honorable George 8. Shrpperd
comptrollrr oi Publla Aooount8
Auatln, Tao8
Dear Sir: oplnlon Ho. O-7313
of rroent date re-
n t& above 8tsted
l Regular Sesdon
ng appropriation
roramentr of the
tr of Texem there
For the Yeara Ending
laundry and hous-
ing ior aelf and
family ---------- $1,200,00 #l,200.00
2. Two yardmen at $75
per month--------
Total Salaries---
Honorable Ooorgr H. Sheppard - Pagr 2
Impro~annta, R*palra and Building8
I. Ooaanl npalra and
improramaata ------------(l5,oOo.OO #15,000.00
Total lmprorrmrnta, rapalra
and buildln(a --------------#15,060.00 )15,000.00
Grand Tetal, balroatoa SUt8
Payohopathlo Hoapltal-------#lg,OOO.OO #18,000.00
“The aamo Leglalaturr by Hour. Bill No. 740 tranaforrod
thr aontrol or tba Ualtoaton State Payohopathla Hoapltal
from thr State Roard o? Control to #a Board o? Ragrata o?
the Unitoralty of Toxmr
*The quratloa haa now ariaon aa to whather the aherr
mantlonad approprlatlon tollcwa the traaater o? thr oontrol
o? the Oalrraton Papohopathlr Hoapltal to the Board o?
Rogonta o? the
ia t.ho abort
uaa o? the Board o? Regonta
o? thr Oalraaton Stat* Papohopathlo
HOW. RI11 No. 740,Aots of the 49th Lagialeturo, 1945,
“Ba it enaoted by tha Iaglalatura o? the Stata o? Tsraa:
RSaatloa 1. That Srom and after the riirotlre deta
of this Aot, the oontrol and nana ameato?, and all ri ta,
prlrilsgrr, power8 end dutira lno P dent thereto, tha OaP-
reaton State Payohopathlo Hoepltal looatad at Oaltaaton,
Taxaa, whioh wera formerly toatod hi and rxerolaod bf tha
State Board o? Control, ah811 br tranai~rrd to reatad In,
and rxeroiaad by the Board ot Rogenta o? ?JM Waitersit, o?
Texas, and herratter, the rtoroaald Hoapltal &tall no
lo or k a part of the llaamoaynar~ eervlor o? thr Stat0
“960. 2. Thr Galrrston State Payohopatbio’ Hospital
ahall oontlnua to be used 31) a Hospital tar tha treatmat
or narvou~ and mntal dlaaaaaa, both lo tha Hoapital and
atirnt ollnlo and ahall bo arallablo aa a
E- e la o h h g ?aollitlaa in manta1 madloiaa for t ii t’ZoEo1
or YIadlolna o? The VnitaraltJ o? Toxaa, looatad at
Oaltraton, Taxaa. .
Honorable Oaorge 8. Sheppard - Page 3 44s
*Boo. 3. All lara and part8 of lrra lag
oon?liOt horarith are harabr ropralad to thr
rxtrnt or thr oon?liot onlr.
Woo, l+. Thr foot that than la a o wlltuatod
at Oalraaton, Tena, the Galoaaton State Payoho-
pathio Hoapltal, oonalating of a oae hundred (100) .
bad manta1 hoapltal of lubatantlal brlok oonatruo-
rrroted at grrat lpnaa to the Stat0
tioa, ot
Texaa, rhloh la not now operated by the. Board
of Control for thr benrfit o? the paoplr o? Toxaa,
and the iaot that the o aratlon of @aid Hoapltal
would alao bo of groat !I enrfit to thr ltudenta o?
the Sohool of Medioina of The Unlraraity of Taxer
aa it woe prior to tha tlmo it wee ahut down br tie
Board of Control and the toot that the Hoapltal
lhould ba oontroiled and mana ld by the Board o?
Ragante of The University of 4 axa8 in oonnootion
with thr Sohool of Madloina of The Unireralt~ of
Toxaa, oraatr an rmarganoy and an lmperatirr pub110
naoasalt~ that tha Conatltutlonal Rulr requiring
billa to br road on thrar aavaral da a In oaoh
Houaa be suapandad, and this Aot aha I 1 take lffeot
and ba in foroa from end after its peaaga, and It
la lo mo o ted.
