oam, PlrhI, Optor CorPlirrlon
Oentl@mn: Attention8 Rr, It.0. Dod#an,
Bx@outir* booretal7
Opinion lo. O-6935
Re: Uhether Wm., ?lrh & Olmto
Comm.i88ionMJ expend
lvallablo fmm tha
on received and
we quote rr08
and to be ured b7
Corrirrlon in oon-
life problems for
lnr0rmat10n on
ration sfiortr of the Com-
Under the terms of the preeent ap-
propriation lrv, may the 0-0, llmh md 0rst.r
Comlrrion use aonlea lvallrble from the Fish
and Oyrtsr ?und for the construction of a building
to houmr tlm above mentioned laboratory facilltiea
Oame, Flnh k Oyster Conlsnlon - ?age 2
vhora thn antluted oont OS luoh buildding
In to
be rpproxlrtely $25,000.00?
"2. Hay Oars, Flnh mnd Oynter Com-
~Innlon lrgall~unn monlnn availableout of the
Flnh ud Optor Fund for tha ooantruotlonof a
buIldIag to k nbnd jointlyvIth thn Unirnrnlt~
of Teun to hounn a vrIne labormtov, to nnrve
both thin departmnt unl thn Vnitnrnlt~ vhnn
the lntluto d o o ntof nuohbuildlng In ~~,OOO.OOt
l3. ky the @am, linh naclOywtor Com8lnnlon
lngellfune &In lvallablo from thn 8and, 8hnll
aad Orawl Fund Sor the above mnntlonsd purponnnTn
Art1018 4030, Parnon'n Aunotatnd Toxrn Civil statutnn,
read8 an follovn~
'All fundn oollnotrdw tb h, ?Inh and
Optnr Oonlnnlon iron thn male of omrolal
fInhnrm&nn~ lloennen,flnh dealer8 lloennen,
tax08 oa flnh, orabn, oyntnrn and nhrlmp, urd
all other tund mrlnn llfn, W flnnn aad
penaltins oollnctnd Sor my Infr~ctlon oi any
lavn relatIn((to commroIal flnhermn, nhall
be placed in thn Btbtn Trnanur~ to thn credit
ot a fund to be knovn an 'Flnh and Ormter Fund“
and, tognthnr vith t-ha Monet aov to the credit
of thin fund, in heroby l ppropriatrdmad nhall
be unrd by tbn Ow, Flnh urd Oyntnr CooInnIoner
In thn nnforcnrcnt of thn flnh and oynter lrvs
of thin St&to, and In the dInnnmInatIon OS une-
ful Lntormatlon pertaining to the lconcmic
value of fish and oyster marlne life; the maklnq
of nclentiflc investigationsmd nurveys of the
princfDa1 ma food rishe~ and marine life for
~U~CJIJ~of the better protection and conservation
of same, the propagation and dlntributlon of
sea food fishes, oysters, and other marine
life; the purchase, repair and operation of boats
md the employment of deputies to carry out and
enforce the provlrions of thIr Act. Acts 1925,
39th Leg. p. 446, ch. 178, 1 2." (UnderscorIw
Oam, Fish & Oyntnr ConInnIon - Page 3
Artloln 4053d, Yarnoats ¬&ad tnun Civil
bt8tutn8, rnadn an follov8~
'The Onan, ?lnh aad Oyntnr ComInnIoner by
and with the approval of ths Oovbrnor, ry an11 the
rarl, gravel, nand, shell or mudnhslllncludod
vlthin thin Aot, upon nuoh tnrmn and oondltlonn
ls he ny dnnm propnr, but for not lern thrn four
(44) oats per ton, aad payment thnreror rhall
be Udo to raid ComInoIoner. The procnodr miring
fmm such ma10 shall bn trnammitted to thn State
Trnuurer md bn oreditedto a npnolal tuna
grb oroatnd to bn kmva an tha l md, gravel
SL ll?md of tha wate, uul MVbn .xpetBdod
bytlm raid Comlnnlonnr lathn lioronatmto?
