Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN RonorSble LsVcra I. Ilccsnn county Attormy Rockle;lCounty LIIOllSnd, 'hxas Dear sirs iaplnlon lo. O-7217 A Ro: 3. B. 167, 6th 3888 .-hunrportati for a pupil rho fez-redfrca his triot rh8n the Ye lm in recSipt of en oplnl0n upon the sbors subject setter.,, ur request by 8 ing comlse they 8r0 here oopled 88 School District Anton Sohool. 8 student's hw 01 Bus to glrr trans- hers h8d to go out ration 18~ 88 pessed by the 1SSt up "tam most ~oanGlSlcalsystea" of crrslblosod In doing tranrtmmd tha Student to tb Anton Sahools. The grade vhlch this Student rtteodod in the Anton School was 8180 t8ught lu thr student's ho(R dlstriot. Honorrblo I* Vorn I. I(ocsnn - P8go 2 “Th,lotlon o? kh8 sohool bo8rd in sottllrgup tha trsnsporktlcm syst8a VII approved by tha Stat. Borrd Or Sducatloa 8ld oocfLnrd by tb L8glsl8tlv8 A00 o M tsnt l Th8 County School Board then spplled for tmmsportatlon aid vhloh tha Stat8 Board of Pdu- ortloa donlad baosus8 of 8 sktrrmnt la the 18v vhloh sr~s *in no fastam BIJ old b8 granted to pupils trrnrported vho rttord 8 grad8 ln saotbr sohool, vhloh gr8d8 18 taught in suah pupils hem dirtriot. l Argua8nt Slrgsrdless of tin lbov8 statamnt, it is olmsr th8t thr lnt8nt OS th8 lrv 1s that t& County Sohool Bo8rd 1s to "sat up th8 ma r t loonoalosl syst8o pos- slblog. It is 8vldent that rim8 this must k don8 SMlul- that 18 must ba don8 b8rom transportation sfd ls'to b8 gr&wd. In other vords to set up ‘the most eaoaot~loelsyst8inporslb18g is 8 promqulslt be- fore trscuportrtloa old 1s to b8 granted. It 88oms olasr that tha lav lntandsd this to apply for ohlldmn vho had to trsnsi8r from on8 dlstrlot to soothar. *In this mspaot tkn 18v stake that It 1s ior th8 purpose or tranrportlng both pupil~s from thalr dlstrlots and vlthln t&lr dlstrlot. Furbr thst money 18 to tm plXTror thosr vho sttrnd th8 most oonv8nleat sohool. 'A number of ins~m88 exist in vhloh rid 1s to bo doalad. (rly swh lnakm818 'ioa'r pupil balag transported out of his hema dlltrlct 8 4 l unlers th8 bu8 routa through s.wh Sohool Dirtriot have been ap- proved br th8 Stat8 Departmnt of Zduastloa lp;loon- flrm8d by th8 Esglsl8ttin Aooouatsnt." If follcws fro8 tha above strtaaant that lS ttm bur rouks bre been spprcwrd by swh agonol88, rid 18 to b8 grrnted. *To strlotl~ oon8tm8 tha follwing *In no ln- stsaor ry aid b8 granted for pup118 transportedvho lttand 8 grad8 in another sohool, vhiah gndo is uught in simh ~upll's hma dlrtrlot,' vould b8 dai88tlng #a entim purpoa* of tb8 lav vhlob 18 to sot up tha most 8oonollloslSP~+B Og tr8nsporktlon posslblo. This rppsawnt aimfllot lvldentlr sppll8s only to 8 student . Bonorsblr LS v8rO 1. wc8Oll - P8g8 3 fi0 18 tnMf8l'Md OUt Of hi8 hw dlstrlot 1D 0~18t.O dlsregrrd to tti@tMMpWkttOn Syst8= set up bl the County Sohool Bo8rd 8nd rpprOY8d by the roqulmd Sg~Wi*S: Your sr@msnt8 f8Vming the gr8ntlog at sizoh8ld 88 PM- sentad by you or8 puM118Slv8 but not OOn81LUlv8. YOU QllWItiO~08118 tW l OOIlStnu,tiOU c b &tiOl8 v g -c - Lug ~SMpaP?t8tiOn Aid ubdar tin8k Bill g'~nb8?167, Cbptar 361 - the sp roprlstlon for school aid Of th8 49th Lsglslstur8 (OatUral L-8, i 9th Leg. Rag. Seas. pi 639-640). me lnqul~, therazore, is aasvered in the light of teaili8r ml88 of sktuto?y 00rwtFawtiOn. This d8pSrtSWlt h98 jurt rs18888d Its Opinion )lO.O-7241 (8 oopy of vhlohv8 h8ti youbsmlth) lnvhlohw lnno umedtha goner81 rule af oonstrwtion lnvolred in tb lm8dlat8 oonsld8rstlou, that opltion &tl8lf d8alitQ vlth th8 ldontlo81 Artlolr uf rbow rceatlon8dlpproprlatlon 8ot. bf8 mare saldt "The intention of the Ugls1stuPe, 8s dls- cWar8d trOa thC Aot, 18 the 0118uai8i11w rUl8 for oonstruing any statotory 80t . That lntantloa 1s to be gsth8r8d from th8 four 0Orn8ro of th8 rot es s vhole, v&n read in the light Gf th8 purport as oonklmd in th8 titl8, and in th8 light of laoh 8Dd 8v8ry prrt of th8 Act oonsld8r8d oOll.Otiwly 8rd DapePat81y, OOIlStrUf~ ths PrtS, VhOM pCasibl8, in swh vay thet aaoh and 8vvry part m8y stati 88 valid, rnd that no part thereof any k strlok8n out or lgnored.n Ml18 th8 lnqulry th8r8 lnvolv8d 8 oautnmtlon OS dlf- fOnnt rrtlol88 of th8 rot th8 present lrrqulrylnvolv~r only th8 oonstruutlon af 8 psrtloulrr.lrtlolo, thrt is Artlole V, the prln- alp10 above quoted tram our Oplnlon O-7211 1s rppliorble in full iwoe, howrrr, Ln that ~8 8hould glv8 to lv8ry p8rt af Artiolo V a mS811h1g Li posslb18, Do tit uo pB& tbmoh may k dlrngarded but tbt ovary prrt m8y b8 rrgsrd8d to 8oocmpllsh th8 W8r411 iuJoy; of th8 L8glslrtur8 la th8 lruotlng of th8 p8rtloulsr l lia th e p r wlsio a th a t th e %o unty Superlntmdant a nd County Suhool Boslds of th8 88v8r81 oountlas subjoot to th8 ap- PFov81 of th8 Stat8 Supwlnt8nd8nt of Public Inrtruotlon, am h8r8by ruthorlsrd to 8unu8lly 88t up tlm most 8oonc~~loslsyst88 i t /APPROVED\