers aPd otaiqm
on dlrtllbd rpl?its, liqwr, lt uetera r&e that A&18& aleo
provid8r apool pan%oUrnt for vlolbtkw of
la, thwetor8,tha 0 laioaof thlB&pmtmMt
Cop porwwloa et'1rplalt tmrt&mpoU dlrtflbd
VlM awl tllwrtrl.iqtiur
a x m u lt tous pw oni b
466.21. aoe aso WoQhPl8t f vr
ti trU& tilbt th0 tOlW801lI#fti7 -Mr. PUP QWS-
t ionr,