Tossed by the HOUS, April 19 1945: Yeaa ll9
ya 0; pasesd
NED! by the Sonata, May l&, 1945: Yeas 28,
Nag8 0.
*Approved May 24, 1945.
nE??aotlra May 24, 1945.”
A8 lndloatad in the amorganoy olauar of He B. 740 and
Tvidenoed by the approprl+lon ltoma oontained
. . . . In H. B. 206
. ..
(quotrd in your lottarl, It la apparent tnat tna approprlat~ona
eat forth in H. B. 206 for thr Oalraaton State Psyohopathlo
Hospital oontemplatad the support and malntrnanor of said lnatl-
tution on a Roara-takarR baa18 rather than on a beala of aotlra
oparatlon aa a papohopathio hoapltal. Wr note further that on
tha data v&an the Leglalatura paesad H. B. 206, May 21, 1945, tha
Honorable Oaorga H. Sheppard - Pag8 4
the Owrraor had not approved H. B. 740 and that H. B. 740
wee not lftaotlta until May 24, 19U. Purthormorr, tha prorla1on.a
o? 8. B. 206 wara not o lratlta until thr baglosing of the new
Moanlum, 8rptrmkr ls P945.
Wador the prorialona of H. B. 740, on May 24, 1965, “the
ooatrol and managrmaat o?, and all rfghta, pr~rllogaa, power@, and
dutlra lnoldant thrroto, the Oaltratoa &at8 f8yOhopbthlO Boapital,
----~&lob were formerly rratrd in and rxarolaod by tha State Board of
Ooatrol*, wara wtraaa?arrad to, reatrd la, and rxaralaod by t&a Board
of Regent8 of the Val~rral ty of Texas ,” and aald hospital no longer
retained ita &atua aa a State ElOamOBJmarY hatltution. On the bee18
of t&o above prori~lon~, thla department hald in Opinion No. O-7209
that tha Oalvestoo Stat. Payohopathio Eoapital (after May 24, 1945)
waa aubjaot to lawa regulating thr UnIraralty of %x:88. Tha opinion
furthar polnted out that lo view of the prorlsioaa o? 8. B. 173; whioh
named the Payohopathlo Hospital a8 a part of the University of Taxer,
and whloh ra-appropriated oartala balaaoar on hand in oartain lnsti-
tutioaal fund@, a balaaoa in thr looal fund of the Galveston State
Psgohopathlo Hospital ahould be tranrfarrad to the University of Taxaa
Wo nota, however, that In tha in&ant situation, the appropriation
listed in H. B. 206 for thr Qelvaaton Payohopathlo Hoepltal for th8
biennium, Septambar 1, 1945, to August 31, 1947, could not hsoa been
arallabla for any purpose prior to Saptambar 1, 1945, and, aa of May
24, 1945, suoh a propriatloa was not avallabla to or under tha omtrol
of the Board of oatrol.E It is therefore cur oplnlon that auoh amount
eat forth in raid appropriation ?or a future biennium oould not ba re-
gardad .eP a balaaoa or iuad of thr Clalraeton State Payohopathio Hoa-
pita1 which~would be aubjeot to +aae?er whan tha Galreaton Steto
Payohopathio Hoepital waa transferred to tha Unioaraity of Texan on
Mar 24, 1945. Wa point out further that on May 26, 1945, eubaaquaat
totha parse a o? H. B. 206, aa wall aa aubaaquaat to tha lffaotlvo
data of H. 8. 740; the Laglulaturo parsed H. B. 173 whlah relater to
ap ropriatioda for Steto Eduoational laatltutiona muI laoludaa tb,
?o P lowlngr
*The University of Texas Madlosl Banoh
“Payohopathlo Xospl to1
*202. Payohiatriat and/or
Phyaloiana. . . . . . . . . . P,800.00
"203. BQOkkebQbr. . . . . . . . . . 2,100.00
"204. Puroharing Clerk. . . . . . . l.gOO.00
Hon. Goorgo II. Sheppard, page 5
205. Dantlat (part-time)
Nurar Chief . . . . . . . . . . I ,.,.. .*..,
%: Orad& Nuraoa (Poyohlatrio)...l~gf%~~ l~‘$~~‘~
211. Graduate Nuraoa (Gonorel but,). 9:OOO:OO 9:oGO:GO
212. Oooupatlonal and Rooroational
Su~artiaor................... 2,100.00 2,100.00
213. Soolal Sorvloe Worker.......... 2,400.00 2,400.OO
214. Tolophono Opiratora(3)........3,240.00 3,240.OO
215. W..tohssn . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lJ20.00 l,jZO.OO
Asaistaata and Taohnioianr..... 5,000.OO 5,ooo.oo
:g . General Hoapltal~Poroonnol,..,. 8,800.00 8,800.00
Total Salariaa ,.........,.....