thn provinioan of the rand, nhnll aad gram1
lava umI in the lnWBinhuat aad ulntozunoe
o? fish hatolmrien, Mhan provided br lnglnlatIvn
WPrOprIatIOA, urb IA thn p&ment O? nfundr
provided for in llectloa7, Chhptor 161, of thn
General Lava o? thn Regular &s8Ion of thn Thirty-
llghth Loglsl~turn, to countinn, cItIen or tovns
or any polItIoal 8ubdIvIrIon of a nountJ, city
or tOVII,‘aS provided for in &CtiOA 7, Chapter
161, of thn Oenoral Lava of thn Rngular 8ennIon
o? the Thirty-eighth LegI8lature. And llro
proridIng that the ruthorisatlw of rnfundn on
sand, gravel aad rhell rhall be axtended to
Include re?undr to thn gtate Klghvay Commission
of money paid the State through the Oame, Fish
and Oyster Commlsalon for sand, gravel and shell
u8ed by the State IilghvayCollaissIonon public
road8 upon application for such refunds ln the
manner prescribed for cities and counties. Pro-
vlded further that not leas than seventy-five
per cent o? the proceeds derived therefrom,
after refunds above referred to bavo been cared
for, rhallgo for the ertabllshmentand rain-
tenman of flrh h8tohnrisr; and the raid, gmsvel,
and #h&l ?und I8 hereby appropriated for the
purpore of carrying out the prorIrIon8 of this
Act. Said hatcherler to be e8tablIrhed from time
- Pago 4
Oam, Fish & Oyntnr CarPlirnIon
to tlm ia tbs 8tbte of tous b7 thn Fish,
haa and Oyntor Cominnloa, vhen IA thnlr
)udgmnt a suitable locbtIan In roournd mcl
8rxumgrmatn thanfor hvn bnnn oorplnted.
Aotn 1925, 39th Lng. oh. 183, P. 452 Il.”
Thn eurreat lpproprlatlon bill for the blranlum ondIng
August 1947, after providing BpnOifiC lpproprlrtlonn for
thn Oam, Fish & 078ter CaclriSSla oontalnn a ridor attached
thornto vbieh reads la part an follovnc
‘Thn r0ng0bg
rpe0iri0 UOUAtB, or SO
auoh thereof mu ~7 be used, wn hnreb7
lpproprlbtnd for thn purponnn above enumnratrd
and shall bo paId out of lit&r thn gproI81
Oam ?uml, thn 8pnoial Fish Fropagatlea ti
Frotnotlan ?uad, thn Nndina Lake Fund, the
?inh UVI 078tar ?und, the kke Yorth-Baglo
IlouatbIaXakelhmd. or the &nd.lkall and
Opinion lo. O-5609 of this department addressed to
'you,construed a rider attached to the approprietlonbill for
your department almost identical vith the rider above quoted,
and held that the conducting of a shell fish hatchery Por
the production of oysters vould come vithin the "preserving,
protecting and increasing the supply of vlld birds, vild
animals, fish and other edible aqUtlc uzlmalnof this
State' and that appropriations vnm arallabln for that purpose.
we enclose herevlth a copy o? raid opinion ior Jour in?omation.
US MBVOC 7OUr first qU88tioIb IB ths afflllatrtive. fn
connection vlth your first question 70~ have made the further
Oeme, Fish & 07nter Commln8lon - Page 5
inquiry es t0 VhOthsr YOUr COIIUEiBSiOA
vould al80 have
authority to purchase lend upon vNch to construct the
bulldins Inquired ebout end pay for #MO out of the Fish
and Oyster Fund. wn liksVI8n Mawr said qunrtlon In thn
lrrimativ0 aae in support 0s ruoh hOldlAg rarer 70~ to the
cese of Bsrrl~ v. Houston Netlonel Beak, 269 8. U. 1031;
also see Opinion Ho. O-6903 of this dnpertment, l 00~7 or
vNch In enclosed hernvith for your Intorution.
AngetivO. in the
Ifs hers bean uneblo to find en7 Bt8tUfX luthorIsIag the
matter ret out in Jour second qU8rtioa sad no utter hov
desirable it might be for the Unlversit7 0s Texas to share
in thn merino leborator7 vith your dnpertmnt, It IS our
opinion that Bp8OifIC buthorIt7 for such urmgnrsat vould
h8VO to OOHS ??08 th0 bgiBlbtUl% Of Tnus k?OZU lU@
vould be 1eWul.
Yn umver Tour third qun8tIon In thn angatIrn.
See Article 4053d, lupra.
Very truly 7ours
- --
y : ,::,j B, iqyF