OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 11 GROVER SELLERS A?-PnmEY GENERM. Honorrbie IL D. Dod@n, Zxeoutlve Bmretary oulae, Fish and 0yBter CoQml~81~ Austin, Teaas Dear sirr OplnlQaa Ro. o-7134 OFk 18 rtqulFed to b6 len@b and of mob vldtb of @olng Into the oulf laaqp shrimp boat* en- vatelw vlthln the $Arls- dur that the, contomplatedpurobam~ ir, to be Control ror the Qmae, Fish an8 Oy8t.w Ccmmlaslon, ~eutoi the Plshand O~tmlfund. Art1010 g*b-1 of the Penel Code au usen+td, p vldw for the lleeaslng oi"'Won-Resl&nt Col~pswlal flshammn mad v on-Resident Comw~rat*l t'ishw Ekmts”, provide8 peatltlon fop violations of ita provlaian8, providas that call umnsys colleoted tmclor its provialons lionoreble,E. D. Eodmn, pags 2 rhell be dspoposlted to the credit of the Fish end Oyster &and, en8 (in the 6ection refereed to by you) that% “The Oaae, Fish and 0;ntor Commlorlon of Texas shall keep end maintain a suitable boat for t$s pur- pore of snforclngthe provlrlow of this Act. The current spproprlatlons to the 56&w, Fish and Oyster Cma- oi6sltm me oontn~ed In Aats oi the 49th Legi6&?iturs, Regular Sea&on, Chapter 378, which provides ln p6rt as follow% %eution 1. That the revoral sum of money herein speolfiod or no much thereof 86 aa6p be nooesmwp, am hereby appropriated out of ang moneys in the State Tress- ury not othervise approprletod, or out of special Honda as mex be l tovn, for the support and malntenence of the aevonrl doptmtmentu and~&genules Of the Stpto OovOrntfIent for the ,tvo yi?ar period ?.m&ming September 1, 19% and Aquat 31, 1947.” -9 l l “50. ~lii&tmt Flolfl--uotar Boab, Truok6, Ret6 snd twxaes...p,500.00 2,500.oo “* l l %OA@~ MVSSXo8 (OuCof i%6h end Oyetor Rurd) “u * 0 “73. mohenge 6nQ re~laceaent of BoaB... 4*750.00 4,750*00 “t u .,a %&of fons;oln$ 8peoLflu amounta or &o much thereof ~a?wp~~&wwed, are hemby apgwoprla~oa far tha gwwposee &b&me enu@epatedand r&h611bo paid out of either th6 S@w+l fNmeiRw3, the Spools1 Pioh Propagatlm,md Pro- teat&h F&d, tho Ue&ias Irko.Mtl, the ‘Fish ena C&6tor PuntI, $be Xajte Worth-l&k&e M0unW.n Iako ‘Fun& or the aand ~t$bqlJmd @ravel Fund,~rad~alZ.marisy to the crodlt ei tbi@~ a, oia rundo an land la the 8tate’~Treasury a Segtqb&r Y;, 198 5, together vlth the current revenues , to be dorlwd cad plaoed to the credit of theso rpecl61 fun&r during the next ensu%ng two years ending August 31, 1947, 8~ hersby approprPste4 and 616~be used for ~the pertorwnceof the dutlo8 and fuDotloa6of the &mm, Fi6h and OysterCom~la- llon lnpr66olVlfig,prot6ctlngand l~r66aingthO Aatlole 4030, Venton** Revl~ed Civil Jtatutes of Texar, pFovfd06 t *Art. 4030.' Fish and oyster fund *All fund6 aolleotedby tho &me, Fish aad Oyste Gwl~aion !'rtmthe aale of oaanmFoia1tlsh- lloen666,rf6b dealm6 liueasss,tares f3aflab, otmtuta* araba, oyatsvt~ anduhrlap, andallother Wmdararlao llfo, end 811 fluoa md pbnoltleles oolleoted.fommy. iafraathttOf ary l8VB PObtiag t0 00cMrOhl ttnhor- mon,~ball~bs plawdti tho 8tat.e Tree~urytothe cmd- it of a fund to b6 kWBtt a6 'Flabcad OyBtOr. Fund' md, togetherwith th6 man6y nov to tbo xm+dlt of thl6 Sund, irr hereby appropriated and dud1 be wed by the okma, Flab en8 Oyrt,er Cow~a~loner in the enforcement OS the flrh and oyster lava ot thIo State, aad 'in the dlmmm- ftmtlonof usofil infollaatian pertab%ng to the eoenamlc value of fish md oyeter lDarlnollfe; the mskfng OS 4 sclentifloinvoBt tfons and 6utwey8of the prina%p61 608 food fmler 3 narfnelife for purpore of the better protection 6nd oormemtion ot same, the pro gcrtlon and diotrlbution of sse' food flshoe oy6torrr, tmr wrtw life; the purah860 , repBLr 6nd op6rat,~",",r baata and the essploymont of deputl6s to carry out end enforce the provlalons of tfrleAot. Acts 1925, 39th w3.. p. 446, oh. 178, B 2.” ,’