Malataaanoo and ~lsoollanooua
218. Support and Malntaneaoo...... $75,000.00 $75,OOO.W
219. Tual, water, light, power,
heat and ooctlngonolos....,., lO,O;~.~~ lO,OOO.OO
220. Traveling expanse8 of Staff,. 5 . 500.00
Total Xointeneace and
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85,500.00 $85,500.00
Improvemoats, Repairs, and
221. Genepe~rmprovomontaand
,,...,...,......... $ 5,ooo.oo d 5,ooo.oo
222. Roooaditlonlng and repair
o f lterm damago, @to......, 10,000.000
Total improvementa, repairs,
and btiildinga.............. #15,000.00 $ 5,OOLOO
Ro-equipping Hoapital
223. Equipment enl Replaoomont
(during biennium)......... $i+0.000.00
Total Payohopathio Hoepital $200,460.00 $150,460.00n
Tram en lxemlaatloa d the foregoing ltome it ia
apparent that aaid appropriation fully lo 1 o r a all of &o ooatom-
plated lxpandlturaa with ro?oroaoo to the oporetioa of the
Honorable Goo. 8. Sheppard, Pago 6
Payohopathlo Hoapltal aa a p8r.t of the Unlror’alty of Taxer
for the 1945-47 bionnlum. In view of’thia trot it ia
manlfaat that the Loglalatura did not oontampla~o the ox-
lndltur aof both lp roprletiona with ra?aranoo to the
%ayohopathlo Hoapita P ;. that la, one appropriation (H.B.
206) for lald lnatltutlon on a oar@-taker beala, and not
in iotira o oration (aa IadIoatad ln the amargoao olauro
,o? B. B. 74 B and appropriation ltoma In II. B. 206 f and
atiZ1 another approprlatloa (H.B. 173 rood aubsaquant
to OH.’B. 206 and pursuant to H. B. m r oovorlng the aotiva
opiratioa of maid hoapltal aa e pert of the Unlraraitp of Taxaa,
all within the same biennium.
It haa beon hold that whore two aota paaaod at the
8amo aoaaion of the Logialaturo oannot be raooaollad by any
known rule of oonatruotloa, the latter of the two eota will
operate to repeal the formr. (Sea: Sutherland, Statutory
Coaetruotloa 3rd Ed., Horak Vol. 1, Soo. 2020, p. 485; 39
Tex. Jur., &atuto~w, 980. $8, 9,.147.) In view of the
above end foregoing, it la our opinion that the only otfootivo
appropriation for the aupport and melnteaanoa of the above
montionod Payohopathio Hospital for the biennium, Soptombor 1,
1945 to Auguet 31, 1947, la that @et forth above la H. B. 173,
and that the appropriation for the Galvortoa State Payohopathio
Hospital sot forth la H. B. 206 1~ not evellablo for expenditure
by the Board of Rogoato of the Uaivoralty of Texaa.
Youra very truly
Approved: August 9, 1946
/a/ Carloa 0. Aahlor
Firat Aaalataat Attorney General
Approved8 lnioa ~ommlttaa
? a/ BWB, Chairmen