Bonorablo I. A. Wood8
Stat. Supmintondent of F'ublioInrtruotion
1 (Aotr 1941,
d.B. 83434,
whioh w4 quote
ar by o o ntr a o t la
4 8 of the ourrent
Br44dlov4 hold8 tht this motion
th4 lmxlmum of $8 par month for
term ae lnrtruotional ooslton
and th; zxxx~Qm18
ot 87.50 per month
f the term for hi& rohool pup118
oo&raoted dlstrlotr and rttendl~
#I should like to have your opinion 48 to winethor
thl8 la th4 oorr4ot legrl lnt4rpr4prtion oi!reotion
2, 4rt1414 8. You will boar in adnd that Ilaakell,
uhioh is the r404iring dirtriot, is not 4 utato-aid
sohool, and that the oontraoted dietr?iotr4x-4eligl-
ble for aid.'
HonOnblO L. A. Woods, Pago #e
Seotlon 8 &tIolo VIIS of th4 rural rid bill author-
1448, under 8ertaL oondltlonr, the transfer of the entire
sohol44tle snrollment of 4 8ohool distriot umblo to aLaIntaIn
4 satirfactory sohool to an aoorodlted so~oul of hi;wr renk.
lhsre the transfor I8 lpadoto b rchool dlrtrlot not a state-aid
rohool, thr following protis%on I8 lppllcabla:
e 4 l If the reoeIrIng rohool ir not a Stat4
Aid rohool, th e soholsstio 04~~4 roll4 both white
and oolored 8hall be o&Inbd, t!aeper capita ap-
portIonme& &all be paid dlroot to the reoolvlng
sohool, all looeltax48 of the 8endIng oontraoting
dietriot sm4pt those going to the interest 4nd
rlnklng fund 8bl.l be orsdlted to th8 r404IvIq
aohool by the T4x Colleator 46 colleoted, md th4
sending oontraoting distrlot mill be
for elementltrystudontrr." (Bupba8le added).
Under any lntarpretotlon the largest amount ta vhloh
4 eohool dlatrlot, oondwtIng a nine month 8oh001, could be
entltlod under the Aot would be $7.50 for erch high school
studont md $6.00 for each elementu‘y etudont for eaoh of nlno
ntonth8,Or a total or (f67.80Ond $45.00, rOspWtlV6ly. But
does thir mean that eaoh sohool dirtriot ootil; wlthln the
term8 of the 4bove quoted prorlslon I4 lntltled to adji an
amount if the mm4 1s not needed or n40444aryt X4 think that
the lutgumgo wad oloerly 8hou8 that th4 atwror ia a negative
ollo. It lr grovldod th4t tho rending dlrtrlot is entitled to
aa muoh aid &8 la nooosaar to 4u,pplonwatmlaoal maintenance
and Stat4 arrllrblo funds 31 to oovor the 4pprovod ooet of In-
atruotlon p a rlehol44tIo In the rooelving rohool.* ‘A8 muoh
WS ha+. b0.n infomud
by -8b4FS Of your~i88tbll
DiTiSh tht
th4 006t Of ~StFUStiOa i8 dbt4MiMd by ItOW
lrbd bUd,@S SUbritt4d b.J th8 84hO41 li#tPI#t#, U#d th4 OOSt
Oi iartM8tiOn 18 484Ort4%lX4& Sad 4&3XWOd 011 t&t -18.
on laquIryw 841-4 furthor lnforrrd thatth4 ZqualIsatIonDT -
~I81Oa ha8 64t4tImhSd that iOr fiVb WtXthS th4 Easkoll SOhOO1
di#ttiOt Wi13 luti PO 8lQI~hmUlt~ fUlZd8 to OOVOl’ tb apyromd
OOSt Of ln8tM34tiOn. ThSWfOW, a00d 18 8h.0~ for Oar fOUr
maths. It foUo~8 that th4 SOndIng dlrtrlot -111 be 41l<i4
for S~@bWZlt~ aid for ti.) fOIW mOZlth8. TO 411OW WaW taan
Sash 8n usouat would, under t&4 submItted budget, meats 4 mr-
Th* puTgo Ofth e SUM %lid gMat 18 t0 Wk4 it pm-
ble for sohootr, laeklng euffioirnt funds, to oporato properly
urd 8UOOO88fUu~ - ZiOt t0 OrOat 4 a~pb# in th4 fund8 Of 4
dI6trIot. W4 quote the following provision fron Artlols VI of
the blllr
l l r ,l U&d A0 aid &ml;l tW giY@Zi UXil488 it
OUI b4 8hOWXIth4t h&i pX%WiSiOZIS Of thi8 Ad h&W0
hour OcqPliod 81th and that Su4h Cpount of aId
aotuall~ awded as shown by th8 rppror4d budget
and aOt& 8X&34llditUMS U2d tht th4 iund8 ITO
be* us.d 48 lpprorrd.’
YOU ar4,th4r4fOrOB ~dVi8.d that Wh43'4th4 OntiM S&SO-
&St;0 wrollwnt of l #Oh001 diatrlot ontitled to - r%d
i8 tplllSf4&, UZidOl’ th0 prOtfStOIl# Of hOt;OXI 8, &‘tiOb VIII
of the ourmat bill, to a 8ohoo1 dirtclot vhioh 18 not a State
aid roh40l, th4 ronding distrlot wIl1 be l1Iglblr for lm muah
SW Aid 48 18 n40488~ t0 Sugp14H4Xltthe State 4v4flrblo
439 .
, Eonorablo L. A. Wooda,
and 10041~int4Zl4~oO -8, 011tbr 8Oh4~8ti48 f‘WXlth4
SOnding 84hOO1 &tOndiIl& #Oh041 itlth4 X'4041Yill5
to oover the approved oort of in8truotion par 8oho&mtir
In thm reoeiriag8ohool, provided thet ru4h approved ooet
8b8.U not 4xo44d $7.60 par moath for high #Oh001 @tUdOZltS
or $6.00 pw month for 4bmmtary 8tUdOatS. You 4re fur-
t.hU?rdvleed that 8u4h U4OiXltS4F4 the - UaourJtS
lMmrised sad am to be gnantod only If a need is sham
thenfor. Inothorwrdr, aldamy b8 grmtod 0x2~ in the
mounts nerdod, but in PO 4wmt euy th4 44~ olceed tk4
mubum amount 84t b? th# Aot.