Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 8Onor8ble Joe.* 8. Wlmr oouat Attorlwf kr dot Juduad, Tour mm air: OplrrLorr No. O-7305 il. I aursio1e s son OS8n laiormat n, draua u&r Artiole , aeation 34, V.fi Fi date, vhioh rmdrr %rvvlth la a o mclti0o rim in th0 0 TaMa, upon vhioh vm month, ther or not thr rm 18 objeetioa- ml 011 ths allege- desetld8Qt. Thl9re lml~l Form to omtlon lr ror l viola- and 1~ oonmo~loo vlth the eorglalntot J, D. Uhtte, henla tiled, per&r, in ad to uld oount~ sourt 4 fb*urn Hilton Watkins for a period bf SIX months from date 0f aa 00meti00, t0 w, em aate 0f wp~ch 30, 1946, agu1aet the pace nab dlpfty of the Stebe. Joe Hins Attorney or HlUlbnd county, tabe, ’ j.rticle G637t, Sactiou 34, prorides: “Any pemon vhow operetor@s, comeralal operator’s, or obbtifer ’8 llceaac or & Lvltag privilege as a non- resident hbr been obneelleU,, suepemUad,or retohsdb8) provided fo this Aat, md vao driver uy motor vehlole upon the h¶.&hvays of thin 8tate vhlle rooh lloeaee or privilege la caaoelkd, suspended, olr mvoked ir sollty of a alsdemebnor, bnd U,QOU OonviOtlon, rhbll ba pW- lahed bp fine cf not Leo t!uanPvsnty-fire Dollar8 t&?F), end not more than Five Hundred Dollars<$500), and, la .sddit;o~ tkereto, thcw3 may be ITI owd b aehteacc of ~risoaseat not to axused slz (6f month.” For purpoaeer, of this opinion ve aaaume tbt there &a bosn otn6~l.iance w:tih bll requirements regatiing the complalat. 8ee 0 Ter. Jerfr. 601-60, aeotlonv 22, 4. ‘Au indiotment or lafomatloa eoU8isto of four r niPant partsr 1) thu caption, \2) the ccawenuement, ) tha cbargw, ( ) the ocnolualoo , 23 TSX. Jurir 610, PP Bcctioo 17. The laforrtloa quoted rupra meet8 the requirement8 of (I), (2), lrrd (h), hOROe VLOd18CU881On Of th88. prt8 i8 MOO 8Ur’J. A8 t0 (3), th. O&r68 1 “fa OhWgif&g the Otf8QM th8 8uiiiO1OlM~ Of U lDfora8ttOn i8 terted by the l’Ub8 lQplio8bl8 to ll lndiotwnt. Under either method of lnrtltutlag a ~roncutlon lntith dto be itiOrmSd the defetitint I8 of the bBtUre of th8 rCOU88tiOll l@llk8t hir. Th8 IJOll8titUh OhHTI8RttrOf the OfiOn8I3 8ad OTWJ fa0t O'F QiraU8t&MO8 lM~6888r~ t0 4 o=plIBt* dOlcl'ip- tloa thereof 8hould be alleged; . . .’ 23 Tex. Jurlo. 619, mctloa 23. Appl~l~ the foregolag tort, it appear8 that the Charge j.n the aforementionedinformation meet8 those rsquirlmeatr. It 16, therefore, tb opinion of thir department that the form of the said information 1s suffioient. Trueting that the foregoing fully answer8 your hues- tioas, ve u-e Your8 very truly ATTOBBEY OBRBRAL OF TXAB